Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 25, 1908, Image 4

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    I. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor.
MARK ZAKK Foreman.
Entered at the postofiice at Valentino , Cherry count } ' , Nebr. . as Second
Class Matter.
SnlwrintionsJ J § LO ° Pcr .year in advance ;
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unei ry co. subscriptions. ( § L50 when not pad } in advance.
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Foreign Subscriptions j ; t cxpiration if not renewed.
\A 4-- n ± \ l " > c P ° r inc' ' ' eac 1 isuft ; ; k.V contract 12 c.
Advertising Kates ( Transient av ! o0c ppr inch ; iocais ioca line.
Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents
per inch , net.
Local notices , obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue
5 cents per line each insertion.
THURSDAY , JUNE 25 , 1008.
Sherman Ever Ready to
Knock Omaha.
Speaking today Congressman
Sherman of Xew York , who has
been nominated for vice president
on the republican ticket , Congress
man Hitchcock said :
"I know Mr. Sherman very
well. 1 might at one time have
said that I knew him to my sorrow
row , because when I first went to
congress four years ago I had a
hard struggle with him over the
appropriation for the Indian ware
house at Omaha. I won the fight ,
however , and we afterwards be
came better friends.
"He has been for many years
chairman of the comrrittee on
Indian affairs in the house of rep
resentatives. His committee re
ports * each year a bill carrying
several million dollars in Indian
appropriations. One of the items
which Congressman Mercer got
into the bill for several years was
an appropriation of § 10,000 for
the maintenance of a warehouse
for Indian supplies at Omaha.
"When I succeeded Mercer
Chairman Sherman determined to
punish Omaha for sending a demo
cratic congressman by dropping
the Omaha appropriation out of
the bill. He had an Indian ware
house in New York that he was
interested in maintaining because
he controlled the patronage.
Congressman Mann of Illinois was
interested in the Chicago ware
house and they wanted to squeeze
Omaha out. This would helpe d
both Chicago and New York , as
considerable Indian supplies are
purchased in Omaha.
l'I had to make the fight on the
floor of the house to get an amend
ment restoring Omaha , and I had
the help even of a majority of Mr-
Sherman's committee. I won by
, a combination. All the democrats
supported the amendment , and
enough western republicans to
make a majority.
"Mr. Sherman tried once after
that to knock Omaha out of the
bill in the senate , but we beat him
there , also. Then he gave it up.
"He did , however , in the rec
ent session of congress , defeat
Sentor fiurketl's amendment to
build an Indian warehouse at
Omaha. " World-Herald.
* -
All kinds of j
to f\ \
Shampooing a specialty.
HOT and COLD BATHS in connection
t Forest Shepard , Prop.
Valentine State Bank Building
It is time to begin talking
about a county attorney for
Cherry county. Who are
we going to support for the
place ? and what do we want
a county attorney to do ?
The democrats have no
one to run for the place and
the republicans , almost in
variably , seem to care very
little who they run. But
the republican taxpayers , as
well as the democrats , want
SOME ONE for county at
This office can use another
printer. J I'any of the fraternity
know where we can secure one
the information will be greatly
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held as follows ;
In Crookston , Sunday , June 28 ,
at the usual hour.
In Valentine July 5th ; high
mass and sermon at 10 a. m. In
struction for the children at 3 p.
in Arabia July Sth.
LEO M. BLA.EUS , Rjcinr ,
n 1
10 : ra > treet Para *
10:30 : a. m.
1:00 :
2:30 :
3 :
Plorse race ( free for all ) ! mile dash.
Pony race (14-/ hands and under ) mile dash.
Saddle horse race , imile. .
Foot race ( free for all ) 1GO yards.
Boys' foot race (12 ( years and under ) .
Boys' foot race (6 ( years and under ) .
Einining broad jump.
IS1 of Fireworks at ' m.
I Check Lines.
James Marley , a prosperous
farmer up the Minnechaduza ,
came in horseback yesterday and
took back a pair of check lines
I with him. It is the most essential
part of the harness. Not to get
i the work done , for , in the early
| days people had oxen and drove
I without lines , but as a matter of
j safety to secure the proper use of
your horses. We have seen lines
that were not strong enough to
avoid an accident from a brisk
stepping colt that was self willed
or headstrong , as we used to say.
This calls our mind to the teach
ing profession and we would say
that a pair of good , strong lines is
necessary for the sell'-willed or
headstrong boys who are growing
up in our schools. They need
training and first of all is the need
of check lines.
The boys and girls will learn if
taught by any method ever ad
vanced , but a horse must be train
ed to go where you want him to
go , and in the direction of finan
cial or profitable fields as the driv-
directs , supposing , of course , that
personal safety is always to be
considered. So children should
be taught to respect the rights of
others and to be obedient to the
laws of government.
The check lines so essential to
the proper control of horses should
not be overlooked by farmers who
contemplate driving a young team
this summer , and when you em
ploy a teacher for your children's
training don't complain if the
teacher uses a pair of tried and
true check lines , for school gov
ernment should be considered as a
prominent part in a teacher's
work to make respectful and de
sirable citizens.
Niobrara Falls.
School meeting next Monday
John Adamson and family went
over to visit his brother Dan last
They report a fine time at the
school picnis and dance.
Kichard Grooms moved his
house last week to higher ground
which will make quite an improve
"Wm. Ballard and family moved
out to their home in thefiats last
Misses Maggie Stetter and Edith
Adamson are visiting the latter's
parents and friends this week.
M. F. Clynes went to Valentine
H. C. Crosby's father is here
visiting his son and family. Mrs.
Crosby and Jim will accompany
him home for a visit.
S , J. Blakely was on the river a
few clays ago. Their baby has
not entirely recovered from its
serious illness.
Joe Kennicott and wife returned
from Chas. Williams' where they
had been visiting.
Baseball Scores.
Crawford's baseball team came
down Tuesday and played with
Valentine on the home diamond.
The score was reported 11 to i in
favor of Valentine. The Craw
ford boys have a good ball team
and play good ball but Valentine
was better. Another game will
be played today with them and
we will probably beat them again.
They went down to Ainsworth
yesterday to play and were beaten
) toS.
There was little speculation as
: o the result between Crawford |
md Valentine Tuesday and many |
tvho had hollered for Valentine in
fain so many time this season felt
sure the usual defeat would be
) urs and put up ice cream , soda
jvater , a few nicklcs or a chicken
m the Crawford team. They
'ouncl ready takers and before the
jame * was far along were hunting
or Crawford money , but no one
ras willing to go very strong on s
Crawford. Today the game will c
> robably be closer.
I ;
C. B. BACHELOR , Propr. f
Fresh Salt and Cured Meats , Fish , Oysters ,
Vegetables , Pickles , Lard. We buy poultry ,
butter and eggs and all kinds of live stock. 5
Call or Phone 88.
Valentine Nebraska
\Yill interest you. We have them in
many styles and patterns at different
prices. Come and see them. Don't
you want a Sewing Machine ?
New Home , New Royal and other Good Makes ,
Prices that you are willing : to pay for
a good machine. Call and see them.
* " * ! fi { & 8 1 AT E1 B jff k v > fTn k
* * a * * * I * Miy 1 IM B B
ic opinion is unerring , public confidence seldom -
dom misplaced. The true worth of every business
concern to the community in which it operates is
fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power of ev
ery commercial institution may be determined by
the amount of patronage it receives. The people
have unmistakably proclaimed their confidence in
and its methods , by bestowing upon it a far greater
patronage than that accorded any other place in
Valentine , Wfiere the major portion of the fair ,
the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liquor
and Beer , must be a good place for You , the in
dividual , to trade. Visit The Stock Exchange when
you need anything in our line.
The Nebraska Military Academy , Lincoln
A high grade Military Boarding School for boys. Ideal location out
side the city , yet close enough to derive all city benefits. Large ,
well-equipped buildings ; forty acres o campus , drill , parade and athletic -
letic grouiicls. Strong faculty ; the best academic , military , business
and industril training. Preparation for college , university or busi
ness. A clean and inspiring school home. Careful attention given
to health , habits and home life of boys. Special department for boys
under 12 years of age. School opens September 16 , 1908. For in
formation address B. IX HAYWAKD , Supt. , box 153 , Lincoln , Nebr ,
aaSSSSKg ig fe-m ? ? S fSFWyriSS frf f rrKrr xT
f sW &S i S w 9 8 % m
The Delicio
TRIUMPH in purity , a
triumph fa quality , a
triumph in flavor.
If you are looking for these
three characteristics in yojx beer
you must order
* .
It possesses all of them to a
marked degree. We gvaran. tec
it to be the equal of anybscr
brewed in America. 7
R. Mc'GEER. Dealer.
\ alcntine - Nebraska
Sheriff Rosseter brought in "Wil-
on from Merriman last Saturday ,
harged with cattle stealing. He
> out on bond.
Prof. TVaterhous and family
are in the city and have taken up
their abode at Mrs. "Ward's , to re
main during normal.