Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 07, 1908, Image 1

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    Bistorlcal Society
All newly married
couples going t o
housekeeping to call
and see our handsome
line of
Carpets ,
Rugs , Curtains
and Linoleums.
A full line of Sporting goods
s ,
Guns , e . P
A gents for Buxbak
Waterproof Clothing
We have the finest line of Men's
Hats , all styles and colors , in the
city. Prices from $1.00 to $3.50.
FHONE 97 ,
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , moxE 72 Nebraska
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars I
Bourbon , Old Crow , Hermitage , Cedar Brook , Spring i
Hill , Jas E , Pepper , Rye , Sherwood , Guchenheimer , |
Sunny Brook , and 27 year/'old O , F , C. Taylor Whiskies
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov- &
eminent warehouse. They are guaranteed - |
anteed pure and unadulterated. Unexcelled - |
excelled for family and medical use. >
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported g
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's ' Extra Stout.
1 Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , |
Valentine Nebraska
Bryan to Speak in North =
west Nebraska.
William J. Bryan has consented
to make a four days' speechmaking
ing trip through Northwestern
and Western Nebraska the latter
part of this month and the 1st of
June. The announcement is made
by C. M. Gruenther , secretary of
the democratic state committee
and of the Bryan Volunteers of
Mr. Bryan will make , his first
speech at Norfolk on May 29.
On May 30 he will speak at
Spence * , O'Neill , Longpine and
May 31 , being Sunday , Mr.
Bryan , following his invariable
custom , will refrain from political
labors , but will make a nonpolitical
cal speech at Valentine.
June 1 he will speak at Chadron ,
Crawford and Alliance.
He will wind up his trip June 2 ,
speaking that day at Scotts Blufl' ,
Harrisburg , Kimbell and Sidney.
Amateur Wrestling.
The wrestling contest for the
amateur championship of Cherry
county was pulled off as scheduled
last Friday evening.
The match between A. John and
Mont Bishop in the heavy weight
class was declared a draw after 28
minutes of good mat work.
Herman Massingile won first
and third falls from Henry Wilson
in i2 seconds and 2i- minutes re
spectively. Both boys showed up
in good form and wrestled hard.
The light weights , Floyd Valentine -
tine and Hollester Brandon , wres
tled but a short time , Valentine
winning two straight falls in one
minute and forty seconds , and one
minute and 26 seconds. Brandon
wrestled < rood , but was slightly
Young Franke surrendered the
featherweight title to Frank Wil
son , after Wilson had won a fall--J
in 26 minutes.
The next , and last contest of
the season , will be held late in
May , and will be a fine exhibition
of the art of wrestling , as there
are , already , several good matches '
Don't Get Personal.
Andy Luke of Hampton , Iowa , i
arrived in our city last Friday and i
will play ball with our local sports
this season. I
The first game will be played \
this afternoon with Ainsworth. A
Our boys expect to do 'em and it
will be a warm game. If Ains-
worth wins we will take our de
feat like a general and try to beat
'cm some other time.
But we would like to suggest to
our boys that they discourage any
uncomplimentary remarks passed
by the onlookers that would sound
discourteous to your guests.
Gentlemanly enthusiasm should be a
suflicient , and your honor does not
all lie in the winning of a game.
Our baseball boys are very
courteous themselves , but , some
times , the rooters are unthought-
ful and say unkind things , though ,
perhaps , unintentional , and more
because of enthusiasm for our
home boys.
Valentine is going to play ball
some this season and we want to
be nice about it too.
But don't forget to play ball.
The eyes of the people are upon
you. When you come to the bat
you are expected to make a safe
hit , or a sacrifice if you can't , but j >
the people take note of these plays '
and give you more encouragement c
with each new victorious experi
Look for spring and get your
buggy painted for § 1 and up.
Phone 83. C. 0. Carpenter. 16 I
. The warm days of spring- ought to make you think of cooler wearing apparel :
. Hec our elegant line of Men's Summer Underwear , the pretty patterns in
j Men's Fancy Vests and the Comfortable styles in Arrow Collars.
, Men's Porus Knit Union Suits SJ.25
Men's Balbriggan Union Suits 1.25
Men's Balbriggan Two/Piece Suits 1,25
Men's Balbriggan TwcvPiece Suits 1,00
Men's Fancy and Colored Two Piece Suits \ . " . . .58
' Men's Plain Color , Light Weight Two Piece Suits .68
Men's Plain and Fancy Vests $1,50 to 3,00
Arrow Collars 2 for 25c. Watch our Window
William Jennings Bryan.
This distinguished American
citizen will be here on the evening
of May 30 , and address our peep le.
He is a Nebraskan who has won
honor and fame for himself and
brought both to his adopted state.
He came to Nebraska twenty
years , unknown and poor. In
the i two decades he has made his
name i known and his power felt in
every < land of civilization and has
made J money enough to keep him
self and family in comfort all the
rest of their days.
And a saving grace about it all
is that he has never made a dollar
Whatever differences there may
be I between us politically , the man
who is honest himself , must ac
cord honesty to William Jennings
And whatever differences there
may be along views of state craft ,
everyone must acknowledge that
he has been a pioneer in the great
work of reform that is now sweep
ing over the country. He has
had 1 his vagaries , but who has not ?
lie J has outgrown many of them
and today , if he could be persuad
ed to enlist , would be a worthy
member in the ranks of progress
ive republicanism.
No matter whether he is ever
president or not , his name and his
work will live. He will live along
with Daniel Webster , Henry Clay ,
James Gr. Blaine , Wm. H , Seward ,
Stephen A. Doughs and other
distinguished Americans who fail
ed to reach the heighth of their
ambition , but who , perhaps , left a
greater heritage behind than if
they had succeeded in that aim.
A mass meeting of our citizens
has been called for the evening of
May 2 , at the court house to make !
arrangements for his reception.
Although the call for this meeting
is signed by Judge Potter and E.
Osborn , chairman and secretary of
the Democratic County Central |
committee , we are assured that it
is not to be a partisan meeting.
The call says : ktAll citizens , with
out regard to party adiliations who j
wish to assist in extending a core ? |
ial welcome to Col. Bryan are' 1
most earnestly requested to bej
present. " J
That is proper. There should
be a good turn out and there
will , and plans should be made to
give our distinguished fellow citi
zen such a non-partisan rpception
as will be a credit to our town and
county. Ainsworth Star-Journal.
Mr. Bryan will be at Valoniine
all day Sunday , May uJ , and will
make a non-political speech in the
afternoon. Come to town and
spend the day with the great Xe-
We sell farming implements as well as other
merchandise at reasonable prices.
Call and try us. _
j he Auctioneer.
I guarantee satisfaction. Try me.
Valentine Nebraska
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
JJAP.TAL PAID A General Banking
Exchange and
Collection ' Business.
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , free-President.
M. V , NIOHOLSON , Cashier.
* s * J \ tew T IP'IT * * " ; T\ 1 .TF T T
Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods. 2C Lunch Counter.
& Phone R lsTf I
tfTIA fV
I 7 iiiw jL s.\v * v !
IfXj'rvr. '
Stetter & Tobien , Props. , J
! i
All Kiuds of Fresli j ; |
and Salt Meats. . . . *
Will buy your Cattle ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell.
the Advertisements.