Warm baths with Cuticura Soap followed , when neces sary , by gentle anointings with Cuticura , the great Skin Cure , preserve , purify and beautify the skin , scalp , hair and hands of infants and children , relieve ecze rashes irritations mas , , itchings , tions and chafings , permit rest and sleep and point to a speedy removal of torturing , disfiguring humours when ' 'Mn ' be > J fr0m 3ll olc fl'llc ' > "M all eiSe Ulllb. the hour of birth. Sold throuchoiit the world. Depots' London. 27. riiarirrh-mse Sq : I'-iris. f . Hue < Uli 1'alx : Aii'tra- lla It Town * t i'o. Sjcliipv : Indtfi. H. K. Paul. Ciilfinci * hitit. UI.IIK K ns Drui : Co. : Japan. Xaruvn. l.t l . Toktu. Husui. . -rrrln , .Vo row : Bo Africa. I.ennn'i. Ltd. , Cape Town , etc. ; I" S.A. . Pot'-r On 12 . ' fii'in. C'orp. , : ole I'rops . Koston. Free , cuticura UuoUet on the Skin. IT IS FOUND ONLYON PUREWHITELEAD 20 MULE TEAM IN A NEW PACKAGE Most economical to bt y. All dealers. Save the package tops ; each are worth 12 coupons pens in exchange for presents. Premium List free of PACIFIC COAST BORAX CO. , Chicago. Keeps the breath , teeth , mouth and body ontiseptically clean and free from un healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors , which water , soap and tooth preparations clone cannot do. A germicidal , disin fecting and deodor izing toilet requisite of exceptional ex cellence and econ omy. Invaluable for inflamed eyes , throat and nasal and uterine catarrh. At drug and toilet stores , 50 cents , or by mail postpaid. Large Trial Sample M WITH "HEALTH XTJD BEAUTY" BOOK SENT rncc i THE PAXTOH TOILET CO. , Boston , Mass , What a Settler Can Secure In ANADA 160 Acres Grmin-Growmz Land FREE. 20 to 40 Bu heU Wheat to the Acre. 4O to 90 Bushels OaU to the Acre. 35 to 50 Buthel. Darley to the Acre. Timber for Fencing and Cuilding * FREE. Good La we with Low Taxation. Splendid Railroad Facilities and Low Rates. Schools and Churches Conrenient. Satisfactory Markets for all Productions. Good Climate and Perfect Health. Chances for Profitable Investments. Some of thelcholcest urain-producintr lands In Saskatchewan and Alberta may now be acquired In these most healthful and prosperous sections under the Revised Homestead Regulations by which entry may be madebyproxyon certain conditions ) , by the father , mother , son , daughter. brother or sister of intcndinjr homesteader. Entrv fee in ench case is $10 ( K ) . Forpamphkt , "La i Best West. " particulars : .s to rates , roitcd. tiaie to go and v.-herc to locate , apply to \V 1 Scott , SupcrmtPndtnt of Immigration , f.a.inada. . or K. T. llo'mc : . 315 J.ickson St.M. Paul , Minn , and J. M Mai Lallan , bo * \Vatrrt-ivin. . bo. Dakota Authorised Govern ment iC'-'llt rists you mf thin adV lore ryas , B3Q Protect the meadows when they are soft. Tramping injures them. Fur n healthy growth of chicks , n warm , dry and sunny room will compensate - pensate for u hu-k of sunshine. There is absolutely nothing In com mon between : i dirty cream separator and a yit ! edjjed butter product. In training si horse to walk fast he is not injured in the least for any other frait and can be taught to trot and gallop just as well as before. The very first symptom of kicking should lead us to dispose of the animal that flo"it. . Life Is precious. Never risk It with a horse that kicks. V.'hen a horse gets to gnawing at a manger the best thing to do is to cover everything gnawable with tin. I'.etlet- do it before the habit is formed , how ever. It will be very likely the same chap who failed to hsl his seed corn before planting it who will be bemoaning his hard luck mid -ussing the weather and Providence next election time. V/h.Mi an egg containing a live germ Is surrounded by a lot of eggs contain ing dead ones , it is in no condition to get the proper heat , and will have to be a very vigorous germ if it hatches out at all. In proM ; > riion to contents , there is more shell surface in a small egg than a large one. so that to run an incubator to suit the small egg will be too damp for the larger ones , where moisture is used , and vice versa. Flax -undoubtedly has a place as a subduor of newly broken soils , but is n curse when used anywhere else. In European countries , where this plant is raised year after year and primarily for its fiber , an intensive system of ag riculture is followed , together with a 'heavv fertilizing of the soil. I.eciu > e some farmers are not getting rich after having had telephones in stalled for some years , is no argument against the phone. The telephone has simply put him in a position to meet competition of other business men who have taken advantage of the service which may be gained over the wires. Don't forget in starting the incuba tor to clean out the heat or Hue pipe * into which the laup chimney extv'nds. to put in a brand new wick , to clean nil the parts of the lamp thoroughly , having the burners as near as possible as bright as when they are new. Use good sewing machine oil on all the bearing parts of the machine after first carefully removing the dust and dirt. A simple system of : crop rotation that Is generally recommended and that not only tends to conserve the fertili ty of the soil , but results in a maximum destruction of weeds , consists of corn two years , oats one and clover one. Coupled with the points mentioned , the clover , in addition to being a soil ren ovator , Imparts a physical texture that makes it possible to put it in the best possible condition for succeeding crops of whatever kind. The fanner and gardener , even though he may not have an aesthetic taste which would cause him to pro tect bird life for Its sake alone , if he has but a thought for the size of his pocket book will do all he can to shield the birds of the community in which he lives from their many enemies. Jsever before has the place of the birds in the system of nature's economy been more fully appreciated than now and never so high a value placed on the service which they rentier to man. In judging horses , like men , you can generally depend a good deal on your first Impression. When the first Im pression is good , you may sometimor discover things that for a while will lend you to think contrary to your flrst conclusion. However , later on there will , as a rule , be discovered evi dences to support the good impression at first gainful. "By the same process one may start with a poor impression , be argued Into a better Impression and possibly discover too late that the horse business is fraught with many disap pointments. We are learning that cattle nre sure to take the feed we give them If they are lean and In poor rig and lay It on their backs , flrst of all : then after they nre In good condition they will apply the surplus to the milk pall. It is al ways the surplus that we get. And there will be no surplus if we keep our cows just on the verge of hunger. The Farmers' Voice well says that it Is the cow which has been kept well that puts the money In our'pockets. Cows poorly treated are our farm charges , to be maintained at the cost of what the best cows do. There should be no such charges ; every cow should be a pr < - lucer. Keeping the Soil Tntll the ears of corn shall be well Slled out , the crop may depend on one or two showers. If the rain shall fall a day or two before the silk appears the corn grains will be full. The crop is one that is subject to many circum stances , but rain at the proper time wiii make a great difference. This shows the Importance of keeping the surface of the sail loose , thus afford ing a mulch and preventing loss of moisture. Caltle .Short , Meat Up. The report comes from Chicago that dearth of shipments of the prime grade of cattle is responsible for the advance on moats , according to the packers. They assert that competition for the choice cuts is .stronger now than before the financial * -pinch. Beef , veal and pork have been soaring upward jn price for a week , but with "dressed sheep" quoted at 13 cents a pound to the wholesaler , chicken Is cheaper than lamb or mutton chops. ( Jeorge Uuddleston , a veteran whole sale dealer in the meat business in Chicago since 1870 , says this is the first time . - > heep have been quoted at 13 cents. Dressed beef has advanced $1 a hundred. The latest jump in lamb and mutton was from 3 to o cents , and pork was increased - cents a. pound. Veal is the only meat that has not in creased. Profit in. Poultry. One fanner down Hast , in order to find out where the leaks and where the gains were , kept an exact account with every department of his farm. He dis covered that he was losing money on his beef cattle , that hogs just paid for themselves , that sheep were good if his lambs came early , and that the poultry made the largest per cent of pivlit of any feature of his farm. The result was that he quit fooling with beef and hogs and put more money and time Into poultry. The increased pros perity on that farm was so marked that he wrote out for publication his expe rience. Because a hen is small and a steer is big is a child's reason for having contempt for the former and respect for the latter , says Farmers' Voice. One of the biggest money makers In the world Is the street car business , which depends entirely upon its Income > f "i-cent sales. A stick of chewing gum rusts but a penny , yet just recently a syndicate was organized with over $1- 1)00,000 ) capital to make "trust chewing iruni. " It will pay the farmer and his wife to consider the money there may be made in poultry if wisely directed. Organize the hen on a business basis ; put up new , clean , airy quarters ; get proper egg-making feeds ; learn the value of cleanliness , light , warmth and sunshine in winter ; get a good iucu- bator and control your hatches so that you wffl have winter layers , broilers , etc. . when they are most profitable. You will soon learn that for the money 'invested and labor required , the hen Is the most ecvnomical and highly effi cient converter of rough feeds Into money you have ever tried. Fiirm Profession. It is well in the higher education that the candidates for all professions drink at the fountain of common knowl edge. It is only after acquiring an education that the mind is broadened to choose a profession adapted to Its innate taste and qualifications. It were better that the young man make a good lawyer or pharmacist than an indifferent farmer. The professions need to be recuperated from the sources of natural supply , which em brace natural qualifications inherited from national character. The fact that a boy is born on the farm does not necessarily destine him for an agri culturist , and education will bring o\t his latent talents and reveal to him self the profession to which he IB best adapted. The inhabitants of cities are made up of a population from all sources. The city-born boy may Inherit the In stinct of a farmer and find his great est success in life in following hus bandry. He wants to get back to na ture and live the simple life , free from the strife and tumult of a great city , lie should be encouraged to follow his natural inclination and achieve the destiny for which he is qualified by nature. While philosophy and general knowledge are taught in the public schools , the general curriculum should Include a primary course in agricul ture. A profession which includes nearly one-third of the population and produces more wealth than any other occupation should be exploited In the public schools. So indissolubly la agri culture associated with national pros perity in all governments of the world that the leading nations of Europe have added a primary course In agri culture to the common schoo'l curri culum. If It accomplishes no other good it will inspire attention to the benefits of farm life as a vocation to many who are pre-eminently adapted to the profession. It gives every boy a chance to see the advantages of hus bandry and an opportunity to decide to follow agriculture or some other pro fession. To one who is adapted to agriculture husbandry in the most ex alted and independent of the profes sions. 1 ut to one with innate talents for so'me other vocation farming Avill prove n failure. Goodall's Farmer. Mnrrlnjja DIcUerliip ; in In some parts of Hungary it is the ] custom for the brideirroom to pay a j Finn to the bride's parents' , and in ci : e j the parties cannot agree * , the mayor i nets as arbitrator. A mayor.vho 'i < a | cattle dealer , recently had to decide a [ case of this kind , and aiter inspecting i the bride decided that the bridegroom must ; > ay the parents at the rate of half a crown for each pound that the bride weighed. The verdict was ac- ! cepted. and the woman weighing eighty- j six pounds , the bridegroom handed over the equivalent of Srtf.Tr. . after which j the wedding ceremony was performed. ALMOST A MIRACLE. Raised Up When Science Said There "Wa No Hope. C. W. L. Nesbitt , Depot street. .Mar lon , Ky.f writes : "I was a chronic In valid with kidney troubles and often wished death might end my awful suffer ings. The secretions were thick with sedi ment , my limbs sjvollen and my right side so nearly par alyzed I could not raise my hand above my head. The doc tor held out no hope of my recovery and I had given up , but at last started using Doau's Kidney Pills and made a rapid gain. After three months' use I was well and ut work again. " Sold by all dealers , HO cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. There are silver ingots in the Bank of England which have lain there for more than 200 years. STATE OF OHIO , C'TY OF TOLEDO , ) LrcAS COUNTY. ( Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the linn of F. .1. Cheney & Co. . doing business in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid , and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE IIl'NDKED DOLLARS for each and every < "ise of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the u e of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FHANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and .subscribed in my presence , this 6th day of I let-ember , A. D. 1SSC. 1SSC.SKAL. . ) A. W. OLKASON. XOTAP.Y I'riiLtc. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , and acts directly on the blood and mtu-ons surfaces of the system. Send for testimo nials free. free.F. . J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. Sold by all Druggists , 7. > e. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Ninety-three per cent of the theoretical heat of coal is wasted , aud only 50 per cent of that of oil. FAIdTLY'S SKIN TROUBLES. Eczcmu , Heat Itn.sh , and Scnlp Affec tions AHUct Different Members , lint Cuticura Cure * Them. "My wife had eczema for five or six years. It was on her face and would come and go. We thought we would give the Cuticura Remedies a trial. We did so and she has never had a sign of eczema for four years. I myself used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment some time ago for falling hair. I now have a very heavy head of hair. We used Cuticura Remedies for our baby , who was nearly bald when young. She has very nice hair now. She is very fleshy , and we had so much trouble with heat that we would bathe her with Cuticura Soap and then apply Cuticura Ointment , it would dry the heat up so much quicker than anything else. Mr. H. B. Springmire , 32.3 So. Capitol Street , Iowa City , la. , July 1G , 1903 , and Sept. 1C , 1906. " The United States ranks first in the matter of copper production and Japan second. A Remedy for Neuralgia or Tnlii In Xerves. For neuralgia and sciatica Sloan's Liniment has no equal. It has a powerfullysedative effect on the nerves penetrates without rubbing and gives immediate relief from pain quickens the circulation of the blood and gives a pleasant sensation of comfort and warmth. "For three , years I suffered with neuralgia in the head and jaws , " writes J. P. Hubbard , of Marietta , S. C. , "and had almost decided to have three of my teeth pulled , when a friend recom mended me to buy a twenty-five-cent bottle of Sloan's Liniment. I did so and experienced Immediate relief , au/1 I kept on using it until the neuralgia was entirely cured. I will never be without a bottle of Sloan's Liniment in my house again. I use it also for in sect bites and sore throat , and I can cheerfully recommend It to any one who suffers from any of the Ills which I have mentioned. " The digestive powers of the hyena are extraordinary. One of these animals has been known to swallow six large bones without crushing them. QARPIELD [ DIGESTIVE TABLETS i From your druggist , or the GARFIELD | TEA CO. , Brooklyn , N. Y. , 25c per bottle. _ . i i PH | Probably the largest wheat field in the ! world is in ArgeutUja. It is G < j,7l20 acres i in extent. If You Have Common Sore Eyea , If lines blur or run together , you need PETTIT'S EYE SALVE. 25c. All druggists - ! gists or Howard Bros. , Buffalo , N. Y Twenty th , > . - .i./.zles were rt- cently ahippo'i r ' -M ! to Rhodeiia. Eor Infants and Children. The Kind You Haye Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mobility. Mrs. Vick-Scnti's e\cs finshod. "John'iy dct-Mi't T that uonl ; rhi" > ! lii-s from my side of tinluxixi * ! " shr "No. my ( ir > ; ir. " mcrkly iv > .poiiii..l he- itnn ! . " .If.hmiv hi niv < ! ; ! . . Nvt lie inherits iiis wr > th Vs iin-i" ! * - r.i : > ; i. a \ f , r ! : tTjiin it i'i 'Mot'on. ' " V. _ _ BUYING PAINT BLINDLY. .Many people look upon paint buying : ts a lottery and so it is. the way they ! o it. It is not necessarily so. hu\v- I'ver. 1'ureVhlte Lead and linseed oil are the essential elements of good pr.int. Adulterant * In white lend can lie easily found by the use of u blow pipe. Adulterations in linseed oil can be detected with a fair decree of cer tainty. See that these two elements are pure and properly put on and the paint will stay put. National Lead Company , \Voodbritle Building. New York City , will semi a blowpipe outfit and instructions for testing both white lead and linst'ed oil , on request. A Hal rknrlty. Te s And what do you think ? Mr. fioodhart hadn't been alone with me for five minutes before he offered to ciss me. Jess Ye < . that's one tiling about lack ( liiodhart : he's just as > ft-hiirt- il and charitable as he can be. L'hil- idelphia Tress. Zoological Post Cards Second Series. If you are a cullt-ctor or leal * r of postal rariH. you \xill be mterrsh-d in in attractive .set of cijrhl emK just pub lished. show in } ? the mo t valuable u iltl .inimals in the Hitmliiig Kn . ' Menag erie. a set will be mailed yon for Kie. SH'cial | pri-es in lots to dealer * . There is a ureat opportunity to make money in selling llu-M * cards to collector- the ireneral public. Address The livening \Visconsin < 'o. . Test Card Dep't.Mil - waukee.Vis. . ' lOvhiliit A. Woorius ( dropping in agninlV < * 11. Mr. Bracket ) , have yon ( lesi neil n-iythinj new lately that yon would like to slum me ? Busy Architect'Vhy. . yes ; I've put n unique ornamental pan * l on the tviTsMf of my office door. I'll show it Jo you presently. Jii ii I'iiicli , U.se All iij * A powder to shake Into your shoeIt n-Jts the foot. Cures Corns. I'miion * . Swollen. Sere , Hot. Callous Aching. Sweating feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Koot-Ka-e makes new or tight shoo * easy. Sold by n'l ' Dru ijists and Shoe Store's. 2."c. Sample mailed FllKK. Address Allen S. Oluisted , Le Key , N. Y. Monotony cannot bevrotr. : . This \\orld each \er the lesson tenches. The birds all sin : ! ie simi ; old son : : . . .Tllt : isvi > ! . ' 'Ins.i111" old -.peeclies. WI3OWS'unIor N EW LAW obtained by JOHN W. MORRIS. -Washington , D. CJ. LYDIA E. PINKHAM Xatnre and a wom.ufvork ; com bined have prodti.vd . th- grandest remedy tor woman's ill- , that the- world lias ever known. In the good old-fashiomd days of our grandmothers they relied upoij the roots and herbs of th tield tfi cure disease and mitijyale suffering. The Indians on our Westere- . - roots and Plains to-day can produ--e herbs for every ailment , and eure diseases that bailie the most skilled physicians who have spent years irr the study of drugs. From { he roots and herbs of the- field Lydia E. Pinkham more than thirty years ago gave to the wpmerj of the wo rid a remedy for then-pe culiar ills , more potent and ilica- eious than any combinat.i vi of drugs , Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is now recognized as the standard remedy for woman's ills. Mrs. Kertha Muff , of 515 X.C. St. , . Louisiana , Mo. , writes : " Complete restoration to health- means so much to me th t for the sake- of other RulTerinij1 women L aui willing" to make my troubles public. "For twelve years I hail been stiffer ing1 with the worst forms of female ills , During- that time 1 had el even different physicians without help. No tongue caii tell what L suffered , and at times 1 could hardly walk. About t\vo years- ag-o I wrote Mrs. i'inkham for advice , I followed it , and can. truly say that Lydia 15. 1'inkham's Vegetable Com pound and Mrs. I'iukham'.s advice re * stored health and str > * n th. It it- worth mountains of g-old to suffering * women. " ' "What Lydia K. Pinkham's \rege- table Compound did for Mrs. Muif. , it will dc for other suffering womeiC s. c * . x. r. - - xo. uj i os. . . . . MFNTtOV THIS PAPER wnriwm.n.ni TO IDTI.TI U. SHOES AT ALL PRICES , FOR EVERY MEMBER OFTHE FAMILY , MEN , BOYS , WOMEN , MISSES AND CHILDREN. W. L. Douglas mattes and sclfs more men's $2. BO , $3.OO and $3. SO shoes than any other manufacturer In the world , because they hold their shape , fit better , wear longer , and are of greater value than any other shoes In the world to-day. W. L Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Any Price D2 ' .VUTI > r. W. I , . Douglas name and priivis stamped on bottom. Talco > 'i Snh titute Sold by Hie best shoe dealers everywhere. ijlioe3 mailed irom factory to anv pj t. of the .r-jrld. lUoi ttated Catalog free to any address. W. JJS IJCir.AS , ZJroclLtou , Muse. How to Exercise the Bowels - Your Intestines are lined inside with They do not waste any precious fluid oJ- * millions of little suckers , that draw the the Bowels , as Cathartics do. Nutrition out of food as it passes them. They do not relax ins Intestines by- But , if the food passes too slowly , it greasing them inside like Castor Oil or decays before it gets through. Then the Glycerine. little suckers draw Poison from it instead They simply stimulate the Bowclt of Nutrition. Muscles to do their work naturally , com- This Poison makes a. Gas that injures toi'tably , and nutritiously. your system more than the food should And , the Exercise these Bowel Muscles' have nourished It. are thus forced to take , makes them- You see , the food Is Nourishment or stronger for the future , just as Exercise Poison , just according to how iong it stays makes your arm stronger. In transit. The usual remedy for Cascarsts ars as this delayed passage to use constantly as they ( called Constipation ) is to are pleasant to take. take a big dose of Castor Oil. They are purposely put up like candy , , This merely makes slippery the passage so you must eat them slowly and let them. for unloading the current cargo. go down gradually with the saliva , which < . It does not help the Cause of delay a is in itself , a fine , natural Digestive. trifle. They are put up purposely in thjru flat. It does slacken the Bowel-Musclesmore round-cornered Enamel boxes , so they than ever , and thus weakens them for can be carried in a man's vest pocket , erin ther next task. in a. woman's purse , all the time , without * Another remedy Is to take a strong bulk or trouble. Cathartic , like Salts , Calomel , Jalap , Price lOc a. box at all druggists. Phospate of Sodium , Aperient Water , or Be very careful to get the genuine , , any of these mixed. made only by the Sterling Remedy Com What does the Cathartic do ? pany and never sold in bulk. Every tablefc It mere fiushes-out the Bowels with a "CCC. " stamped 7ltc- . waste of Digestive Juice , set flowing into the Intestines through the tiny suckers. * * * O OUR. But , the Digestive Juice we waste in We want to send to our friends a this is needed for tomorrow's GOLD-PLATED doing today French-designed - BONBON BOX hardnameled in colors. It is a beauty for tL0 natural Digestion. We cannot afford to dressing table. Ten cents in staaps is asked as 5 , lose it. rneosni cot gocd faith and to cover cost of Cascai- That's why Cascarets are the only safe ets with which this dainty trinket is loaded. , Send to-day , mentioning this pzpsr. Addreta medicine for the bowels. Sterlinj Remedy Coznjaay , Chicago or New Yori * "T T Y . ' * * * Sf ii-rJ XV . - Xu & ajL JSSLxz { Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dyr. One SOc parj-aoc : > ' . 'ifccrs , Ibey liyc in cIC r. 'rr * * * ; i.r Ihiin an > cihcr d"e. Yc i any oaincnl witboul ripping apsit Wrile Isr Ircc booklcl Us * 10 n c.OIcj ; ! 21 . jc. MQJ-J'M.U . & 1HV G CO. . Quir.cj.- .