Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 07, 1908, Image 2

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. M. RICE , - - Publisher.
in the Xew Aveliua Hotel Discov
ered at 3 O'clock in the Monihij : ;
Up Elevator Shaft , and
Guests Are llurned to Death.
At least twelve persons lost their
lives in a fire that destroyed the Xew
lAvelina hotel at Fort Wayne. Ind .
-early Sunday.
- The entire interior of the building
! is a smouldering heap of ruins and
jhow many dead are concealed by the
sdebris can only be conjectured.
The hotel register was consumed
iby the fire and there are no accurate
means of determining who is missing.
The known d < nid are : K S. John-
ison. Pana. 111. ; M. Hidrseh. Xew York ;
! J. B. Miller. Sheboygan. Wis. ; J. E.
lEIlis.Carbon. . . Pierie. Scott & Co. , Chicago -
cage : W. A. Pitcher. Fort Wayne ,
-salesman for S. F. ISoyser & Co. , Foil
r\Vayne ; J. W. Deviney. salesman for
Crawford & Lehman. Philadelphia ;
three unidentified men.
The complete destruction of the in
terior of the hotel makes the work of
recovering the bodies a difiicult task.
! A confused head of charred wood an-1
fbrick and twisted girders is piled up
between the bare walls to the second
Piece by piece this must be removed
( before the roll of the dead can b *
compl < ted. Some of the bodies taken
out are mangled and charred beyond
Infantry Company D and Batter 11.
of the Xational Guard , are on duty
and aiding the fire and police forces
to clear away the debris.
The fire was discovered at ? : ,0
-o'clock Sunday morning in the elevator
shaft by Xight Clerk Ralph Hopkins.
! He rushed to the upper floors , alarm
ing the guests until the flames , which
mad spread with appalling rapidity ,
drove him back. His efforts , however ,
caved manv lives.
Child Lo-t I'rom Mother's Arms in : ui
Accident XearVa hiii ! > ( on.
The steamer Trenton , owned by the
-Potomac Xavigation company , capsized -
< sized and sank Sunday while at her
Jwharf at Alexandria. Ya. . carrying
< down with it Stanley D. Posey. the 1S-
jmonth-old son of Murray Posey. a law-
jyer of Brooklyn. X. Y. About a dozen
passengers who jumpedoverbaord
'were rescued. It is claimed that the
accident was due to the shifting of the
cago. The vessel plied between Wasli-
lington and Potomac rivQr points. The
IPosey family , consisting of fathei.
mother and two on its way
to Posey's wharf when the accident oc
Mrs. Posey jumped overboard with
-.her little son in her arms and was
'holding him out toward and approaching -
ing party of rescuers when he slipped
from her grasp and sank.
g Polander Had .fust Arrived
from EnroKJ for Wedding.
Enraged because his long journey
across the sea had ended in the refusal
of his proposal of marriage William
Sekansky , a young Polander , shot and
killed Annie Kockonwa , a 20-year-okl
Polish girl , in the hallway of a board
ing house in Williamsburg , X. Y. , Sun
day night , and before he was overpow
ered by the police , shot Michael Kir-
sani , who sought to intercept his flight.
Kirsani died in a hosupital.
An enraged crowd that gave chase
to Sekansky made threats of lynch-
'ing when he was captured , but the of
ficers hurried their man to the police
Ki'Kht Killed in Explosion.
The finding of another body in the
ruins of the Chicago Reduction com-
jpany's plant at Thirty-ninth and Iron
I street , Chicago , which was wrecked
'by an explosion and fire last Friday
night , makes the list of known dead
jiumber eight.
FrancN Joseph in Good Health.
The disquieting rumors that were
rurivnt on the Berlin bourse Satur
day regarding the health of Emperor
Francis Joseph were without founda-
tion. The health of his majesty is in
all respects satisfactory.
.Ur. Cleveland's Condition.
That former President Grover
Cleveland is not so seriously ill as pub-
jh'shed reports during the past week
lhave declared him to be was the as-
isuranee given to a representative of
the Associated Press Sunday.
Fire Destroyed Philippine Town.
The town of Antipolo , in the prov-
incr of Morong , has been practically
.destroyed by fire. Four hundred
houses were burned and hundreds of
* ,
. A" .people are homeless. The famous
jshrine was saved. The lire was caused
'by ' lightning.
Sioux City Live Stork 3Iarket.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
ty live stock market follow : Beeves ,
| $ C.00 < 3 > G.90. Top liogs , $5.40.
Animal flakes Vicious Attack on ReS-
After making two attempts , early
Friday morning , to commit suicide , al-
thpugh a vicious bulldog used its best
endeavors to prevent the rescuers from
pulling the wouldbe suicide from the
water , Henry P. Turpin , aged 3'2 , com
mitted suicide by drowning' ' himself
in the canal at Steelton , Pa.
Turpin spent the night drinking and ,
early in the morning , accompanied by
his bull terrier , went to the canal and
plunged headlong into the stream. Ed
ward McCord and Frank MagnelPa
saw Turpin in the water and made an
attempt to reach him , but the dog
sprang at them , biting a piece of flesh
from the wrist of Magnellia. The dog
was thrown aside and held by another
'man , who appeared on the scene , while
McCord and Magnellia swam to the
side of Turpin and dragged , him
ashore. Turpin appeared very angry
because the men would not permit him
to commit suicide.
Shortly afterwards he returned to
the canal again and jumped in. An
other attempt to reach the man was
made by the two men , but the dog at
tacked each one and bit -'McCord on
the neck. Once more Turpin wastfres-
cued , and the men telephoned for a
policeman. Before he arrived , how
ever , Turpin , with the assistance of
his faithful dog , got away from his
rescuers and made a third and success
ful attempt to end his life.
Public inflamed Against Dictator of
It is reported that Honduras is con-
cenrating her forces on the Guatema
lan frontiers. Passengers who have
arrived at Panama recently from
Guatemala say that a revolution was
being planned against the llonduran
government by Gen. Domingo Vasquez ,
ex-president of Honduras , who is sup
posed to have the support of Guate
mala. This they say was the reason
why Senor Bustillos , finance minister
of Honduras , was sent on a special
confidential mission to President Ca
brera , of Guatemala , and why Cabrera ,
instead of treating with Bustillos , prac
tically imprisoned him in Guatemala
After the latest war with Nicara
gua , Honduras was left entirely dis
armed , and should the reports of the
Honduran military movements prove
true , it will be accepted as evidence
that Xicaraguans and Salvadorais
have furnished her with munitions of
The situation in Guatemala is re
ported to be exceedingly critical. The
passengers say that among the per
sons reported to have been executed
there were Mrs. Castanedo and Mrs.
Blanco , and Messrs. Hererra. Trigue-
ras , Ed ward o Rubio and Antonio Rubio -
bio , all of whom'belonged to wealthy
Central American families.
Homliirnn Representative a Prisoner
. . , in Guatemala.
It is rumored in Mexico City that
Juan Barrios , Guatemalan minister of
roiegn affairs , at the head of a body of
troops , entered the Uruguayan consul
general's residence and seized the Hon
duran consul. Gen. Mindenze , and his
son , who had taken refuge there.
The Uruguayan consul general was ab
sent from home when the house was
surrounded by troops and the seizure
made. As soon as he heard of the af
fair he fled to the American legation ,
where he asked for protection , and
is now a refuge in the legation of the
United States.
The" capitol of Guatemala is de
scribed as being the center of turbu
lent scenes.
Suspend Senior Class.
Chancellor Day , of Syracuse , X. T. ,
university , informed the committee
which reported resolutions adopted by
the senior class in the engineering de
partment criticising the executive
committee of the trustees for the re
moval of Dean Kent that its members
were suspended until the class retract
ed the resolutions.
Doctor's Slayer Gets Ten Years.
Robert W. Gott , of Cincinnati , O. ,
pleaded guilty to the murder of Dr.
Leo Danziger , a physician , and was
sentenced to ten years in the peniten
tiary. Gott killed Dr. Danziger three
months ago during the doctor's visit
to Anna Spangler , the 16-year-old
niece of Gott.
Student's Auto Kills Girl.
Sophie Suderman , S years old , was
run over and fatally injured at Xew
Haven , Conn. , Friday by an automo
bile owned by Hunlington Smith , a
Yale student , whose home is in St.
For Income Tax in Oklahoma.
The Oklahoma house Friday passed
the Anthony income tax bill providing
for a graduated tax on all incomes over
April Trade Was Good.
Dispatches to Dun's Review indi
cate little change in the general sit
uation , the total volume of trade dur
ing April comparing most favorably
with the same month last year.
L. P. Farmer Suddenly Expires.
L. P. Farmer , of Xew York , chair
man of the Trunk Lineassociation , and
a prominent railroad man , died sud
denly Friday. Death is believed to
have resulted from apoplexy.
Loot Express Car on Pennsylvania
Two train robbers , who evidently
boarded the Xew York and St. Louis
express on the Pan Handle railroad of
the Pennsylvania system at the Union
station in Pittsburg , Pa. , which left
at 30:05 o'clock Thursday night , ten
minutes later , overpowered the express
messenger and got away with four
bags of currency containing an amount
of money as yet unknown.
The robbery was committed near
Walker's station , a particularly lonely
and islotade spot in a rough section
of country , about eleven miles west of
Pittsburg. The train , one of the fast
est on the road , which is not sched
uled to stop between Pittsburg and
Steubenville , O. , was brought to a sud
den halt by an emergency signal from
the bell cord , and when Conductor
William Lafferty went forward to
learn the trouble , he found Adams Ex
press Messenger X. Rochen bound and
gagged in the express car and so
frightened that he could not give any
connected report of what happened.
Except that both the robbers were
white , the express messenger is unable
to give any identification that would
aid the secret service forces of the
Pan Handle and Pennsylvania rail
road companies and the city and coun
ty detective forces , all of whom have
been called out to work on the case.
The express safe was open , accord
ing to information received here , as
the messenger was making up bills for
packages received from the local of
fices , and the robbery was accomplish
ed in a very few minutes.
Persons standing on the station
platform at Carnegie , a short distance
from the place where the robbers left
the train , report having seen the ex
press messenger at work in his car
and two men on the platform outside.
It is reported that four bags , sealed
and containing money , were taken ,
but nothing is known as to the
amount of money contained in either
of the bags.
American Hanker Victom of Unpro
voked Attack.
On board the steamer Konig Albert ,
which arrived in Xew York Thursday ,
was the body of Bernard Warkentin.
president of the Kansas State bank ,
of Xewton , Kan. , who was shot and
killed near Damascus early in April
while riding on a railroad train. Mrs.
Warkentin and her son accompanied
the body.
The cable dispatches announcing
the shooting said that it was done by
a Syrian , who occupied the compart
ment on the train adjoining that in
which Mr. Warkentin was seated. Thn
Syrian said he was cxainning the re
volver and it went off by accident.
Ambassador Leishman from Constan
tinople reported the shooting to th.-1
state department at Washington. He
. - aid assurance had been given him
that the Syrian would be brought to
justice if the case proved to be one
of murder. Carl Warkentin said that
the man who killed his father was a
Turkish prince and that Ambassador
Leishman told his mother that it
would be impossible to prosecute him
and advised her to say no more about
the matter. From his remarks it Avas
apparent that Mrs. Warkentin believed
Mr. Leishman had not done all he
could , and he intimated that charges
would be lodged against the ambas
Training Ship Sunk by an Explosion
of Projectile.
The Japanese training cruiser Mat-
sushima was sunk off the Pescadores
islands Thursday morning by the ex
plosion of a projectile. Other cruis
ers rescued 141 of the crew. It is
feared over 200 , including the captain
of the Matsushima , have been lost.
The Matsushima sank immediately.
The cause 6f the explosion , which
occurred in the stock magazine , is not
A majority of the ofiicei's were sav
ed. The sons of Baron Chinda , vice
minister of the foreign office , and of
Prince Oyama , field marshal , were
among the cadets who it is feared arf
Inherits Home from a Dog.
Through a court decision Alderman
G. D. Beattie , of Helena. Mont. , named
as co-heir with a pet dog in the will
of Mrs. Mary A. Pryse , becomes the
sole heir of the pet dog , and thereby
inherits a valuable residence. The
dog died shortly after the death of
Mrs. Pryse.
70 Cent Echo of Civil War.
Mrs. H. M. Rutger , of Belvidere , 111. ,
widow of Lieut. Rutger , of the Twelfth
Illinois , was notified by the govern
ment that 70 cents was due her on the
pay of her husband , who died in 1S7S ,
and a draft for the amount was sent
to her recently.
Germany Xecds Millions.
That the German imperial govern
ment must borrow $250,000,000 during
the next five years was the substance
of an admission made by Secretary of
the Treasury Sydow to the appropria
tions committee of the reichstag
Upsets Lump ; Dies of Burns.
Mrs. Elizabeth Petry , of Upper San-
dusky , O. , arose early Thursday morn
ing and knocked over a lamp , which
exploded. She died of burns in fifteen
Anna Gould and Prince in Home.
Mme. Gould and Prince Helie de Sa-
an arrived at Rome Thursday from
Xaples. From Rome Mme. Gould and
the prince will go direct to the French
z ? j ? ZcJ2
5N s5
fl j Pk
5NI Fro" ) Cay to Day Condensed
( ' < ; rr jsi\c SnbMv.iat. ' L < I't in l'ivka ; > r
for .Mrs. C'oll'u1-- .
Dr. Jennie Colfas ? . physician for
the Woodman Circle. lie ; > i'-k at ! ' > >
home at Twenty-eighth and I-acific
streets , jOrrtaha. from the eTects of poi
soning last Friday. Thc , poison v. as
found to be corrosive sublimate.
The stoiy told first by Mr * . Colfass
was that she found a box of candy on
.her front porch , addressed to her. She
expected nothing and when she re
moved her wrap ? ate a couple of
pieces of the candy. In a short time
she was taken sick and took an emet
ic. A physician was called and itvn.s
found that she had taken poison in
the candy. The remainder of tin * box
of candy was taken ti > a chemist and
it was found that it all contained poi
Inquiry at the headquarters of the
Woodman Circle revealed nothing ex
cept that orders were gi\en by the de
tective department to say nothing.
Mrs. Emma 13. Manchester head of
the Woodman Ciicle. would say noth
ing. Inquiry of Mrs. ( Vitashusband. .
who is also a physician in the office of
Dr. Gifford , failed * to elicit any ini' ' i--
mation. The doctor said he had posi
tive orders from the detective depart
ment to say nothing of the eas ?
Capt. Savage , chief < > ! ' the'detectives. .
says he is not at liberty just ; iow to
make a statement. Detectives Fleit-
feld and Deverees arc working on tne
case and will have a statement ready
to submit to their chief soon. The ca-e
is regarded by the officers as quite re
markable , though no blame thus far
has been attached to any individual.
Since Mrs. Colfass' el < " 'tionas _ phy
sician of the Woodman Circle nearly
a ye.-ir ago. some friction has ari--in.
and as the now cleft ion approaches
that friction is said not to die down.
The Accident Occurred \VhiJe Switch
ing ; at Charloton.
B. Reimer , a Xorthwestern freight
brakeman , is York hospital having one
foot amputated , caused by an accident
while switching at Charleston. Mr.
Reimer was standing on the ladder on
the side of a moving freight car.
standing on the lower step , when eith
er through lack of strength or sudden
bump or jar of the train he fell across
the track , managing to keen his body
from the center of the track ami th °
car passed over his right ank'eiu ' !
big toe. The engine was immediately
detached from the train and a quick
run was made , taking him to the
York hospital , where his foot was am
putated. He is a married man and
his home is at Fremont.
Dr.Y. . L. Curl is Badly Injured by Be-
iiif- Thrown from Car.
One of the worst automobile acci
dents that has occurred in that part of
the state happened when Dr. W. L.
Curtis , of Cook , was making a call
seven miles southeast of there. The
corburettor had not been working
right and occasionally the engine
would get an extra charge of gasoline ,
which would shoot the machine ahead
with a jerk. This happened where
there was a deep rut running oblique
ly in the road and when the front
wheel struck this place it threw the
doctor out. the machine on top. He
was brought to his home , when it was
found he had suffered a fracture of
the hip and was also badly bruised.
Election Contest at Louisville.
Frank DeRuy has brought suit in
county court against Mart L. Williams
and John Waldron , asking Judge Bee-
son to determine which of the three
was elected trustee of the village of
Louisville , as the canvassing board
declared there was no election , as each
one of the three candidates received ' > , ' >
votes , excepting Charles Pankonin.
who received 99 votes , and is for li
censing saloons. Williams and Wald
ron , for licensing saloons , demanded
that the canvassing board determine
by lot which two of the three receiving
the same number of votes should be
declared el < B3ted , but the board refused
to do so. If the court declares the
plaintiff elected Louisville will not
have saloons another year , but if the
other two are elected the village will
go "wet. "
AVorkmun Killed by Fall.
E. L. Barritt. aged G7. fell off a lad
der at the Romp Miller eating house
at Xorfolk and sustained a fracture at
the base of the brain , from which he
died two hours later. He was trying
* o put on a screen window.
Greeley Banker Dead.
Report comes from Elba , fifteen
miles southwest of Greeley , that Em
met Love , an old resident and former
banker of Greeley , died from a stroke
of paralysis.
Heavy Frost t\t Greeley.
Early garden stuff and fruit has
been killed by the sereve cold weath
er. Reports come in from the farmers
that the late apples will not be in
Clunked with Exceeding Allowance.
The case at Gage county against W.
W. Wright , of Beatrice , former county
treasurer , who is charged with ex
ceeding the amount allowed by the
county board for clerk hire , was ar
gued and taken under advisement by
Judge Pemberton. who ordered the
attorneys for the county to file a brief.
Auburn Xot Hurt 3Iuoh.
Auburn was visited by quit- . heavy
frost during the cold spell , but it is not
generally thought it did any great
amount of damage to the fruit
liv.o iLi.i..iiGM'IS : AWAY.
Mscapi's Irons .Jail atValtliill in Mys-
tcrioii.Manner. .
( ' Jones. \ \ ho was held in the
village jail atVahill ! n the charge
of bootlegging , depaited some time
Tuesday niyht without the permission
cf the village authorities , taking noth
ing except the padlock , and \\ithbut
as much as marring the rough woodWork -
Work of the doorway. Jones appear
ed in Walthili last Saturday , hailing
from Lyons , and \\ith hin > came con
siderable booxe. He stated that he
chose tlie day on account of the bill
game which was scheduled to be
! k'\Vvl. knouiiig that their would be
an u n usual ? x large croud to u.artuka
of the stimulants which he had
brought with him.
During the afternoon and evening
he dispensed considerable of the goods.
About 7 o'clock he. with h < driver.
wa. caught and placed in jail. Latei
in the evening several of his customers
were given berths near him. Monday
norning he was arraigned in Justice
Wood's court and lined. He made ar-
raiigemt'iiLs with some parties to pay
the line , after \\hith he was to leave
the state. However , it is supposed he
decided to leave first and have the fine
paid later.
The peculiar part > f the matter i.- >
the fact that there is not as much us
a scratch on the msty staple that held
the iron hasp of the door through
which the padlock was linked , it is
understood that the officers have a
clew as tthe way he escaped. The
stolen padlock ttnd the fact that there
was nothing broken about the jail
\\ould seem to indicate that there
must have been a ly. .
Xchraslwnn Attempts .Murder of Wife's
Sister * .
After fe' ning insensibility and sub-
mitti.ijr ta terrible beating Ida Tay
lor , of Minden. 13 years of ase. Tues
day night saved her unconscious sister
from death in their burning1 home.
Ida and Pearl. : iged 17. were brutally
assaulted and left Tor dead. The coun
ty attorney and a large posse ate in
pursuit of Bert Taylor , the brother-
in-law of the two girls , who is accused
of the crime.
According to the story of Ida Taylor ,
Rert Taylor demanded admittance at
midnight. He nourished a revolver ,
dragged Pearl into the kitchen and
clubbed her into unconsciousness.
Next he atacked ! Ida and beat her.
i-hr j.releiuh'd to faint , lie then broke
a lamp and poured the oil about the
house and > n the bedding. After set-
tin- the hou e atire he led. Ida then
managed to drag her sister away.
I'ear ! Taylor may die. Ids : told her
- ; > - to : hc- county attorney 'la-- iay
mcining. She is painfully burned.
The t\\o girls lived in a little house
iienr Minde.i and ultended school. At
the end of each wf-"k they vvould go
to spend Sunday at the home of their
parents. Taylor's wife died several
months a o and an infant was b lng
cared for by the parents of the girls
he is accused of assaulting.
Six Persons ; Made III by Keating Dried
Heel' .
Six persons of Norfolk were stricken
Friday night v. itii ptomaine poisoning
is the result of eating dried beef. Sev-
: al of the cases were serious , and it
was feared they might result fatally.
All are out of danger now. Th MC-
tiins were Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Miller ,
Miss Alvina Miller and Miss Anna
Miller. The beef was bought at Xor-
t'oik and wa put up by a south Oma
ha packing firm. Samples were sent
to the state chemist at Lincoln.
Banker's Son Attempts Suicide.
Haunted by a love affair with the
daughter of a prominent citixen of his
home. Geneva. George W. Epley , a
graduate of the I'niveisity of X'ebras-
k.i. and at one time a leader of Geneva
society , attempted suicide shortly af
ter midnight Sunday morning by hurl
ing himself through a large glass win
dow at the rear of the second floor of
a rooming house at 1021 Larimer
street. Denver , Colo.
Boy Shoots Disturber.
At about 10 o'clock Saturday night
Edward Cohota , of Valentine , a 17-
year-old boy. heard someone rapping
on the window of his rooms beside the
Cohota restaurant. The rapping
continued and Edward shot through
the wnidow , the bullet hitting th
man in the hips. His name was Sam
liordeaut. a drunken half-breed In
dian. The wound was not fatal.
Break Into Store.
Burglars secured an entrance to the
city dry goods and gents furnishing
store of P. M. Green at Central City
Tuesday night , but were scared away
by the timely arrival of officers and
left behind two suit cases which they
had packed with fancy neckwear , cuff
button * and other small articles of
men's wearing apparel.
Homer Yotes School Bonds.
A proposition to issue bonds to the
amount of 10 per cent of { he assessed
valuation for the purpose of erecting
a new school building was carried at
Homer Tuesday by a large majority.
It is expected about $10,000 will be
Woman Sues Saloonkeeper.
Mrs. Annie Goltry. of Wymore , has
brought suit in the district court
against James P. McCarthy for $7,000
damages , which she alleges has been
done herself and family as the result
rn the sale of intoxicants to her hus
band. The plaintiff states that her
husband was at one time a prosperous I
farmer and that the money derived j
Frony the sale cf Ins farm is shown to 1
have been fjtianclercd at ilcCarhty's !
saloon. *
commission that
While the special
likened to exidence in th disbarment M
procedings brought by the attoiney
general against Capt. All-n G. Fisher ,
of Chadron. finds the captain guilty or
illegal conduct , a
with the-
contained in the report
supreme court asking for leniency.
actual mjury-
The commission says
sutTered through the acts of the captain
tain should be taken into
tion in fixing the penalty. The report of
that as attorney
the commission says
for the heirs of Herman Goedde. , who-
died leaving land in Sioux county , the-
captain unlawfully and illegally wrote-
a decree fixing the value of the lancE
at $ i ,000 when he knew it was worth
only $ l.fiOO. and that the captain wa
to get $7,000 out of the $8,000 as a fee.
for SS-
The commission finds a elum
land filed with the
000 for this was
heir-s by Capr.
state for the foreign -
Fisher. In view of the fict that the
claim was not allowed and no money
consequently that little
changed hands ,
tle injury has been don . the commission -
mission recommends clemency. The-
captain will be given an opportunity
to file exceptions in legal manner.
* * *
Lincoln society circles are stirred
from center to circumference by
news of the coming of Senator Saure-
ders , of Omaha , who during the ab
sence of Gov. Shelden and Lieut. Gov
Hopewell. will be act'iny governor
The Omaha man is the first untamed
governor Xebraska ever had. to the-
knowledge of the eligible * ' . The ex
ecutive mansion has been turned
; > the bachelor executiv and the
minds of many are working out
for his entertainment. Lost winter ,
when merely a senator , the Oniahc >
man took quite a whirl in society ana' '
he is expected during th * > next ten or-
iiJ'teeii days to set a pace for all fu
ture executives in the society line , fn-
cidentally , those who knov/ say , if tin.
"enator gets away from here hearr
free he may just as well be given ai
immunity card and pas < -d up as un-
* * *
"Xewspaper advertising for the- pur
pose of drawing new settlers is a conv-
mon thing nowadays , on the part of
certain states in the west and south , ! "
- = aid Labor Commissioner Ryder
"Some of the advertisements are ho-
tuff. too. picturing only pieces of
paradise that have somehow dropped
ft * and floated to earth. Cut sometimes :
th < y do not jibe in the with nav--
iral happenings. F > r instance , in ; .
unday newspaper. [ not : "d a glow
ing advertisement inviting1 settlers t <
.Mississippi , 'the land of su
\here there are no fuel bills , no
and no storms. " Almost adjoining ; 111
another column , was an account oiT s. <
term in Mississippi , in which ll'
A en- killed and 1.050 injured. Which'
-s merely one of the incidents that lead
; ne to say Xebrasku is good r-nougL
' "or any white man. "
* *
Attorney General Tho-tnpson ha-
won a victory in the suit against the
Xebraska Itetail Lumber Dealers' as
sociation in the supreme oourt , whiciL-
he sought to enjoin from restricting-
trade and free competition. Bird'
Critchfield. secretary of the association ,
is enjoined from continuing practices-
ill restraint of trade and the officers
of the association are held chargeable-
with knowledge of such acLs and the : * '
also are enjoined from permitting the-
secretary or any officer from perfornr-
ing unlawful acts in violation of thc-
statntps prohibiting combinations in
restraint of trade. While the associa
tion as a body is not dissolved , several
individual members ar enjoined , .
while in some instances the report oc ;
the referee is upheld.
A letter has been received at the ex
ecutive office , addressed to Gov. Shel
don and signed by two men who style
themselves "farm hands. " They-want
help from the governor. They set out
that they want him to nact a law
providing that no farmer he permitterT'
to use other than riding machinery
such as plows , rakes , and harrows. Be-
cau e of the fact some farmers con
tinue to use the old-fashioned kind of
implements , the letter says. many-
farm hands have sore feet and life to
them is somewhat of a burden. The-
letter asks the governor to let the
writers know what the prospects ar -
for this kind of legislation.
* *
The Daily Xews Publishing cuin -
pany. of Omaha , has filed its brief in. '
the supreme court in the appeal case-
from Omaha , wherein Tom Denmson-
secured a verdict for $7.500 against
the Xews for publishing a defamarory.-
article about him. The brief conrends-
the verdict of the jury was exc s-rve.
and that it was not based upon chf-
evidence in the case , but was secured"
through passion and the skillful hand
ling of the case by Der.rusou'sattor - -
* * *
The supreme court explained co the-
express companies recently that whenr
it ruled the Sibley law reducing charg
es was in force it meant that theshi > -
pers must secure a reduction of 2. > per
cent in amount of money paid fot-
transportation of goods and that no
reference whatever was meanc to-
change in weight of packages. The-
court holds that until th r merits of
the Sibley law can be tested by a care
ful taking of testimony the rates ihaH
be actually lowered in the state.
* * *
Gov. Sheldon has received a
rant from Washington for.$5.22S.S1
money due officers of the Third Xe
braska who served in the Spanish-
American war. The governor
was in
formed the names of the officers , to
gether with the
amount due each
would be sent later. Until that information
mation is received
the distribution of
the money cannot be made. It ha
been reported Col. Bryan will reee"-
§ 24. . and Gov. Sheldon. v.'ho wnsL
captain , § 185 , and Adjt Gen. Schwarz
another captain , a like amourit d ( > -
pendent upon , the time served