Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 28, 1908, Image 1

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    Historical Society
The Red Front Merc. Go's ,
Is the olace
Carpets ,
A full line of Parlor Furniture , Iron Beds and
Kitchen Cabinets.
We have the finest line of Men's
Hats , all styles and colors , in the
city. Prices from $1.00 to $3,50 ,
PHONE 97 ,
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes ,
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , vnoxn 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Customers.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars |
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : m
Old Crow , Sherwood , fej
Hermitage , Guchenheimer , y
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 27/year/old B
and Jas , E. Pepper , O , F , C , Taylor , |
I These whiskies were purchased in bond |
, and came direct from the U. S. government - |
ernment warehouse. They are guaranteed - |
anteed pure and unadulterated. Tin- |
excelled for family and medical use. vrC
Three Star Henncssy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported &
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. |
Bass Ale. Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , 5
Valentine Nebraska
Read the Advertisements.
What is the Explanation of Bryan ?
Introduction to "TiiK BKAFJ UIIYAN. " a
new book compiled by Richard L. Mct-
calfe and being published by Personal
Help Publishing Co. . Ues Moines. Iowa.
"Will some one please stand up
and explain this man Bryan the
Phoenix who arises from the ashes
of defeat stronger , better loved
than ever ? " This question was
asked by a Pittsburg , Pa , , man in
a letter printed in the Christian
Union Herald. This man had seen
( to use his own language ) "a won
derful thing come to pass. " He
had seen William J. Bryan "flout
ed by us easterners as a wild-eyed
disturber of the peace" entering
Pittsburg , "a city which gave the
biggest comparative majority
against him of all cities in the na
tion and greeted by an enormous
crowd with an attention and en
thusiasm that passeth description ,
holding them under spell of his
marvelous eloquence for more than
two long mortal hours and sending
them away cheering and think
ing. "
"All this , mark you , " said the
Pittsburg man , "in the city of
Pittsburg intensely republican ,
'conservative , ' tariff-loving Pitts-
barg ! the stronghold and center
alike of his democratic and repub
lican enemies ! If this can occur
in Pittsburg , what must be his
hold upon the people in communi
ties where the what-is-is-right doc
trine is not revered as here ! "
From these scenes the Pittsburg
turned and in utter perplexity
asked , "What is the explanation
of Bryan ? " '
"What is the explanation of
Bryan ? " asked the Pittsburg man
and then added : ' ' 'A magazine
writer attempted recently to ex
plain him , but when the article
was finished all he had proved was
that Bryan had made a few honest
dollars out of his political career ,
though the writer did not sufficient
ly emphasize the phenomenon that
a political career has at last result-
d in an honest if comparatively
small fortune. Bigger fortunes
than Bryan's have been made
through political careers before
now , but we are never tempted to
describe them as 'honest. ' "
"What is the explanation of
Bryan ? " asked the Pittsburg man.
kls it honesty ? There are many
honest men in the nation who have
not his wonderful hold on the
liearts of the people. Is it his in
tellect ? His is not the most pow-
ful intellect in the nation ,
strong though it is.
"Is it his eloquence ! We are
still under the spell of his incom
parable voice , cutting wit and
! orcefnl sentences , but we know
hat his eloquence does not ex
plain him.
ktls it the romantic quality of the ;
career that began when the editor ,
ust returned from reporting the ;
invention which nominated his :
opponent , seizing the dramatic ,
ritical moment , thrilled several
lundred men into nominating an ;
obscure lawyer and writer to the
lighest office in the land ? Hardly ! "
Nor in the opinion oj this Pitts-
nirger is the explanation to be
bund in the combination of all
bur of the suggested explanations Ii
honesty , intellect , eloquence and c ;
he romantic quality career. For , b
in the opinion of this writer , "The tc :
combination could never have h
brought about the event described ,
above in Scotch-Irish , conserva tl
tive Pittsburg. We have watched ,
and studied Pittsburgh political Sl
audiences for several years and
we have never seen the like of 0
that which greeted Bryan , No 0a
rabble , but a fine body of repre
sentative , thoughtful men ; not tl ;
merely curious , but attentive , with
Our nwn's furnishing department is filled with the many ex
clusive designs in summer wear , which appeal to nobby dressers
CLUETT SHIRTS , exclusive in styles and patterns , sold
the world over for $1.50
IDEAL SHIRTS , in the soft collar Effects , in white , blue.
tan , gray and checks - 75c to $1.50
B. V. D. UNDERWEAR , the new popular garment in coat
cut undershirts , and knee length drawers , per suit , $1.00
in union and two-piece stuff , per suit $1.00 and $1.25
ENDICOTT OXFORDS , in patent leather buttons , gun '
metal bluchers and patent leather bluchers ,
per pair $3.00 , $3.50 and $4.00
See our window display of these goods.v
an earnest attention that was not
disturbed by the magne tic attrac
tion of his personality. They lis t-
ened as men listen who have con
fidence in their speaker , in his
sincerity and in his knowledge and
in his truthfulness. "
Sometimes the things for which
we dig are to be found upon the
surface. When the Pittsburg
man said that his neighbors listen
ed to Mr. Bryan "as men listen
who have confidence in their speak
er , in his sincerity and in his
knowledge and in his truthful
ness , " he may have given answer
to his own question. /
If , however , the Pittsburg writ
er yet finds it difficult to understand - -
stand "what is the explanation of [
Bryan , " he might approach the
solution of the problem with higi.-
er hopes for results if he freed
himself from some of the newspa
per-made misconceptions
ing Mr. Bryan's career. It is
hardly fair to say that when Mr.
Bryan was nominated for the
presidency in 1896 , he was "an
obscure lawyer and writer. " Six
years before his nomination for
Lhe presidency he had been nomi
nated by the democrats as a candi
date for congress in what seemed
to be a hopelessly republican dis
trict. In 1SSS the republican can
didate had carried that district by
large plurality. In 1S90 Mr.
Bryan carried that district by
3,700 plurality , although he had a
populist opponent who received
13,086.votes. . I think it is admit
ted in Nebraska that this result
ivas largely due to the fact that
Mr. Bryan and his opponent en
gaged in a joint debate. While
jhe republican candidate was an
ible and resourceful lawyer and
lad committed himself to some of
he reforms then growing in popu-
ar favor , Mr. Bryan plainly won
he honors in a debate noted alike
or its vigor and humor.
In 1S92 Mr. Bryan was re-elect-
jd , although his congressional dis-
rict had been rearranged leaving
t composed largely of republican
During his first term on March
LG , 1892 Mr. Bryan made his
U'eat tariff speech in the House of
Representatives. And on that oc-
asion ; as will hereafter be shown
.y witnesses that may not be said
o be partisans of the Nebraskan
le became a national figure. Those
vho had the privilege of hearing
hat speech will not forget it ; nor
vill they fail to remember the
stirring scenes enacted at its close.
3ryan began his address at 2:30 :
'clock in the afternoon and closed
it 530. ;
Over the report of that speech
he New York World carried the
( Concluded on last page. )
We sell farming implements as well as other
merchandise at reasonable prices.
Call and try us.
The Auctioneer.
I guarantee satisfaction. Try me.
Valentine Nebraska
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 ,
ifA * a tiMfiSlA
Valentine , Nebraska. .
( Successor to )
CAPITAL PAID nr A General Banking
Exchange and
Collection Business.
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V. NICHOLSON. Cashier.
Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
$ Phon <
7 * fc
& * .
Bfl . MM lf
A T i > iJi.-4 A. v XM *
Stetter & Tobien , Props. *
- All Kinds of Fresh |
and Salt Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cuttle , Hogs.
Poultry , Horses- , Mules and
anything you have to sell.
For Good Printing