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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1908)
"S2 Get a Kodak ! $2.00 to $25.00. Ask or write for 'OS c- : O H A P M A N THE : DRUGGIST gB Tff/aya'aassagssrtgs B j Prices are what jjj fy we are talking Now Our stock is complete. BISHOP & YOUNG , W. H. Straiten Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. JOHN F. POEATH 23 urge , j Tubular wells and windmills , me up by Telephone. Handles the SHARPLESS CREAM SEPARATOR , JJLOUK , GRAIN AKD HAY. Opposite Postoflie. Phone 71. The Loup \ralley Hereford Eanch Brownlee.Nebr , Soldier O uniDus irtli ic : > o.o. . ; i son of CoUiml > u > ITtli. : i half Droller of the 10.000 ( 'iiuin- in'on n..le , : i n d rrui'-e r.oi G'.fi ax , Sieud of berd. I now liave about 30 head of 11)07 ) bull calves for sale. C. II. FAUMIAMEK , AILEY , > Dentist. Office over the grocery deparrneut of T. C. Hornby's store. J. COSJXTY SURVEYOR Valeiitiuc - All ; vork will be given prompt and careful attention. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Per Cwt. Per Ton. * Bran , sacked.1 15 § 22 00 Shorts , sacked 1 25 2i 00 Corn , sacked 1 50 29 00 Oats , sacked 1 60 ' 31 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 55 30 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 GO 3100 "CO LON E L , " Black Percheron stallion , will make the season as follows : Thursdays at Louis Taylor's. Fridays and Saturdays at Hen ry Becker's. Remainder of the week at Yank O'Bryau's. Terms : § 12 for standing colt. U. O'BuvAX , Mgr. , ,19 Valentine , Neb. For Sale or Trade. Registered hereford bull. V. L. Martin , Brownlee. 'Talk ' of the Town. Try Kazda's barber shop , tf Harvey Hornby returned from i Lincoln Monday. El Morey lefb for Chicago and other eastern points Saturday on a 'well ' earned vacation. William Piercy was in from his ranch at Kennedy Tuesday , pur chasing supplies from the local merchants. Mrs. Samuel W. Green return ed to her home in E'.ving Saturday after a ten days visit here with parents end friends. Dr. Meehan , osteopath has , moved into his new office rooms over the Red Front store. Tele phone Xo. 155. 10 C. C , Thomson was in from the river Tuesday and spent some time in boosting for the Bryan club. Others do likewise. Mrs. Charles Sparks gave a luncheon Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Harry T. Hornby of Minnesota and Mrs. Samuel. W. Green of E\ving. William Bachelor was in from Oasis Tuesday mingling with rela tives and friends and while here took the opportunity of joining the Cherry Co. Bryan club. ' For Sale Five head , of young liorses , all broke to drive and three of them gentle to ride , in Valen tine , Xeb. , Saturday , June 27 , at 1 p. m. C.ish or six months time , good bankable paper with interest at 10 per cent. L. K. Travis came down from St. Mary's Mission Monday to meet Rev. Xeville Jorner of Ten nessee , who arrived Tuesday. Rev. Jorner takes up the work among the Indians at Pine Ridge , which itev , Cleveland was obliged to lay down after thirty-five year's of service. James H. Quigley and D. W. Parmalee returned from Xew Mexico Tuesday , bringing with | them 2,000 head of two-year-old steers , which were unloaded at Cody and taken at once to the res ervation. These steers will be ranged for two years and put on the market as ' "killer ? . . Good homes are wanted for orphan and destitute children of all ages by the Child Saving Insti tute , 3806 Ohio St. , Omaha , Neb. Over-300 children pass through the insstute to homes and care in a single year. From 40 to 60 con- stancly on hand. If interested write , enclosing stamp for reply. While excavating for a cospool on the new Mark Cyphers place , George Cyphers found the head of a large buffalo twenty-three feet below the surface of the ground. The skull is completely petrified except the horns and is certainly a great sight. From the tip of the horns it measures three feet , two inches , and the large horns are sixteen inches in cir cumference. On the forehead is a network of holes , probably made by ancient slugs of lead or spear heads. Those who have seen it say it is the largest they have ever seen and the buffalo must have been a monster. The state ib was in and the depth indicate that it must have been killed centuries ago. Mr. Cyphers has been offer ed various sums for his "find" but refuses to sell. Parties are hereby notified not to camp < m or graze their stock on section 14 and Ei of sec. 15 , tp. 33 , r. 28. ELWOODD. HETII. - > on A Sioux Indian named Thompson - son shot and killed himself on the Rosebud reservation Saturday. He had been accused of horse- stealing and an Indian policeman was after him with a warrant for ] < his arrest. The policeman shot p down the fugitive's horse , and . seeing that his capture was ccr- j tiin Thompson turned his gun on i himself and fired two shots thru j his mouth. He had served a term in the penitentiary for horse steal- i ng. i J. U. Jacobson and H. B. Boyer - er of Steene precinct drove in Tuesday to attend to some official business at the court house. Mtv Jacobson has not been here for eight years and this is Mr. Boyer' s first trip here. They live in the south part of the county near the line and have to go a longdistance to vote. Soms of their citizens have to go 20 miles to vote or stay at home , which most people pre fer to do. Something should be done to relieve this situation. Give everyone a chance to vote. The Bryan club meets Friday evening in Davenport hall. All who are interested in Mr. Bryan's uccess are invited to attend this neeting and sign your name as a j 3ryan Volunteer. Call on anyone wearing a "Nebraska for Bryan" ) utton and he will tell you about the movement for a Bryan organ- nation. We want to know who j are friendly to Mr. Bryan. Mr. Bryan wants to know who are his ! riends and the Bryan club lists . will be kept for future reference. Get year name enrolled. Be an arlp bird while you can. All are i : nvited any time and all the time. SC L 0Ii ; 0 L , at Two Games to ; ; TUESDAY AMD THURSDAY SC th n June 23 and 2 anus n CRAWFORD VS VALENTINE ch nil Come out see them. Crawford fast team and these hii las a , games promise to be the best of the sea pr son. Secure a seat in th"3 grand gr stand and boost tor the local team.wi , Game Called at 2:30. : Mrs. Cora L. O'Connor and sis ter Miss Blanche "Walters are visiting - iting Major Shockley's at Fort Niobrara. It was our pleasure to go out to the lakes last Friday to catch and at fish. We got a late start and two miles south 'of llackberry Thompson's the rain began to fall and kept it up until we got to C. W. Bennett's , four miles south east of Simeon where we put up for the night. Mr. Bennett is a jolly good-hearted man who likes to show his friends aroun 1 anl he took us out on his lake Saturday forenoon in boats. We caught fish until we were tired taking them off the hooks , and had the boats loaded with the black crop pies , similar to sunh'sh but larger. They were good eating and we ate a lot of them for dinner. In at the afternoon we tried fishing for te teW bass in Trout lake. Got four and W worked hard. Saturday night sc Len Bivens , Del Sherman , Geo. da daC Hunter and Val Nicholson arrived C and went to sleep with the thought of ' 'wake me up early for I'm go c * ing after the bass. " But it rain Wi ed and we were content with some 1 > more croppies in the afternoon and they returned. Monday we got a wi few bass and came home. We the had bad weather but a delightful time. Stopped to see C. S. Recce's re family Monday noon and found w them well. Mrs. Thackrey is get- be ing stronger and doing nicely , to We've been eating fish this week , the Spring is here and we are well supplied with farm implements for the spring's work. At this time we wish , t to call your attention to our | Disk Harrows They have tlyce levers and three bear ing1 'boxes on each side. They will dig into the hardest ground without the aid of weights. The Double Throw Force Feed fioosier Endgate Seeders are the best there is. g | We also have riding attachments to fit \ any Walking Lister or Walking PIow ; < g also have breaking bottoms to fit this attachment. t ( ( We have a good stock 01 , Sulky Plows , Sulky Listers and Double Row Listers Do not hesitate to put in lots of : corn. Later we will sell you a Two Row Cultivator , so you can care for it easily. Call up on us for Moiine Wagons , Velie Bug gies , Eclipse.JVindrnills , McCormick Machinery , in fact J'or anything in the implement or iUiilding Material lines. Col. A. L. Bixby , the writer of- "Daily Drift" and exchange e-li- tor oi the Nebraska State Journal , delivered the first lecture of the junior'normal j course at the court house Tuesday night to a large and appreciative audience. Col/ Bixby is not a public speaker but sayk he would like to be if he was in politics and .then he would per- * Imps want to run for office , bub he is not running for anything and Io3sn't want any votes so he real .iis ; lecture from manuscript abxib London. He told us about this risit to London and how Tom Ault ) aid the expenses of his trip for 30 days. His humorous and de- ' jcriptive ! accounts of the people here and his voyage were inter esting. The audience listened sit- ientively for two hours and then the closa the Cjloriel said he atwe YOU Id recite a few lines of poetry o quiet their nerves so they could leep. The C.l. went up to the school ! house at 11 o'clock anl gave ili3 teachers an address. While town he visited with ye scrib3 ind ate black bass at dinner with us We had the pleasure of play- ' .several girnss of chac'wrs an-1 shess with him and took secml lace , of coarse. We enjoyed' his fisit very much and hope to S3e lim in our city again. We have promised to take him out , to the jreat bass lakes south of town vhen he can spare a few days to jo. We'll uyjn tlic ocean's wave. Without a cent of Torn AiiltS mon : \Ve"ll pull out all tlic haswe crave. Uut lislitiu ; is not all the fan. Ami when we go out there to lish. If on the lakes we wish to llout ; * it's always bet- our earnest wish To riJo in ol J Milt L itta' boat. The hcenery there is not .so gran J As Ireland's great Killanicjlakes. . IJut all around arc liills of sand , Bontereu with rashes and cane brakes. The waters are not very deep. JJut clear , and lishe- . may be And while across the lake we creep We'll hook bass from the waters sheen. At night aroun ! the cheerful grate. With checkers a i.l chc > sinen to play : In checkers clrau ami clicks check-mate- The time will quickly pass away. And let us say to all mankind We challenge any in our class. in checkers if you'll bear in mind - To beat , us when u e're lull of bass. Aiul now. Dear Uix. if \ ou will o.i _ > . Jf you have not then grown too old. That you'll be here some time in ilay. We'll never dream of Tom Ault's gold. Heart Luncheon. Mrs.'T. C. Hornby entertained a.'heart luncheon" Friday af ternoon in honor of Mrs. Samuel W. Green of Ewing. The color scheme was red and many of the dainties were cut heart shaped. Covers < were laid for ton. The dining room was darkened j ant ! then lighted by eighteen red wax candles , the rich , red glow producing ] a beautiful clfect. Wherever possible red hearts j ( were strung and festooned about walls. " Each guest brought her favorite recipe and the choice collection was : placed in a handsome little box and presented to Mrs. Green be of priceless value to her in future. 333S S3 w s > > .1 3. si. Valentine , Nebraska , Does not cater to the trade of men only , but also to the ladies and children. McCall Patterns are stylish , therefore in i-'reat demand. We have a complete line. Come in and see our Shirt Waists , Summer Underwear , Hosiery and ' Straw Hats. II. R. Shockley is home for a few days visit. Wash Honey is up from Wood Lake today on business. G. E. O'Brien , E. A. and F. T. Lac of Brownlec were in townj Monday. E 1 Pike and sons and Mr. Gas- kill I were down to the lakes fishing over Sunday. Jas. Galloway and party were down to Trout and Hackberry lakes the past week. i ; Judge Walcott and wife and W. Armstrong and wife spent several days out to the lakes last week. Prof. E. W. Hunt and wife of ! Syracuse are visiting the family of C. S. Ifoece this week and fish , The bids for plumbing and heating the court house were re jected and they will advertise again. Lost A child's white fur cloik batween Valentine and the Nio- brara river , Wednesday. Mrs , Joe Jennett , Chesterfield. I. X. Qior.r writes u from Arabia that a Fourth of July cele bration in Higgin's grove , three miles southeast of Tiuclier. is well under headway. The republican convention con vened at Chicago Tuesday. There seems to be lack of enthusiasm and the usual preliminaries have lasted until today ( Thursrhyvhen ) they hope to nominate Wm. II. Taft of Ohio for president and C. W. Fairbanks or B. Cummins of Iowa for vice president. We've been waiting to tell what they did and at the last minute we'll rush to press. Important Notice. Cherry county Sunday school superintendents will pleass send in their names and addresses at once to County President J. Rob ert Baale , pastor of the Presby terian church , Valentine. Xebr. As soon as he hears from you , lie will tell you something that you will be interested to hear. I have some good milch cows for sale. C. I ) . Query , Arabia Xeb. \i \ j A Safe , Simple System \ . The system of paying j by check was . .devised : by all men for any man for you. Ft is suited to the need of any business , either. 1 a rgc o r s mall. It makes no difference whether we pay out 810 or § 1001)1) ) ) a month. A checking1 | account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives y : ti a record of every tuuisaction. VAlEHTiflE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. Crookston to Celebrate. Crookston will celebrate the Fourth of Juiy tin i year. Watch for program : ; next week. Si. John's Church , Ssivlcesvill ba hell S.imLiy , Tune 21stis foliovs , Lo-.v celebra tion of the Holy Ericlurisfc at 7 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon afe 11 a. m. evensong afc 8 p. m. St. Nicholas Church. S3i"ric3s f.vil ! bi held as follows : In Valentine on Sanday June 21. Miirh mis ; and ssnmn at 10 a. m. At 3 p. m. Instruction for the ciildreu. In Crookston , SjaJLiy. Jane 23 , at the iHiul hour. Lao M. BtAEiis , Rector , Presbyterian Church. The services the cnming Sunday will be as follows : 11 a. m. I\i3 Lord's suppar , to which all Christian friends are invited. T p. m. Christian endeavor : top ic : "Tru6 and Fidse Success * CJEX. 39:1-G. : S p. m. Preach'5. . Subject : "Salvation to the U corniest. " A spscial invitati.i i is extended to those attending institute and the junior normal.