Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 09, 1908, Image 5

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    5223 C
There is a great difference
in Sodas. Of course there
is. Just as there is a great
difference in peaches and
oranges , etc.
There is so much difference
between our soda and soda
you can get anywhere else ,
that once you have a taste
of ours , no other soda will
quite suit you. Get the taste.
Prices are what
we are talking
Our stock is complete.
VV. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath.ralentine , Nebr.
Surge , ] $
Tubular wells and windmills ,
me up by Telephone.
Handles the
Opposite Postoflie. Phone 71.
The l < oup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brosvnlee.Nebr ,
Soldier CreeV Col-
UlllDUb 17tll IGMTiO ,
a son of Columbus
17th , a half brother
of the $10.000Cham
pion Ortle , a n d
Prince Boibdeiui-
693 at head of herd.
I now have about 30 head of 1007 bull cahes
for sale.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Valentine -
All work will be given prompt
and careful attention.
All kinds of.
Shampooing a specialty. 3
HOT and COLD BATHS in connection
Forest Shepard , Prop.
Valentine State Bank Building
Talk of the Town ,
Try Kazda's barber shop , tf
Be sure to see Uncle Joshus
Hay Seed.
Junion normal picnic next Sat
urday at four ( ? ) .
Vernon Caton of Sturgis , S. D. ,
is visiting in our city.
Mrs. D. W. Collett went up to
Crookbton Tuesday.
The basketball team gave a pic
nic in honor of Miss Fox Wednes
E. Olson is suffering from pois
on ivy results of the 4th at the
Miss Ennis Boyer entertained a
number of hfer friends Monday
Henry W. Clapp of Simeon was
in town yesterday and called to
visit a few minutes.
Mrs. Margaret A. Keplinger of
Rushville is here visiting her son ,
the telegraph operator.
Miss Pearl Rash , who has been
attending normal , returned to her
home near Gordon Monday.
Mrs. Geo. Corbin , accompanied
by her two children went down to
Omaha Monday for treatment.
Charles Clarkson was passing
around the cigars Monday it's a
six-pound boy , Sunday night.
G. A. Chapman went to Sioux
City Monday to visit his mother
and attend to business matters.
Geo. K. Sawyer was in town
this week on business. He makes
a change in his brand adv. to S
bar S.
Mrs. R. L. McClure has been
quite sick the past three weeks
and at present is just able to be
Misses Edith Adamson and
Margare t Stetter returned Tues
day from a short visit in Crawford
and Chadron.
Capt. A. G. Shaw took part in
the 4th of July celebration at
Longpine , giving an exhibition
with the knives.
Eugene McKenna , Bernie Tink-
ham , Joe Knouvesky and James
Choladek were up from Woodlake
Tuesday on business.
Howard Elliott had a painful
accident the 4th , running a sharp
stick into his eye , but luckily no
serious results followed.
Miss Kittie Kelley and brother
Guy , accompanied by Miss Ger
trude Quigley , returned to Rose
bud Tuesday. Miss Helen Sparks
also went with them.
Mrs. U. G. Dunn and two chil
dren left Friday morning for a
visit with relatives and friends in
Silver Plume , Colo. She will be
in Denver also to attend the big
democratic national convention.
Master John Downey of Lin
coln arrived Friday for a few
weeks visit with H. C. Jennings
and Miss Lulu Kortz. During his
stay here he has been promised a
visit to the Baker ranch near Sin >
E.G.Blakely , formerly of Lead ,
S. D. , a brother of S. J. who is at
the Big Creek ranch , has accepted
a position in the Valentine barber
shop , Mr. Blakely is a first-class
barber and is a pleasant man to
A printer dropped into town
last week from the west and want
ed to work long enough to earn a
square meal. Said he quit a $20-
a-week job up in the hills because
he couldn't make anything at it ,
\Ye \ didn't employ him.
People tell us that they had a
big time on the 4th at Sparks.
They always do have a good time
down at Sparks. The races were
said to be good and the ball game
and small sports were good.
Sparks is a sociable neighborhood
and the people are interesting
enough to just go and talk to if
they didn't have anything go on.
They have good grounds for races
and sports and they enjoy a
"hoss" race and a bowery dance.
. *
You will regret it if you miss
seeing Joe Gamin.
Dr. Meeham , osteopath has" ,
moved into his new office rooms
over the. Red Front store. Tele
phone No. 155. 10
Frank Bray ton returned Sunday
night from his trip to Chicago and
visited relatives in Fond Du Lac.
"Wis. , while away.
Perry Sanderson and srn Geo.
W. , both of Madison , in this state
have located on homesteads five
miles south west of Crookston and
expect to move up here this fall or
winter. Mr. S called at our office
to get acquainted and he says 1 e
knows John Donovan.
A few of Valentine's patriotic
sons and daughters were obliged
to stay in town on the 4th , got up
a social dance at Chinch's hall in
the evening and rrport a good
time. Music was furnished b.y ,
willing pianists ar.d Messrs. Har
vey and Eads with c ! irionet and
Mrs. L. M. Bates and Miss
Louise Bates and Mrs. Len Biv-
ens have established a camp on the
banks of the Minnechaduza near
the Hunter home and expect to
spend the next three weeks living
the simple life in the open air and
in the meantime keep up a cheer
ful battle with the mosquitoes.
Elwood Heth brought in a fine
sample of bromus grass Monday
which he left at the First National
bank. It stood about three feet
high and was planted a year ago
the past spring. Mr. Heth has
three acres t.owu to this grass and
thinks it the best kind of grass
for sandy soil , standing the drouth
better than any other kind.
The two hundred art pictures
that were expected for the junior
normal are now on exhibition at
the court house and are certainly
a collection worth seeing. The
exhibition is open to visitors ev
ery afternoon. A small fee is
charged , the proceeds going to
ward buying pictures for the
school house , a cause that should
be encouraged.
Father Blaere returned Sunday
morning from Omaha where he
had attended the annual Retreat
of the priests of the Omaha die
cese. While there he visited the
St. Joseph hospital and reports
that Mrs. and Miss Kletecka , who
some time ago were operated upon
for gall stones in the first and ap
pendicitis in the latter case , are
getting along very well ,
Valentine was very quiet on the
4th and people would have thought
it was Sunday. A few people
went fishing , some boating and
others down to the grove where
they all spent a weary , lonesome
day. At Higgin's grove a big
celebration was on and the Arabia
band furnished the music both for
the day and the dance , but Valen
tine people couldn't all go there.
Some went to Crookston , some to
Sparks and others to Higgin's
grove , leaving our town lonesome
and desolate. Xextyear Valentine
will celebrate ami we'll call a
meeting the 1st or May to get
The Crookston celebration was
the biggest ever held there and
many people remarked that they
had never before seen so many
people in Crookston. The ground
was covered from Max Viertel's
store to the hotel and from the R. '
R. track to the hills on the north.
They had a program that was built
for all. Speaking , singing and
music by the brass band which
would do credit to a city. The
game of baseball between Crooks-
ton and Dry Creek resulted in a
score of IT to 7 respectively. The
foot races , potato race and girls'
races were all attractive and drew
a big crowd surrounding them.
The horse races were exciting and
inspiring. A number of Valentine
people were there and enjoyed the
day. A dance in the evening
amused the young folks. The j
mjinagement was good and people
will not hesitate to respond when
Crookston people again announce
a celebration.
Spring1 is hero and we- are well "We have a good stock of
supplied with farm implements for the
spring's work. At this time we wish Sulky Plows ,
10 call your attention to our
Listers and
Disk Harrows
They have three levers and three bear ble Row Listers
ing' boxes on eacli side. They will dig *
into the hardest ground without the Do not hesitate to put in lots of corn.
aid of weights. Later we will sell you a
The Double Throw Force Feed
Two Row Cultivator ,
Hoosier Endgate Seeders
are the best there is. so you can care for it easily. Call up
" on us for Moline Wagons , Velie Buggies =
"We also have riding attachments to litany
gies , Eclipse Windmills , McCormick
any Walking Lister or Walking- Plow ;
also have breaking bottoms to fit this Machinery , in fact for anything in the
attachment. f implement or Building Material lines.
Old Grow , All Leading
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Guchcn- Under the
lieimer Supervision
Eye of the
v\rhiskeys. U. S
"We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
r II
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked.1 15 $22 00
Shorts , sacked 1 25 24 00
Corn , sacked 1 50 20 00
Oats , sacked 1 GO , ° > L 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 55 30 00
Chop Feed , sacked 1 GO 3100
An eloping couple will be at the
opera house soon ,
Mrs. Cornell and children re
turned Monday from Omaha.
A. L. Johnson of Brunswick
was in town yesterday on business.
The Chicago glee club delighted
a large audience Tuesday evening.
Chas. Lafcta was in town in time
to see the bloomer boys play ball.
T. A Yearnshaw and Scot Alex
ander went out to the lakes fishing
ID is rumored that Roy -Caylor -
is about to quit our nine and go to
W. S. Barker returned last Fri
day from his old home at Tekam-
ah where he spent a few days vis
iting , also stopping in Omaha
while away.
Miss Uollie Crowe of Merrimau
and K. K. Jonhson of Lincoln
were married at Mcrriman by
Chancellor lluntington Friday ,
June 26.
Our ball boys and som of their
friends went to Newport to play
ball on the 4th , won the game and
brought home a § ot > purse. The
score stood 6 to 5.
A meeting of the citizens of
Valentine lias been called to meet
Friday evening to discuss the ad
visability of voting bond- : for im
proving the waterworks system
for our city , replacing the water
tank , which is now nearly rotted
down , with a reservoir on the hill
north of the Minnecnaduxi and
making such changes in mains and
a dam lower down the creek to be
owned by the city for water power.
JLJL ( 1g 1
Valentine Nebraska g
, , C *
Does not cater to the trade of men only , N
but also to the ladies and children. K
McCall Pattern s
are stylish , therefore in great demand. We 1
have a complete line. Come in aid : see our
Shirt Waists , Summer Underwear , Hosiery and
Straw Mat's.
t > ' ; ' ' g'l' * ' ' yr > " "V P 'iyv ' "
it Fi.ireis Mis-
sioii , llObfbtid ,
S. D.
O-Utle branded
us in cut : lioi > e- >
thh-l'i. ' ILumeVo-
t \\een Spnn r f"k
i Mid 1 jttlt ; White
, Xeb.
Cattle branded ns
in cut on lelt
Also branded
on left hip.
Itiiti" ! ' ( ju No : th
miles \\t-st of
Straeon N <
Notice for Application of Liquor
Notice is herein" given that on the 2nd day
of July. 1 ! > OS. A. B. Overman tiled his petition
in the ollice ot the County Clerk ot Cherry
county. Nebraska. i rains that he be grant
ed license to sell malt."spirituous and \inous
liquors for the period ot one year , comment
mtj August : ! isoh. and ending August : : HX ) . ) .
said business to be conducted at Crook-ton
in Crookston precinct. Cherry county. Ne-
fcraslhi'tnat the Board ot Co'unty Co'mmis-
si-mers will be a ked to hear said pitmen
and grant license thtrein pr.ued tor cm trc
- " . tb day ot , Tnlv IMS.
LUted this 2nd daj of Ju1 } ' lf'08.
Contest Notice ,
L" . S. Lard Oflic , Va'eutinNebraska , 1
June 2. ; ,
A suilii'itnt coiiti'st iilid.ivi ! ii.iv ing been liled
in this office by I 'an Tli.iy-r. contest-tut , againsc
mi'l e trv * .o. 17-fll. made August b. 1205
i'i. si ctou 31 , S jNWi4. ap.l S\\'H ,
. ' , ' ' , township r . range ' ' , " ioj Kuppri.
tfo , PI v hii-n it is "alleged ti-.t !
s ii.1 KoUnrerc ba \\holly : iL > aiione'l !
suid hind and ( hanged h'.s njaidenc * * thre
from for mote than siv iii"titlis last past , thai
the laud is not settled noon nor cultivated in
g ) t.d fa tli , and has not c > tit > iibir ! < l
residonea thereon and f.iileu to cure his
laches up to tnis date
Aid s u ! a'.ietv 1 , ibsen" w is not dm to his
enipu ! > mciit in the army. nay or marine corps
of the L'tiited Mates as a pru.ite soldier , ofllcer
biMiiuin or marine during the \\.ir with Sitain
or during any othtrar mhich ihs UuitetL
Stan's m.iy lie tnir.ig 'd.
i-aid iartiiaie hereby notiiie t to appear and
sjioiitl oii.ioil > Mi udfiiee toccni'ig still aliega-
tion at 10 oMojk .1. m. on Augasr j ; . UMH. ar
fore the register and rccmcr ( it the United
1 States Land \ Jlwe.alentibe. . Nebraska.
| The said font * h.iving , in ; . proj > er ali- !
dsiur , iilcd . .Ine - ' . ' . . 100- ? . set lorth Lifts \vhn-h
I after t'.iuUiim in-e pensoiial service
S of this notice c.innor be m ultit is hereby
j oidered ami dircutc l that s.icli notice bo gi\eu
by due and proper publication. .
K i5 I K. OLSON .Receiver. /
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land O.Uee. Va'entine. Nebraska , I
July L' , VMS , f
A sunk-friil contest allkLuit having been tild
in this ollice ly ( JcorpV. . \Vajt. contest
ant. a Hin-t llo'ii'i'e.iil firry No. rUKi.m.tde
o -ptember 10. 1D-.U , lor SKMI , s-ectiou : ? j : SN W
bv Catherine ( ) " . - > Ii.-a. co'iin-slTC. in \\iiieh ° ir is
< iSlewed that saia rationiif fi'She.i has wholly
at > an < ! oit'd : ; ri Ia.tid nndclunuod her residence
therefrom for more > months Ust p < i > t ; th1 sud land i- , not settk-i upua nuruiilti-
v ated 111 pt.iu f itn. and 1 um mt ha > > note-st ib-
hbhfd n-.ide.n c ii.-reon anu ii.t ; f-iil t to : tm ;
herlaehos up to tiu ! > d.Ue and s.t -tilled l .ih-
seiice fron : the haul \ \ i& not due to her employ
ment in the aiiny , navy , or iiuiniu'irp < ot the
Uuittd btatw- > a. i/uv te oldier , otactT. > ea-
mun or ni.irme d'lim the 'spam or
tlunn a > iy oilier war in which the United
SrafCi rs.ij I'e ( iJiiagi'd ; said s.artif > s are h-r " v
notified to : ip | > crr. respoitu anJ oslur evi f-u.-e
touching s tui ailf ition ut 10 o'clock a. i-.t. on
August 'i J'Ji j. t > et .ie the it-K'btw and rc-
ei-uer at the United b'-ites Li d O.Uce ia
Valentine. Nebraska
The < aiu c-'u t tant havm ' 11 a propar alfl-
d.ivit fitt'U .jiilj i. llXk , s" oitli l.ictavhicli
show tlmr Jift rdu ? dilmen prsonil bericu
of this notice can not ' ) c mi n ib hereby order
1 oil and directed thnt such HO. e be given"by due
and proper publication.
23 4 .Receiver.