Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brands and ittled * Ghich cull i Under the . Jsftf , k ll eimer Supervision Eye of tlie I . . . . . , , . . . , J-fZ1 * * ' ' ' t'j * : < * V * jf ' ' V f. & " < Z.-f\rZ1 ' " .ff i.JttJFlt' * tt24. &iJSZ7Z' & < ? Ytaflll'aC"K Whiskeys. U. S. GrOV. We also handle the Budweiser Beer. . 1 | 'iT.'JJ ' . .tsxsa Ztxsxa JOHN G. iTETTER , Propr. Notice to Builders and Contractors. The Board of Trustees of School District No. 1 , of Cherry County. Neb. . v-il ) rccene .sealed bids for'the erection and completion of an addition. 10x11. tv.o stories and basenu-nt. to their present * chool building. Plans and .specillcations can be sen and examined at atie olllce of M. V. Nicholson , treasurer , at Valentine. Nebraska. Separate bids will be considered for the entire \\ork or different parts of the work , the board reserving the right to reject any or all bids. Bids will be opened May C8. 1903. and work must be completed by September 1. 1W58. D. E. ba BUM AN. Secretary. Dated April 30. IMS. 15 I Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. In the District Co.irt of Cheiry Couuty , Ko Fred A. IH'imett , plaintill. j Vb J- KlsleI. . Bennett , defendant 1 Elsie .1. Hennett , Non-resident delendnnt : You are hereby notified that on April i0 1'ifi-s , Fred A. Bennett Inled a petition : u > aiiMoi in the district court ot Cherry county Nebraska , the object and prayer ofhlch are to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds - f e\t'ei ! < oiuelty and "deb"rtiou , rnd asku g lor the < , - > - t-idvo'f the minor children , the issue of said marriage , vj/ : C-T.I Helle Ucnueit , rwd 12 \enrS. and Wattle Marie Uer.nctt , : ue < l 10 u-ar- , . You nre required to ans\\ eraid p-'tition on or beiore June b , 1U08. 154 FRED A. I5KXXKTT , .Sheriff Sale. Uy virtue of an order of sale i-sued bv HIP clerk of the district cmirr of cherry c m tv. > braskaon January 21. 190 under a deere - of foreclosure wherein Andrew M.Mornss-\ cuter of She last will and testament ol I'atrK-k Millivan. deceased , is plaintiff , and Ol.\e M franc , Mav Jones , Ddois Crane , minor 1" ir of Elmer K. Crane. deceased , and Oh\e M. Ciuf-e. and Charle * Larson , executor of the 1 it u .11 .t .d tfcstamoutof Elmer E. Crane , deriw-ed.arv de fendants , I will fell at the front door of the courthouse in Valentine. Cherr > e-mnty , N - braska , that being the bu Idingheie'ii lue last term of said eourt was held , on the Isr day of June. 100S. at 10 o'clock a. m to H-.MS y judgment of S11C3.00 and mrereat 10 per < : it from date of judgment , January 21. it IN. a'i I costs taxed arS40 40 aud accruing costs , at p'i lie auction to the highest bidder Kir c-as'i tt.c f > l lowsng described property tow it : Tlif South Half of Northeast ( > u.irter and Northeast Q-uu- ter of Southeast ( juartor of s < ; tiou 10. and Northwest Quarter of Southwest Qi utrr of section 11 , township : ; : ? range M. in < heny county. Nebraska. Dated tlusiUh day of April , l-.w c. A. jorfni-n-u : , It ) 5 She : iff. Walcott & Morrissey , Attjs. for Pltf. BRYAN OF NEBRASKA. ' * ( Concluded form page one. ) Everyman has not his price , at least in the goods that buy the ppo- ple who make this lying charge. The fellows who indulge in such cheap cynicism should join the swelling ranks of the Ananias club. Whatever Bryan may be. the world now knows that ho is not a demagogue. That term does not go with his makeup. He may be a bit theatric , he may like to keep in the limelight , he may even be something of an unconscious poseur , but he must at least be given credit for believing what he says. As for the taunt that ho is superficial , perhaps that may be said of all orators. Jt is no more true of Mr. Bryan than of others. He has shown the ability to grasp fundamentals and to state them in an effective and simple manner. He surely has the courage to say what he thinks , a virtue not pos sessed by all politicans. He is not afraid of the interviewer and nev er sidesteps an honest question. Xor has he that cheap and despic able habit found in some public men of talking for publication and then denying his statements , to the ruin of some poor scribe. Bry an has always been popular with newspaper men. Without regard to party , they have rated him at his worth , and their judgment is by no means to be despised. Your average reporter is expert , in de tecting shams he meets so many of them. As for the accusation that Mr. Bryan runs for oflice too much , hq could doubtless rebpond that the j American people can get rid ofj I this tendency by electing him , justi as some girls free tb' JMselves from ! the importunities . too ardent. . suitor by saying "Yes. " An Early Title. Still another of ih * early char acterizations of "the Commoner" has gone out of fashion. Lie is no longer called the "Boy Orator of the Plattc. " One reason is that / he does riot live on the Tlatte , but on Salt creek , the suggestive name by which the stream that ilows through Lincoln is known. A second cause of the change is that it is hard to icfor to a man who has lost most of his hair as juvenile. One more fond delusion regard ing the Xebrti kan is likewise dis- appoaring. lie is no longer re garded as excessively radical. Bryan himself has always insisted lhat he\is a conservative r.nd has often sr.id that some day his op ponents would be forced to come to him to ? ave them from the actual radicals they themselves had reared up not entirely a bad prophecy in the light of some rec ent events , for most of the people of this country have not only ad vanced to the ground occupied by Bryan , but some of them have gone far beyond him. There is one charge that the real radicals make against Mr. Bryan with some consistency that , despite his great will power and undoubted courage , he has proved vacillating. They aver , for example , that he changed front on his support of Parker and on the government ownership of rail roads. They say he has had too many "paramount" issues , only to cast them aside when they ap peared unpopular. Is this the Achilles heel that will prove his ultimate undoing ? ngressmen at Thirty. ? Lr. Bryan was born the year of Liucnhrs first election in 1SGO. lie was valedictorian of his college class , studied law with Lyman Trumbullveut to congress at the age oC thirty , sprang" into national fame by a speech on the tariff and won his first nomination to the presidency at the age of thirty-six by a speecli on free silver , lie has been lawyer , editor , politician and lecturer. Once he narrowly mi sed being a preacher , und even now he says he would rather talk religion than politics. He was even a baseball pitcher , and a fairly good one. That was in his salad days , when he wore a beard to make him look older. One of the notable characteris tics of the democratic leader is the lightning-like rapidity with which he makes decisions , lie can say "Xo" as quickly and decisively as any man in public iife. His fight ing nose and jaw and his wide , chin iippod mouth are not false alarms. "Delight of the Chautauquac. " J > yau's forms o' ' recreation are farming by p r o x y shooting ducks and making speeches. His regular occupations are soliciting subscriptions for the Commoner and running for piesident. He tells good stories and has a new htock from his trip around the uorlu. As the Hmperor Titus was called l"the delight of man kind , " Mr. Bryan could be called ' 'the delight of the chautauquas. " Everybody knows , of course about the Bryan home. His farm on the outskirts of Lincoln is al most as famous as Horace's Sabine farm. The only difference is that Horace raised poetry on his place , while Bryan raises "aristocratic" hens. Bryan's great antetype in his tory was Brutus both orators and both defeated ! Both also wrote about their travels , but Brutus' stuff was so platitudinous and com mon place that it has not survived. Mrs. Bryan was a classmate of her husband , and to help him she studied law and was admitted to the bar. She is that rare and delight ful combination , an intellectual woman who is thoroughly domes tic. One of the beauties of Ameri can civilization is the ideal home lives of our public men , and in this regard Bryan is near the sum mit. This much can be said of Wil liam Jennings Bryan with truth : He is actually a great man. He is one of the first , if not the very first , of living orators. He is a potent moral force. He took ad vanced ground and has seen the country come to his principles. Those who are nearest to him know him to be white all through brilliant , generous , kindly , man ly and likable in every way. But , as to whether he is ever to be president or not , that remains to be determined by fate , the democratic party and the Ameri can electorate. Being in such hands , he is entitled to the pious prayer of the judge in delivering sentence , "And may God have mercy on his soul. " i he Churchyard Yev/3 Secret. ' ' "Why nro yo\v trees found in ceme teries only ? " sihl : a foester.Vliy , .ill over the world saving here , where they clo'.i't exist do you Ihul in ceuie- teric si-out yews of immemorial a-je ? Antiu'.wnes have tried to attach soi.ie ( ItT.Klic si.millicnnce to the matter. Yews efiwv hi churchyards and nowhere else , hence they were sacred to the dead in Hi" time of Hie Druids , and it was as erroneous t ; ) plant them in your ; jar- cun as to plant tombstones ( here. I li-ive e/i . > > d tYt superstition. On a \vi\i : : - ro-jr of England one summer I a.kl every farmer 1 met why lie h 11 noovr . ; on his plce. : : The answer uas always the s.imo : 'Do you think I w.nt to lee my cat.'L' ? ' or 'Had one , hut out it down. The ? beastics got at it , raid yew lea'.es is poison to the bcast- ics. ' Yes , lhat is the secret of the ch'.irch.vard yew. It jrow. only in cemeteries ! ; -uise the farmers have destroyed it everywhcrc.velse , its leaves i.v-hi injtui'jTj to live stock. " New Orleans Timi-s-DeAiocrat. Insomnia. "Did yon Jry c-iuntini ; l.COO sheep , as I told you' ' "Yes. doc. r.ut i hen I jrrt to ! iiurii'-r what I could ; ; et for 'em by the pound at pivsont prifjs. an-1 after that I just couldn't go to sleep.-5 Kansas City Journal. His Lezcl. EL'v/kins How's Ilenpeck getting on kince his mnrrLigo'L lie nucd to vor that no woman could ever get ahead o. ' him. IIjy7-Ch. lie's i'till le.-'dinc- suppose , hr.t she's l-eliind holding tht ? reins. London Tit-Bits. A Twisted A.ncvvcr. "Don't you ever get homer-ick. cap lain ? " asked the passenger on tl ) of-ean liner. "No ; I'm never home long enough. replied the captain. Philadelphia Tress You people who quarrel easily , re member that no quarrel was ever real ly made up. Atchison Globe. Changed His Mind. A gentleman who cncc served ou an Irish jury tolls an amusing story of his experiences.Yhen the hearing was over and the jury retired to their room to consider their verdict they fou.l that they stood eleven to one in favor of an acquittal , but the one happened to be a very complacent old gentloMaan who rested his chin upon the head of a thick bamboo cane and announced de fiantly that he was ready to stay there as long as any of them. The hours dragged on , evening ar- rned. and the old gentloinan obstinate ly held out. The other jfiroive.iruy arranged themselves to make a night of it. From lime to time the old gentle man would contemplatively suck the head of the cane. rinaly ! he fell asleep , and the cane dropped heavilj * to the floor. Then one of the jurymen picked it up and found , to his surprise , that it was nearly full of Irish whisky. The eleven pa.-scd the cane round , relieved it of its con tents and then awakened its slumber ing owner. Slowly he lifted the cane to his mouth , looked at his watch and then arose with the announcement , 'T.oys , I'm afther cliangin' me moind. " London Telegraph. Inheritance cf the Blind. The blind child the deaf blind child has inherited the mind of seeing and hearing ancestors , a mind measured to five senses. Therefore he must be in fluenced , even if it be unknown to him self , by the light , color , song , \\hicli have been transmitted through the language he is taught , for the cham bers of the mind are ready to receive that language. The brain of the race is so permeated with color that it dyes even the speech of the blind. Every object I think of is stained with the hue that belongs to it by association and memory. The experience of the deaf blind person in a world of seeing , hearing people is like that of a sailor on an island where the inhabitants speak a language unknown to him , who e life is unlike that he lias lived , lie is one ; they ale many. There is no chrnce of compromise. He must learn to see vrith their eyes , to hear with their ears , to think their thoughts , to follow their ideals. Helen Keller'in Century. Sheridan' Star Actor. Vriicu Sheridan was a manager he even indulged in such catering to the public taste as offering to the public a dog piece by Reynolds , entitled "The Caravan ; or. The Driver and the Def ; . ' ' Of its lir.-t presentation it is recorded that Sheridan after witnessing the per formance suddenly entered the green room , shouting : "Where i.s heYhere is my guardian angel ? " ProMiming he meant to congratulate the author , Reynolds replied. "Here I am ! " "I'ooh. " replied Sheridan. " 1 don't mean you ; I moan the dog. " Later one Dignum , who played in the piece , approached Sheridan one night with woeful counte nance , saying : "Sir , there is no guard ing against illness. It is truly lamenta ble to stop the run of a successful play like this , but really" "Really what ? " cried Sheridan , interrupting him. "I am so unwell that I cannot go oa longer than tonight. " "You ! " exclaimed Sheridan. "My good fellow , you terri fied me. I thought you wore going to say the dog was ill. " The Life Plant. There is a strange wild plant in Gua deloupe called the "life plant. " If a leaf be broken off and pinned by the stem to the wall of a warm room , each of the angles between the curves of the leaf margin soon throws out a number of very white tentacles , or roots , and soon a tiny new plant begins to sprout and in the course of a week or two at tains a height of two or three inches. When the old leaf rhrivcls , the new plant i < 5 cut off and planted. When carefully cultivated , the life plant pro duces curious red and yellow blossoms. As a plant freak it certainly is as in teresting as the everlasting plant of Mexico. Why Go to Dcd ? It seems to mo we make a mistake in proscribing special hours for going to bed and for getting up. Why should we thus gorge ourselves with slumber ? Why should we not follow the example of the dog and take an occarional nap when -we have nothing better to do ? Why rhould we go to bed v. hen v v don't feel rlccpy ? Why should we not take forty -winks when inclined there to ? It strikes me there is too much method and regularity about our som niferous arrangements. Ashby-Sterry in London Graphic. The Bcauiicc. Gary of Yirginia surveyed the Met ropolitan Opera Kousa tier and par- tie rre with critical eyes ; then he turn ed to Monks. "When is a beauty not a beauty ? " ho asked. "Give It up. " said Monks. "Ninety-nine times out of a hun- ured , " said Gary. New York Triburc. An Awful Threat. That was an awful threat of a pu gilist to his antagonist. "I'll twtet you ound your own throat until there's uothiis left of you but the ends of four f.hirt collar sticking out of your sveciVarsou's Wooklv. Ptlzzsrin f.nd His Pictures. Perhaps no more ardent lover of pic- : uros ever lived than Cardinal Mazarij , minister of the regency during the mi- lority of Louis XIY. Being told that iie had but two months to live , ho was i ; eon after seen in his nightcap and j ircssing gown , tottering along the gal- | ery. pointi'ig to his pictures. ecLiin > ng : "Must I quit all thtvc ? Look at : h.it Correggi ; this 'Yciuis' of Titian ; : hat incomparable 'Deluge' of Caiacci ! Farewell , dear pictures , that I ha\a loved so dearly and that cost me so nuch ! " R J& addiSjS : Co- Postofllce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded on Mi xn\ thigh. Horses brinded Some Sonio branded branded S on right thi"h on left or j-houtder. or thi-'h P. U. Young. dinieon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side Some Qyon left side. on luft ja\v of V horses. Kange on Gordon Creek north of Simeon , Weather Data. The following data , covering" a per iod of IS yearn , have been complied from the Weather Bureau records at \7alentine , Nebr. They are issued to show the conditions that have pre vailed , during the month in question , for the above period of years , but must not be construed as a forecast of the \veather conditions for the cominir mcnth. May. TEMPERATUR . Mean or normal 08 ° The warmest mouth was that of 1900 with an average of u"J ° The coldest month was that of 1892 with an average of18 ° The highest was 970 on 8,1805 The lowest was 23 = > on-2 , 1389 PRECIPITATION. Average lor month 3 3i > inches. Average number of days with .01 of an inch or more 11 The greatest monthly precipitation was 5 98 inches in 1S9S. The least monthly precipitation was 0 17 inches in 1894. The greatest amount of precipita tion recorded in any 24 consecutive hours ivas 1 ! ) S inches on 13. 1897. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 24 consecutive hours ( record extending to winter of 1884-85 only ) was 2.00 inches on 11. 1895. CLOUDS AwID WEATHER Average number of clear da3rs , 11 partly cloudy , 11 : cloudy , 8. WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the NW. The average hourly velocity of the wind is 12 miles. The highest velocity of the wind was 76 miles from the SVV on 21,3903. .r. j. MCLEAN , Observer Weather Bureau. Get .your property insured by J. M. Eice and you will be safe. His companies pay losses promptly. Of Hamm's Beer is absolutely pure. You take no chances when you drink Hamm's. We guarantee Hamm's under the National Pure Food Law and also under the Food Laws of all the - * states. I The Preferred Stock' is the most delicious Beer ever brewed. It is the ideal Beer for all occasions. Call / Geo. A. CORBIN , Distributor & K f tfSt f&S i&Q V t I Roan Brothers Woodlake Neb John Roan's private mark , silt r In left ear Metzger Bros. , Kolfe Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop rijlit ear. Ilorsrs have vame brand on eft thigh. Han"o on fiordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 "ill he wml to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with above brand. Joa. .Bristol Valentine. Nebr. Kange on NIo- brara river four miles east of F \iobrara Horses and cattle branded xs' 15 connected on left hip or sldo as shown ID cut J. A. VARY AN Pullman , Tattle branded .FT on right aide Uorses branded JT ? on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my range D. M. Seirs. ; Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same oil left shoulder. Range Square Lake. .VLONZO HEATH Postofllce address Cody , Nebraska On left side. Horses ses left shoulder. Range north Cutcoinb Lake S-twyer Bros TostotUce address Oaais. Nebr G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cat tle Horses I > S on left shoulder some left side _ UnrsF&fii' es 3ame eft fhigb. Kange"on Snake river l > Hbrisfea : Land and Feeding Go tartlet * Uichants Pres Will G Comstock , V. P f ha.s C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; i i ir > -M-Ti.yv > > v < v dlso the following s& & 3& & $ & horses branded tht same Range between Gordon on the F.E &M V , R R ard lyannis on K. II. In Northwestern K'N ' 17 > " AT DAVIS PostofHce address liyannis , Neb On right side horses on left shoalder also cattle on right s de Range la nort'o of rivaams Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , S. D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on riehtslde Some cattle also have a - | - on neck Some with A on left shonlder and some branded with two bars icross hind onar- . . - . . , , - - - - - - _ - Uers. Somu Texas Mtte ! bnuiUed O on left Side and some m left side. j rlorses branded SOS on left bin. Some caue > rand"d AW bar connected on both sides and ° 1t bin of N. S. Rowlev Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left l ideand hip , and on eft shoulder of heron - on pec ( cither side up ) on e or hip. p on left Jaw and left ihoulder des ijij ijijQ on left hip or her e3 Sj on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle eaacut ; also CJBE fj on right KanKe on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock Pat Peiper Slmetm at.