Eletorical Society [ J i VOLUME xxm VALENTINE. NEBPxASKA. THURSDAY , JUNE 25. 1908. NUMBER 0 EPT. el * Black $2.60 ; Galvanized $2:75 per spool. $4.50 , 38.00 and $12.00. < awn nose 12 l = 2c to ISc per' foot. - Gasoline Stoves $2.50 to $30.00 each. The largest line of Rugs and Carpets ever shown in Valentine. ' 'Quicker Yet5' Washing Machine will wash clothes in less time and run with less labor than any other machine on the market. 'out ere , . r We have the finest line of Men's Hats , . all styles and colors , in the city. Prices from 81-00 to $3.50. j PHONE 97 , r nu We B 8 y 8J H CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of "wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Eesidence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , OXE 72 Nebraska Eefcrenccs : My Many Customers. ROBERT McQEER , Propr. P Fine Wines and sw , Liquors Cigars w Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 27 year/oid & and Jas , E , Pepper. O , F , C , Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond vJ and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's ' Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , fl 'ft Valentine Nebraska fa e ouHin. Under this column Tun VALKSTINJ : DK : . : > - fiit.vr has roiiM-nti'il to publish from time to tim > such topics and editorial matter asvill be furnished from the headquarters of the Uryan Volunteers of Nebraska. The Volun teers are in the Held to make a clean and honest ti ht for Mr. Bryan and the principles which he so ablv represents. Wecherish the fond hope that the coining contest will de velop into a campaign of education in the truest and noblest sense of that term. Vi tuperation and abuse will lind no place in this column. It is our intention to so temper the argument that it will appeal to the earn est , thoughtful and inquiring mind , with the view to have the reader investigate the various claims of the respecth e presidential candidates , and then snppor1 that candidate who commends himself niox. to the honest judgment and conscience . ! ' the voter. We invite correspondence with the readers of this paper. He free to write us at any time , giving such suggestions , criticisms or "advice as may occur to you. Plea'se address all cor : .lunications to the undersigned. undersigned.C. . " ' . . . C. M. GRun\'nui. .Secretary. HoC3S. . Cohruibus. Nebraska. The Republican Conven tion. It has passed into history , and what did it do ? It nominated Tart , a man of high -personal character , but wholly unfit to carry out the Roosevelt policies , for the very good reason that he has never shown-the least sympathy for or with those policies , and for the further reason that lie lives and moves in politics with thcs3 great interests which have at all times thrown stumbling blocks in the way o.f every reform attempted by .President Roosevelt. The convention nominat ed for vice-president Con gressman Sherman of Xew York. For many years lie has been the ideal advocate of special interests in con gress , a trust magnate' and a big banker. He has stood like a stone wall in the path of every reform advocated by President Roosevelt , act ing the part of right bower to the notorious Joe Can non in all efforts of that rafty corporation lien ch in en to discredit the presi dent and to defeat his plans for reform in national af fairs. And what about the plat form adopted by the nation al republican convention ? Did the convention put the seal of approval on any o the reforms urged by President Roosevelt ? By the overwhelming A ote of 866 to 114 a plank favor- ng the election of United States senators by the di rect vote of the people was defeated. President Roosevelt asked f : hc convention to declare in c : aver of a law to secure pub licity of campaign contri butions , and yet the con vention spat in the face of he president , and repudi- ited that plank by a vote of 830 to 94. Senator La Follette want- , d a plank in favor of the physical valuation of rail- : oads for taxation and rate- naking purposes , but the Wall street influence choked that good plank to death by the enormous majority of 917 to 63. And what did the conven tion do with the all-import ant question of guarantee of bank deposits ? Again the grip of the great fiinanj cial interests was clearly g shown. So intenae was the ' j We have just received another assortment of new nifty styles in Everyone of them is a stylish and up to date number. If you have never worn a Tiger Plat you have missed something in the wear , fit and quality which only belongs to the Tiger brand. These hats retail for $3.00 each , witli a quality guarantee back \ of every one of them. See our window display of new styles. opposition of those financial interests to the popular de mand of the people for a law to make all banks safe , that not one word on that important subject was spok en by any delegate in that great convention , and not one line of the platform touches that great and much-needed reform. Looking at the nominees of the convention , and look ing at the platform adopted , o friend of Pros. Roosevelt velt can find one ray of hope for carrying out of Roosevelt velt policies by such candi dates , standing upon such a platform. Young men and women who want to got ten dollars worth of inspiration and e n courage men t for one cant should send a postal card for the catalogue of the Grand Island Business & Normal College of Grand Island , Nebraska. This school has one thousand students each year and we understand a number are going from this coun ty. Pupils are not required to pay expenses in advance , but may O through the college and pay for same out of their salary after they graduate and have been plac- el in positions. Philip S. McLean , son of our local weather bureau observer , has just graduated in law and re ceived an oif'er as assistant in a paterft law fir.Ti in New York. This will prevent his coming to spend the summer with his many friends and acquaintances in our city. Crookston to Celebrate. Crookston will celebrate the Fourth of July this year. Watch for programs next"week. For Sale. I have some good milch cows for sale. C. i ) QueryArabia Neb. U'2 1 Parties are hereby notified not to camp on or graze their stock on section 1-i and Ei of sec. 15. tp. 33 , r. 28. ELWOOD D. HETII.20f . S. Weaker Kns'Tjtii ISeport 23. Daily mean temperature G9 ° . Normal 68 ° . Highest 9-1 ° ; lowest 51 ° . Precipitation O.S3 of an inch. Total precipitation from March 1st ( the , crop season ) to date was 3.67 inches and the average for same period for twenty is 9. 78 in. f i N tnrn iri ill ill I L Wc sel ] farming implements as well as other merchandise at reasonable prices. Call and try us. . CROOKSTON , pi a /I * V X tm a on I' * * * > * * ? * v * NEBRASKA. MAX t. VIERTbL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. ChartarPcL as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank Juna 1 , 1834. .uguct 12 , 1002 , , . . . . _ . * i % - rjfr * * ar % * * * fc * t & t + r * # i * vmk * * fel M Wl' &B Ifi " "iKMn " & Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID us- A Gcnoral Banking Exchange and Collection business. G. 31. COENELL , President. . ,7. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NinsoLRON. Cashier. 5rl x"V \ TK T 7T f } 1 X" ? ' "IT ITf k. 7 T " 3 "S t ; T 7" | CONFECTIONER/ Tobaccos and Cigars. P Canned Goods r J ? Lunch Counter. R % Phone % 1 3& ' tt3SZ&3xZ 2SZS&&X'xZ&5 , 3Z. JJitX , , _ _ iffl'lfi | t-n 'i-tn--fj > ri * l ! , K'.i ' ' ; ' . .C fESyVIh Stetter X im % § $ Will buy your Cuttle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell. , K , U House painting ir-ide : and out. Furniture Re pairing and Varnishing of all kinds promptly done. Phone 83. Shop in west part of town. Valentine Nebraska For Good Printing TTTTTITT CALL TheDemocratOffice