Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 30, 1908, Image 1

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    Historical Society
Barber Wire
Black $2.60 ; Galvanized $2:75 per spool.
Lawn Mowers
$4.50 , $8.00 and $12.00.
Lawn Hose
12 l = 2c to 18c per foot.
Gasoline Stoves
$2.50 to $30.00 each.
The largest line of Rugs and Carpets evershown
"Quicker Yet" Washing Machine
will wash clothes in less time and
run with less labor than any other
machine on the market.
Red Front Merc. Co.
Try A. John & Co. FIRST
We have the finest line of Men's
Hats , all styles and colors , in the
city. Prices from $1.00 to $3.50.
PttJNE 97 ,
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Customers.
- '
Eureka Saloon
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars a
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood , 5
Hermitage , Guchenheimer , \
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , A
Spring Hill , and 27/year/old
s andjas. E , Pepper , O. F , C , Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the TJ. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
fjj j Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported A
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
Read the Advertisements.
\ Our Lincoln Letter.
The Denver convention was a
wonderful gathering the greatest
political convention this country
has ever seen. Right here it may
bs well to say that never was a
convention handled so well by its
officers , no never a city that
equalled Denver's record for hos
pitality and thorough preparation.
The auditorium was adequate in
every respect. The decoration of
the city were superb , and the
strangers who lacked for food or
bed was himself to blame. The
world wondered when the Chica
go convention broke all records
for enthusiasm at the mention of a
name when it cheered for forty-
five minutes for Taft , or , it was
said to have cheered that long
for Taft. The truth is that the first
fifteen minutes of that demonstra
tion was for LaFollette , and th en
the Taft managers got busy and
appropriated it. But on Wednes
day of convention week at Den
ver , Senator Gore touched a match
to the magazine and for an hour
and twenty-seven minutes the fif
teen thousand people in the con
vention hall milled like a lot of
stampeded steers , shouting and
marching and singing for Bryan ,
Everybody thought that meant
only a small demonstration when
the nomination was really made.
But at 11 o' clock on Thursday
night , when Ignatious J. Dunn of
Omaha had finished his eloquent
nominating speech the convention
broke loose again and kept ifc up
for an hour and twelve minutes.
All this made the Chicago con
vention demonstration look like a
republican promise to revise the
tariff after election.
Of course you read in the dis
patches about the Taft banner that
was hung across Lincoln's main
thoroughfare last week , and which
is said to have been cut down by a
too enthusiastic Bryan supporter.
Well , don't be too quick to accept
the reports sent out by the Associ
ated Press. It is not so certain that
it was cut down , nor is it certain
that if it was cut down that the act
was performed by a Bryanite."E-
nough level headed and courteous
republicans can be found who de
nounce the discourteous hanging of
the Taft banner justatthat.time to
give rise to the suspicion that
it might have been a republica n
hand that cut the ropeif it was cut.
Nobody denies the right of the
rep. state committee to hang a Taft
banner across the street , but all
save a few extrems partisans de
nounce it was a most discourteous
thing to do at this time when Lin
coln is profiting so much by the
attention shown to Mr. Bryan.
Governor Haskell of Oklahoma ,
caught the immense crowd with
one quick retort. While defending
the majority report of the com
mittee on credentials , which un
seated the Guffey delegates from
Philadelphia , somebody hissed.
Quick as a flash Haskell exclam-
ed : /
"I've heard that hiss many a
time from a Standard Oil pipe
line. "
And the convention came near
raising the roof.
Senator" Bob" Taylor of Ten-
nesee made one little speech that
delighted the convention. He was
called on to kill time , and for fif
teen minutes he kept the crowd in
a gale of laughter and applause.
He spoke of the civel war as the
conflictthat " put Yankee Doodle
on the pension list and Dixie on
crutches , " and insisted that Mason
and Dixon's line should become
known for what itreally is , "mer
ely the line between cold bread
and hot biscuits/1
Mr. Bryan realizing that'the
work of the campaign will c on-
We are putting- sale this week an f elegant
line of new medium price dress skirts. See our
§ 4.50 leader. It is a favorite and right up-to-date ,
extremely smart in style and an excellent value for
the money. Come in and pick one out.
Take a look at them in our window.
sume all of his time , has decided
to withdraw from active.editorial
work until after the election. Act
ing upon this determination he will
soon issue a notice to that effect ,
asking that he be not held - responsible
sible for any editorial utterance
of The Commoner unless the same
appears over his signature. He
futher adds that all profits accru
ing from The Commoner between
now and election will be turned
over to the national committee fo r
campaign purposes. Mr. Charles
W. Bryan , who has been publish
er of The Commoner since its in
ception , will be in entire charge of
the paper , with Mr. Richard L.
Metcalfe as editor-in-chief , assist
ed by a capable corps of assistants
Now big corps of newspaper
correspondents in Lincoln are all
"Bryan men" although not all of
them will vote for him. They are
a unit in praising Mr. Bryan's
uniform courtesy and his efforts
to add to the comfort of their stay
in Lincoln. They have a fine tent
on the Fairveiw lawn , and it is
equipped with tables and all neces
sary stationery. They have receiv
ed notice that in case of a storm
that Bryan home is open to them.
He exerts himself to help the
newspaper boysbut they longsince
have learned that when Mr. Bryan
feels the necessity of refusing an
interview on some particular ques
tion it is useless to apply the reportorial -
portorial "pump. " All they can
get on such occasions is a fund of
good stories that sends them a
way feeling that their efforts have
not been in vain.
In figuring out the election re
turns he who puts Nebraska in the
' 'doubtful" or "republican" col
umns is exhibiting only a thorough
ignorance of the situation. Mr.
Bryan carried Nebraska in 1896
by nearly 15,000. He lost it in
1900 by less than 8,000 and
Nebraska is more thoroughly for
Bryan now than it was in 1896.
Mr. Bryan will carry Nebraska.
( Kushville Standard. )
Taft now comes out and says
that he will not accept any corpor
ation money in order to be elected
president , and Tom Lawson says
that Wall street has already con
tributed $2,50),000 to the Taft
campaign and is ready to contrib
ute more.
Little Bill Bryan and big Bill
Taft what do you think of the line
up 7. Chadron Journal.
Let's see , Bryan stands C ft. 2
in. in his stocking feet , weight about -
bout 220. Taft 6 ft , weight about
250. In ability Bryan outclasses
Taft 16 to 1. In strength , durabil-
ifcy and all-around makeup Bryan
outclasses Taft 32 to 1. What do
you think of the line up ? .
Farm Implements
We sell farming implements as well as other
merchandise at reasonable prices.
Call and try us.
Chartered as a State .riant Chartered as a Rational Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 ,
, Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking
jW\J. AAf ) Exchange and
Collection Business.
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier.
Tobaccos and Cigars.
S Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
IOlLtc3. .
I Phone 7 Home Bakery , 1
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Salt Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell.
C. O. Carpenter.
House painting inside and out. Furniture Ke-
pairing and Tarnishing of all kinds promptly done.
Phone 83. Shop in west part of town.
Valentine Nebraska
For Good Printing
The Democrat Office