IR ! * m ! uu I. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor. MARK ZARII Foreman. ISntered at the postoilice at Valentine , Cherry count } ' , Nebr. . as Second Glass Matter. TERMS : . ' % J i-00 in advance ; - Per -Vear Tn - - Co. . j § L30 when not pad } in advance. chcrHni innc J § 1-50 lerTear in advance ; paper dis- bUbSCripUonsj -j continucd al expiration if not renewed. A I * . * * , . r > - . - J l c per inch each is 5ue ; by contract 12ic. Advertising ( Transicnfc arj 2oc per inch ; locals lOca line. Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents per inch , net. Local notices , obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue 5 cents per line each insertion. THURSDAY , MAY 1-1 , 190S. "THE' WESTERN IDE A. " Last week we published an article on "W. J. Bryan , copied from the Ainsworth Star-Journal , a republican newspaper , but published by a man , John M1. Cotton , whom people generally rec ognize to be a fair minded man. He may be a republican in name but he is a progres sive republican of the west ern type who believes thai- Mr. Bryan started the re form movement and that many republicans were ready for the reform wave long ago. The people of the west should not be blind folded any longer by the money kings of the east. Western people ought to know what is right in government. The republican party as it is managed by the money sharks , stock brokers , manu facturers and railroads will not furnish the kind of gov ernment we want. The money sharks want the banks of the country to is sue money and the govern ment to issue bonds of in debtedness upon which they issue money to the banks to the extent of the bonds which the banks loan the same as other money. It is money because the government is back of it but we are paying interest on the bonds. The banks con tend that they are not mak ing much out of the deal be cause they have to pay a premium on the bonds. Is this right ? Brother Cotton does not think so and neither do you. Well , it's republican gov ernment according to the money sharks and they used to boast that we had the best banking system in the world Who for ? The mon ey sharks ? They did the boasting and try to uphold the system yet. If we believe it is wrong we ought to say so with our vote. We ought to do more. We ought to talk it over with our neighbors. They know the system is wrong but they invariably say in answer : "Plow arc we go ing to help it ? " or "what can we do about it ? " One tiling they can do about it is to say what you believe about it to your neighbors and keep a talking about this double dealing business of making the government back the banks and then is sue bonds to sell to the banks for mon ; " and then issue the face vlue of the ] bonds back to the banks in money and they pay the banks interest on the whole amount. How do you like the idea of our government borrow ing money from a bank , then giving all back but the premium paid on the bonds , then -pay interest on the face of the bonds ? That's the money shark's way and they also want to control the volume of mon ey so as to keep up the rates of interest and they , having the money , of .course want to enhance its value. The corporations arc a good thing for our country in many ways for they can , by combining capital , put greater machinery to work , as in mining coal or gold or manufacturing on a large scale , but they also combine with other corporations to keep up the price on manu factured articles that we need that everybody needs and upon which we pay them a tariff for protection against the competition of foreign countries. T h e manufacturers of foreign countries must pay this tar iff to sell their goods in our country and consequently , the lower price for which they must sell , doesn't bene fit-us , for we really pay this tariff , enabling our "infant industries" to grow and keep on growing on our hard earned money. Is tliis right ? This is the manufacturers kind of republican govern ment , but it doesn't suit Io wa. Iowa has the western idea , and so has Bro. Cot ton. We've all got more or less of the fever and we'd ought to begin to talk to our neighbors about it. It's our business. How will it ever be corrected if the people who pays the tax doesn't object ? We're not in favor of it. But that's not enough. We've got to tell somebody that we're not. Tell our congressmen , our senators. Of course , that may not do any good , but if they don't do something we could re place them with men who will do something for the western idea for the pee ple. The stock brokers , by pay ing a margin or small per cent of the whole , may run the price of the Farmer's gi'ain or stock or any other property on the exchange , to the highest prices when they have the lion's share to sell , or to the lowest figure when they want to buy. Tom Lawson has exposed them and we'll not further discuss the stock brokers here. The railroads -combine with other corporations to fix the value of everything we have to sell or that we must buy , that must depend upon shipping for its mark et. They want the biggest haul and generally get it Their rates are often in com petition with other railroads but we don't want two lines of railroad built between towns simply for competi tion. There is often need for but the one and we want the rates right so that we ! can ship at the same rates as a big corporation gets. We want coal hauled as cheaply as they haul it to other places. We dent want to pay more for hauling coal , from Wyoming than Omaha I people pay. We want our ; coal and hay rates looked into by the state railway : commission , but they tell us I that it is inter-state traffic and they can't touch it. It's the western idea and i we are all interested in it. We ought to talk it. Don't leave it all to the newspa pers. They can't vote for you. They can't speak for you. You must speak for yourself. It means that ! your vote is likely to go the . way you talk and it will ac- | complisli something. Talk to your neighbor and study the question. It's not a crime to ask for information if you can't find what you want , and if your neighbor can't tell you , keep asking about these things. When you know it's a hard one for the "stand-patters" and the ulet well enough alone" fel lows , follow it up with a heavy broadside that will let them know that you arc going to'take up the west ern idea. It's Mr. Bryan's way. It was his idea years ago and he's growing strong er. There are new men join ing the ranks and they arc republicans who believe in "the Western idea , " "the Iowa idea ; " some say it is Koosevelt's idea , and it is Mr. Bryan's idea. \ ( From the Holt Co. Democrat. ) * "JfTafb is nominated 1 shall vole for Br.van" seems to be a strong republican slogan in Ne braska at this time. Kepublican papers are all demo cratic on the tarili question insofar as it effects their personal inter ests.Vood pulp and print pa per should be on the free list" is their constant cry- The democrat is a 1 ways glad to exchange with any Nebraska pa per that maintains an editorial col umn wherein the original views of the editor are set forth. Be these opinions good , bad or mediocre , they are the main mast of the ship. A stream cannot rise above its source , arid a newspaper cannot rise above the intellect and origi nal ideas of its editor. A newspa per without an editorial column is like a stream without a source , and are but a burden to our mail. It is only such papers that we have refused to exchange with , until this defect is remedied. Mrs. Frank Brnyton and son Donald leave tomorrow for a sum mer visit with her parents at Chico , California. Editors Meet in Valentine Saturday , June 6th. Don't forget that the editors meet in Valentine this year the first Saturday in June. There will be thirty or forty persons here to visit with us on that day. We are expecting them and are making preparations to have them well entertained. We expept to get out the programs this week and t if the subjects don't suit the editor who is asked to respond he can choose some other subject and take" his preference. If the sub ject you think of is not represent ed in the final program , you will be expected to bring the matter up at our regular business session and discuss it. We want this meeting to be highly beneficial to every member who attends. It may be that you have something that you would like brought up for discussion or you have discovered something that would be of interest to the fellowcraft. Don't hesitate to spring it. There may be some one who has learned the thing you want to know. Bring up the ques tion and many of us will profit by hearing a matter discussed that we never thought of , either questioner or answer. In other words come loaded with information and be generous with it , When you go home we shall expect you to tell that you saw Valentine , and for fear that some of the visiting brethern might get oil' the train and lose the town , we will see that some one meets you at the train. We'll have a ball game during the afternoon if we can get the boys "together so that you can get out and walk around some and wake up. Who has a team that will volunteer to play Valentine on Saturday , the 6th of June ? Lastly don't forget to come and unload your mind and get better acquainted with each other and with our town. You will be the guests of the Valentine Commer cial club while you are in our city and they will entertain you. ( Ilushville Standard. None but the plutocrats are op posing W. J. Bryan. All good American citizens want him and they will have him regardless of the plutes and the foreign mud- skulls who come over to this coun try and make asses of themselves by attempting to instruct the Americans how to vote. There has been some housecleaning - cleaning about the Standard prem ises , both at the house and the of fice , for the past couple of weeks. It is over now and we are begin ning to feel at ease once more , but here's how we felt while the stuff was on. My eyes and nose are filled with dust , My face begiimed with smut ; My fingers are all badly smashed , My mouth is full of soot. My knees are both stuck full of tacks , My back is broke with pain , My temper , too , is milled up We're cleaning house again. Presbyterian Church. The services the coming Sunday will be as follows : Morning subject 'They That Wait Upon the Lord. " C. E. at 7 p. m. , topic ' 'Being a Christian at Home and in School. " Isa. , 54:13 : The evening preaching service will be omitted to allow members to attend the baccalaureate ser vices , conducted by Rev. Wells. Monday , the 18th , at S p , m. , Pastor-elect J. Robert Beale will be installed. To assist in this ser vice other ministers will be pres ent. Rev. Edgar Clark of Gordon will preside and deliver the ser mon. Rev. Thomas Price of Ilushville will deliver the charge to the pastor , and Rev. Samuel Light of Stuart will deliver the charge to the congregation. These services are free to all and all will be welcome. Many new sidewalks are being started all over town and give our town a rough appearance just now. 543 C. B. BACHELOR , Propr. Fresh Salt and Cured Meats , Fish , Oysters , Vegetables , Pickles , Lird. We buy poultry , butter and eggs and all kinds of live stock. ; all or Phone 88. Valentine Nebraska Will interest you. We liaye them in many styles and patterns at different prices. Come and see them. Don't you want a Sewing Machine ? | New Home , New Royal and other Good Makes , Prices that you are willing to pay for a good machine. Call and see them. , N HARDWARE , FURNITURE AND COAL. The only genuine and absolutely reliable substitute for tea and coifee is the new food beverage gives life , health , vigor , joy , comfort and beauty , and is highly recommended for nerve endurance , and building up the constitu tion. It is a pleasant beverage and contains great nutritive and invigorating qualities. Has the re freshing properties of fine tea , the nourishment of the best cocoas , a tonic and recuperative force pos sessed by neither , and can be used in all cases where tea and coffee are prohibited. Eggo's Fruit Halt is a great health reviver. A laxative and thirst quencher. Effervescent' so delicious to drink that a child likes itHas all the properties of a Sedlitz Powder and more , and is recommended in all cases of indigestion , consti pation and headache. Removes impurities from the blood and can be used freely without causing in jury Manufactured by OMAHA , U. S. A. The above preparations may be had from all Grocery and Drug Stores. B51f// / public opinion is unerring , public confidence sel dom misplaced. The true worth of every business concern to the community in which it operates is fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power of ev ery commercial institution may be determined by the amount of patronage it receives. The people | have unmistakably proclaimed their confidence in The Stock Exchange. 5 7 and its m el hods , by bestowing upon it a far greater patronage than that accorded any other place in Valentine , Where the major portion of the fair , the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liquor and Beer , must be a good place for You , the in dividual , to trade.isitThe Stock Exchange-when you need anything in our line. * iLTENDORFF