Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 30, 1908, Image 1

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    Historical Society
All newly married
couples going t o
housekeeping to call
and see our handsome
line of
Carpets ,
Rugs , Curtains
and Linoleums.
A full line of Sporting goods
es , Revolvers ,
y Coats
Agents for Buxbak
Waterproof Clothing
We have the finest line of Men's
Hats , all styles and colors , in the
city. Prices from § 1.00 to $3.50.
PHONE 97 ,
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Residence and shop'-one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , 72 Nebraska
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon , Old Crow , Hermitage , Cedar Brook , Spring
Hill , Jas. E , Pepper , Rye , Sherwood , Guchenheimer ,
Sunny Brook , and 27 year/old O , F , C. Taylor Whiskies
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the 17. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
Village Board-Doings.
The village board met Monda ,
night and granted licenses to fou
saloons. No card games or die
boxes will be allowed in saloor
this year and windows will b
kept free from screens or ol
structions to the view of the bai
Pool tables will be licensed $1
for the first and and $5 for eac
additional table kept. Saloon
must close at 12 o'clock midnigh
and proprietor and bar tender :
are not to sleep in saloons nor g <
into them on Sunday , excepting
for necessary cause.
Awning posts on business street !
must be moved to the outer edgi
of sidewalks within 12 inches.
Many new sidewalks are to be
constructed. Some on Main St.
and many in residence districts
These enhance the value of prop
erty and are needed in manj
A license is imposed upon ped
dlers , shows , fakirs , grafters , for
tune tellers , clairvoyants or mine
readers , itinerant dentists , spec
ialists , opticians , physicians , auc
tioneers , or anyone traveling f rorr
house to house taking orders for
goods , groceries , merchandise 01
enlarging pictures.
Licenses must also be obtained
to operate or keep a bowling alley ,
skating rink , shooting gallery ,
cane rack , merry-go-round or
theatres in tents and for a theatre
Ye Old Folks Concert.
Ye Old Folks Concert , given
last Wednesday evening by home
tilent , called out a house full of
people who enjoyed the songs and
stories of forty or more years ago.
The costuming was an artistic
triumph which gave realistic set
ting to the old time scenes. One
hardly knew which to admire more ,
the belles or beaux.
The entertainment furnished a
nice variety of sentiment , humor ,
pathos and homely hospitality.
The long and intricate drill giv
en by ladies was one of the most
pleasing and well received num
bers of the entertainment.
The ladies of the Methodist aid
heartily appreciate the efficient
help of all those who gave their
time and talent to make it a suc
cess , and of the general public who
patronized it so liberally , '
The receipts were 853.75.1
Presbyterian Church.
The services the coming Sunday
will be as follows : f
11 a. m. "Sabbatl/Duties , and
Why. "
S p. m. "The Worth of the
Blood. "
7 p. m. C. E. topic , "The Sil
ver Lining of Dark Clouds. "
PSALMS 42-43.
The Ladies Aid again meets
Thursday afternoon. May 7 , with
Mrs. Bivens for work.
Pocket Gophers.
The Nebraska Experiment Sta
tion has just issued Press Bulletin
No. 29 , which deals with pocket
gophers and describes some of the
most approved methods of getting
rid of them. This bulletin may
be obtained free of cist by resi
dents of Nebraska upon writing to
the Agricultural Experinent Sta
tion , Lincoln , Neb. *
U. S. Weatlier Itnrcau Report
tor week Ending AprJ p.
Daily mean temperature 4t | °
Normal 49 ° .
Highest 80 ° ; lowest 22 ° .
Precipitation .60 of an inch.
Total precipitation from MarHi
1st ( the crop season ) to date waft ]
2.14inches. .
The average for 19 years for the
same period is 3.31 inches.
en s Wear
The warm days of spring ought to make you think of cooler wearing apparel.
See our elegant line of Men's Summer Underwear , the pretty patterns in
Men's Fancy Vests and the Comfortable styles in Arrow Collars.
Men's Porus Knit Union Suits $1,25
Men's Balbriggan Union Suits 1.25
Men's Balbriggdn Two/Piece Suits 1,25
Men's Balbriggan TwcxPiece Suits 1,00
' Men's Fancy and Colored Two Piece Suits 58
Men's Plain Color , Light Weight Two/Piece Suits 68
Men's Plain and Fancy Vests $1,50 to 3,00
Arrow Collars 2 for 25c. Watch our Window
When the Wheels of Time
Turn Backward.
Last Friday morning the wind
was blowing from the north and
continued , Saturday , Sunday ,
Monday and Tuesday with clouds
and threatening weather. Sunday
a fine snow began at early dawn
and continued all day. melting al
most as fast as it fell. The weather
was cold enough Sunday night and
Monday night to freeze the plum
blossoms which had already come
oiio full blast , and many flower
beds about town were blooming.
The leaves and buds on the trees
are frozen and nature seems to
have forgotten herself.
The weather had been warm for
three weeks and gardens were
mostly planted. The birds flitted
here and there and the fishermen
had been making good catcher of
black bass , crappies and trout.
When the wheels of time turn
backward and unrelenting winter
comes howling again to remind us
that stoves should be kept up un
til the middle of May , we wonder
if Dame Nature hasn't forgotten
tLe buds and blossom she Ivul en
couraged to break forth.
The sighs and wails of mankind ,
because of their mistakes , may
take some comfort in l.he thought
that they" are not alone in grief if
Dame Nature should relent and
see the error of her way , but there
is little comfort in that thought.
The burden seems to fall upon
To blunt the prongs of all the wrongs.
Though courage often fail u > :
To suffer woes from all our foes
And bear the ills that ail us.
It is our lot to no forgot
When we have crossed the river
The other shore for evermore
To sizzle or to .shiver.
Then while we roast they cannot boa t
That thej- can e'er escape it.
For where we go they will also.
No matter how they .shape it.
Their songs immune are not in tune.
If the- should sing their praises ;
I wouldn't-budgeon what they judge.
Who sanctiiies their phrases
Composed by Gussie Graeff tor Viola Helen
Urosius. barn June 21.1905. died April 19. 'OS :
One dear Easter lilly has dropped and faded.
One sweet baby voice has fled :
One fair brow the grave has .shaded.
One dear little playmate now is dead.
She has gone to heaven before us.
Hut she turns and u aves her hand.
Pointing to the glories o'er us
In that happy spirit land.
Cut you must not feel no thoughs of sadnesst
Sweet Viola is happy now :
She has knelt in heartfelt
Where the happy angels bow.
Card of Thank * .
-We desire to thank the many
kind friends and neighbors who
assisted us during the sickness and
death of our darling baby.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brosius
and family.
We sell farming implements as well as other
merchandise at reasonable prices.
Call and try us.
, L. BURCH ,
The Auctioneer.
1 guarantee satisfaction. Try me.
Valentine Nebraska
Chartered as a State Bant Chartered as a Rational Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
JAP.TAL , PAID ZN "A General Banking
Exchange and *
Collection Business.
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V , NICHOLSON. Cashier.
3tt * & ttZrX 5&X &i
Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods J X Lunch Counter.
S222 2 S2S2SS5SSX2SXa ; i
Stetter & Tobien , Props. ,
lii ,
All Kinds of Fresh %
and Salt Meats. . . . v
Will buy your Cattle , Flogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
my thing you have to sell.
the Advertisements.