Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 16, 1908, Image 6

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    iiK < t Soft Job.
Slracon Ford had occasion not Ions
n o to < * nli at an employment agency in
j i w York. .lust as he entered he ob
served a friend , an extremely wealthy
persona jre.vlio was in search of a
c ju-laan. ; An casor looking young
Frenchman was endeavoring in the
most excited manner to convince the
rich man thai he stood in need of a
"No , " the man in search of a coach
man was saying , "I don't need another
valei. The man I have now is not over
worked : so there would be nothing for
you o do. "
"But. m ; : isieur. " pleaded the French
man. "If .von could but conceive how
little it takes to occupy me ! "
3ff You Suifer with Your Kidneys
IIIH ! I7jii-lc "Write to Thiw 3la.ii.
G.V. . Winney. Medina , N. Y. , in
vites kidney sufferers to write to him.
To all who enclose
postage he will reply ,
lolling how Doan's
Kidney Pills cured
him artor he had doc
tored and had been
in two different hospi
tals for eighteen
months , suffering in
tense pain in the
Jjack , lameness , twin
es when stooping or
spoils and rheuma
tism. "Before I used
Doan's Kidney Pills , " says Mr. Win
ney , "I weighed 1-13. After taking 10
or 12 boxes I weighed 1C2 and was
completely cured. "
Sold by all dealers. oO cents a box.
Foster-Milburu Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Iilca of a Future.
"You won't go to heaven if you work
on Sunday like that , " said her pious
friend to the little grass widow who
was peacefully doing a square of em
broidery on the Sabbath.
"I don't want to go to heaven , " said' '
the little grass widow. "I am afraid I
. ' .
might meet some of my husbands there.
Of cotira-e. the chances arc pretty much
against ir , but I don't want to take
any risks. I'd like a little half way
place where I could be sure they
wouldn't be. if I had my way , but it
.would have to be a place where there
were no other women and a dearth of
\wiue and S"nir. " Chicago Inter Ocean.
1 ,
BaLy Had SeVere Attack Grand-
futlter Suffered Torfucnts tvltli It
OweKecovery to Cuticura.
"In lbS4 my grandson , a babe , had
an attack of eczema , and after trying
tke doctors to the extent of heavy bills
and an increase of the disease and suf
fering , I recommended Cuticura and
in a few weeks the child was well. He
Is to-day a strong man and absolutely
' ree from the disease. A few years
-ago I contracted eczema and became
-an intense sufferer. A whole winter
. passed without once having on shoes ,
naarly from the knees to the foes being
-ing covered with virulent sores. I tried
aiiiULY doctors Jo no purpose. Then I
' '
'procu'reu the Cuticura Remedies and
found immediate , improvement and
final cure. M. W. LaRueSi5 Seventh SL ,
Louisville , KyM Apr. 23 and May 14 , ' 07. "
Smoothing It Over.
Irate Individual I'm going to square
raatters with you right now ! You'vo
Vbeen telling it around that I lie !
The Other Man Nothing of the sort.
All I have said about you is that you
are habitually unveracious. ,
Irate Individual ( calming down ) O , !
It don't mind that , if that's all. I ac- ;
'knowledge I do get that way once in.
awhile. But how can a fellow help it ,
when everybody insists on treating him2
- Chicago Tnhuno.
Good News for tlie Deaf.
A celfbratc-d New York Aurist has
been selected to demonstrate to deaf
people deafness is a disease and
can bo cured rapidly and easily in your
own honv. He proposes to prove this
fqct by pending to any person having
trouble with their ears a trial treat
ment of this new method absolutely
i > ee. Wo advise all people who have
trouble with their ears to immediately
address Dr. Edward Gardner , Suite
350 , No. 40 West Thirty-third street ,
New York , and they will receive by re
turn mail , absolutely free , a "trial
treatment. "
A ( til * ] ! ( It !
"Charlie , dear , " said young Mrs. Tor-
'lins , "I wish you wouldn't pay so much
attention to the personal popularity of
Worses this year ? "
"What do you mean ? "
" \ oti have a dreadful habit of pick
ing out animals who are favorites be
fore the race and absolutely friendless
ifter. " Washington Star.
Mrs. "Wiusiow s Sooimag s > rup Tor Child-
tea teething , softens the gums , reduces In
flammation , allays pain , cures wind colic.
x : & bottle.
Aiisrel Without
"So you have come in answer to my
advertisement for office boy ? " said the
old broker briskly. "Do you smoka
cigarettes ? "
- "Xo , sir , " replied the saintly young
ster in the doorway.
"Chew gum or read novels ? "
"Never , sir. "
"Play juggler with the paper weights
or talk nonsense through the telephone
-when your employer is absent ? "
"Xo. sir. "
"liver go to the circus ? "
"Never saw a circus in my life , sir. "
"How about baseball ? Do you take
two or three afternoons a week to see
vlhc game ? "
"Don't like baseball , sir. "
The old broker bit the end off hia
' lgar.
"My boy , " he paid. quietly , "this is twenty-ninth story , isn't it ? "
"I think so , sir. "
"WeM , it is not high enough for you.1 *
* 'Not high enough for me , sir ? "
" "No , you belong up in paradise. " * u
KlM S KiH ? ? MNNE * Nt $ MM& < $ MHfsi tyfyfyfyfyrfp 3 $ 0 < $ H < jM < $ Hj < < $ > $ ; K3 > &
IP * IP W ! Tfa 1 % fT7 IT& A IP
VTFORM Of t E OE/viO / KAI lie V
IFuIlText of Resolutions Adopted b > y thie National Con =
verstiora irz Oenver , ,
* 9J
. v - V
' " '
Vo. the representatives of the Drinoi-racy
or ilio 1'nited Staio'in national convention
asKcinbled. roatlirm our belief in. url pledge
our loyalty to. Uio principles of the party.
\Vo rejoice at tlio increasing signs of an
awakeningtliroiirhont the country. Tno
various invf.stijiations have traced graft and
political corruption to tlio representatives
of predatory wealth , and laid 1 arc- the 1111-
scnipulous tnethoJ-s by which they have debauched -
bauchod oluctions and j ro.voil upon a def -
f < -n.oloss public through rho subservient rJli-
cials whom they have raised to place and
Tlio conscience of the nation is now
aroused to free the government fini HIP
? : rip of those \vlio have made it a business
sissot of the favor-seeking corporations ; it
must become npiin a people's ovornmeat.
. .ml ho administered in all its departments
according to tlie .Jcfforsonian maxim of
'Vijiial rights to all and special privileges
to none. "
"Shall the people rule ? " is the overshadowing
owing issue which manifests it--elf in all
the questions now under discussion.
Coincident with the enormous increase in
expenditures is a like addition to the mim-
lier of oilice-holders. During the last year
" : : .7S-1 were added , costing $ K5.1."i(5.l ( ( ) ( ( ) . air.l
in the lasi six years of the Republican ad
ministration the' total number of new ofih-es
created , aside from many commissions , has
been tiO.l : { ) . entailing an additional expendi
ture of nearly .STO.OUD.ddo. as against only
Ht.liTO new olHces created under ( } ie Cleve
land and .Me Kin ley administrations , which
involved an expenditure only ? < ; . < ion.too. (
V.'c denounce this great and growing in
crease in the number of oiiice-holders as not
only unnecessary an.l wasteful but also as
clearly indicating a deliberate purpose on
the part of ihe aduiini.Uration to keep the
IN publican parly In power at public expense
l\v thus increasing the number of its retain
ers and dependents. Such procedure we
declare to be no less dangerous and corrupt
than the open purchase of votes at the polls.
ISeoiujsny in A <'aiioii.
The Republican Congress in the session
just ended has made appropriations jr.ant
ing to .si.oos.Oiid.uOt ) . excee-ling the - ) .
expenditures of the past fiscal year by ; ' . ' < > . -
OIMI.IKIO. and leaving a delitit of ui.v : tha'i
SCo.uoo.uoo for the liscal year. \ \ > deniiunce
the waste of the people's money
which has resulted in this appalling increase
as a shameful violation of all prudent con
ditions of government , as no less than a
crime against the millions of workiugmen
ami women from whose earnings the great
proportion of these sums must be
Cxiyrt 'l through excessive t-irifl' exactions
aTid other indirect methods. It Is not sur
prising that , in the face of this shocking
record , the Republican platform contains no
reference to economical administration or
promise thereof in the future.Ve demand
Hint a stobe put to this i rightful extrava
gance and insist upon the strictest economy
in every department compatible with frugal
raid eiiicieiit administration.
ArTilli'jJry Po'.ver of Sisenlci'1.
The Ilousf of Kepresentatives wn = ( le- j
signed by the fathers of the Constitution to
Te the popular bi'snch of our gove.naieiu.
resroiishe to the pu'ijio will.
The Jlouse of Ilep'-vsentatives. as con
trolled in recent years l y the Ieiublican ;
party , has ceased to be -deliVrative and
legislative1 liotJ.v. icsponsive 1 < tlie will of a
majority of its iriem ! e s. but Iasome under
the absolut" di minatiou of the Speaker , who
"nas entire conirol of its deliberations and
powers of legislation.
WV have observed with amazement the
popular braneli of our federal government
I'.eiiiJe-'h to obtain t-lrher tlie c usi'lcr.trion
or enactment of measure.- desired ] ty a ma
jority 01 its uiem ! > er > .
Li'irislative governm'lntIw.'comes -
ure when one member in the person of me
Speaker is more powerful than the enure
bo ly.
U'e demand that the Ifmie of Represent-
. itives shall again become a < M P 'ra live
body , controlled by a majVvrfty of the pee
ple's representatives and not by the Speaker.
and we plerlgc ourselves to adopt such rules
and regulations to govern theHOIIM * of Rep-
res ntativcs as will enable a majority of it <
members to direct its deliberations aud con
trol legislation.
of Iilri > nirjre.
We condemn , as a violation of the spirit
of our institutions the action of rhe present
chief executive in using the piftroiiase f
his high otlice to secure the nomination of
one of his cabinet otlicers. A forr-il suca s-
-sion in the presidency is scarcely loss n >
pumiant to public sentiment than is lit >
tenure In that otlice. No good intention on
tlu > part of the executive and no virtue in
the one selected can justify the establish
ment of a dynasty. The rteht of the people
to freely select their ollicials is inalienable
and cannot be delegated.
ry ' > ' ' C'iiniiti ri : Contributions
\Ve demand federal legislation forever ter
minating the partnership which has existed
between corporations of the country anl
the Rcpr.hlican party under the expressed or
implied agreement that in return for the
contribution of great > ums of money where
with to ] ) urchaMv elections they should be
allowed to continue substantially unmolested
in their efforts to encroach upon the rights
of the people.
Any reasonable doubt as to the existence
of this relation has been forever dispelled
by th sworn testimony of witnesses exam
ined in the insurance investigation in New
York , and the open admission unchallenged
by the Republican National Committee of a
Miigle individual , that he himself at the per
sonal request of the Republican candidate for
the presidency raised over a quarter of a
million dollars to be u.-ed in a single State
during the closing hours of the last cam
paign. In order that this practice shall l.e
.stopped for all time , we demand the passage
of a statute punishing -with imprisonment
any officer of a corporation who shall either
contribute on behalf of. or consent to the
contribution by , a corporation of any money
or thing of value to be used in furthering
the election of a 1'resident or Vice Presi
dent of the United States or of any member
of the Congress thereof.
We denounce the action of the Republican
party , having complete control of the fed
eral government , for its failure to pass the
bill introduced in the last Congress to com
pel the publication of the names of contrib
utors and the amounts contributed toward
campaign funds , and point to the evidence
of their insincerity when they sought by
an absolutely irrelevant and impossible amend
ment to defeat the passage of the bill. As
a further evidence of their intention to con
duct their campaign in the coming coinest
with vast sums of money wrested from fa
vor-seeking corporations , we call attention
to the fact that the recent Republcan na
tional convention at Chicago refused when
the plank was presented to it to declare
against such practices.
We pledge the Democratic party to the
enactment of a law preventing any" corpora
tion contributing to a campaign "fund and
any individual from contributing an amount
above a reasonable maximum and providing
for the publication before election of all
such contributions above a reasonable min
Ilisrht.s of tin ; States.
Relieving , with Jefferson , in "the support
of the state governments in all their rights
as the most competent administration for
our domestic concerns and the surest bul
wark against anti-republican tendencies. "
and in "the preservation of the general gov
ernment in its whole constitutional vigor as
the sheet anchor of our peace at home an , !
safety abroad. " we are opposed to the cen
tralization implied in these suggestions , now
frequently made , that the powers of the
general government should be extended b\-
judicial construction. There is no twilight
zone between tlie nation and the state in
which exploiting interests can take refuge
from both ; and it is as necessary that the
federal government shall exercise the pow
ers delegated to it as it is that the state
governments shall 'use the authority reserved
to them , but we insist that federal remedies
for the . regulation of interstate commerce
and Tor the prevention of private monopoly
shall be addca to , not substituted for , state
We welcome the belated promise of tariff
reform now au'ected by the Republican party
in tardy recognition of the righteousness of
the Democratic position on this question ;
but the people cannot safely intrust the
execution of this important work to a parry
which is .so deeply obligated to the hlghiy
protected interc.-ts as is ' the KepublL-an
party. We call attention to the sirnllcant :
fact that the promised relief was po-tp' > : i d
until after the conring election an election
to succeed in which the Republican party
must have that .same support from the bei.-e-
ticiaries of the liigli protective tariff as it
has always heretoJore received from the-Ji ;
and to the further fact that during years of
uninterrupted power no action whatever has
been taken by the Republican Congress to
con ret the admittedly existing' tariff in
We favor the immediate revision of the
tariff by the reduction of import duties.
Articles entering into competition , with
trust-controlled products should be placed
upon the free list , and material reductions
should be made in the tariff upon the neces
saries of life , especially upon articles com
peting Avith such American manufactures ns
are sold abroad more cheaply than at homo :
and graduate reductions should be made in
such other schedules as may be necessary
to restore the tariff to a revenue basis.
Existing duties have given to the manu
facturers of paper a shelter behind which
they have organised combinations to raise
the price of pulp anil of paper , thus impos
ing a tax upon the spread of knowledge.
We demand the immediate repeal of the
tariff on pulp print paper , lumber , timber
and logs and that these articles be placed
upon the free list.
A private monopoly is indefensible and
intolerable. We. therefore , favor the vigor
ous enforcement of the criminal law nguinst
iruilty trust magnates and officials , and de
mand the enactment of such additional leg
islation as may be necessary to make it Im
possible for a private monopoly to exist in
the 1'nited States. Among the additional
remedies we specify three : First , a law
preventing a duplication of directors among
competing corporations : second , a license
system which will , without abridging the
right of each State to create corporations.
or its right to regulate as it will foreign
corporations doing business within its lim
its. make it necessary for a manufacturing
or trading corporation engaged in interstate
commerce to take out a federal license be
fore it .shall be permitted to control ns
much as . " > per cent of the product in
which it deals , the license to protect the
public from watered stock and to prohibit
the control by such corporation of more
than . " 0 per cent of the total amount of any
product consumed in the 1'nited States : anil
third , a law compelling such licensed cor
poration to .sell to all purchasers in all
parts of the country on the same terms.
after makln-r due allowance for cost of
Ituilroiul K emulations.
We assert the right of Congress to exer
cise complete control over interstate com
merce and the right of each State to exer
cise like' control over commerce within its
bor "civ.
We deniaiy ] such enlargement of the pow
ers of the Interstate Commeive Commission
as may be necessary to compel railroads to
perform their duties as common carriers
ami pv vent discrimination and extortion.
We favor the ellicient supervision and
rate regulation of. railroads engaged in in
terstate commerce , and t-T this end we rec-
oir.mend flu > valuation of railroadby the
Intc-6tate ; ' .v > mrncue Comini ion. such val
uation to Jake into consideration the phy
sical value of the property , the criminal
cost , cost of production and ill elements of
value that will r-'uder the valuation nvado
fair and just.
We favor sucft legislation as will prohibit
the railroads l'n m engaging m business
which brings them into competition with
their shippers. ab- > legislation which will
aspire such reduction in transportation
ratfts as conditions will permit , care being
taken to avoid reductions that wuld com
pel u reduction of wag s. prevent adequate
serviceor do injustice4 i' < > legitimate' invest
ments. . WV heartily oiipi'ove the Iws pro
hibiting tin-1- pass and ' .he rclwite. and we
favor any further necessary legislation to
restrain , control and prevvnt such abuses.
We favor > udi legislation as will ii.rrease
the power of the Interstat" Commerce Com
mission. giving to it the ii.-aJiative with ref
erence to * ratt j and transportation diarizes
put into eifecc by the railirnad compauies.
mid 'pennUainff the 'Interstate ComniPrce
Commission on ins own initiative to decfare
n rate illegal and as being ni , re than slu/uld
be charged i'or such service. That the
present law relating thereto is inadequate
by reason of the fact that the Interstate
Commerce Commission is without power to
rix or investigate- rate until complaint
has been madeto ft by the shipper.
We further declare that all agreements of
trallic or other asocial ions of r.vil way agents
ilTecting interstate rates , service or classi-
lication shall bt > unlawful unle-s Hied with
mid approved by the Interstate Commerce
We favor the enactment of a law giving
lo the Interstate Commerce Commission the
power to inspect proposed railroad tariff
rates or schedules before they shall take
effect , and. if they be found to lie unrea
sonable. to initiate an adjustment thereof.
The panic of 1I07. ! coming without any
legitimate excuse , when the Republican par
ty had for a dcr.ule IK-OU in complete con
trol of the federal government , furnishes
additional proof rhat it is 'either unwilling
nr incompetent to protect the interests of
the general public. It has so linked the
country to Wall street that the syndicate
sins of the speculators are visited upon the
whole -people. While refusing to rescue the
wealth producers from spoliation at the
hands of the stock gamblers and speculators
in farm products , it has deposited treasury
funds , without interest and without com
petition. in favorite banks. It has used an
emergency for which it is largely responsi
ble to force through Congress a bill chang
ing the basis of bank currency and inviting
market manipulation , and has failed to give
to the l."i.OOOOOU depositors of the country
protection in their savings.
We believe that in so far ns the needs of
commerce require an emergency currency.
such currency should he issued , controlled
bv the federal government and loaned on
adequate security to national and state
banks. We plpdge ourselves to legislation
under which the national banks shall be
V'J - * -V- VV - VV - -V VV
required t establish a guaranty fund for
the p.-1-uijit payment of the depositors of
any insolvent national bank tuuior an eqiiii-
able sy.stom which shall lie available to a ! !
state banking institutions wishing to me it.
\Ve iavor a postal .savings bank , if the
guaranteed bank cannot be secured , and
that it bo constituted so as to keep the de
posited money in the communities whore it
is established , liut we condemn the policy
of the .Republican party in proposing postal
savings banks under a plan of conduct by
which they will aggregate the deposits of
rural communities and re-deposit the same
while under government charge in the banks
of.ill street , thus depleting the circulating
medium of the producing regions ani : un
justly favoring the speculative markets.
income Tax ,
We favor an income tax as part of our
revenue system , and we urge the submis
sion of a constitutional amendment .specifi
cally authorizing Congress1 to levy and
collect a tax upon individual and corpor
ate incomes , to the end that wealth may
bear its proportionate share of the burdens
of the federal government.
Janitor stud J njiiiictioits.
The courts of justice are the bulwark of
our liberties , and we yield to none in our
purpose to maintain 'their dignity. Our
fcn-ty has given to the bench a long line of
distinguished judges , who have added to
the respect and confidence in which this
department must be jealously maintained.
\Ve resent the attempt of the liopublican
party to raise false issues respecting the
judiciary. It is an unjust rellection upon
a great body of our citizens to assume that
they lack respect for the courts. It is the
function of the courts to interpret the laws
which the people create , and it" the laws
appear to work economic , social or politi
cal injustice it is our duty to change them.
The only basis upon w.hich the integrity
of our courts can stand is that of unswerv
ing justice and protection of life , personal
liberty and property. If judicial processe
may be abused we should guard against
Experience" has proven the necessity of
a modilioation of the present law relating
to injunctions , nud we reiterate the pledge
of our national platform * of ISSKi and 1H04
in favor of the measure which passed the
United States Senate in 1S ! > (5. ( but which a
IJepublican Congress has over since refuser !
to enact , relatimr to contempts in federal
courts and providing for trial by jury in
cases of indirect contempt. Questions of
judicial practice , have arisen especially in
connection with industrial disputes. We
deem that partiesto all judicial proceed
ings should be treated with rig'nl impar
tiality and that injunctions should not
issue if no industrial dispute wore in
The expanding organization of industry
makes it essential that there should bo no
abridgment of the right of wage-earners
and producers to organize for the protec
tion of wages and the improvement of la
bor conditions to the end that such labor
organizations and their members' should not
be reirsrdod as illegal combinations in re
straint of trade.
We favor the eight-hour day on all gov
ernment work.
Wo pledge the Democratic party to the
enactment of a law by Congress , as far as
the federal jurisdiction extends , for a
general employers' liability act covering
injury to body or loss of life of employes.
Wo pledge th < Democratic party to the
enactment of a law creating a department
of labor , represented separately in the
President's cabinet , which department -shall
include the subject of mines and mining.
We believe in thiupbuilding1 of th"
American and merchant marinr without
new or additional himk'iis upon the people
and without bounties from the public treas
Tlu Xavy.
The constitutional provision that v navy
shall be provided and maintained means an
adequate navy , and wo believe that the in
terests of this country would be best
s'erved by having a navy * utlicient t < > ' defend -
fend the coasts of this conn try and yro-
t'ect American citizens wherever their
rights may b * in jeopardy.
J'rnlcct ion of Amcricai-i Citizens.
We pledgeivnrsolves to insist upon the
just and lawful protection of nur citizens
: it home and abcoad and to u-w all proper
methods to secure for them , whether na
tive born or naturalized , and without dis
tinction of : rnoor creed , the equal pro
tection of law iisad the enjoyiiH-nt of all
rights and privileges' open to them under
our treaty : and if , under existing treaties ,
the riirht of travel and sojourn is denied
to American citizens or recognition is
witPtheld from American passportby any
countries on the giv und of race or creed ,
we favor prompt negotiations with the
governments of such countries V ) secure
the removal ot" thuso-unjust discriminations.
We demand that all over the world a
duly authorized' pavssport issued by the
government of fill ! ' Cnited States to an
American citizen shall be proof of the fact
that he is an A'men.-an citizen read shall
entitle- him to flic Sceatnient due liiin as
Crvi.1 Service.
The laws pertaining to the civif service
should be honestly and rigidly enforced to
tin ; end. that meriv and ability shall be
the standard of appointment and promo
tion , rather than services rendered to a po
litical parry. _
We favor a ponerotts pension policy , both
to the surviving
asa matter of jusnvo
veterans and their dependents and Because
it tends to relieve the- country of tlr-f neces
sity of maintaining a large standing army.
Health fiurcau.
We advocate the organization of all ex
isting : national public health agencies into
a national bureau o-f public health , with
such power over sanitary conditions con
nected with factories , mines , tenements- ,
child labor and other such subjects as are
properly within the jurisdiction of the fed
eral government anrf do not interfere with
the power of the states controlling public-
health acencies.
The Democratic party favors the exten
sion of agricultural , mechanical and indus
trial education. We. therefore , favor the
establishment of district agricultural ex
periment stations , the secondary agricul
tural and mechanical colleges in the sev
eral states.
1'opulnr Election of Senators.
We favor the election of United States
senators by direct vote of the people , and
"You shall not press down upon the brow of labor a crown of thorns.
Yon shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold. "
well-to-do and the educated do not play
"In the struggles of to-day the - -
their part. Reforms come from below , and not from above. "
"The humblest citizen in all the land when clad in the armor of a
righteous cause is stronger than the whole hosts of error they can bring. "
"I am within the limits of truth when I say that the Senate for some
rears has been the bulwark of predatory wealth. "
"Government by injunction is really an attack upon the jury system
and ought to arouse a unanimous protest. "
"The man who is employed for wages is as ranch a business man as
his employer. "
"When we have restored the money of the constitution all other nec
essary reforms will be possible , and until that is done there is no reform
that can be accomplished. " i
"Burn down your cities and leave our farms , and your cities \vill
spring up again as if by magic. But destroy our farms , and the grass will
grow in the streets of every city in this country. "
regard this reform as tlie gateway to olhei
national reforms.
We welcome Oklahoma to the sister'.wni
of states and heartily congratulate heOL ,
the auspicious beginning or a great career
Ariv.uiiu : iii < l A civ .Ucxici > .
The national Democratic party has foi
the last .sixteen years labored for the ad
mission of Arizona and New .Mexico as sep
arate states of the federal 1'mou. and ret
ognizing that each possesses every qtialit
cation .to successfully maintain u-'c jurat
state governments , we favor the inimedia :
admission of thoac territories as separat
The establishment of rules and reguhi
tions , if any such are necessary , in relatio
to free grazing upon the publ'ic lauds out
side -of forest W other reservations , unti
the same shall eventually be disposed o
should be left to the people of the state :
respectively in which such lands may b
situated. *
V.'atcr AVay.s.
Water furnishes the cheapest means o
transportation and the national govern
ment , having the control of navigable wa
ters. should improve them to their fuller
capacity. We earnestly favor the imme
diate adoption of a liberal and comprehen
sive plan for improving every water cours
in the Union , which is justiiied by th
needs of commerce , and. to secure tiia
end , we favor , when practicable , the con
nection of the great lakes with the naviga
ble rivers ami witli the gulf , through th
Mississippi River , and the navigable riv
ers with each other , and the rivers , bay
and sounds of our coasts witli each ot'ae
by artilicial canals , with a view to perfect
ing a system of inland wat 'r ways , to bi
navigated by vessels of standard draught
Wu favor the co-ordination of the vari
ous services of the government connectci :
witli water ways in one service , for th
purpose of aiding in the completion of sucl
a system of inland water ways , and v.t
favor the creation of a fund ample fo
continuous work , which shall be conducted
under the direction of a commission of ex
perts to be authorized by law.
Post Kea < 2s.
We favor federal aid to stale and loca
authorities in the construction and maiu
leuance of post roads.
TeU-Ai-rapIi ami Telfi'lwne.
We pledge the DtMiiocratic party to the
enactment of a law to regulate the rates
and services of telegraph and telephone
compauies engaged in the transmission of
messages bet wen the states under the juris
diction of the interstate commerce commis
We repeat the demand for internal de
velopment and for the conservation of our
natural resources contained in previous
platforms , the enforcement oC which .Mr.
Koosovolt has vainly sought from a reiucc-
ant party ; and to that end we insist upon
tin ; preservation , protection au l replace
ment of needed forests , the preservation of
the public domain for holm-seekers , the pro
tection of the national resources in timber ,
coal , iron and oil against monopolistic con
trol , the development of our water ways
for navigation and every other useful pur
pose , including the irrigation of arid kvuds ,
the reclamation of swamp lands , the clari
fication of. streams , the development of wa
ter power and the preservation of eltetric
power generated by this natural force from
the control of monopoly : aiul to such end
we urge lh < exercise of all powers , nation
al , state and municipal , both separately and
in co-operation.
We insist upon a policy of administra
tion of our Co rest reserves which shall re
lieve it of the abuses which , have arisrs
thereunder , and which shall , as far us
practicable , conform f > the police regulations
tionsof the several staffs .where they arc
located , which shall enabl homesteaders ns
of. right to occupy and acquire title to nil
portions thereof which are especially adapt
ed t.o agriculture and which shall furnish
a system of timber sales available as well
to the private ntizen asto the larger
rnaii'U'acturer and consumer ,
Wo- favor the application1 of principle *
of th * land laws of. the l"niu > d States to
our ii"wly acquired territory. Hawaii , to
the en { that the public ? lands of that terri
tory may be held and utilized for the bene
fit of" bona tide homesteaders.
We caodemn the experiment in imperial
ism as un inexcusable blunder which ban
involved us in an enormous expense ,
brought as weakness instead oT * strength ,
and laid our nation oyo.n to tlift charge of
abandoning a fundamental doctrine of self-
government. We favor an immediate deo-
lanition of the nation's- purpose to recog
nize the independence oC the Philippine Inl
ands as soon as a stab ] government cni
established , such independence to la-
gunrantced by us as we guarantee the inde
pendence of Cuba , until the neutralization
of the islands can be secured by treaty
with other powers. In recognizing the in
dependence of the Philippines our govern
ment should retain such land as may ] -
necessary for coaling stations aol naval
Alaska it ml PnntoIlico. .
Wo demand for the people of Ahrska and
Porto Hico the full enjoyment of ( In-
ngll's nud privileges of a torritorfal fm-rtt
orf. govermrent , and the otlicials appointc.- |
ti annui'ister the government of all our
territories and the District of Ciilumbln
should bo thoroughly qualitied by pruvio.i.-
bcna tide residence.
Panama Ci.Ti.-il.
We believa the Panama Canal wiT5 pi-ovo
o great vafue to our comuTy and favor it-
speed } ' completion.
rail-Am erica ii Relation * .
The Democratic party recognizes the im.
fXM'tance amr advantage c-f developing elo.jr
ties' of pan-American friendship and com
merce between the United States r.nd Lor
sistoi nations of Latin America and fn-
vors the taking of such steps , consistent
with Democratic policies , for bettor ar-
quaintance , greater mutTial confidence and
larger exchange of trade , as will bring hjst-
inc benefit not only to the Uniteif States
but to this group of American republic
having constitutions. lV rms of frovr-rnmeiit
ambitions and interests akin to our own.
Asiatic Iiiiiiiittrratioii.
We faror full protection , by both natlou-
al and state governments within their re
spective spheres , of all foreigners residing
in the United States under treaty , but we
are opposed to the admission of Asiatic
immigrants who cannot be amalgninauj
with our population , or whose pros.-nr-
among us would raise a race issue and h -
volve us in diplomatic controversies with
oriental powers.
Porciffii Patents.
We believe that where an American clii-
zen holding a patent in a foreign country
is compelled to manufacture undo.r his pat.
ent within a certain time , similar rostrie.
tions should bo applied in this counm io
the citizen or subjects of such a country.
The Democratic party stands for D < > ior
racy : the Republican has- drawn to itae'f
all "that is aristocratic and plutocratic.
The Democratic party is the ehan iun
of civil rights and opportunities to all : the
Republican party is the party of privile-t.
and private monopoly. The Democr- I ;
party listens to the voice of the whole p a-
ple and gauges progress by the prosperity
and advancement of the average ui n ; ih'
Itepublicau party is subservient to th < -
comparatively few who are tinbenotloiaji - -
of governmental fnvpritisn * . V.'o invite T'JC
co-operation of all. resrardle j of pn-viou. .
political alliliatjon or pa r differences. v.-i.
desire to preserve a government of fie j.eo-
plo. by the people , and for the people. jnj
who favor such an administration of trit
government asrlll insure , as far as hum.i.i
wisdom can. that each citizen shall dr. , , .
from society a reward commensurate witu "
his contributes to the welfare of sx ' '
General "Demand
of the Well-Informed of the " \Vorld hcu.
always been for a simple , pleasant and
efficient liquid laxative remedy of known
value ; a laxative which physicians could
sanction for family use because its com
ponent parts are known to them to be
wholesomt and truly beneficial in effect ,
acceptable to the system and gentle , yet
prompt , in action.
In supplying that demand -with its ex
cellent combination of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna , the California Fig Syrup
Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies
on the merits of the laxative for its remark
able success.
That is one of many reasons why
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given
the preference by the Well-Informed.
To get its beneficial effects always buy
the genuine manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. , only , and for sale
by all leading druggists. Price fifty cents
Two Uncoiuf ; > rjiMe.Red * .
An old mountain preacher used to
tell of a lawyer a friend of his. who
lived at the couutj1 scat of a mountain
county. Back in the hills somewhere
lived one of his clients , whom he had
occasionally entertained with the ready
hospitality of Kentucky. When he left ,
the client always invited the lawyer to
come to see him when in his neigh
borhood. ,
Business called the lawyer hack into
the hills one winter day. and late in
the afternoon he found himself in the
vicinity of his client. He decided to
accept the often-repeated invitation.
After inquiry , he found the shack
one of th poorest he had ever seen. As
there was no sign of bam or shed , hr
blanketed his horse and hitched him
in the lee of the house.
Uis warm welcome was genuine , but
supper was in accord with the sur
roundings. and at bedtime he was con
ducted to the loft , which he found
bare of beds , but well filled wtih part
ly dried cornstalks. lie was bidden to
make his bed on the fodder.
I3is overcoat furnislied inadequate
protection. After a short nap. he wak
ened , stiff with cold. He remembered'
the btg fireplace with the backlog , and
decided to go downstairs and start the
The coals brightened as he stirred !
them and added kindling. The sparks
and smoke began their ascent , when
the guest noticed a strange commotion
at the bivek of the fireplace. This
stopped when the oldest son of the fam
ily. covered with soot and ashes.
scrambled from the backlog , where ho
bad gone to sleep for the niglir.
TVoiildn't Tip7t. .
A Toronto man who visited England
Past summer appears to think tha
country the ct-ampion tip taker. Hf
says : "Well , P had tipped every max
from the swell- gent who seemed t
own the house of commons down t
Mie hireling who gummed the wroni
labels on my luggage , and I went int <
the waiting room on tlie landing stagi
at Liverpool to wash uiy hands of ev
Brytking English , and what do yor
think stared me ia the face when I
had finished ? A placard saying. Tleasi
tip tte basin. ' Fll be hangeci if 1
flidi ! "
Tintelcrnal K
"Clara , dear , " the j'oung man began ,
taking her little hand 11 his , "at last I
am in 2 position to tell you how fondly
Instantly she jumped to her fact and
slapped her hands wildly.
"I got the moth that time I" she said ,
? xnltingly. as she resumed her seat. "Go
ihead , Georse. " r'hicnco Tribune.
Nan Why are you saving all of .Tack's
letters ?
Fan Because he always adds as a post
script , 'Burn this ! ' "
Athlete Find * flutter Training : Food.
It was formerly the belief that to be
come s-trong , athletes must eat plenty
jf meat.
This is all out of date now , and many
trainers feed athletes on the well-
inowu , jood , Grape-Nuts , made of wheat
nud barley , and cut the meat down to
i smail portion , otice a day.
"Three years ago , " writes a Mich ,
man , having become interested in ath
letics , I found 1 would Lave to stop
matins pastry and some other kinds of :
" 1 got some Grape-Nuts and was soon
? atjag the food at every meal , for I
found that when I went on the track 1
felt more lively and active.
"Later , I began also to drink Postum
in place of coffee and the way I gained
muscle and strength on this diet was
certainly great. On the day of a field
ueet in June I weighed 124 Ibs. On the
jpening of the football season in Sept. ,
[ weighed 140. 1 attributed my fine
condition and good work to the discon
tinuation of improper food and coffee ,
and the using of Grape-Nuts and- Pos
tum. my principal diet during training-
season being Grapo-Ntits.
"Before I used Grape-Nuts I never
felt right in the morning always kind
? f 'out of sorts' with my stomach. But
now when 1 rise I feel good , and after
i Mvakfast largely of Grape-Nuts with
[ ream , and a cup of Postum. I feel like
i now man. " "There's a Reason. ' '
Nuni' ! rlvei by 1'ostum Co. , Battle
I'n "I ; . M' ! < : ItiMil "The Road to Well-
! ! > . " in p-cs.
Ever rcsd the above letter ? A
new one appears from time to time.
They are genuine , true , and full of
human interest.