Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 11, 1908, Image 5

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    Get a Kodak !
$2.00 to $25.00.
Ask or write for 'OS catalog
I §
Prices are what
we are talking
Our stoek is complete.
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
, Kcbr
Tubular wells and windmills ,
me up by Telephone.
-r-Handles the
Opposite Postollie. Phone 71.
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch
Brownlee , Nebr ,
Sohlier Creel'ol -
uiiiitus 17h 11:0050 ,
: i son of Columbus
17th. a half brother
of tlieSlO.OOo Cham
pion D.tlo , a u ( i
Prince Hoabdel 131-
0113 ut head of held.
I now have about 30 head of 1'JUT bull calves
for sale.
. - - Dentist.
Office over the grocery deparment
* of T. C. Hornby's store.
First-class Shop in Every ilcspect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star liair
Tonic , Uerpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Crenzn
Valentine - Kebr.
All work will he { liven prompt
and careful attention.
< ?
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Brant sacked. . . . § 1 15 00
Shorts , sacked 1 25 24 00
Corn , sacked 1 5 30 00
Oats , sacked 1 GO 31 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 60 31 00
Chop Feed , sacked 1 05 32 00
3Ii < lsnmmer fiSxcnrsion t o
Account Republican Convention.
Bound trip tickets will he on sale
via the Chicago & North Western
Ey. , at rate of $22 95 from this
station. Return limit June 30. Ask
agent for particulars. 19 4
'Talk ' of the Town ,
Try Kazda's barber shop , tf
John IJelzer went to Uosebut
Tuesday for T. C. Hornby.
f ] \liss Maud Ral.ya returned from
j Sioux City and otber eastern and
1 northern points last Tuesday.
Miss Ruth Stetter has returned
from Lincoln where she has been
attending the State University.
II. C. Jennings has improved his
studio and art store with two big
windows which wore put in yester
day by Gus Carlson.
Win. Francke received his commission -
! mission as special deputy game
and fish warden for the state of
Nebraska last week.
Steve Brewer came down from
Gordon Tuesday to play ball with
the boys on their trip down in to
the enemy's country.
Sparks and Harmony crossed
bats at Harmony last Saturday ,
the game going to Sparks by a
score of 10 to 1. Batteries Shel-
bourn and Osborn ; Harmony
Tommy and Hooper.
Mark Cyphers went back to New
Portland , Pa. last Thursday morn
ing. He did not state his mission
but mother Gossip has it that when
he returns he will bring some one
with him to brighten that new
home just finished.
A fishing party , composed of G.
A. Chapman , Clyde Davenport ,
A. II. Barker and F. P. Smith ,
went to the lakes , 30 miles south
of town , Tuesday morning to en
joy the balance of the week fishing
for big black bass.
John G. Stotter came down
from Crawford last Saturday and
is visiting this week in Valentine.
His daughter , Miss Leta , came
home from McCook where she had
been teaching the past year. Her
friend , .Mr. llollingsworth came
home with her for a visit before
going to Germany where he takes
up a course of study.
The "Big Railroad Wreck" of
clothing pays no taxes in our
town or county and they won't be
here to make anything good. They ,
are here for only a few days and
may catch a few people who are
always looking for bargains or
who want something for less than
its worth and who generally pay
more than those who start shop
ping with the intention of paying
for what they get and payng
what it is worth.
The ball game between Stuart
and Valentine which was played
last Saturday resulted in a score
of 6 to 5 favor of Stuart. We're
tired making excuses for Valen
tine and will simply say that our
boys didn't play good enough.
They are so accustomed to defeat
that they wouldn't know how to
hold a few extra tallies. They
generally manage to get some
John Doe on 3rd base to throw
away the game after others have
worked hard to win a few scores ,
as it was in this case. Hey Caylor
put new vigor and enthusiasm in
the game from the time he began
to pitch and many belive that he
ought to be made pitcher perma
nently. Jf Valentine is to sufi'er
defeat continually we can better
take defeat with none but our
home men to be responsible for it.
Peter'DeCory and Jas. McLeai
'are in town today.
The Presbyterian ladies aid wil
meet next week with Mrs. Ran
Gco. W. Kellar of Cascade wa :
transacting business in our cit. }
H. G. Waliingford is in towr
and says the hay is almost bi < :
' enough and oats looking fine.
J. Goodfellow of Ashland , was
in town yesterday and went wcsl
to his ranch today , south of Mcrri-
Dr. Meehan , osteopath has.
moved into his new ofiice rooms
over the lied Front store. Tele
phone Xo. 155. 10
Wanted A girl to help with
sewing by the day. Mostly ma
chine work. Hours from eight to
six. , Address Box 316 , City.
Parties are hereby notified not
to camp on or graze their stock
on section 1-i and Ei of sec. 15 , tp.
33 , r. 28. ELWOOD D. HETII.20tt
Good Boy , a Sioux Indian who
has been working for the Kailroad
Company for several months , got
one hand broken this morning
while at work on the section.
Dr. A. Lewis returned Monday
from Chicago where he had been
in attendance at the American
Medical Aassociation last week.
He reports the largest meeting
ever held of the association.
It rains every day now and the
crop report for the whole United
States has never been better than
now. The oats crop will be the
largest in history if these
conditions continue. Wheat is
looking fine and good reports say
that the yield prospective will be
Jas. F. Shepard returned last
Saturday from Crawforcf where
lie spent several days visiting
Harve. He doesn't like Crawford
and thinks our town looks better
and has better appearances of
trade and general thriftiness.
John Stetter also says Crawford
is very dull.
A meeting was held last Monday
night in Davenport's hall to organ
ize a Bryan Club. A. M. Morrissey
called the meeting to order and was
elected temporary chairman , and
P. H. Young of Simeon secretary.
Mr. Morrissey stated the object of
the meeting and gave a brief ad-
Iress on the subject of organization.
The club was organized under the
name of Cherry County Bryan Vol
unteers and the following officers
were elected : L. C. Sparks , pros. ;
Dr. Iloxey , V. P. ; W. E.Haley ,
sec'y. ; U. G. Dunn , treasurer.
The visiting editors last Satur
day were as follows : John M.
Cotton , Ainsworth ; Mrs , Xannie
LI. Cotton , Ainsworth ; E. E.
Humphrey , Ainsworth : C. H.
Lyman , Long Pine ; M. L. Meade ,
Bassett ; Chas. Daniels , Bassett ;
Geo. A. and Mrs. Clara Miles ,
O'Neill ; W. L. Kirk , Creighton ;
Gary Benson , Ewing ; E. S. Scho-
field , Neligh ; L. A. and Mrs. Wil
son , Springview ; Geo. C. Snow ,
Chad ron ; F. W. Johansen and
Miss Annie Williams , H a y
Springs , and Chas. P. Bresee ,
Superintendent II. II. Watson ,
of Valentine , has arrived and is
ready to begin work in the uni
versity summer school , He is to
give instruction in grammar in
both the university division and
the rural division. Superinten
dent Watson has been in charge
of the schools of Valentine for the
past twelve years. Previous to
that he was instructor in grammar
in the Lincoln Normal university ,
and also served for several years
as county superintendent of
Saunders county. lie was princi
pal of the Valentine junior normal
school for several years and has
been a successful and popular
institute instructor. His long ex
perience with grade work makes
him valuable in assisting rural
teachers and in the courses from \
normal training in Nebraska high
schools. State Journal.
Spring is here and we are well We have a good stock of
supplied with farm implements for the
spring's work. At this time we wish Sulky Plows ,
to call your attention to our
Listers and
Disk Harrows
They have three levers and three bear Double Row Listers
ing' boxes on each side. They will dig l "g
into the hardest ground without the Do not hesitate to put in Jots of corn. y
aid of weights. Later we will sell you a
The Double Throw Force Feed
Two Row Cultivator ,
Hoosier Endgate Seeders
are the best there is. so you can care for it easily. Call up
on us for Moline Wagons , Velie Buggies =
AVe also have riding attachments to fit
gies , Eclipse Windmills , McCormick
any \Valking Lister or Walking Plow ;
also have breaking bottoms to lit this Machinery , in fact for anything in the
attachment. implement or Building Material lines.
L. C. Sparks leaves tomorrow foi
Peoria Illinois as a state delegate tc
the M. W. A. grand lodge.
Miss Yernie Sisler whose pa rents
live above Crookston , died recentlj
at Seattle , Washington where she
was visiting her sister. The re
mains will be sent to Crookston foi
Pay Ye the Printer ,
Some of our townspeople who ex
pected the editors to come to town
with a basket of eggs on their arms ,
a lirkin of butter and a pocket full
of rocks to blow in were disappoint
ed. The direct results are expected
: oo often by some grasping
money changers of Valentine.
These same people are foremost m
iheir requests for the home uevsr - i
papers to boom the town to get
someone here to spend money with
; hem. They will contribute to any
thing but a newspaper to get a
crowd here and refuse to dig up to
: hcm because they expect newspa
pers to do this work for nothing
jecause its their business to boom
, he town for crowds to spend mon
ey with such grasping creatures as
complain afc any return favor to
ihe newspapers. If you come or go
you want the newspaper to notice
t whether you ever pay anything
or not. If you want a Fourth of
July celebration YOU want the
icwspaper to boom for it and then
contribute as much cash as any
businessman beside. If you want
races or a carnival you expect the
newspaper to bring the crowd for
you to make money from but how
many dimes do you pay the news
papers for their work ?
If any crowd of people comes to
town for whatever purpose the
money changers who are here for
the almighty dollar and a selfish
interest only are ever ready -with
their grappling hooks to take them
in but they never think of owing
the newspapers anything for wiiat
they have done to bring the people
to town or to tell about our many
advantages. All this is expected
free because that's a newspaper's
business. Do you take the paper
brother ? Do you pay anything
for this newspaper service ? Do
you want something for nothing or
are you willing to divide fair with
the newspaper man and give a
little cash for what you get instead
of trying to exploit him as a part
of your game ? There are some
few people in Valentine who con
tribute little or nothing to news
papers yet they expect to exploit
the crowds brought to town that
others have j iid for and harvest
where they have not sown. They
were not responsible for the
crowds being here but they seek
treasure or tribute from them as
a pirate prays upon ships at their
mercy , the difference being not ; in
the principle but in the manner
of demand and the transaction ,
and being in no way responsible
feel no interest in or sympathy
for tke people if they fare not
well. Is your conscience clear ?
SZ&3 Z' Z3ZZ
I 8
r > ; Yalentine Nebraska
RJ , , 2
Does not eater to the trade of men only ,
but also to tlie ladies and children.
1I 1 I
I McCall Patterns
are stylish , therefore in great demand. We . \
have a complete line. Come in and see our
t :
Shirt Waists , Summer Underwear , Hosiery and
Straw Hats.
33332 2 3 * & ! KS252CS2J !
Wm. Ballard and H. E. Crosby
were in town yesterday.
.Robert Thompson and C. C.
Thompson are in town today.
Martin Christcnsen's family is
quarantined on account of having
Fred Ohnstcad has given up
work on Randall's delivery and
gone to O'Xeill to join his wife.
By mistake we said hist week C.
D. Lurz had cows to sell. The item
should have said C. D. Query. Mr.
Query is in town today.
Gco. A. Miles and wife visited
over Sunday with I. M. Rice and
wife , .and Sunday night Mrs.Miles
went up to Crawford to visit her
parents for several days. Mr.
Miles returned to O'Xeill on the
morning train following.
Niobrara Falls.
Crops in this locality look fine.
Don't say anything about a
drouth in 1908.
Charly Williams went down to
Wood lake Saturday.
Quite a number from this neigh
borhood went to town to hear Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilartman of Illi
nois are visiting their sons Wil ) .
John , Olla and Xathan.
Ballards' have been rounding
up their horses and taken them to
the fiats. Billy expects to move
his family soon.
H. E. Crosby has moved to his
claim. Tom Christopher of Lin
coln has taken Mr. Crosby's place
on the five bar ranch.
C. C. Thompson and wife have
recently had a letter from their
son John , the first they've heard
from him for a year , and they're
glad to know he's alive and well.
Julius Christopher happened to
quite an accident Saturday while
sliding down a roof. He ran a
sliver about three inches long into
his stomach. He is doing nicely.
For Stile.
I have some good milch cows
for sale. C. D. QueryArabia Neb.
± i 4
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying"
by check was devised
by all men for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out § 10 or § 10000
a month. A cheeking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives yo-i a record of
every tn n suction.
S.'i .JM CJSMJRKO ami Return
Excursion rated v i the Chicago &
North Western Ry. , account Repub
lican National Convention. Tickets
on sale at above rate from this sta
tion daily from June 12 to 17. Re
turn limit June 30. Ask ticket ag
ent for particulars. 19 4.
"CO LON E L , "
Black Percheron stallion , will
make the season as follows :
Thursdays at Louis Taylor's.
Fridays and Saturdays at Hen
ry Becker's.
Remainder of the week at Yank
Terms : si2 for standing colt.
U. O'JJuvAX , Mgr. ,
10 Valentine , Neb.
For Sale or Trade.
Registered hcreford bull. V. L.
Martin , Brownlee.
Painters Take Notice.
Sealed bids will be received for
paintifig the Cody Hall up to June
20 , bidder "to furnish everything
and do two coat work with a good
standard paint. II. . ! is 20x60 ft--
square front and kjh and 22 , ft.
Address W , H. Carter , Cody.