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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1908)
Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brands and Bottled Gii < 5hen- Under the f : i. heimer Supervision t Bye of the Whiskeys. U. S. Grov. also handle the Budweiser Beer. r * JOHN G. STETTER , Propr. Justice Estray Xotice. Notice is hereby } ii\en that on the < ; ih day of May , 100 > the undersigned justice ofM peace will. at the residence ot Herman 1'orath. the taker-up of the animal bereinatter described as strav. on section 4. tp. : U. r. 30 in Cheery coun ty , Nebraska , sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property , to-wit : One iion gray pony gelding , * bouts or ten jears old branded L A L left hip and 5 lelt shoulder. S.Ud described property having been taken up by the said Herman Porath as estray. Sale at 10 o'clock a. in. Dated this ISoih day of March. IMS. 0.15. WEISKLOO , 12 . " ) Justice of the 1'eaee. Notice. Notice is hereby given that The Woo 1 Lake Telephone Company has been duly incorporated in accordance with the laws of the Mate ot Ne braska. The principal place ot business shall be Wood Lake. Nebraska. The neutral nature of the business to be transacted by said corpora lion shall be the constructing , purchasing , own- nig and operating of a telephone line or hues and telephone exchanges and tl-e purchase or lease of such real estate as may be necessar\ convenient in the furtherance of said telephone business. The authorised capital stock of said corporation is $10.000 , divided'info shaies of $50 each. Payments on stock shall he af the call of the board of directors and Uie shares when fully paid shall b < * nonassesable The highest amount of indebtedness t ) which sud corpotaiion may subject intelf shall not exceed ten per cent of its authored capital S.ud ooiporation may be sued only in Cherry county. The affairs of th" corporation shall be managed by a board of six directors. The names of the i incorporatorsaie U. W McDaniel. Du\id H.m- na. A.J.Wilson , A. G. Ward. W. A. P.iri er and tV. V. Johnson. The corporation shall coiti'iience business on March 16. 1003 and shah contiii < n < ior ib- term 01 Qfty jears unless sooner dissolved. 12 4 Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. In the District Co.irt \ > f Cheiry County , Ncr - r braska Fred A , Bennett , plaintiff. ) vs \ Kisle J. ] > nnett , defendant ) Elsie J. Bennett , Non-resident delendant : You are hereby nntilied that on Apn1 'JO 1 < KK Fred A. Bennett liiled a petit on against \ou in the district court 01 Cheiry county. Nebraska , ; the object and prayer of uhlch are to obtain a divorce from you on the giounds ff extrenir | cruelty and desertion , ? n < \ askirgfor tne e is- tdy of the minor children , the issue of said marriage , viOra. . Celle Bennett , aged 12 jears , and Hattie Marie Bennett. a4ed 10ears. . . You are required to answer said petition on or beiore June 8 , 1UOS. 154 FUEL ) A. BENNETT , COMMISSIONERS' PROG ! Valentine , Nebr. , April 1,1908. Board met as per adjournment. Present : G. E. Russell , chin , A. E , Morris and James Mono. Board proceeded with the'matter of bids as advertised for , same be ing bids on a contract to be let by the commissioners for the construc- m tioii of three bridges in Cherry Co. , viz : One across the Niobrara north of Woodlake , 116 ft ; one across the Niobrara southwest of If. Cody , 100 ft ; one across the Snake south of Cody , 5i ft. , all to be built ll of steel. The Canton Bridge Co. , hcing the lowest bidders , contract was awarded them. Whereupon board adjourned to April 2. April 2.1908. Board met as per adjournment. Members all present. Board spent the day in going to the proposed bridge site with agent of the Canton Bridge Co. , Jocated about 25 miles east of Valentine , for the purpose of determining the exact location of same. Adjourned to April 3. Board met as per adjournment. Members all present. The following claims were allow ed on the General fund : I State vs Alter Anna Cl-oat H Leijrhton jr 12 00 O L Merrill 14 GO K M Merrill li Estella Merrill 11 GO M > linda Kusich 13 10 State vs Corbin 1) W Hilsinger 10 10 , , w Uirl Man 1C 10 Little Day 1G 00 Poor Dog 1G CO SUite vs Hull and Caslar R Montgomery S 50 II ) Lee S 50 D A While 8 M R Kenney 8 50 \V Murphy S 50 J R Lee 10 50 State vs Mortiuson I Anna tire it rj oo Jno l.eigutou 1'2 GO | II Leighton jr O L .Merrill 1-2 00 EtdUMer.dl 1-2 00 K Merrill 1-2 00 Mr , M lUii-ch 1-2 00 H Leiglitou sr 15 00 C Ru ey (5 ( ,0 R A Ruley 0 00 Luke Hates 2 10 Ftate.s Marshal : I ' t > E Rijajle 110 R Taylor 4 10 WAPetijcrcw 410 D W. Hilsinger 4 10 St.itu vs Frightened i j Alfred Lewis 10 10 Victor Young IS 00 R Ackiou 1C 0) ) L' u I'j'an 1C 10 P J Thunder 1050 MDmville 1(5 ( 50 itobtValu 15 10 W Thunder HH OJ iiHunsVith It ! GO O Blue Horse CO ! Mis Fug'itened 1C CO W Bidlark 10 States Campbell Ed S e arl 10 10 j Cai'ey SI ) , SDijant ii 80 Wm Hook 10 State vs Shepard J Broken Lee 1(5 ( 01 Bed Feather K : 50 \VThunderba\\k 13 00 State vs Marks 11 Cogcswell 4 10 JCo-gsv.i'H 4 W M Hector 1 00 C L Dotson 4 L 0 Sparks 4 10 Bertha Sparka 4 Dave Peters 4 10 Win Morrisacy 1 I ) \V Uilslnger 4 to M Mai-ill-ill 4 Cole Cu'comb supplies pauper i'S State vs Ja\is J M Molht 1 10 F Whipp'e l 10 Dr\\iik'er 110 P.en Polen jl 10 F Snydof 1 10 D W Ilibinger 1 10 GeoCoibin 1 10 \ \ ran Donoher lunch for jury G 30 Jennie McCulloch medical seiyicej GO 00 Lulu KorU sal and e\p -2 7 W Jurors Fees JP.ivlil : 7-29 J ATIitt 14 10 II U Crosby 1500 EWMudge 12'j ! C U Long i'l 50 W 1 Wray IS 20 J Hood 1 ! ) 00 Sam Hudson 1G 50 DM Sears 1000 WJ Teeters 21 30 Honi'-rT.iil 1000 HA Lyons 1'-00 Ira Johnson 21 00 II Rit-ge ir > SO PL-arson S M ) oWH-hu 1505 II Fline.iuv 10 30 T Stansbie 4G 50 F Meidl In 00 P Want-/ 17 to J L Ilibbs 0 30 C Maxwell 14 10 II F Millar 1-2 10 J R Ayers 12 10 I ) H White H 10 Frank Lee" 1310 K D Clarke del Marshall .Vj fO ( . ' Ma-v-w H sr bu'lding \ \ .ill in jail 3 00 F .M Walcjtt def Frightened n ! ) co Ceo Veach baililt IS Oo G Carlson labor and nuil 10 ( > r > W 11 Carter house pauper 10 5u U t ) Dunn 1 ibor 2 50 D A I Ian ioc t ; liousj for election 2 0) ) r Uco Miller fees Corbin case l 5' ) C A liutleilired HdncocK cise 1 7. ) ' Underwood Tpe \ \ i iter Co typewriters etc 33 _ 5U j F Hook \\itsees o oo i U Clisbe do 7 0 l > \V lii'sirgt-r ' Marks case 42' ) Lr A N Compton insanity case ll oo E D Claixe ( to G 0' ) J 1 Keeley do 9 oo R It hire pauper ! ) G5 court fees i5s 10 S F Oilman 1 ght -22 40 A F Randall draying G 05 John Tucker sal Feb Mch 11G Gt ; W I ) Armstrong expense 2l 2 b > E D Clarke df Marks 50 00 W F Met lee bailiff fees 22 00 Wm Hook IJntcher case 1 GO Gee Elliott paint ami material 73 71 E D Clance def Mort nson 50 00 A M Morrissey def Alter and White 100 00 J W Yeast c ir of cjal 421'2 G5 J Mog'e care of piupcr 3J 00 G A Chapman supplies ] 2 4 > L E C.irlock board jurors 1C 25 AM iMorrissey def Campbell 50 00 R Kobmson sal Feb Mch 90 00 State Join rial l/o supplies 30 75 Klopp cS : I5.irtlett C ) supplies 371 0 > C A Rossetcr fees and sal Feb Mch 5GO 15 L N l/iyport fees and e.\p ' 73 SO J A Hornback board 18 2 S < J Spain special deputy fees 3c 00 O \V Morey clod ; IG 00 The following claims were allow ed on the Eoad fund : Chas Sherman repairing bridges , roa li 274 10 C Montgomery overseer 2J 0' ) J M McMillan lumber Hi 'IS C Larson repair Cr.ine bridge 7 50 F T Lee hauling lumber IS 13 W A McNall work ' - 21 00 Lu iwig Lumber Co lum'jer 421 90 , ( B E Johnston work H 00 I I T Iveeley Itvjght 2 10 N'ebr Culvert Co 1 cir culverts 10WI CO - The following amounts were de ducted from above allowed. , claims and applied on delinquent personal taxes. K W Ileotl 3 W ) Chas Bennett 4 (50 ( P. F Storv 2 00 Upon consideration of a petition signed by residents of Goose Creek and Pleasant Hill precincts , asking | that a , new precinct be formed in the southeastern part of Cherry county whereby they would be benefitted and nearer a voting place , new precinct to be known as "Elsrnere" precinct , and comprising all the territory contained in town- j ships 25 and 26 , range 25 , Cherry count7 , Nebr. , said petition was ap proved. The school house in dis trict lNo. 101 was designated as the voting place. The county clerk is instructed to pur3hase d lailroad ticket for Mrs. Anderson and child , paupers , to Rapid City , S , D. , and furnish them with money with which to purchase meals while on the waj7 , same to be paid out of the General fund. Matter of the petition of George A. Jansen et al for a bridge across JDry Creek on section line between sections 25 and 36 , tp 35 , r 30 , was taken up and the commissioners in structed the county clerk to notify the road overseer of said district to put in a 30-inch metal culvert at said point. The following refunds were order ed : Road tax of R.M. and H. M. Hollen- bech , Table precinct , 1907 , § 2.50 each , and that of Jas. Maule , Cleve land precinct , 1907 , 82.50. The following official bonds were approved : R. Grooms , justice of the peace River precinct ; J. F. S , Phillis , justice of the peace Sharps Ranch ; Fred Buechle , road overseer district 21. Board adjourned to April 4. April -1 , 1908. Board met as per aejourrmient. Members all biesent. Commissioners spent the day in looking over prospective plans on file in the county clerk's office for the construction and placing in of a steam heating heating plant in the court house and same being adopted the county clerk is instruct ed to immediately advertise for bids on same. The following claims were allow ed on the General fund : W A Parker supplies 2fi 15 G B McNamee justice lees 19 70 II W Graham repairing hjdrant 1 45 Gee E liussell com fees 25 50 A E Morris do 15 TO James Mone do 13 so Board adjourned sine die. G. E. RUSSELL. A. E. MORRIS. JAMES MONE. Attest : J. T. KEELHY , Co. Clerk. For Sale. House and small barn , with two lots , close in , near school building , for sale at a bargain. House is new , lawn and shade trees , g od sidewalk , all fenced. Part cash , balance easy payments. Call on I. M. Rice , agent. This is just the place for some ranch owner or farmer to select for his wife and children to live during the winter and send chil dren to school. Don't delay as this property will find an owner soon. It may be yours. Come ind see about this first time you ire'in town. IS IB am PLOW FOR ALFALFA. Ut h Farmers' Adaptation of the Com mon Walking Plow. An article coming under my observa tion is one entitled "Typjs of Plows , " accomimniiHl by u cut of a ( Jet-man wheel plow. Why a man should run a clumsy , lumbering construction akin tea a self binder for breaking up lucern when our common hand plow will an swer the purpose is beyond me. 1 fail to sec where the writer's concep tion of a German wheel plow of the 1S70 type is much in advance of Mr. Wing's idea of a French plow in the twentieth century. A farmer's time is too precious and capable architects are too few and too expensive in this coun try to make a plow of such design ot any practifal value to its owner. We have here in Utah thousands of acres of alfalfa as luxuriant and CONCAVED PLOWSHAllE. thrifty as any in the world , some of which is broken every spring. Farm ers would find this a very great task indeed if they found it necessary to employ any such cumbersome devices as the one accompanying the article in question. We use common walking plow , with a wheel or shoe under the end of the beam and a straight or slant ing "cutter. The secret of the whole problem lies in the fact that the plow share from A to B along the dotted line D is concaved so that the plow rests upon the curved portion and the point C is at least a half an inch above the level or a half an inch higher than the point A or the point B. The share should be new or' com paratively so in order to give room for the concave surface. Any village blacksmith can fix the share. It would be advisable not to temper the share , as it is necessary to tile it every few rounds when plowing old alfalfa. Any team worthy of the name can pull the plow with as little effort as is requir ed when plowing stubble. We do not plow alfalfa more than three inches deep , .because after that depth the deeper one plows the harder the alfalfa is to kill. The depth is regulated by the Avheel under the beam , and any bpy who can plow stubble can easily enough handle the plow in alfalfa. When the ploAV is thus fixed for plowing alfalfa , however , one can not plow grain stubble with it. For this purpose the share would have to be made into its original shape , or , TJNDEK SIDE OF PLOWSHARE. * better still , if one has a great deal of alfalfa breaking to do. use another share , using the especially prepared one for the purpose of breaking up lu cern only , concludes A. J. Syudcrgaard iu Breeder's Gazette , Chicago. Quality In Seeds. As the result of tets of alfalfa , red clover and grass seeds secured in the open market Chief Galloway of the bureau ot" plants industry makes a re port that is certainly of interest to farmers. Red Clover. Of the 1.217 samples of red clover seed secured 40,1. or one-third , contained seed of dodder. 424 contain ed traces of yellow trefoil seed , and 133 bore evidence of having originated in Chile. Alfalfa. Of the 390 samples of alfal fa seed secured 193 , or about one-half , contained seed of dodder. 133 contained a trace of yellow trefoil seed , 120 con tained a trace of sweet clover seed , and 1C contained a trace of bur clover seed. Bromus Inermis. Of the 33 samples of Bromus inermis seed obtained 33 contained seed of cheat , or chess , 23 contained from 2 to 3 per cent of seed of the wheat grasses , several con tained seed of meadow fescue , and one contained more than 24 per cent of meadow fescue and rye grass seed to gether. Kentucky Blue Grass.-Of the 429 samples of Kentucky blue grass seed obtained only S were found to be free from any trace of Canada blue grass. In most of these samples the trace of Canada blue grass found was immature seed , showing that it was harvested with the Kentucky blue grass seed. The seeds of the two plants not tipening at the same time , it is improbable that mature seed of Canada blue grass would be harvested with Kentucky blue grass seed. In 110 samples , how- j 2ver. Canada blue grass seed was found 1 in quantities exceeding 3 per cent. 32 [ 3f these being Canada blue grass seed ! [ uisbranded as Kentucky blue grass J seed. Where Hogs Follow Cattle. Even if in addition to corn other concentrates richer in protein and ash t Lhan is corn are fed to steers , tht ? com in tbo droppings is much more readily found , and the benefit derived by the iog from the feeds other than corn is * lot very great , although it is believed .luit some benefit may be derived. R M Faddis & Co. ? ostofnceaddress , Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded on If-ft _ -V . Ullgll. § f3i3 , Horses branded i left [ shoulder or thigh , Some Some branded branded i on right thigh on lefc or shoulder. shoulder or thi-h P. U. Youns. dimeon. Xebr. Cattle bninded as cut on left side Some Q.Y0'1 Ieft side. W on left jaw of M V horses. Range on Gordoa Creek north of Simeon , Weather Data. The following data , covering a per iod of IS years , have been complied from the Weather Bureau records at Valentine , Xebr. They are issued to show the conditions that have pre- vailec1 , during- the month in question , for the above period of years , but must not be construed as a forecast of the weather conditions for the comirisf mcnth. April. TEMPER ATUIIS. Mean or normal 47 ° The warmest month was that of 1889 with an average of 52 ° The coldest month was that of 1907 with an average of 39 ° The highest was 91 ° on 20,1902-6 The lowest was 0 ° on 1 , 1899 PRECIPITATION. Average ior month 241 inches. Average number of days with .01 of an inch or more 9 The greatest monthly precipitation was 7 03 inches in 1892. The least monthly precipitation was 0 40 inches in 1904. The greatest amount of precipita tion recorded in any 24 consecutive hours was 2 03 inches on 30. 1895. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 24 consecutive hours ( record extending to winter of 1884-85 only ) was o.SO inches on 22 , 1902. 3LOUBS AMD WEATHEPv Average number of clear days , 10 partly cloudy , 11 : cloudy , 9. WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the NW. \ The average hourly velocity of the wind is 13 miles. The highest velocity of the wind was 08 miles from the N W on 24,1906. j. j. MCLEAN , Observer Weather Bureau. Get your property insured by J. M. Eice and you will be safe. His companies pay losses promptly. Of Hamm's Beer is absolutely pure. You take no chances when you drink Hamm's. We guarantee Hamm's under the National Pure Food Law and also under 1 the Food Laws of all the states. The Preferred Stock is the most delicious Beer ever brewed. It is the ideal si u Beer for all occasions. Call IEb for it. tl tle le 01 be Geo. A. CORBIN , Distributor Koan Brothers Woodlake Neb 'John Roan's piivatemark.sltt In left ear Metzsrer Bros. , Rolfe N'ebr Cattle branded anywhere on left ! side. J Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have Fame brand on 1 eft thigh , s Ranee on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 will be raid to any person for iHtormatlou leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with above brand. Jos. rJristol Valentine , Nebr. Range on Nio brara river four miles east of Ft. viobrara Horses and cattle branded nB connected on left hip or side as shown in cut J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JT on rightside Horses branded JT on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information re covery Tf ' * cattle strayed from my range D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cutleft side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side. Horses - | ses left shoulder. Range north Cutcomb Lake Sawyer Bros. Postofflce address Oasis. Nebr G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cnt- tle Horses D 8 on i left shoulder Horn e I left side es same eft thigh. RTinKiTorYHriake riverf Xebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas $ m.- > , , . Cattle branded on ? * , * j - ! JSt > of any part animal . . . . . ; "VJ. r.2 .f. also the following brands : Si % S' S loraes brandec same Range between Gordon on the F.E &M V..R. R. and Jyannis on M.B R. In Northwestern Nebraska. RirHAKD8. ! A T DAVIS Postofllce address Hyannia , Neb On rjght side- horses oiilett shoulder also cattle on right sde Sr.uge IB miles north of Fljannls Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left side Oi > o on rlehtside Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some -with A on left shoulder and some branded v/ith two bars Across hind onar- - - - . . _ ltera Soms Texas < tttle branded 5 O on left side and , sos on left QiD- Some cattle Arw AW bar connected on both sides and mo of horses. N. S. Eowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left ide and hip , and on ft shoulder of hor- iis. Alsojfcg ! on ft side ip. ' - 4on left side 1 cat- peg ( either 8deupon lef l Sflcmlder Q on left hip of horses. on left jaw of horses 0P. . Jordan. Rosebud , 3D Horses and cattle e as cut. also BE IJ on nght nip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward f o r information leading to detection r = = " - - = - = s3az33sa of rustlers of rating any of these brand- * . stock Pat Peiper Simeon