Old O. All Leading Hermitage Brands and . I - Bottled Ghichen- Under the heimer Supervision Rye of the Whiskeys. U S. G-ov. We also handle the Budweiser Beer. THEWe JOHN G.-STETTER , Propr , Sunrise - Salute by 40 guns. * Song Crookston Choir. X i Music Fairview Band. Music By the Band. Prayer Bev. Maffill. Eecitation Olive Overman. Beading Declaration of Indepen- Kecitation Sylvia Allard. ence - Hilda Green. Music Crookston Choir. Address - By an Able Speaker. Ball Game , reasonable purse. DINNER Music by the band. 81.00 and $1.50. 25 yard boys' foot race ( under 10 years 100 yard men's foot race , purse § 1.00 of age ) , purse 50c and § 1.00. and $1.50. i 50 yard boys' foot race ( under 16 years 100 yard fat men's race , purse $1.00 and of age ) , purse § 1.00 and § 1.50. $1.50. " 25 yard girls' foot race ( under 10 years Pony race , good purse for first and second of age ) , purse 50c and § 1.00. end winners' . N 40 yard girls' foot race ( under 16 years Saddle horse race , good purse for first of age ) , purse § 1.00 and § 1.50. and second winners. Boys' potato race ( under 12 years of Slow horse race , good purse for first and age ) , purse 50c and § 1.00. second winners. 50 yard sack race ( free for all ) , .purse Ball game , reasonable purse. § 1.00 and § 1.50. Display of fireworks in the evening. 50 yard young ladies' foot race , purse Dance. By o Pay Ye the Printer , Some of our townspeople who ex pected the editors to come to town with a basket of eggs on their arms , a firkin of butter and A pocket full of rocks to blow in were disappoint ed. The direct results are expected too often by some grasping money changers of Valentine. These same people are foremost in their requests for the home news papers to boom the town to get someone here to spend money with them. They will contribute to any thing but a newspaper to get a crowd here and refuse to dig up to them because they expect newspa pers to do this work for nothing because its their business to boom the town for crowds to spend mon ey with such grasping creatures as complain at any return favor to the newspapers. If you come or go j you want the newspaper to notice' ! it whether yon ever pay anything ; or not. If you \vtiut a Fourth of' July c.elebration von want the uewHpapc-r to boom [ it and tben contribute as much c < tah as any. : ' businessman beside. If you want races or a carnival you expect the newspaper to bring the crowd for you to make money from but how many dimes do you pay the news papers for their work ? If any crowd of people comes to town for whatever purpose the money changers who are here for the almighty dollar and a selfish interest only are ever ready with their grappling hooks to take them in but they never think of owing the newspapers anything for what they have done to bring the people to town or to tell about our many advantages. All this is expected free because that's .1 nawspp-per's business. Do you luke the paper brother ? Do you pay anything for this newspaper service ? Do .you want something for nothing or are you willing to divide fair with jthe newspaper man and give a little cash for what you get instead ! of trying to exploit him as a part of your < rmie ; ? There are some few people in Valonti.io who con tribute ) liuKi or nothing to newf- papers yet they " expect to exploit i the crowds brought to town that others have paid for and harvest where they have not sown. They were not responsible for the crowds being here but they seek treasure or tribute from them as a pirate prays upon ships at their mercy , the difference being not in the principle but in the manner of demand and the transaction , and being in no way responsible feel no interest in or sympathy for tbe people if they fare not well. Is your conscience clear ? Pat Peipar Simeon Nebr. WANTED Farm or Business for sale. Not particular about location. Wish to hoar from owner onlr who will Boll direct to buyer. Qlvo price , description * nd state when possession can bo had. Address , L DARBYSH1RI , B K99 Roelmtcr , R. T. COMMISSIONERS'- PROCEEDINGS Valentine , Xeb. , June 0 , 1908. Board of county commissioners of Cherry county , Neb. , met as a board of equalization and adjourn ed from day to day until June 13 , whereupon they adjourned until June 29 , 190S , all members , viz : Gf. E. Jlussell , chairman , A. E. Morris and Jauies Mono , being present during the entire session. Valentine , Juno 15 , 1908. Board of county commissioners met in regular session. Present : G. E. Russell , chm. , and A. E. Morris. Board spent the day in consider ing the.bids on file as called for on the steam heating plant pro posed to be installed in the court house and rejected all bids. Adjourned to June 16. June 16 , 1908. Board'met as per adjournment. Present : Russell and Morris. The following claims were al lowed on the General fund : J ir Quig'ey fees Hendrix case § 10 10 Jus Mono comr fees IS SO A. Lews : ittend ice pauper 5 00 L'iiu ; ! Lively livery coni'rs 1 50 U L In/nan constable tees 2 & KF Oilman H-Jtlic April 7 45 J T KcvU-y Milbeuqr IOC 00 L'lJJis T Maxwell justice lees 10 50 A F liumlul draymg 1 SO C A Kosseter sal and lees 41355 U G Welker justice fees 940 J T Keelev recording bonds 2 25 State Journal Co supplies 30 15 Kiop'p & llartlejt Co do 511 17 J A Uornbaek board pauper 1 50 C It KinKead constable fees y so S Q Spain sepeclal dep sheriff 8 50 Mrs A Newborry rent pauper 25 00 W M Anderson livery 1050 Red Front Merc Co supplies 74 75 J M Tucker sal April and May 110 06 K liobinsou do 90 00 ( jo Elliott Biipplies 53 26 S F Gilnian light MayA G 50 Insanity case A Lewis 5 00 AN ( Jomptou 8 00 EDClailr G 00 J T Keeley 9 75 W D Armstrong 2 10 M Dai ley 2 10 Chas Sherman 2 10 Witness fees F Lansing 1 70 O Lansing * G Heth 1 50 II Ileth 1 53 F Eiggins 2 00 Gee Elliott 1 10 F A Cumbow l 10 C E Kalya 3 70 F F Kalya 3 so p Ault 3 50 IIH Sterling 3 5 $ Mrs Sterling 3 50 Emma V Kayla 3 70 Echo lialya 3 70 Ethel Kalya 3 70 Gee Christopher 3 70 Katie Maule 3 70 Clara Maule 3 70 W B Haley 13 50 F A Cumbow 13 50 The following claims were al- lowed on the Road fund : J Wolf 15 00 E Wolf 3 00 W E Foster 12 00 Win Foster 15 50 Margrave & Duerfeldt lumber 4 60 Jno Bush 10 00 JP .Ninas 8 15 J T Xeeley So n E Wells 2 00 M Boltz 30 CO A Koralewjki :5 : 00 Jos Lorenz 3 00 1 StascU 3 00 J Fincher 3 00 A Forejfc 3 00 K J Morgan 1 53 J Stasjli 3 00 B Stasch 3 00 A Schaefer 7 50 W Morgan 3 00 A Stasch 4V50 3 00 Anton Schaefer 3 CO JosNjllett ( CO M Koralewsivi C 00 JFo > cjt 3 0 < ) F FIuBSiier . " 00 A Iv Kuskie 14 00 C Kuskie l 50 H jiuskiti 9 75 WStillwell 3J 75 Jos Osloru 75 P F Simons 3 00 Jno Uelmbolt 3 00 Refund of $2 ordered made to J. A. Rose of Cody village , he having paid poll tax in said "Cody village for the year 1907 and was exempt from said tax on account of his age. , The following official bonds were approved : J. B. Hoover , justice of the peace , Elsmere precinct ; L. H. Martin , constable , Elsmere precinct. Board adjourned to June 17. June 17 , 1908. Board met as per adjournment. Present : Russell and Morris. The following claims were al- lowed on the General fund : G-iO H Hornby registrar fees 6f in * > P H Young expense & assessors meeting 31 GO C F Kirkr.iau sheriff's fees 4 10 J M Tucker exp G 10 Perkins Bros supplies iiO 60 Hammond Printing Co supplies 03 85 Lulu Kortz sal and exp 237 OU A L. Mot' i * com 'r fci 8 * 27 90 CiE Hussell do 45 25 Deputy Assessor fees M Hone 93 15 W D Rieketts 90 73 A Burr 135 70 C W Cramer 75 50 It F Osborn 13 15 W I Wray 51 50 AScliae/er GO 70 IXm IJarues 135 70 J M Uehling 121 25 C W Hudson 105 50 WII Kennedy 42 40 II T Tail 72 25 IRIJohnson 111 73 G WUrnnett 105 30 W E H.ey ! 17. 35 J W Groves 93 75 E L Heth 45 5J E D Spencer 33 30 Wm Ueelan 05 25 E B Quible 121 00 TF Kelly 61 70 The following claim was allow ed on the Bridge fund : Chas Shcrtr.ai : psi.nimg&rjpair.ng 45195 The i'o'lowing claim was rcjecl- eJ : W K Haley a- - > i-tLig Co Assessor 9 t'O ' The following amounts were held out and to be applied on de linquent personal taxes from the claims allowed at this.session : C W BenMtffiKJ 1&V39 * T FJKely ! Si 7' ) W B Haley 53 00 W M Anderson 10 s > ' FF Kalya 350 The commissioners appropri ated § 100 ror institute purposes for the year 190S and ordered a warrant drawn for said amount , payable to the county superin tendent. The county treasurer is author ized and instructed to transfer $1500 from the bridge fund to the road fund. Application of C. A. Rosseter and Robert P. Hoxsey for the va cation of the alley running1 between the North half of lots 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 of block 8 and lot 6 of block S accepted. and L. W. Lay- port , J. T. Keeley and W. S. Jackson were appointed as the three disinterested house owners of Valentine village to view the said alley and report upon the ex pediency making said vacation , said report to be filed with the county clerk for action at the next regular session of the commission ers. Application of J. P , Ninas and Etta Pettycrew , owners of lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 and 7 of block 6 , origi nal village of Valantine , for the vacation of the alley renning be tween said lots , accepted , and J. T. Keeley , L. N. Lay port and TV. S. Jackson were appointed as the three disinterested house owners of said village to view said alley and report at the next regular meeting of the board upon the ex pediency of said vacation being made. Adjourned to June 30. G. E. RUSSELL , Chm. A. E. MORRIS. Attest : J. T. KEELEY , Co. Clk. Weather Data. The following data , covering" a per iod of 19 years , have been complied from the Weather Bureau records at Valentine , Nebr. They are issued to show the conditions that have pre vailed , during- the month in question , for the above period of years , but must not be construed as a forecast of the weather conditions for the coming mcnth. June. TEMPERATURE. Mean or normal 67 ° The warmest month was that of 1900 with an average of 71 ° The coldest month was that of 1895 with an average of 63 ° The highest was 102 ° on 30,1900 The lowest was 32 ° on 21 , 1902 PRECIPITATION. Average ± or month 3 81 inches. Average number of days with .01 of an inch or more 11 The greatest monthly precipitation was 8 18 inches in 1905. The least monthly precipitation was 1.24 inches in 1900. The greatest amount of precipita tion recorded in any 24 consecutive hours v/as 2 96 inches on 29-27. 1891. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 24 consecutive hours ( record extending to winter of 1884-85 only ) was inches on 1 CLOUDS AMD WEATHER Average number of clear , days , 11 partly cloudy , 12 ; cloud- , . WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the S. The average hourly velocity of the wind is 11 miles. The highest velocity of the wind was 66 miles from the S W on 27,1906. j. j. MCLEAN , Obseryer Weather Bureau. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. In the District Coart of Cherry County , Ke braska Sophia Calame ) vs } NOTICE : Charles Calame 1 To Charles Calame , ron. resident defendant : You are hereby notified that on the 25th dav of May , 1903 , Sophia Calame filed a petit ion against you in the district court of Cher ry count } ' . Nebraska , the object and praver of which are to obtain a divorce from you"on the ground that vou have wilfully abandoned plaintiff , without good cause , for the term of two years last past. You are required to answer said petition on or before Mondav. " the 13th day of July , 1903. SOPIIIA CALAME. 20 4 Plaintiff , JOHN KILLS PLENTY 6t Frarcis Mis- sinn , Hosebud. S. D. Oattle branded as 111 cut ; horses same o n left thijih. Kange hc- Uveen Spring "k and Little White river. Foi * Sale or Trade. Registered hereford bull. V. L. Martin , Brownlee. Koan Brothers ! ! IJanpe on Loner Lake aud Crook ed Lake. Metzger Bros. , Rolfe Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horsps have same brand on eft thigh. Ilange on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 will be raid to any Person for iMonnatlPii leading to the arrest and final conviction ol any person or persons stealing cattle with above brand. Jos. Bristol Valentine , Nebr. Range on Nlo- brara river four miles east of Ft. Niobrara. Horses and cattle branded jrtB connected on left hip or side aa shown in cut J. A. TARTAN Pullman , Nebr 11 Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my range. D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Sawyer Bros. Postofflce address Oaals. Nebr G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cat tle. Horses D S on left shoulder. Some left side HorspE * ! es same eft thigh. Range on Snake river Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Bichards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following V ' Sfc SSffttS brands : < f in &h = w * t ; gS9'S ' Horses 1 randed tht same Range between Gordon on the FE. &M. V.B. K. ard 3yannis on M. R. R. In Northwestern Nebraska. BABTI.BTT RIOHAKDB. P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on lefc side Some Q.yon left Bide. - on left Jaw of Range on GordOH Creek north of Simeon , Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on rtehtside Some cattle also have a - \ - on neck Some with A. on left shoulder and some branded with two bars across hind qnar- - . . _ _ Itera. Soma Texas cattle branded Si O on left.side and some on left side. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some' came branded AW bar connected on both sides and Inft hio of homes. N. S. .Rowley f Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left , side and hip , and ou left l shoulder of hor- bC3. A1SOI M3 | OH left Bide and hip. S ? -f on left side. Some cat tle brand ed hiisk-SSSSHIS'ng ' peg ( either side up ) on left side or hirp on left Jaw and left shoulder of horses , uj ujQ on left hip of horses. f\j on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJBE JJ on right nip. Range on Oak-and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection - - - - - - - - - = - * - - * rTt i - ---n1 iJ of rustlers of stock bearings'.ny of these brands. R M Faddis & Co. Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. f 7 % Some 1 _ - branded on left thigh. Horses bmnded , on if ft jshoiilder lor thigh. Some Some branded on ri hc thigh on left or shoulder shoulder or thigh