Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 18, 1908, Image 1
Erotica ! Society . " * - - " " " - - VOLUME xxiu NEBRASKA. THURSDAY , JUNE 1 S , 1908. NUMBER' 2 Black $2.60 ; Galvanized $2:75 per spool. $4.50 , $8.00 and $12.00. .ose 12 l = 2c to ISc per foot. asoiiiie $2.50 to $30.00 each. The largest Hne of Rugs and Carpets ever shown in Valentine. "Quicker Yet" Washing Machine will wash clothes in less time and run with less labor than any other machine on the market. o. We have the finest line of Men's Hats , all styles and colors , in the city. Prices from § 1.00 to § 3,59. PHONE 97 , viaF GRAN CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kino's of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Eesidence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , 72 Nebraska Keferences : My Many Customers. ! feR M I R fei i ROBERT McQEER , Propr. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Kill , and 27xyear oid and Jas , E , Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Drandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinnessfs Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine Nebraska Read the Advertisements. Under this column THE VALENTINE DEM > CHAT has consented to publish irom time"to time such topics and editorial matter asill be furnished from the headquarters of the Hr3 an Volunteers of Nebraska. The Volun teers are in the Held to make a clean ami honest fight for Mr. Hryan and the principles which he so ably represents. Vv'e cherish the fond hope that the coming contest will de velop into a campaign of education in the truest and noblest sense of that term. Vi tuperation and abuse \vill lind no place in this column. It is our intention to so temper the argument that it will appeal to the earn est , thoughtful and inquiring mind , with the view to have the reader investigate the \ariqus claims of the respective presidential candidates , and then support that candidate \\hocommendshimselfmostto the hom-st judgment and conscience of the voter. Y\ > invite correspondence with the readers of this paper , lie free to write us at any time , giving such suggestions , criticisms or ad\ice as may occur to you. Please address all communications to the undersigned. undersigned.C. M. GrnTKNTiiEit. Secretary- Box ( J33. Columbus , Nebraska. What Does 5t Mean ? In the closing hours of the late congress the majority party , un der leadership of John Rockefel ler's personal senator from Rhode Island , passed the Vreeland-Al- drich bill a wild-cat money meas ure , authorizing the great bankers of New York to issue their own emergency currency on a base of municipal bonds or such other commercial securities as they may elect. The country did not ask for the passage of such a bill , but Wall street interests demanded it , and those interests forced the bill through congress over the pro tests of the best manhood in both houses. What does this new currency bill mean to the American people ? If a newspaper i'riendly to Mr. Bryan should try to tell what it means the charge would be made that the telling would be prejudic ed , and so , instead of giving our own ideas as to the meaning of the great victory achieved by the money-sharks of Wall steeet , we shall call a republican friend to the witness stand. Our republi can friend is one of the ablest editorial writers in America , editor of the Philadelphia North American. The great republican writer , discussing the Aid rich currency measure , says : "This law will mean the turning over of the treasury of the United States to the gamblers of the New York Stock exchange for a period of six years. "It will mean the making of 'good times' and 'bad times' of 'bull' markets and 'bear' markets according to the pleasure of Rog ers and Rockefeller in the Nation al City bank and J. P. Morgan in the National Bank of Commerce. "It will mean not only the slow and certain movements of contrac tion and inflation by the natural laws of commerce , but sharp changes forced at will by the master gamblers. "It will mean the gift to the chief enemies of the nation of the power to issue or retire half a bil lion of dollars , exciting speculation or compelling disaster according to which ever best suits their bet ting book. "What the effect will be upon the coming elections we do not know. We do not know what measure of punishment a longsuffering - suffering people will inflict upon their betrayers. "It is not the time to think of politics or partisanship. A thing is being done which which will af fect every employer and every employee in America , every bank er , merchant , manufactuer , clerk and mechanic. "We wish merely to warn one and all. The country will be in condition of a convalescent to whom drugs that are powerful stimulants , but poisonous , would be administered. "There will be a boom a fev erish but false activity. "And then , after the North American and the few like us have been mocked at as false prophets and pessimists , pay-day will come. And the price will be a- bitter J3. We have just received another assortment of new nifty styles in Everyone of them is a stylish and up to date number. If you have never worn a Tiger Hat you have missedsomething in the wear , fit and quality which only belongs to the Tiger brand. These hats retail for $3.00 each , with a quality guarantee back of every one of them. See our window display of new styles. one. " \ Mr. Bryan's friends should bear in mind that organizationis the watchword. A cause , no matter how worthy , cannot triumph un less it is supported by organized and systematic effort. Organize a Bryan club in every town and village in your county. The local club is the life-blood of the state organization , and the bulk of the campaign must be done by the faithful workers in the lo cal clubs. Report the name of your local club and the names of the officers of the club to C. M. Greunther , secretary , Columbus. Simeon Happenings. Grand celebration at ; Simeon the Fourth of July. Come everybo dy. Plenty of rain and water now-a- days. Charlie Binginan is on the sick list this week. The dance at Simeon Friday night was a failure on ac3ount of the'rain. A. E. Spall and \Vm. Ballard have been trading horses. P. H. Young spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Forrell and family have moved. Fred Beel spent Sunday at Sim eon. Henry Wyhee called at Young's Sunday. ' Look out for the wedding boys ! Be ready ! Prof. Hunt and wife are visiting C. S. Reece and family. . Leyi Garlock has gone to his home in Minnesota. I. M. Rice and family and Mrs. Rice's cousin , Miss Estes , were out fishing this week. Don'fc forget about - the grand celebration in Young's grove. RAIN DROPS. SJ. S. 'WW.tSserBureau lie port tor week Raiding : .lane Daily mea temperature 59 ° . Normal 07 ° . Highest M ) ° ; lowest 40 ° . Precipitation O.T1 of an inch. Total precipitation from March 1st ( the crop season ) to date was S.93 inches and the average for same period for twenty is 8.SO in. The temperature still shows an abnormal difference between the mean and the normal. xMore sun shine and less rain would be ap preciated by all our farming popu lation. JstP'J xi * * - * teIlxi We sell farming implements as well as other merchandise at reasonable prices. Call and try us. GROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , . MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. Chartered as a State Banic Chartered as a IMational Bank June 1 , 13S4. August 12 , 1002 , The i > M alentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID A General Banking $35.000 Exchange and . . . Collection .Business. G. H. CCENELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , HTT30Lo ( , Gasliier. rip- a Tobaccos and Cigars. I 3 Canned Goods 2& ? Lunch Counter. is fa Phone 7 ie S2 i .SRlWJ . ? ! IBi . . A 1 % * v-X * - * * - iJn * - i . DE ALE IIS IN All Kinds of E and Bait Meats ' 'i Sgfe &t a Bsr TOr = = a Will buy your Cuttle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , ? tlues ! ami anything you have to sell. C . House painting- inside and out. Furniture Repairing pairing- and Varnishing of all kinds promptly done. " Phone 83. Shop in west part of town. - Valentine Nebraska For Good Printing CALL 1X1 T V