tJ. 51. RICE , . . . . Publlsti
of Twenty Inches in Ten IIou
faking Total of More Than Thi
Inches in Three Days Railrc
Tracks and Bridges Swept Away.
Not a railroad in Oklahoma was
operation Sunday night as a result
"the heavy rains and cloudbursts tl
had occurred in various parts of t
etate during the past three days. T
last road to suspend operations \ \
the Missouri , Kansas and Texas , whi
-was forced to quit at noon Sund
when the bridge onthe main line
13ufaula went down.
To add to the disaster the mr
supplying natural gas to the Indi
Territory part of the state was cr
Tied away with the Clarksville brid
late Sunday and the supply of gas f
! Muskogee and several other cities
the southeastern part of the state h
been entirely cut off. Officials of t
, gas company say it will be a week 1 ]
lore repairs can be made so that t
gas supply can be carried. As natui
gas is used for light and heat , bu :
ness will be suspended in a measui
Elevators have been forced , to st
running and hotels and restaurar
Iiave practically been put out of bu :
11 oss.
During ten hours Sunday there AV
a rainfall of twenty inches in th
section of the state. The previo
fall during- the past three days of mo
than ten inches contributed to tl
damaging flood.
iTa-ke Up Collection of $125 from Crc
and Passengers.
Not satisfied with the $125 in ca !
and two watches secured from tl
-conductor , motorman and nine pa
iBengers on a car of the West Per
Electric railway near Boston , a smf
town between McKeesport and Eliz :
"both , which they held up , two mask *
highwaymen a short distance fro
the robbery halted John Mo wry ,
farmer , and his wife and relieved the
of $ lo. Mowry's horse was stoppc
and he a id his wife dragged from tl
buggy. They were obliged to stan
until searched and then allowed 1
drive away.
Of the eleven men on the car whe
it was stopped , not one carried a r <
volver and not one showed any dispc
sition to resist the demands of th
desperadoes. One man hid $ GO in h
shoe and saved it. Others conceale
watches. Detectives have no clew o
"which to work.
Officers of Oklahoma Concern Are Pi
Under Arrest.
L. A. Conners , president , and L. E
Key , cashier of the International ban
of Colgate , Okla. , which was close
Saturday , were arrested upon order c
State Bank Commissioner H. H. Sod
upon their refusal to repay $0,000 an
$5,000 , respectively , which amount
they borrowed from the institution 5
violation of the state banking law ;
They were released under hear ,
When the bank failed the state im
mediately took charge and began pay
ing off the depositors under the stat
depositor's guarantee law. The stat
had practically finished this wor ]
Saturday. Many depositors , however
Iiave refused to apply for their money
"knowing it safe.
! Xonc Injured in Accident at Barkelc ;
Will Die.
The seven men seriously injured ir
The sensational airship accident a
JJarkeley , Cal. , are all doing well a
the Roosevelt hospital. None of their
Avill die. L. A . Rodgers , one of the
assistant engineers in the crew of four ,
teen that went up in the huge dirigible
balloon , who was believed to be fatallj
injured , will recover. J. O. Morrell
the inventor , and Capt. Penfield , th <
Australian aeronaut , who stowed
away in the aircraft after he had been
ordered off and had both legs broken
are both much improved. Morrell de
clares he will commence work on an
other airship as soon as he leaves th <
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
City live stock market follow : Beeves.
$ G.OO@G.G5. Top hogs , $5.30.
Dies in Ball Game.
Heart failure caused by a long
throw from deep left field to the home
plate in the second inning of a game
.between two local baseball teams re
sulted in the death of John 11. Perry ,
of St. Louis , Mo. , an amateur player
Ari/ona Bank Opens.
The Globe National bank , of Globe
} Ariz. , which cloc d its doors Nov. 4 ,
< j reopened Saturday morning , prepared
j to pay all depositors.
P _ f
V tf , ' - .
Cruttipackcr Scores \\ith Bill Aimed
A campaign contribution public
bill , embodying an amendment by I
Crumpackei , uf Indiana , providing
a reduction in the representation
the house of representatives in thi
states having disfranchisement la
was passed by the house Friday b :
vote of 165 to 125 , following a llv
debate. The measure was brought
under suspension of the rules , and f
ty minutes were allowed in which
discuss it. The southern members
particular were bitter in their dent
elation of the apportionment provisi
of the bill.
Mr. AVilliams , the minority lead
was especially vigorous in his attac
characterizing the bill as being an ;
tempt to revive the conditions of :
construction days.
After the Crumpacker amendrm
had been adopted the democrats vet
against the bill in its entirety ,
brief the provision regarding public
of campaign contributions is made a
plicable to the national commitU
and the national congressional coi
mittee of all political parties and
committees , associations or organis
tions which shall in two or me
states influence the result of an elt
tion at which representatives in co
gross are to be elected.
The Crumpacker amendment pi
vides for the re-enactment of certa
sections of the old federal electi
law , except that the idea of thu u
enacted "force" bill , authorizing t
ase of troops at the polls , is elimim
Seven True Bills Against Mrs. Gu
ness' Alleged Accomplice.
In returning seven true bills again
rlay Lamphere Friday afternoon tl
L.aporte grand jury also indicted Mi
junness for the murder of Andre
Jelgelein , of Mansfield , S. D. No wa
ant was issued for Mrs. Gunness , ;
he was declared officially dead by tl
rerdict of Coroner Mack , but in ord <
o vote a true bill against Lamphe
accessory in the killing of Helgele
t was necessary to indict Mrs. GUI
less as the principal. Lamphere no
tands before the bar of justice officia
y charged with arson , five murde
.nd being an accessory in the Helgi
2in murder.
The digging Friday resulted in tr
inearthing of a human skull which
3 believed belongs to one of the bodi <
ug up In the chicken yard two weel
go. At that time three skeletor
7QTG found in one hole , but thei
: ere only two skulls. The skull foun
'riday was in a cesspool , and why
ras dropped there and the rest of th
ody buried in the little cemetery th
uthorities cannot explain. Long haJ
ttached to the skull is considered e\
lence that it is that of a woman.
One of the three dismembered boc
is referred to was that of a.female.
[ ichigan Man Arrested for AVholcsal
James Brimmingstall , aged 40 , i
nder arrest at Dowagiac , Mich
larged Avith six murders.
The police say he already has con
tssed to two. Prosecutor Bresnaha
confident the prisoner will admi
tat he has committed other crimes
is arrest followed an alleged attemp
' make his wife his seventh victim
ic escaped and appealed to the po
ie. The list of Brimmingstall's vie
ms , according to the officers , are :
Man in Kansas ; killed by Brimming
all when 1C years old.
Railroad man in Missouri , name un
10wn ; killed seven years ago.
Two men who were sleeping in i
nt in Missouri ; names unknown.
David Ruff , Dowagiac , June , 1907
Smith Hortium , Dowagiac , Feb
ary , 1908.
ttrcme Penalty Inflicted for Agrariar
Kiots in Russia.
Twenty Russian peasants who tooli
.rt in recent disorders in Yekateri-
slav district were hanged at Kher-
n under decree of a courtmartial.
icy belonged to a peasant associa-
m the avowed object of which was
drive out landed proprietors by the
rning of their estates. The resort
the death penalty for agrarian out-
? es is a new departure , flogging and
ort terms of imprisonment having
en the usual punishments evening
ring the great disorders of 190G.
Another Fire A'ictim.
The body of Louis Bender , Fridays ,
-s found in the ruins of the AVintei-
; yer box factory , burned at Chicago
ursday. The relatives of eight men
iployed in the factory reported to
; police that they had not returned
their homes.
AVas the Father of 21.
Leonard Bertram ! , of Green Bay ,
s. , father of twenty-one children ,
dead of Bright's disease , aged GS
ira. All of 'the twenty-one children
re born of the same mother , and
hteen of them are living. Mrs. Ber-
nd is alive and in robust health.
Arrested for Minim * Fraud.
3. Chapin Card , mining promoter
h offices at Denver , Colo. , who was
icted by the federal grand jury on
charge of using the mails in fur-
ranee of schemes to defraud , has
n arrested.
Cloudbuist Breaks Levee.
Bloods following a cloudburst broke
Illinois river levee near Havana ,
and drove twenty-five families
m their homes.
Abrupt End of Plait Suit
The case of Mae C. Wooc1. the
ha woman who sued I'luted : ; ta' '
Senator Thomas C. Platt for dlvon
came to a sudden and sensational e
Thursday afternoon when Justi
O'Gorman , of the supreme court , d
missed the complaint and directed t
complainant be committed to the ci
prison under $5,000 bail on a char
of perjury. Miss Wood was taken
the Tombs.
The climax came after the introdu
tion in evidence of the deposition of
man v\ho manufactured the ban !
upon one of which the alleged Plal
Wood certificate had been prepared ,
which he declared that the blank for
in question was not lithographed un
three months after the marriage
Miss Wood to Platt is alleged to ha
occurred. The senator's son , Frank :
Platt , also testified'that it is his beli
no such letters ever had been writti
to Miss AVood by his father as we
represented in alleged copies off en
n court by the complainant. The ca
lias attracted exceptionally wide a
: ention on account of the prominem
3f the aged senator and the nani
) f other widely known persons who
Mjss Wood involved in her sensation
charge in support of her complaint.
Miss AVood was at once taken to tl
Tombs prison. One the way she cha
: ed laughingly with the officers.
The commitment on the perjui
marge was made by Justice O'Gorma
m his own initiative. He had persoi
illy questioned the complainant , wl
lad been recalled to the stand , an
vhen she reiterated her former test
nony regarding the marriage the ju :
ice said :
"The court cannot believe there w :
L marriage. Being convinced of tl :
> lalntiff's guilt in committing perjui
n the case , I commit her to priso
inless she furnishes $5,000 bail. "
A'orst Disaster of the Kind in Her
The worst railroad catastrophe eve
ecorded in Belgium took place nea
! ontich , six miles southeast of Ant
. erp , Thursday morning. The Ant
erp Express , running fifty miles pe
our , crashed into a train loaded wit
ilsrims on a siding. Three cars wer
teraJly ground to pieces , and practi
ally all the passengers either kille
r badly injured.
Up to an early hour Thursday afert
eon 38 dead and 79 wounded hai
een removed. The occupants of th
irs were mostly workmen and peas
Succor was extended to more thai
00 injured. Surgeons , doctors am
urses arrived early from Antwerp a
ie scene of the wreck. Many shriek
ig and helpless , wounded person
re still pinned under the debris. Tin
: ene is one of horror and beggar
oles AA'edded by Mistake of Sonll
Xonvalk Town Clerk.
When William Krisick and Mis :
lexandria Kirszeka , two Poles , 01
) uth Norwalk , applied for a dog lie-
ise from Town Clerk Herbert R
nith on Saturday they got a marriage
: ense and John Curnow , justice ol
e peace , married them.
The bride has now instituted pro-
edings for divorce and threatens the
ficials. She says all that they wanted
as a dog license.
Krisick's dog was named Louise ,
id in his broken English all he could
y was that he wanted a license foi
> uise , which accounted for the mis-
ke. The bride is a cousin of the
Robbers Kill Chicagoan.
Robt. P. Holmes , a purchasing agent
the Commonwealth-Edison Electric
mpany , of Chicago , was found dead
th the marks of garroters on his
ck and his face black from strang-
ition in a downtown ally 'early
lursday. His person had been dives-
1 of all its valuables.
Billion Dollar Congress.
The sixtieth congress will have
rned the title of a "billion dollar
ngross" at its first session before
journment. It is climated that the
: al appropriations will reach the
srmous sum of $1,026,000,000 , which
said to be the largest amount ever
propriated at a single seesion.
New Bridge Blown Up.
\ new bridge under construction
the Harlem branch of the New
rk , New Haven and Hartford rail-
id , at Bay Chester , was wrecked by
lamiters Thursday. A charge of
y pounds of e-plosive was dis-
irged under the first span.
Many Lives ia Peril.
\L \ fire broke out Thursday afternoon
the large box factory of J. Winter-
yer. The flames swept through the
Iding and spread to a number ad-
ling structures.
Loss of Slock in Blizzard.
leavy losses of sheep and lambs
reported from Dawson county ,
tit , by a bhzzard that began Wed-
day. The snow lies two feet on
level "and five and six feet in the
: ts.
Carload of Mail Burns ,
.n entire carload of United States
il A\as burned near the eastern end
: he AVyoming division of the Union
: ific Wednesday night.
IMI ยง Fion Day to Day Gonteed S
I'titirn : ii X ' 3 > ri 'xi IV piial Tic'lev
by JIM CipCTiiltoii.
After having been violently in a
for three years th" mind of Mrs. Mu *
aelson , a Platte Center patient in t ;
Nebraska state hospital for the insa
at Norfolk , has been very material
and almost completely restored to i
normal clearness as the result of
surgical operation for gall stones ,
her reason is permanently restored.
Dr. G. A. Young , superintendent
the hospital , now hopes it vrill be ,
will be the first case of record in tl
medical and surgical world where 1
sanity has been cured by removii
gall stones and the gall bladder.
Dr. Young personally performed tl
operation. Ho removed 415 small gi
stones , as well as the entire gall bla
der. From the moment that Mi
Michaelson recovered from the anae
thetic it was apparent that her d
mented condition had been veiy mu (
Mrs. Michaelson had been one of tl
very violent inmates of the hospitt
She suffered from pains , which provi
to be those caused by gall stones , ai
an operation was performed. It
said the physical disturbance caus <
by the gall stone irritation might en ?
ly affect the nervous system and d
vclop all tendency toward insanity e :
istent in the patient. Insane patien
have been known to be complete
cured as the result of an attack of t ;
phoid fever.
County OHiccrs Are Enjoined from O
ciipyin * * New RuiUUng.
The old court house at Fender
become entirely inadequate to provu
suitable quarters or a safe place fi
the county records. The county boui
entered into a contract with Mr. St <
venson , proprietor of the Palace hot
for suitable quaiVrs. A large vau
was constructed and several rooms i <
arranged and lltted up for county o :
fices , also a large and commodiot
court rooms. As soon as these wet
ready for occupancy the board wi
enjoined. This case has had its tim
in court and has been appealed to th
supreme court. The question is wheth
er the county board has any authorit
to provide the quarters for count
records. County Attorney Chase is th
only official who beat the game. II
moved into the new quarters befor
they were completed and so holds th
Man AVho Broke Into Car Quick !
Wednesday morning1 at 9 o'clocl
Yardmaster Nick Larson , of Lexing
ton reported to Chief of Police Mai
eolm that the Syrian car , used as ;
boarding house for the Syrian railroa.
? mployes , had been forced open am
three trunks had been broken into
clothing and razors being found miss
ing. Chief Malcolm departed at enc <
ivith one of his bloodhounds , "Pride. "
ivho trailed the burglar to a car in th <
ivest end of the yards , where he wa
sleeping. He was taken into custody
iml signed a confession statilg that hi
, vas the guilty party , and named hi !
iccomplice. Malcolm & Cole are thi
nvners of this dog , which is one of j
ine collection owned by them.
School Children hi Parade.
Two thousand school children o ;
Tastings marched in the Grand Armj
> arade there AYcdnesday morning
vhich was headed by Dcpartmenl
Commander Thomas Creigh and the
ither oflicers of the patriotic organiza-
ation. The exercises of the morning
oncluded with the presentation of 11
lag to the children by the Women's
lelief Corp and of a picture of Presi-
ient Lincoln by the Ladies of the
Jrand Army of the Ileupblic.
Heavy Kain at Plnttsmouth.
Plattsmouth was visited by another
oed Wednesday evening , the rain
iilling in torrents from C to 7 o'clock ,
'he water ran down Main and Sixth
treets ir/torrents , cove.tng the streets
nd sidewalks on either side , and in
ome places entering the basements ,
'he ' buildings in the P.urlington shop
ards contained from three to four feet
f water and mud , and some loose
imber was washed away.
Fales AA'ins in Court.
Franklin Fales , of Dixon county ,
hursday afternoon won out in the su-
reme court in the suit brought
gainst hi i for damages for alleged
bel. T. J. Sheibly was the plaintiff
nd the article was published during
ie McCarthy congressional cam-
lign in 1902. Fales charged that
: ieibly was incensed against McCar-
ly because the latter prosecuted an
* tion against him.
Found Doail in IJt'd.
Matt Huffy was found dead at the
: > me of hos niece , Mrs. George Up-
> n , at Danham , by a member of the
mily who went to call him for
eakfast Wednesday morning. Death
as supposed to have been due to
jart trouble. He was 70 years of age
id an old resident of that section.
Sons of Herman Convene.
The Sons of Herman , a German fra-
rnal organization , met in annua" !
ssion in Grand Island Thursday
itli 100 delegates present.
Corn for Omaha Show.
The National Corn commission
lich is planning for a large repre-
ntation of Nebraska corn at the show
be held at Omaha , Dec. 10 to 19 ,
at recently to complete arrange-
iiits for the growing and exhibition
Farmer Killed by Fall.
Edward Schrank , a prominent
rmer and owner of the old Chritud-
g farm south of Wisner. was instant-
kille'l at about G o'clock Wednes-
Hun-lie ! to Sir-v Ci'y to Save
} ) i.ii 'itcr.
Ie5eving that his 13-year
daughter , tioldie Prie t. had elo
with Will Knuiison , 27 years of ;
Frank Priest , of Homer , made a rec
drive from Homer. Neb. , to Sioux <
Sunday in pursuit of the pair ,
fore the father arrived both the
and the man had been taken into c
tody by the police.
The frantic father early in the
notified the police by telephone t
his daughter was in Sioux City , i
that she probably would be joined s
by Knudson. An officer located
? irl at the hotel and kept her un
L-lose surveillance for nearly
hours before Knudsen put in an
pearance. The man walked by
sitting room and motioned to the ;
to come outside. Before they had tie
: o exchange a greeting they were t
jn into custody.
The girl at first seemed s
possessed , but wept bitterly upon
irrival of her father. Knudson. v
: ame to the city Saturday morni
aid he had no intention of runn
i way with the girl , but that she i
lissatisfied with her home and ca
lere of her own accord. He had ,
; aid , volunteered to assist in secur
i situation for her. The girl left ho
vithout the knowledge of her parei
5he told her father that she was g
ie came for her and that she ne
igain would leave home.
A'ail of Guileless Farmer AVho Sej
Money toVid < m" AVIio Needs It
"She are a badder woman than .M
llnness of Lopoure. Indiany , " wri
> aul H. Adams , of Le Seiier , Minn. .
he postmaster at Omaha , in referei
o a Mrs. J. C. ITullyday , of Oma :
-ho has beguiled Paul Adams out
12."t of hard earned cash. "I seen 1
dvortisin in the Farmers' Tribim-- > ,
cioucx city loway , " writes Mr. A
nis. "She sa3'in she war a wide
nd war lonsum and had about 2S
ollars an a farm. She wantin a co
lanyonn. I write to her 'and she si
end her 200 , but a had only 125 am
en her that. She said to meat h r
ante pawul but she dent come.
; ish you show this letter to cheef
olis at Omaha and see if he ca
ound her. She are a badder worn ,
tjan Mrs. Ginness og Lopourte , I
iany. I work for my money ve
ard. She is a frawd. Please have t
heef of polis found her. She lives
mawhaw. She are a serpent in t
rass. Paul H. Adams , Le Seui
[ inn. "
frs. Adam Learler Loft Spouse Tlir
Days After Weddimr.
Mrs. Adam Legler , formerly Evel ;
[ cClintock , of Waterloo , Neb. , wi
isappeared at Grand Island a fc
ays ago , was found in Fremo
hursday night by Sheriff Bauman
ie homo of Al Cain. She is a brii
' . three days and was going hon
Hastings with her wealthy spou
hen she dropped out of sight. Mi
ugler says she never liked Legl
id decided to leave him. Jack Tr
y , of Grand Island , gave her $5 ai
ie bought a ticket to Fremont.
Legler arrived in Fremont ai
tent the afternoon at the county jr
ying to persuade his young bride
i home with him. Both deny thi
ok any of Legler's money when si
Sixty-Four Cars in Train.
Sixty-four loaded freight cars bi
nd a giant mogul made up the fir ;
gular train which went over the ne
me cut-off Sunday , after which tl
gular through passenger an
rough freight trains were sent ovc
e road. The new stations on the lin
d their distances from Union sU
m , Omaha , are Summit Junctioi
> 0 miles : Seymour Sidine , 6.0
rpy Siding , 10.78 miles and Lan <
.91 miles. The title of the new roa
the South Omaha and Western rail
id. and an arrangement has bee
ule whereby the Union Pacific wi
erate the trains over the line unt :
is turned over the company.
Grand Inland Ollicor Shoots.
Harry Gibson , a colored xvaiter o ;
L'nion Pacific dining car , giving hi
me as Jersey City , lies at the SI
ancis hospital. Grand Island , witl
bullet wound in the left thigh , th
iult of disregarding Police Office
? k Searles' first warning and at
npting to escape when , upon Gib
I's second offense , he was about ti
ice him under arrest.
Horse Stolen at Herman.
Someone entered the barnyard o
ns Anderson , of Herman. Saturday
; ht and stole the best horse he had
c horse was a large bay draft ani-
1 and worth about $200.
'MUhcrland Gets Ministerial Meet.
fhe next annual meeting of th (
st Nebraska District Ministeria
ociation of the Methodist church
1 be held at Sutherland next year
Kcnison Sentenced to Pen.
Earnest S. Kenison , who killed Sara
Cox at Minatare. was sentenced
nday to twenty-three years in the
litentiary by Judge Grimes.
Accidental Cat is Fatal.
> eter Hanrahan.'aged 77 years , is
d at his home in Plattsmouth. In
ting a dead limb from a plum tree
his yai'd Monday evening the ax
ped and cut a deep gash in his
It leg just above the ankle , which
sed his death in less than one
Perkias May Die of AVciind.
iarl Parkins.vho was shot in the
d by his bH th r , Wright Perkins ,
Tuesday ov. mrg it Paeifc June-
is still in a crit'iui condition.
12S1 London Fishmongers * company-
loV-S Spanish Armada sailed frn ruO-
T ifrtis for ICiigland.
HVi,0r-loyalists victorious at battle o
170 : : Commencement of liotilities Tttt
Queen Anne's war , that of the Span
ish succession.
170 , ' ? Fort Sandusky , Ohio , taken by In
17G."j Onp-fourth of the city of Montreal )
destroyed by fire.
1774 Charter of Massachusetts annulled )
and people declared rebels by Par
1775 Declaration of Tndepemlfiiee adopt
ed at Mecklenburg. X. C.
1797 An extra so < wion of Congress con
vened to consider the strained rela
tions between the United States ancJi
1S02 Xapoloon I. instituted the Legion- ,
of Honor.
1SO.'I Enplane ! declared war against
ISO ! Xnpolton I. proclaimed Euiperor ofcf
the French.
ISOO Enjrlaiul took possession of tha
Island of Anholt. Denmark.
iS2. > liev. Antoinette Brown Blackwoll .
first woman ordained as a ministeiv.
Lorn near Itochfistcr. X. Y.
IS20 ? < vend cotton factory in South *
Carolina established at l' 'iulleton.
&J2 Election riots in Montreal.
Sil Twenty-five lives lost by a fall off
rock from Cape Diamond. Quebec.
S-lu TUie Free church of Scotland es
847 Daniel O'Connell , the Liberator- ,
die : ! in Genoa. Italy. Born in Coua
ty Kerry. Ireland , Aug. ( J. 177. .
S-l ! ) Smith O'Brien expelled from tia-
British House of Commons.
S-3 Capture of the I'eiho forts.
So'J French and Sardinians defeate&J
the Auetrians at Montebello.
SJ2 ( Fast day in Richmond. Va.
& > 4 Fir- express trains run Letweei ? ' .
Xew York and Buffalo.
8 Jefferson Davis imprisoned irti
Fortress Monroe.
S71 Vemlome Column , erected by Xa--
poleon I. , to commemorate his vic
tories , pulled down by the Commun
ists in Paris.
37 ? ) Donald A. Macdonald entered *
office of lieutenant governor of On
370 St. Patrick's cathedral , Xew York ;
City , dedicated.
$82 The British expedition arrived aSy
Alexandria , Eijypt.
> So Surrender of Louis Kiel , leader ofr
"Kiel's Kcbellion. "
> SC British evacuation of Suakim com
> SO Great loss of property by fire in. *
iO , ' { United States Supreme Court sus
tained the Chinese Exclusion act.
i04 Tie Manchester ship canal opened. .
KX ) British force under Gen. P.utler-
occupied Dundee , South Africa.
'Ol ' Pool rooms in Xew York City shuto :
off from telegraphic service.
OG Four towns in northern Michigaca
destroyed by forest fires.N
illision Results in. Belgium's AVorstr
Hallway Eorror.
The worst railroad catastrophe ever-
rorded in Belgium occurred near-
intich , six miles southeast of Ant
? rp , when the Antwerp express , strik-
l a Displaced switch while runningr
ty miles an hour , crashed into & -
lin loaded with pilgrims on a sid
Every car of the pilgrim train , ex
iting the foremost one. was tele-
} ped. The coaches were literally-
Dimd to pieces and nearly all the-
ssengers were killed or severely in-
red. About fifty dead were removed ! '
> m the wreckage and more than 100"
re injured. Surgeons and niirses---
. ived early from Antwerp. The stan - -
n at Contieh was converted into a.
nporary morgue and hospital and ; ,
eel with the dead and wounded.
[ t appears that the locomotive of the-
iress train left the track and plunged ?
o the last three passenger coaches-
the train on the siding. This train ,
s carrying an excursion of pilgrims ?
a local shrine.
A'hile trying to save their brother. Ben-
lin and Joseph Ilenness of O'Fallont
re drowned in a plough of the Quivro-
er near St. Charles. Mo.
. Rurveyinj cwir n nr Brniaen ! . Alina.
nd the decomposed body of aa un-
m-a man in a swamp. lie had evident-
been dead about a jrir. < .
iTcn residents of Kero < , 'm. Wi * . . have-
PH the Pasteur trejrti , in < T'CIZC
aus * a plojful In7'i i . . v hlr i i ' pf < i ;
m dniin ? numQrf s ro. , < , v. is , afuir-