Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 18, 1908, Image 3

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    ' The back is the mamsprfiTg of
woman's organism. It quickly calls
attention to trouble by aching1. It
tells , with other symptoms , such as
nervousness , headache , pains in the
loins , weight in the lower part of
the body , that a woman's feminine
organism needs immediate attention.
In such cases the one sure remedy
which speedily removes the cause ,
and restores the feminine organism
to a healthy , normal condition is
Mrs. Will Young , of G Columbia
lAve. , Rockland'Me. , says :
" I was troubled for along- time with
dreadful . backaches and a pain in rny
feide , anft was miserable in every way.
< 1 doctored until I was discourag-ed and
thought I would never get well. I read
xvhat Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound had done for others and
decided to try it ; after taking- three
bottles I can truly say that I never felt
so well in my life. "
Mrs. Augustus Lyon , of East Earl ,
Pa. , writes to Mrs. Pinkham :
"I had very severe backaches , and
pressing-down pains. I could not sleep ,
and had no appetite. Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound cured me
and made me feel like a nevr woman. "
For thirty years Lydia E. rink-
ham's Vegetable Compound , made
from roots and herbs , has been the
standard remedy for female ills ,
and has-positively cured thousands o'f
women who have been troubled vvfth
displacements , inflammation , ulceration -
tion , fibroid tumors , irregularities ,
periodic pains , backache ; thai bear
ing-down feeling , fiat ulenc.y , indiges-
. 1" "rosr-ration.
Merry Widow Waltzes , tin * rf.itf t mu
sical craze of the age , l y mall , prepaid. : it
the great cut price of only ( ' corns. Ti'.li-
llsher's price Is 00 cents. Will ii'lvan-- * ;
Boon. Last chance at G rents and
L. C. DEAN , South Omaha. Neb
PUeid anjTvheie. tUnrU
l > and kllli ull fliei nunt ,
clejii , ornamental ,
ccni neut ! , cheip.
I.3 ( nil urtnoii.
Absolutely huruileti ;
will not soil or in-
jureanythlnt ; ( i < iar-
antee'l e tf act i > i.
All ilcnlom or
kcntpri'inld fvr if > c
Harold f-omcr ,
I4ik ] > rlfull < uvc.
Urooklj-n , X. Y.
TCeeps the breathj tccth , mouth and body
'antiseptrcally clean and free from unhealthy -
, healthy germ-life and disagreeable odprs ,
( which water , soap and tooth preparations
jclone cannot do. A
gcrmicidai , disin
fecting and deodor
izing toilet requisite
( of exceptional ex
cellence and ccon-
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes ,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
stores , 50 cents , or
by mail postpaid.
Large Trial Sample
Out of Date.
The time had come when devotees no
longer Bought to cast themselves under
the wheels of the car of. Juggernaut.
T "Why this lack of zealV" asked the scof
"What's the use ? " said the devotees.
"No matter how hard we try , our lum
bering old ice wagon can't compete with
the'deadly antomobiles ! "
From which we learn that even among
the ancients the scorching chauffeur
ft discourager of piety.
. - i.iniuiilM \f\y\\\y ; Machine" .
The I'nlled States jjovprnujpnt Is ml-
vorHiilH for bids for hcnvier-lhan-nir
r.ylr. ! iiu-Jjies. : ! AwptJible nmcliiufs
uii'.st ! > ' : iblo to cirry I wo persons of
n cuinbincdvolsbt of . " . . " > 0 pounds he-
r.icM'S fuel .su'R'-KMit for a contiiuious
f.l ht of lir : inilrs. The must also be
aule to nirsko ; ; t least 4 < ) inilps an hour.
They iiiust be : tbJe to slart from any
ciion Cold a.J I. . _ iu like surrou-
l"s : \viiioit !
Succc.nxful Dcnioiintrntlon.
Ilomulus was fjuading Home.
' "ihat I'm tojFff to do , * ' he erplainod ,
" ; q to shov thiS it is possible to start a
bis town \\ithout building it around an
oil well or a co-pp'-r aiiue. "
At this inopportune moment Remus
broke in with n remark that the new city
\vas a Hutto , all right : and he got it in
the neck , as you find fully set forth in
"our Latr. ! rc.dcr. Chicago Tribune.
People Tell Each Other About Good
Twelve years ago few people in tlu
world knew of such a preparation as
I'owder for the Feet. To-day after tht
genuine merit of Allen's Foot-Ease has
been told year after year by one gratifioc
person to another , there are millions WK
would as soon go without a dentifrice as
tvithout Allen's Foot-Ease. It is a clean
ly , wholesome , healing , antiseptic pow < lei
to be shaken into the shoes , which has
given rest and comfort to tired aud aching
feet in all parts of the world. It cures
while you walk. Over 'iO.OQO testimon
ials of cures of smarting' , swollen , per
spiring feet. It prevents friction : ; nd
wear of the stockings and will save iu
your stocking bill ten times its cost eacli
year. Imitations ] > ay the dealer a largei
profit , otherwise , you would never be of
fered a substitute when you ask for Al
len's Foot-Eass' . the original powder fet
the feet. Imitations are not advertised
because they are uot permanent. For
every genuine article there are many imi
tations. The imitator has no reputation
to sustain the advertiser has. It stands
to reason that the advertised article is
the best , otherwise the public would not
buy it and the advertising could not be
continued. When you ask for an article
advertised in this paper , see that yon get
it. Hefuse imitations.
Grritfry I tHiervnilinnteil.
"Bobby , " askoil bis Sunday-school
teacher , "do you know bow many dis
ciples there , were ? " The little boy
promptly suit ! be did. and answered ,
"Twei-ve. " Then he went on. "And I
know how many i'lmrisces there were ,
too. "
"Indeed ? "
"Yes'ni. There was just one less
than there was disciples. "
"Why. how du you know that ? It Is
nowhere stated bow many Pharisees
there were. "
"I thought everybody knew It. " said
Bobby. "The I'.ible says , 'Beware of
the 'leveu of the Pharisees , ' doesn't
it ? "
a Settler Can Secure In
160 Acre * Cmim-Growlne Land FREE.
20 to 40 BaiheU Wheat to the Acre.
40 to 90 Busheli Oats to the Acre.
35 to 5 Buihols Darley to the Acre.
Timber for Fencing nnd CuikHac * FREE.
Good JLawt vritb Low Taxation.
Splendid Railrocd FacUitio "and Low Rave * .
SchooU and ChurchcD Convenient.
Satisfactory Markets for all Production * .
Good Climate and Perfect Health.
Chances for Profitable Invottmenti.
Some o thelcboicest irrain-producinelanija la
Saskatchewan and Alberta may now be acquired
In these most healthful and prosperous sections
under the
Revised taeslead Regulations
by which entry maybe made by prozyon certain
conditions ) , by the father , mother , son , daughter ,
brother or sister of Intending homesteader.
Entry fee in each case is 510.00. For pamphlet ,
"Last Best West. " particulars as to rates , routes ,
best time to co and where to locate , apply to
W. D. Scott , Superintendent of Immigration ,
Ottawa , Canada , or E. T. Ho'rnes , 315 Jackson
St. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M MacLachlnn. Box
116 , Watertown. So. Dakota. Authorized Govern
ment Agents
Plena aj viher * 700 law thli ftd ertisomej.t.
From Chicago
Double Track SUMMER 1908
TORONTO-ONT. , and Return ( after July 1st. $15.60) ) - - - - $13.60
MONTREAL , QUE. , and Return 20.00
QUEBEC , QUE. , and Return 24.00
ROYAL MUSKOKA , ONT. , and Return ( Highlands of Ontario ) - 17.95
NORWAY POINT , ONT. , and Return ( New Hotel "Wawa , " Lake of Bays ) 17.95
NIAGARA FALLS and Return ( during June only ) - - - - - 16.00
BOSTON , MASS. , and Return - - - - - - - . . . . 25.35
PORTLAND , ME. , and Return 27.35
OLD ORCHARD , ME. , and Return 27.75
Also to about one hundred other favorably situated places in Canada and Xew England.
Tickets on sale daily June 1st to September 30th , Ir03. Good thirty days from date of sale. .
St. 'Lawrence River trip can be included at somewhat higher fares. Lonser limit tickets 'at
higher fares are also on sale. Liberal stop-over arrangements.
Full particulars can be obtained by writiuar
GEO. W. VAUX , Assistant General Passenger and Ticket Agent
135 Adams Street. Chicago
Tornadoes in Nebraska and Kansas
Kill M.iny and Ruin
Crops. . . .
Enormous Property Losses from
Storms and Floods in the
"Western States.
The tornado v/hioh passed ever south
ern Nebraska and portions of northern
Ivr.iisas Friday evening was the most
destructive and corenhl tha most tcrrl-
t'ljr.f tiny similar storm whicu has
visited the State In many years. At
Un. t twenty-three are known tQ be
ilc-nil. Jive fatally Injured and a score ,
of others hurt , some of them danger
ously. Several persons were killed ia
tlie towns of Byron , Xeb. , and Court-
land , Kan.
The storm was geu-eral throughout at
least four counties , Fill more , Webster ,
Franklin and Thayer , on the southern
bci'der of the State and reached over
into Kansas from where reports come
of great destruction. The towns of
Carleton , Fail-Held. Deshler , Shickley ,
Geneva. Franklin , Ong and IHverton are
among those visited by the storm , and
in no one of them did the elements
spare life or property.
At Carleton live * residences and two
churches were de.trojed. while a new
school building and thirty houses were
badly wrecked. The home of Lester
Carter was demolished and his wife
and baby killed , while Carter himself
and another child received possibly fa
tal injuries. At Geneva the storm
wrought great destruction and iu the
adjacent country claimed five victims ,
two of whom were killed outright and
three fatally injured. The scene at
Fnirfield is indescribable , more than
forty buildings Avere more or less
wrecked and some of them , Including
three chr.rches. were entirely demolish
ed. The los there will exceed $100,000.
In the vicinity of Shickley farm houses
received the brunt of the storm.
A telephone message from Chester ,
Kan. , reported twelve deaths in the vi
cinity of Byron , Xeb. The storm was
evidently most severe in the vicinity of
Byron , and nothing could withstand its
fury. Following the tornado a hard
rain which lasted well into the night
soaked the storm-stricken sufferers ,
making their lot doubly hard. Many of
them were absolutely without shelter ,
and the storm occurred so late in the
evening that it was impossible for them
to seek either shelter or relief during
the night. A telephone message from
Hardy. Xeb. , said the town of Court-
land. Kan. , just across the Xebraska
line , was struck by the storm and sev
eral casualties occurred.
Cycloue SweepN lovra Town.
Two persons were killed , three art
missing , and 200 homes and barns were
destroyed b'y a cyclone which passed
over Charles City , Iowa , Sunday. Much
damage was done in the surr < madi g
country. The path of the st fa "was
ten miles long and about twelve rods
wide. It starled three miles southwest
of Charles City , tearing dow farm
houses , barns and killing many head of
stock. It struck the city in the south
west part , plowing a path to a point In
the northeast part of town , where it ,
crossed tlae river. The path of the cy
clone included no business buildings ,
but the residence part of town waa
made a wreck and household goods
were scattered in all directions all over
Xear Mnuston. Wis. . a tornado killed
John Dal ton. a farmer , and his 12-year-
.pld son. The other occupants of the
hpuse received oiriy slight injuries. Xo
other damage was done by the tornado.
Fire Die In Montana Flood.
Xever before in the history of Mon
tana has there been such a flood as re
cently swept down the valley of the
Missouri river and its tributaries. Fire
lives already have been lost in the wat
ers In the vicinity of Great FaJls/arul
the damage to farms , railroads and in
dustrial and commercial institutions
will run into the millions. Saturday
night tin * viver wa" at the high.eB point
ever knowifsince the first settlement at' '
Montana. Some of the smaller ouiside
towns have been in even \vorse condi
tion than is Great Falls. Choteau was
completely surrounded by water , and
all bridges were gone. A large part of
Belt was partially under water , and tha
people took to the high ground. Sand-
coulee reporteel severe loss and the coal
mines partially Hooded. In some in
stances the river has cut entirely new
channels through the bottom , complete
ly ruining farms.
For the first time hi years the lid was
slipped on the beer gardens and dancing
Jialls in Toledo.
Fire in Ford & Co.'s planing mill and
lumber yard at Mansfield , Ohio , caused a
loss of about $00,000.
Brig. Gen. Evan Xiles , retired , who
served in theCivil. . Indian and Spanish
wars , died in San Francisco.
The pipeshoi ) of the Best Manufactur
ing Company. Twenty-fourth street and
the Allegheny Valley railway. Pittsburg ,
destroyed lw fire. Loss $7j,0'JO
In yn IJtiHKvr.
As the philanthropic tourist pursued
his courf-o ho saw many things which
ho felt ney.lcd sympathetic attention.
One day he stopji 1 to gaxe at a bare
headed mj'.n. who was turning a wind
lass which clumsily hoisted a bucket
tilled with sand.
"My friend , " said the philanthropist ,
as the man pnupcd to mop his fore
head , "why do you not cover your
head ? This hot un hi likely to affect
the brain. "
"Brain is u % . " sn d the man. staring
at him. "D'ye Think if I had any brain
I'd be here Ifistln : : till * bucket ? "
Southern "Woman Suffer * Tortures
AVlthout Complaint.
Racked and torn with terrific pains ,
nightly annoyed by kidney irregulari
ties , Mrs. A. S.
Payne , of 801 Third
Ave. So. , Columbus ,
Miss. , suffered for
years. She says/'The :
pains in my back ,
sides and loins were
so terrible that I
often smothered a
scream. Every move
ii'carajony. . My rest
was a troubk-s-uio weakness
and the secretions seemed to burn like
acid. I was in an awful condition and
doctors did not seem to help. Bonn's
Kidney Pills benefited me from the flrst
and soon made me a strong and healthy
woman. "
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
box. Foster-MIlburn Co. , Buffalo ,
X. Y.
The noise of a railway train can be
heard 2SOO yards through the air. anil
the whistle of a locomotive as far as
8,200 yards.
Strong AVIntl * nn l Snml Stormit
onuse gninulntion of the evclids. PETj j
TIT'S EYE SALVE soothes and quickly ;
relieves. 2oc. All tlrugjjists or Howard
Bros. . Buffalo , N. Y.
i tr l. . u > u.ti ; > lv. .
" \Vhnt is the matter , little boy ? " asko.-l
the professor. "Have you the mo.isl. V"
"Xope. " answered t.'ic boy. "I've got
the measlc. Thoy's only one of "fin. "
"That's < : t' ii'ar ' ! " uncoil flu * professor.
Mrs. WJnslow's Soothing S.irup for Child
ren teethluy , softens the gums , i educes In
flammation , allays pain , cures wind colic.
25c a bottle.
One linn ot four men having their
headquarters near the Illinois river , gath
er $100X)0 ( ) worth of pelts every year ,
which are sent to Eurono.
Ssve The Package Tops
and Soap Wrappers from
Products and Exchange them Free
40 page Illustrated Free catalogue of 1.000 articles.
Local Aaeals Waalcd. Write far Moccy ftaklna Plan
S. C. X. U. - - Xo. 25 15)08. )
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare
Always Bought j
AVegelable Rreparalton&rAs-
& -
sirallating tiieFoodaiuIRcgula- Bears the
( ing the Sto
Promotes DigestionJCkerfur ; of
ness andRestJContakisndtor1
w Opiimi.Morphuie nflrMocraL
Aperfect Remedy forConsfipa
tion , Sour Storaach.Diarrhoca
ness andLoss OFSliEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
* irtjf Years
, Guaranteed unc
Exact Copy of Wrapper. THEcrrirAuH COM"MIY. new YORK crry.
know hoiv good it is. Send us 250. for a trial trip , and we will mail
you three issues of this great magazine , containing three first- class
complete novels , sixteen strong stories , fifty pages of new humor , and
fifteen remarkable articles. Send to-day. Our current issue is fine.
itieh the Authorities. WII3OWS'un(5er N EW
Instructor ( at uight school ) What by JOHN W. MORRIS. .
Waahlnston. D. a
proof have wo that the earth is rouud ?
Shaggy Haired Pupil Don't need no
proof. I'm willin' to believe the jogra-
A po yder to be shaken into the shoes. Your feet feel swollen ,
nervous , hot and get tired easily. If you have aching , smarting
feet , try Allen's Foot = Ease It rests the feet and makes new or
tight shoes easy ; always use it to Break in New Shoes. It cures
swollen , hot. sweating feet , blisters , ingrdwlng nails and callous
spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives Rest
and Comfort. It cures while you walk. "We hate over thirty
thousand testimonials. T y it to-day. Sold by all Druggists
everywhere 25 cents Don't accept any substitute for Allen's
Foot-Ease. Trial package FREE. Address , Allen S. Olmsted ,
Lo Roy , N. T. European Branch Office , Peterborough , England.
" 1/S7 A TUT TTW/f"1 / Success brings imitations. Scores of
Ww / .iKJL l J.iilJworthless imitations are sometimes
oftered for sale. Insist upon having Allen's Foot = Ease. The
Original powder for the feet. Twelve years before the public.
Annual sales over two million packages. Do not accept
spurious- substitutes claimed to bo''just as good. " Imitations
Pay e c ea e' a larger profit otherwise you would never bo
offered 9 substitute for Allen's Foot Eaae. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , and insist upon having it
Remember , Allen'sFoot-Ease is sold only in 25 cent packages
bearing yellow label with our trade mark and facsimile signature
" In a Pinch ,
Uc8 Allen's Foot-Ease. "
Sold by all Druggists everywhere for 2o cents. For FREE Trial package , also Free Sample of the
FOOT-EASE SANITARY CORN-PAD , a n < w invention , address Allen S. Ohnated , Le Roy , N. Y.
" VW . - . . f'-fff'1
> ix Shots
p w for
Cure Constipation
r. to - ' r r.wtnb
O i.
HAT thin , little , 10-cent
Box of Cascarets.
When carried constantly in your Muscles that propel Food ,
Vest Pocket , or in "my Lady's" Purse it will and that squeeze the
ward off ninety per cent of Life's ordinary Ills. natural Digestive Juices
Eat one of the six candy tablets contained of the body into Food. O
in that "Vest Pocket Bos" whenever you Cascarets ward off , or
suspect you need one. cure , the following diseases.
It caa't hurt you , and is sure Insurance Constipation Catarrh Hives Worm *
against serious sickness. Biliousness Colic Jaundice Piles
Indigestion Bad Breath Nausea Ulcers
When you have Heartburn , Colic , Coated
Dyspepsia Diabetes Vertigo Pimples
Tongue , Suspected Breath , Acid-rising-in- Torpid Liver Headache Scrofula Blotches
Appendicitis Diarrhoea Womanly Eczema
throat , Gas-belching , or an ,
Rheumatism Flatulence Troubles Dysentery
take a Cascaret.
Remember , all these are not merely Dis The Vest Pocket box carried constantly
comforts , but indications of a serious Cause. with you , like your Watch , or Lead Pencil ,
Nip them in the bud eat a Candy Cas will insure you against sickness.
caret. Cascarets don't purge , nor punish the But , don't forget that "a Cascaret in. time
Stomach like "Bile-driving" Cathartics. is worth nine. "
They act like Exercise on the Bowel- At all Druggists. 10 Cents a box. ssa