Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 30, 1908, Image 4

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- 'T < -
I. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor.
Entered at the postoflice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
* ( . -'labs Matter.
Cherry Co. Subscriptions : |
§ 50 when
r- c i . . - 4.- , I § 1.50 per year in advance ; paper dis-
Foreign Subscriptions - ( continued at expiration if not renewed.
A , . . . r < _ n M5c pofincli each issue ; by contract 12-lc.
Advertising Rates -j Transient ailv 20c per inch ; iocais ioca line.
Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents
per inch , net ,
Local notices , obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue
5 cents per line each insertion.
THURSDAY , JULY 30 , 1908.
Democratic National Ticket
For President :
of Nebraska. '
For Vice President :
of Indiana.
That Taft Banner.
The desperation to which the
republican state coraraitttee has
been driven to can be seen in the
news letter sent out by it to the
republican papers of the state and
since published in The Re
publican , regarding the destruc
tion of the Taft banner in Lincoln.
Never before so early in the cam
paign has such methods been re
sorted too. Having no other way
to attack Mr. Bryan or the demo
cratic platform , better called the
people's platform , that group of
federal office-holders with head
quarters at Lincoln , have in in-
suating language endeavored to
strike democracy by accusing it
of having destroyed a campaign
In the remarkable letter noth
ing is said of the fact that promi
nent Lincoln republicans had de
clared against it as an insult to a
fellow townsman ; that some even
threatened to withdraw their ac
customed support : that a leading
republican daily of that city had
condemned it in no uncertain
terms ; that the commercial club
had unanimously pased resolu
tions asking that the banner be
lowered ; that irrespective of party
affiliations the citizens of the town
declared the placing of such a ban
ner at the time as infamous. These
facts and others are carefully sup
Nor does this letter mention the
offering of a hundred dollars re
ward for information against those , i
who cut the banner down by the
Bryan club of Lincoln. Neither
does it quote the words of Mr.
Bryan on the subject , who was
grieved by the affair.
What has the republican state
committee done about it ?
Instead of seeking the truth it
has laid low and is endeavoring to
make campaign material out of it.
Why , may we ask , has it not
sought the truth ? Why has it not
offered a reward for information ,
or why has it wrongly accused ?
These questions must be answer
ed. The issue is a live one and
the republican party must face it.
They have unmasked the batteries
of deceit and unfairness. Now ,
let them either face the music or
retreat behind their accustomed
bulwarks of predatory wealth.
How do we know but what those
in charge destroyed the banner
themselves. Such a storm of in
dignation was raised in a past re
publican stronghold that it is no
more than likely that they took
this method of retreat. With the
the citizenship squarely against it ,
with a newspaper fighting it , did
not the committee have more cause
to see the banner lowered than did
the democrats. Every day it stood
as an insult in his home city to the
most peerless of citizens , voters
turned away in disgust , and votes
were made for democracy ,
Again we ask , did not the com
mittee have more cauo to destroy
the banner than did > mocracy ?
In criminal case * , cause for
I crime must be shown. To con-
I clusively prove that a man is
guilty of a certain crime proof
must be offered to show why and
for what reason one was led into
breaking law. Without a motive
shown a man would stand but lit
tle chance of being proven guilty.
Likewise in this case. Compare
for yourself the motive of such an
act and ask yourself whether the
democrats had as great a motive
in destroying the banner as there-
publicans ? A committee packed
with federal office-holders and un
der the guidance of Becky Sharp
Rosewater would stop at nothing
when it came to seeking self pro
tection. They needed protection.
They found it. and now they are
manufacturing campaign dope.
Intelligent Voter , think for
youself. Determine whether
Becky Sharp and underlings had
more cause than the democrats to
put the banner out of the way.
We can win Nebraska for Bryan
if all friends of his cause will work
for that good end. But we should I
remember that shouting and boast
ing will not win this home state for
Bi'3'aD. We must win it by fair and
honest effort to convince our repub
lican friends that Bryan deserves to
carry his home state , and that his
good platform deserves the support
of all Nebiaskans who believe that
the people should rule. Nebraska
republicans are just as good at heart
as any democrat. They are open to
conviction , and thousands of them
will nccept Bryan and his good
platform if we shall appeal to them
in a sensible way.
John Risher spent Sunday in
town visiting his family.
Miss Marguerite Quiglcy went
to Rosebud for a short visit Wed
W e missed Mac Cramer from
his dray Monday. A lame back was
the cause we hear.
Laurentia Haley returned Tues
day from a mouth's visit in Atk
inson and O'Neill.
Albert Christensen and Frank }
Wilson went to Arabia Wednesday
morning to work in the hay field.
Mrs. S. Moon had a severe at
tack of paralysis Monday , but was
reported better at the time of this
Mrs. B. Atwood accompanied
her sister Miss Carey Sharp to
Chadron yesterday morning for a
short visit.
Everet Harvey left Tuesday
morning for Cody where he is to
work in the hay field , fish , fight
mosquitoes and enjoy himself in
Dave George met with a very
serions accident while coming !
from the agency last Monday with !
the mail. About four miles the '
other side of the half way house {
the bolt in the doubletree broke !
and the team started to run. Dave ! <
jumped out and broke his leg below - ! 1
low the knee. Joe Ryschon hapi i
pcncd along soon after and rode 1
to the half way house and I
telephoned to town for a doctor. !
Dr. Compton was at Rosebud and '
on his way home set the broken : '
log. Dave was brought to town
in the evening and i.s getting along f
as well as possible under the cirJ
cumstances. t
Qur Base Ball Boys Make
A week ago Friday our local
nine went up to Crawford to play
base ball Saturday. It was rain
ing hard and the diamond was all
mud but the Crawfordites said they
had tex play ball or forfeit their
expense money. They played 9 in
nings in the rain , the score being 10
to 10 , although the Crawford score
keeper claimed it was 12 to 10 in
favor of Crawford. Our boys.say
they were given the worst of it at
every turn , the decisions of the
umpire being very unfair.
Sunday they went down to Al
liance and played a double-header ,
winning both games , the first S to
3 and the second 7 to 3. Here
they were royally entertained and
found the Alliance people perfect
gentlemen. The following from
the Alliance Times is a good ac
count of the two games :
The Valentine ball team arrived in
Alliance Sunday morning on the early
train aud in the two Barnes in the af
ternoon easily worsted the home team
The visitors were a fentlemanly lot
of boys and incidentally are the fast
est bunch of players seen on the Al
liance diamond this year. The first
< rame was called promptly at 'JoO. :
The management intended to
keep the visitors oyer and play an
other jrame yesterday forenoon , but
owingto fact that the game did .not
take only about one.hour and twenty
minutes , and it meeting witn. the fa
vor of the visitors , it was decided to
play another seven inningrame. . 'Hit
lirst jzame start-1 , withashut outfor
the visitors , and Alliance securing
one score. Neither side scored arain
until the tifth inning when the Val
entine boys secured seven runs bv
bunching- hits. During this in
ning the Ailiancs teams made a num
ber of costly errors. Valentine ad -
ded another score in the seventh and
the home team two in the eighth.
The game ending- with the score S to
'limavor of Valentine * The Alliance
battery was Hull and Freer , but for
the fifth inning Hull pitched an ex
ceptional good game , while Freer
rave him { rood support behind the bat
Tne batter3r for the visitors were
Uaylor and Fischer , and Caylor had
the Alliance boyt * guessing , only allowing
lowing- them b hits during the game
The .visitors are credited with 13 hits.
.Strikeouts Hull , S : Caylor 5.
Valentine .0 0 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 S
Alliance 1 0000002 0 3
The second game Alliance fans were
confident that the home team would
win , but their ardor was soon cooled ,
as the lirst man to bat for the visitors
walloped tl-e ball for a .home run.
This , however , botherd Pitcher Cop-
sey not in the least , and the visitors
were retired without another score.
The Alliance boys managed to get
two in the first , but only secured one
aiore during the game belongs. At
the final the game belongs to the
Valentine ciub by the tune of 7 to
Pitcher Caylor was in the box for the
visitors both games , had things his
own way at all times and is certainly
deserving of praise. The home boys
feel rather badhoyer loosing the two
games , but the visitors had a last
aggregation , besides some of the Al
liance players peisist in wanting to
have their own way in lining up the
team , and playing men who go on
their reputation that , are not ball
players. Thev are finding this re
gular disastrous and tnay use some
knovn quantity in the future. The
score by innings :
Valentine . . . . 102003 1 7
Alliance 2 0 0 0 0 J 0-3
Umpires Jackson , Udrnes and Cop-
The games were both interesting
and devoid of quarreling and both
teams were apparently well satisfied
with the rullinns of the umpires
Here's hoping that the Valentine
team will again appear upon the Al-
iance grounds before the close of the
season and that there will be a differ
ent story to tell.
Tuesday the team returned to
Chadrou and defeated the Chad
ron Y. M. C. A. team 4 to 1.
Here again they met with fair and
courteous treatment and have noth
ing but praise for the Chadron citi
zens and baseball boys. Wednes
day they played Crawford again
on Crawford's grounds and were
defeated 4 to 7. The rotten deal
of the Saturday previous was
again repeated and much hard feel
ing prevailed. Realizing that they
could not get a square deal in Craw
ford our boys offered to match
a game with Crawford for a purse
of100 and gate receipts , the gamete
to be played in Chadron Friday and
to use Chadron umpires. Crawford
elated over their victory of Wed
nesday , readily agreed , believing
they had a soft snap. The game
was played in Chadron as agreed
and our boys easily won it in a score
of < 3 to 1 , and Crawford's lone score
was made on an error on Valen
tine's 1 part. The Valentine team
and ! management are loud in their
praise ] at the treatment they re
ceived while away from homewith
the exception of at Crawford and
if the boys up the road will come
to Valentine we will do our best to
treat them right.
L.Funk of Neligb , Dana Rollins
of Bloomington , III. , Tom Yearn-
shaw and Scot Alexander went out
to the lakes to angle for bass. c
Notice of Special Election For The
Village of Valentine , Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that on Tues
day , the 18th day of August ; 1903 , in
the district court room in the Cherry
county court house , in the Village of
Valentine , Nebraska , a special elec-
iion will be held in accordance with
the directions and provisions of Ordi
nance No. 121 , duly passed and ap
proved by the chairman and board of
trustees of the Village of Valentine ,
Cherry county , Nebraska , at a spec1
ial meeting of said board on the 10th
day of July , 1908 , for the purpose of
enabling the legal voters of said vil
lage to vote upon the following
propositions , to-wit :
Shall the chairman and board of
trustees of the Village cf Valentine ,
Cherry county , Nebraska , have power
a.nd authority to borrow money and
pledge the credit and property of said
village upon its negotiable bonds ,
with Interest coupons attached , to
the amount of Eighteen Thousand
Dollars , for the purpose of establish ,
ing , constructing , extending , enlarg
ing arid equipping a system of water
works ana water supply for said Vil
lage of Valentine , for fire protection
and for public and domestic use , and
to levy a tax upon all the taxable
property of said Village of Valentine ,
in addition to all other taxes , suffi
cient to pay the interest and princi
pal of said bonds as the same may
become due and payable ; said bonds
to be payable to bearer twenty years
from date of same , redeemable at
the pleasure of said village any time
after live years from date thereof ,
and bearing interest at the rate of
live per centum per annum , payable
semi-annually , both interest and
principal payable at the ollice of the
county traasury of Cherry county ,
Said bonds shall be denominated
"Water Bonds , " shall be signed by
chairman of the board of trustees
and countersigned by the clerk of
said village. The proceeds ol the
sale of said bonds shall be paid to the
treasurer of said Village of Valen
tine and shall be placed by said treas
urer to the credit of the water fund :
and the money therefrom shall be
used for the purposes herein express
ed , and the payment of the debis and
expenses incident to and connected
with the said water system.
The vote at said election shall be
by ballot in the following form towit :
Shall the chairman and board of
trustees of the Village of Valentine ,
Cherry Count3 * , Ntb. have power and
authority to borrow money and pledge
the credit and property of said village
upon its negotiable bonds , with inter
est coupons attached , to the amount
of Eighteen Thousand Dollars , for the
purpose 1 of establishing , constructing -
ting ! , enlarging and equipp
ing a system of water works and water
supply for said village of Valentine ,
for fire protection and for public and
domestic use , and to levy a tax upon
the taxable property of said village
of Valentine , in addition to all other
taxes , sufficent to pay the interest
and principal of said bonds as the
same may become due and payable ,
said bonds to be payable to the bear
er 20 yeas from date of said bonds > .
redeemable after 5 years from date ,
and bearing interest at the rate of
five per centum per annum , payable
semi-annually , bot-h interest and
principal payaole at the ollice of the
county treasurer of Cherry county ,
To vote to authori/e the chairman
and board of trustees to issue said
bonds and levy said tax , ' make a cross
( X ) in the square below after the
words : ' 'For 6aid Bonds and Tax. ' '
To vote against authorizing the
chairman and board of trustees to is
sue said bonds and levy said tax ,
make a cross ( X ) in the square below
after the words : "Against Said Bonds
and Tax. "
For said bonds and tax ( )
Against said bonds and tax. . . ( )
The polls at the election hereby
called snail be opened at nine o'clock
in the forenoon and continue open
until seven o'clock in the afternoon
of said day.
Should "the requisite number of
votes , as required by law , be cast in
favor of "Said Bonds and Tax" then
sad proposition bhall be declared by
the chairman and board of trustees
as adopted , and said bonds as des
cribed herein issued and sold , and the
money used for the purposes herein
and in said ordinance expressed.
In witness hereof I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the seal of
said village of Valentine , Cherry Co. .
vNebraska , to be hereunto affixedj
this 28th day of Jul y , 1908.
W. s. BARKER ,
Chairman Board of Trustees.
SEAL Village Clerk.
, 29 2
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held as follows :
In > Valentine Sunday August 2nd.
[ igli Mass and Sermon at 10 A. M. ,
after Mass Benediction with the
Blessed Sacrament.
In Arabia on Sunday , July 9th.
By the undersigned at m.y- place
seven miles northwest of Valentine
on the 28th day of July , one iron
gray gelding1 , about G years old
branded B L on right shoulder ,
blotch brand on left shoulder. 295
St. John's Church.
Services ; will be held Sunday ,
August 2 , as follows : V
Morning Prayer and sermon and C
celebration of the Holy Eucharist
11 A.M. Evensong at S P.M.
The class of 190T of the V.ILS.
are planning for a picnic at the a ;
creek Friday evening. E
Will interest yon. We have them in
many styles and patterns at different
prices. Come and see them. Don t
you want a Sewing Machine ?
New Home , New Royal and other Good Makes ,
Prices that you are willing to pay for
a good machine. Call and see fhem.
Liquor Center
Public opinion is unerring' , public confidence sel
dom misplaced. The true worth of every business
concern to the community in which it operates is
fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power of ev
ery commercial institution may be determined by
the amount of patronage it receives. The people
have unmistakably proclaimed their confidence in
The Stock Exchange ,
and its methods , by bestowing upon it a far greater
patronage than that accorded any other iplace in
Valentine. Where the major portion of the fair ,
the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liquor
and Beer , must be a good place for You , the in
dividual , to trade. Visit The Stock Exchange when
you need anything in our line.
S Valentine , Nebraska ,
PTas now on sale for a short time only ,
M At Reduced Prices
K Clothing , Straw , Hats , Work Shirts , Ladies7
Hb Waists , and Odd Sizes in Shoes.
b This is not a Jew store. Goods are plainly
marked and sold to all alike. They are
N offered at reduced prices to clear shelves
for fall and winter stock.
Whether you are sick or well , great benefit
can be obtained from taking a bottle a day of
Storz Malt Extract.
in a great many cases. It will add flesh
to your body , will sharpen your appetite ,
will soothe and quiet your nerves and
bring you restful sleep.
500 Physicians Have Endorsed !
! i
We have the letters on file for inspec
tion. ' ?
A beautifully illustrated booklet fully
describing the product mailed free to
- -
anyone. A postjl will bring it 12 , & 5l *
Fo * Srfle By
" 3" * 7HJ I" ? & * /f * IS'-CV' * ' * * 'r l5wiSS l ;
iBROOCiI H % sgafe
. .
* ' "
v-SS SJ1 / X"1
* / > I * - I *
Kates East
The Xftrth Western
Low Round-trip rates will be
jade from points on The North
Vestern Line for the
) hio , August 27th to 30th.
Knights of Pythias Conclave ,
loston , Mass. , July 31st to Au-
ust 3rd.
For full particulars apply to
gents , Chicago & North "Western
J. W. McDANIBli ,
Valentine - tfebr.
All work will
be given prompt
and careful attention.
Per Cwt.
Bran , sacked.1 15 § 22 00
Shorts , sacked l 25 24 00
Corn , sacked .1 50 29 00
Oats , sacked i 60 31 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 55 30 00
Chop Feed , sacked 1 60 31 00