Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 30, 1908, Image 4
THE VALEHT 0 I. M. EICE Editor and Proprietor. \ MARK ZARII Foreman. county , N.ebr. . as Second Entered at the postoflicc at Valentine , Cherry Class Matter. I TEKMS : j $1.00 per year in advance ; ft ( § 1.50 when not paid in advancer , . , . . , . \ 81.50 per year in advance ; paper dis- - c ' Foreign Subscriptions \ 'ontinued at expiration if not renewed. . ( loc per inch each issue ; by contract 12 0. Advertising Rates j Transicnt ad v 20c per inch ; locals lOca line. Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents per inch , net. and socials for revenue obituaries lodge resolutions Local notices , , - 5 cents per line each insertion. THURSDAY , APRIL 30 , 1908. n JUDGE Wl 1 A Candidate For the Norr I ination For Congress < i in the Big Sixth. For some time it has bee H lfl IV rumored that Hon. Jud W. H. Westover would coi sent to become a Candida jj for congress if his friem j desired him to make tl I race. Many friends of tl j Judge have given their a ] i proval and he has consents \ to become a candidate. | Judge Westover has bee district judge of this F-i teenth judicial district f < the past twelve years , coi secutively , and is now e. . tering upon his fourth ten being re-elected last fall 1 a handsome majority. I. has been re-elected eac time by increasing majoi ties , despite the big repulx can majority of nearly 3,0 ( on other offices , and is popular man with the pe < pie of this district , becau of his superior ability ai because he is right. I wil be unequaled as a re ; resentative of the people. What right has one to conder another and call down the wra of God upon him or to judge tl this or that one will have to ar wer for this or that at the jud rnent ? Who made them the jud over anything ? When Mrs. Hoi by threatened those" who didi vote to suit her with the wrath come , wasn't she usurping soi of the Almighty's rights ? for s might have remembered als l'lest ye be judged. " ( Lyons Mirror. ) The republican schemers , c < porate wealth and the money peer er is back of the Johnson boc for .president. Wall Street is spending millie of dollars to nominate Taf t. But the love of their countr God and the right is all that i pel millions of freemen to join the great , popular uprising a determination to place William Bryan in the White House. Under which .one of these clas es , above named , do you want enroll your name ? Be hone ; Dare to stand for human rigl and human liberty ! Music. "The beginning of literature says Emerson , "is the prayer the people , and they are alwa hymns. " Music i * poetry tones. It is the Ian. juge of fe < ingthe universal language of ma The cry of joy and of despa of ocstacy. and of agony is unsl stood by all because it is the vo of nature. The strong emetic of the heart , all seek expressic in modulation of sound. What would a person think he awoke some sunny morni and could hear no music from I birds singing in the leafy tre Music in tones is better than WOT or looks. Music gives repose 1 : prayer of the presence of frien because it satisfies the hea What sound more heavenly d < hill or vale prolong or multij than the voice of the bell , fill : all the air , far and near , w benediction , until , as the last p dies away , heaven and earth gr still and the. Lord's Day is sam fied ? It has a human sense i sympathy. You can all remember so time when you have heard the ( tant church bell peal for the de of some loved one what as musical sound it brings to heart. Music cultivates t esthetic taste. Everyone has chance to learn music and t chance should not be neglected. ARTHUR BROWN. Sparks , Neb For Sale. House and small barn , with t lots , close in , near school buildi for sale at a bargain. House new , lawn and shade trees , g < sidewalk , all fenced. Part ca balance easy payments. Call I. M. Rice , agent This is just the place for so ranch owner or farmer to sel for his wife and children to 1 during the winter and send cl dren to school. Don't delay this , property will find an ow : soon. It may be yours. Co and see about this first time 3 are in town. 1 ! We find that Mr. Milt Latta putting up a fine and commodii house and will take care of th who wish to go to the lakes rest or sport. The launch will changed into a sail boat for free accommodation of gues equipped with sails. The r boats' are being made of a sixe i shape to "suit the sports and \ be free to all dollar a day gues Xo boats will be hired to any ( on Sunday. All be free but ho guests served first. Campers v be welcomed and a free turn < of horses and fire and well wat fishing poles and hooks and li : will be free to the house patr age if they are returned with injury. The house will be fit with water plant and bath roc hot and cold water , free to patronage. This will be an id place to go to rest and recruit , new organ for those who wish play. 15 i P. H. O'llourk and ex-Pc master Crowder of Gordon , Ne are in town as counsel and witn for Frank Gailey in a Govermi Contest case. G. D. Saxton and wife arc st < ping at the Chicago House. Tl : came from Graymot , 111. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mar Christensen Wednesday mornii April 20 a ton. World Famous Media Specialist at Donoher Hotel May 4th. ' As has been announced in oth < issues of this paper , Dr. Ben V Kinsey , who is chief of staff the Hot Springs doctors , who ha their Nebraska State Institute pt manently located at the corner 0 and 14th streets , Lincoln , w arrive in Valentine next MondE and remain one day , and whi here will stop at the Donoher hot ( The wonderful Hot Springs s.v tern of all home treatment whi Dr. Kinsey is bringing to Vale tine has cured thousands of cap which have been given up as i curable by many physicians , ai is endorsed by the United Stat and by the world's leading fina ciers , business men , newspaper clergymen , and above all , the who were sick and suffering ai have been made well by the world-famous specialists , the H Springs doctors. Below are reprinted extrac from a few testimonials whi have been received by the H Springs doctors : " 1 feel that I owe my life tot Hot Springs doctors' ' J. Lacey , Have lock. Neb. " "The Hot Springs doctors sav ray life after other surgical ph sicans said I would have to und ( go an operation. " Mrs. E , A Brinley , Arcadia , Neb. "For ten years I suffered wi tortuous pains in my side ai back , and was treated by ovei score of doctors. The HotSprin doctors cured me with four mont treatment. " Mrs. JennieReorr 3231 T St. , Lincoln. You told me that I would r receive benefit from your tre ; ment for at least a month , bu am glad for my sake that I can i form you that I have not had attack of trouble since the daj commenced faking your medicic and before I took it 1 had be having three or four attacks day. " Mrs. C. 11. Bee , Fairbur Neb. Neb."Was troubled with gall stor for seven years ; took two mont treatment from the Hot Sprin doctors and have had no pain n symptons of any trouble since. " Mrs. Wm. Busch , Hallam , Neb. UI take pleasure in telling y that you have cured my ulcerat limb after many other doctors h failed. Your treatment cured i in less than two months , " M ; S. N. Sterling , liii North Si Ave. , Lincoln. "I have suffered for years wi stomach and kidney trouble , commenced taking treatment frr you October 18th and feel tl now I am cured. Will be pleas < to answer all questions to any w may inquire. " Mrs. Augus Heilenreich , 1S14 south 12th s Lincoln , "Have tried fourteen doctoi local and in Chicago and N ( York , during the past six yeai but they did me no good. In fa 1 seemed to get worse. I ha taken your treatment for the h three months and feel that I a entirely cured. I have gain seventeen pounds and able to hard manual labor. " Hufus Geige'r , 210 south Oth street , Li coin , Neb. The full testimonials of the pe pie quoted above and thousands others are on file and may be sei at the offices of the Hot Sprin doctors at 24th and 0 streets , Li coin , Nob. The Hot Springs doctors do n ask yon to rely on their wo alone , but have proofs of the wonderful skill in tcstimonh from all parts of the country. T Hot Springs doctors do not clai that they can cure all cases , b they absolutely refuse to accept ; incurable case for treatment , th every patient may be assured cure for their money. Eemembor that Dr. Kinsey bringing this wonderful II Springs treatment to Valentii for but one day , May 4th , ai while here will stop at the Don her hotel. Consultation and examination free to all who call , and curat cases will be treated free exce for the cost of the medicine used Practice ! , "I didn't notice you at the mothei congress. " " " the addressc "Xo , replied woman "I'm not a theoretical mother , yi know. I have six. " Philadelpli Ledger. Wrong End First. " .Willie. " said the infant's inollK ngitatcd by the sudden appearance a rich ' . 'dative , "Willie , dear , kiss yo Uncle John und then go and wash yo face at once. " London Telegraph. The French TrA.v.p. The vagabond .vho i. > kin to the \f is a special product cf elviiiziiiii You do not meet him in England Germany , though something like h exists among the half yellow Slavs Russia. He i. ; eminently Latin. In < cry sense of the \vord he is a re ! against society.lie has had some < ucation fcv. Frenchmen can escape lie has read a little , perhaps enou to kindle his brain of a wolf , and has two aims inx life to live the fi life of the wolf on the hill and to jure as much1'as he can that gre monstrous. Iuv , driven machine , civ zation. The Hnely farmhouses are < fenseless against him. When all i busy jilicld he creeps in and pillar If neeJ be he kills. lie has a disti : hatred for those who work and garn As he passes he fires the hayrick , barnsxand buildings go up in sue ! That is where the Latin shows in hi Once out of the law he ian anar So 1 Pg as he is cross tied in innum able acts of parliament .the Latin merry and amiable. When the roj are off he makes revolution or Hi hayricks. Vance Thompson in Outi Magazine. Gave It In Full. An old Scottish minister took it ii his head to marry his housekecp Ilis precentor being ill on the C when th- > banns were to bo pro'claim the minister , not caring to make I intimation himself , arranged with herd boy to do it. "Xow , " he sa "you just call out in a loud voice , Tr tarnation of marriage between the R Mr. Murray of this palish and Jc Lowe o' tlu same ! ' Ila. ha ! " laugl : the minister as he concluded. "Wh ; hue thoc-ht it ! " The Sabbath ca : round , and the congregation asscmbl When the moment arrived the lad , w had duly prepared himself , rose a called or.t : "Proclamation of man-is between tlie Kev. Mr. Murray of I parish and -lean Lowe o' the san Ila , ha ! ' ' ho laughed , thinking this tea a part of the proclamation. . "Whs hae thoeht it : " ' The effect on the in istei- and the congregation can be ims ined. TV/O Watcrloco. It is a very curious fact thnt a go many people do not' know that t battles were fought at Waterloo. Beef of these were fought against t French , the first under the comma of the Duke of Marlborough on A ! 17 , 1705. who on this date actually cr.pied the sai.K- ground as the Duke Wellington did a little more than century later. June 17. 181.I. the 01 difference boinjr that the former w marching en I.russels and the Lit was marching from nrussels. In t first battle the French were defend ! Brussels. They marched out to mi Marlborough. but ov ing to the sla < ness on the part of Schlangonburg. t Dutch general. Avho was fighting w him. it was not a success Marlborou only taking a few of the French troc as prisoners. The following 01 fought against Napoleon by Wellii ton , proved to be one of the great * victories ever recorded in the aim : of England. Couldn't Be Divided. In Felix Most-holes' "Fragments an Autobiography" occurs the folio ing : Mine. Schumann was wanted play at a little musical reunion , I she did net tespons.1. Mr. Mosclie ! was deputed to approach her. "W rue inclined to play ? " "Particularly disinclined , " was t direouraging response. The envoy tried again aid : men tic cd her husband's "Carnaval. " " 0 part I particularly love , the 'March the Davidsbundler. ' Tlf I could or hear you play just that page or two ! Thi roused her. "Pa e or two. : deed ! " she crKvl. "Wonn man de 'C : naval' spiel t. spiclt man ihn gan : ( When one plays the "Carnaval , " o must play it all. ) And she played t whole. They Must Do Hardy. An official of the department of ag culture referred at a dinner in Was Ington to the amateur llorlsts w spring up in the suburbs every sprii by thousands. "More florists perhaps than flowc spring up. " he said. "In a seed shop one day I heard o of tlu'so amateurs complain about t last batch of seeds he had bought. A : or ho had ended his complaint ho I gan to ask floral questions , " 'Oh. by the way , ' he said , 'what a hardy ro.sc1 " 'It is ono , ' growled the dealer , 'th doesn't mind your wife pulling it i by the roots every day to see If it h ; begun to grow yet/ " Respect Merc L'sccntial Than Love. The mot esrontinl thing In ma riago [ is respect. It is above lov above compatil jlity , above oven tl priceless sense < f humor. Respect w. make even the ' 'appalling intimacy endurable and will bring one throuc ( he most trying disagreements wi ; no bruise on tie ; soul , whatever wouu < there may be in the heart. Therefor men and women , never , never man any one you don't really respect , hoi ever passionately you may love. Grand Magazine. A Diplomat. Bonner : ; What makes you think th ; Brown is such a diplomat ? .Tenners When ho w s shown his friend's bal for the first' time he said It had i father's intellect and its mother's bea ty. Philadelphia Telegraph. A Gentle ' 'Life at best is but a gloomy prison said the moralising bachelor. < for1 mini who d - S < i much the worse ISbcrately choose solitary conUnement remarked the girl who had her trap ae Magazine. iff r f C. B. BACHELOR , Propr. 9 Fresh Salt and Cured Meats , Fish , Oysters , Vegetables , Pickles , Lard. We buy poultry , butter and eeffs : and all kinds of live stock. Call or Phone 88. Valentine Nebraska rei CT sssas cs jj i t.H i BALL GOODS 3 A complete line from Q. Spalding & Bros. Balls , Bats , Masks , Gloves , Mitts , Shoes and Baseball Coats. if Orders taken for uniforms , or anything in the athletic line. Don't forget that the Spalding Official National League Ball and also the whole line of Spalding Ath letic Goods are the standards of the world. The Spalding trade mark is a guarantee of good quality , and satisfaction is guaranteed "to every Spalding purchaser. This line is open for inspection and for sale by F FISCHER , I n'The The only genuine and absolutely f reliable substitute for tea and coffee is v- - vsa a S ; the new food beverage gives life , health , vigor , joy , comfort and beauty , and is highly recommended for nerve endurance , and building up the constitu tion. It is a pleasant beverage and contains great nutritive and invigorating qualities. Has the re freshing properties of fine tea , the nourishment of the best cocoas , a tonic and recuperative force pos sessed by neither , and can be used in all cases where tea and coffee are prohibited. < < fa Ml iji-.i ilr , r w S i < & Eggo's Fruit Salt is a great health reviver. A laxative and thirst quencher. Effervescent and so delicious to drink that a child likes it. Has .all the properties of a Seellitz Powder and more , and is recommended in all cases of indigestion , consti pation and headache. Removes impurities from the blood and can be used freely without causing injury * Manufactured by H OMAHA , U. S. A. The above preparations may be had from all Grocery and Drug Stores. \ H s ' Sf'S ' r file's Pore Liquor Center \ublic \ opinion is unerring , public confidence sel dom misplaced. The true worth of every business concern to the community in which it operates is fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power of ev ery commercial institution may be determined by the amount of patronage it receives. The people have unmistakably proclaimed their' confidence in The Stock Exchange , and its methods , by bestowing upon it a far greater patronage than that accorded any other place in Valentine. Where the major portion of the fair , the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liquor and Beer , must be a good place for You , the in dividual , to trade. Visit The Stock Exchange when you need anything in our line. W. F. A. MELTENDORFF HE AT FOR NEWS