Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 16, 1908, Image 8
Eye f / ' ' yjt * * - > ; ? * . 'S3tfjT * * * * % v. tr4'j's'tsft'742'f' % e/lJb'2yZ/A * * s yf * & % ' & Av'-f 'rv' ) V > / , , ' &m e i m - ' S A Whiskeys. We- also handle the RnrUvpiser Beer. JOHN G.jSTETTE Justice Estray Xotice. Notice is hereby gi\on that on the fith day r May , UKS the undersigned justKV of i he pea < ' \ the residence ol Herman I'lir.itli , th taker-up of the animal l < ercinattcr desc-ribm a strav. on section 4. tj ) : u. r so in ( .he iv CIMIII ty , Nebraska , sell to the highest i iddt-r for cab ! the following described pro errv , to-uit : ( in hon grav ponv gelding , whonts or ten > ears ol branded L A. L left hip and 5 lelt bhoulaur. : i Said described property having heeu taken u by the .said Herman I'ouilh as es > tray , "Sale .it 10 o'elock a. in. Dated this Mill day of March. 1908. 0,15. WKIM'LOO , 15 , .1 nstice of the Peace. Notice. Notice is hereby given that The Wool i/vk Telephone Company has K'on didvincorpor.iti-i in i > cordance \ \ iih the la\\- oi the stale of X biaska. Tlie principal ot business slm be Wood 1/iKe , Nebraska. The natiir of the bust ess to be transacted bv said corpon tionsh 11 be the constructing purchasing o\\n inland operatingota telephone hue or line and telephone exchanges and the purchase o lease of such real estate as mnbe iiereir \ 01 convenient in the furtherance of said teleplion business. The authon/ed capital stock ot sai' ' corporation is $10 OW ) , dividea info .shares o Sr/Oeach. Pajments on .stock shall t > e ar th < ca'l of the board of directors and Mi * ' share \\henfnilypaidshall h non-asse s.iiikTI i highest amount of indebted' ' ess tlndi saic corpoia'ion ' inaj subject iii'eifliall noi e\ < - < e < ten per cent of its author"/'d capit il > .iu corporation may be sued only in Clieny conniy The allairs of th" corporatjon shall be m n.izei ! by a board of sinrectors. . The names of tin incorporatoisaie o W Mcbatuel. Daxul na. A. J. Wilson , A. G. Ward. u' . A. iMike : and \V. V. Johnson. The corporation sliail commence business oi March 1(5. 190S and shah contiifilorih - K-MI of Qity years unless sooner diasohea. 12 * Get your property insured by 1 M. Rice and you will be safe. Ilh companies pay losses promptly. Friday morning is always the fresh fish day at The Centra Market. tt St. Xivholas Church. Services will be held as follows On Good Friday , April 17lh llosary and Stations of the Cross at o p. m. Holy Saturday , April ISth , al 9 a. m. , Blessing of the Paschal oi the Baptismal and Easter Water , high mass. Elaster Sunday , April lth , lows mass at 8 a. m. High mass and s sermon at 10:30 : a. m. \ During Lent , every Friday evening - ning at 7:80 : p. ra.\Statious of the Cross a < nd Benedictions With the Most Blessed Sacrament. LEO M. BLAEIIE , Rector , A Lion i amer'c Cscrct. The boat-hound ro\ved. ! and t'l" great yellow lion leaped back in fc.u. "The lion could kill the hound. " tlie trainer said , "but he doysu't t'jin'c so lie thinks the hound could easii.kill . him. " "Why ? " "Whan the lion was u cub tYr. boarhound - hound , full grown , lived in the catft' with him. The big dog could , of course , lick the little cub. and the cu * > therefore feared and respccUvl him. Xow the cub i. * grown up. but he : 'ill thinks the hound is the better.Y < rear a cub with : i. full grovns hi rl in .this way for a reason. The hoi" 1 i > a protection to us trainers aftoi v. ar.J \vhen the cub is grown , for then shou'd ' he become rambunctious one look from the dog will ? end him. rubdue 1 and ashamed , slinking off to the cage's far thest corner. " Philadelphia P.ulleiin The Story of Zero. The word "zero" is from the Spaui-h and means "empty , " hence nothing. 11 was first used for a thermometer in 17JK5 by a Prussian named Fahrenheit. Iy experimenting A\ith snow and ? alt Fahrenheit found that he could pro duce a degree of cold equal to that of the coldest winter day. It happened thatr the day on which he in ado h's ' final experiment was the coldest , that anybody could rememlxMand. . struck with the coinciden'-e of his scientific discovery , he hastily concluded that he had found th < i lowest degree of tem perature. cither natural or artificial. Ha called the decree "ccro" and con structed a thermometer graduating up from ccr6 to boiling j ' : it. which he Cumbered 212 and theezing point House and small barn , with tw lots , close in , near school building for sale at a barg h. House i now , lawn and shade trees , gwo sidewalk , all fenced. Part casl balance easy pa.ments. . Call o I. M. Rice , agent. This is just the place for som ranch owner or farmer to selec for his wife and children to In juring the winter and send chr idren to school. Don't delay 2 'this ' property will ( ind an owne soon. It may be yours. Com and see about this first time yo are in town. IS GharpshcctcrG cf llio . c As soon : \i , a pioneer boy V.MS bi enough to level a rilio he was give powder and b.ili to shoot sqr.IiTcl. Afcor a little piactke heas require Lo bring i.1 ; : i many squirrels as h had receive-i charges under penalty u a severe lee tire or even of h.u ig hi jacket "tanned. " At the age of twelv the boy boca'ne a fort si/ldier , AM'L loophole assigned him frc.m whi lr I Dght v. hen the settler. ; rali ! ka again ? an Indian fr.iy. Gr vrlng older , h became a hunter of deer. elk. and bear , skilled in trailing and i utilizing cover , capable cf endnrin. . long marches through trackless incur tain forests. At night he conten Lo curl up in a single blanket beside small fne and sleep under the'roof o heaven. If it rained , ii a few minute lie built him a lodge of bark or bough with no implement but his one poum tomahawk. Incessant war vuth th Indians taught him to be his own gen to be ever on the alert , to koe ; his head an 1 shoot straight under fin Pitted against an enemy who gave n quarter , but .tortured the living ain r.calped the dead , he became himself ; stanch fighter who never surrenderee" The wilderness bred men of iron. Of Hamm's Beer is absolutely pure. You take no chances when you drink Hamm's. We guarantee Hamm's under the National Pure Food Law and also under the Food Laws of all the states. The Preferred Stock'is the most delicious Beer ever brewed. It is the ideal Beer for all occasions. Call o. A COKBIN , Di-tributnr R M Faddis& Co. s address Valentine or Kennedy. Soni" bninde - . on It ft thigh. jshonlder r thigh. Some Knnie branded i-ninded t > n iiiihr thigh on left -liuuider. . - > ' > oulier ( orlhisih P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle brandei as cut on left sid Some side. on left jaw o V horses. Rane on Goido : % Cie'ek north of Simeon , Weather Data. The following data , covering a per iod of IS years , have been compliet from the Weather Bureau records ai Valentine. Nebr. They are issued t ( show the conditions that have pre vailer1 , during the month in question for the above period of 3 ears , bui must not be construed as a forecast of the weather conditions for the coming mcnth. April. TEMPERATURE. Mean or normal 47 ° The warmest month was that of ISSi ! with an average of 52 ° The coldest month was that of 1907 with an average of 39 ° The 91 ° 20 1902-6 highest w is on , - The lowest was 0 ° on 1 , 189 ! ) PRECIPITATION. Average for month 2 41 inches. Average number of' days with .01 of an inch or more 9 The greatest monthly precipitation was 7 OJ inches in 1892 The least monthly precipitation was 0 40 inches in 1904 The greatest amount of precipita tion recorded in any 24 consecutive hours was 2 03 inches on , ' 53. 18J3. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 21 consecutive hours ( record winter of 1884-85 only ) was o.SO inches on 22. 1902. OLOUDS AMD VVEATDER Average number of clear days , 10 partly cloudy , 11 : cloudy 9. WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the NW. The average hourly velocity of the wind is 13 mile ? . The highest velocity of the wind was US miles from the N W on 24. 19CG j. .i. MCLEAN , Observer Weather Bureau. L cvcnron 33 He. ic'kcc ! . i I- ! . .01.n.l : on tin1 lioarth rngin I ; : ' ( jlc.i-i ; room. si.\s : VYaltor ( . 'rune . . h. > ' A.i Artist's IiuniiniMvnri > s" of Hubert Louis Ifvi'iison , tlu > ri'.it r of : tn : ulinirin circle. : unl discour-si- very intifh in the s.-itne style as that in which herote. . It jc.ive one the im pression of artilici.ipty rather- I mean his manner of spoakin : ; : inil choice of words , as if carefully selected and cul tivated. If a nmarkvas > offered by one of the company he would'perhaps accept it and turn about , much as a conju.-er does when he borrows a hand kerchief or a hat from some one in hi audience , or perhaps hewould , work it into his next sentence , returning it to his interlocutor improved wrapped in silver paper , metaphorically speaking. His personal appearance was quite as unusual as his speech a Ion ; ; , pale , thin face and lank hair.vquick and pen etrating eyes and a rjuhcrjsirdonic ; smile. The world in general , especial ly in clubland , wore white shirts and collars as a rule , but Stevenson sported black ones. * Male firmness Is very often obstl- uacy. Y/L-mon have always Something bottM , worth Mil qualities. They have tact.- Lord Beacousfield. GREEN PEAS. The Pride cf the Early Garden De licious , Nutritious. By FRANK DEVON. From the time that the approach ot Easter brings in the "hothouse" Iamb with its accompanying dish of southern grown melting gt'ecn peas till midsum mer's drying heat begins to be too much for even the sturdiest of pea A incs we may have this most delicious and most nutritious vegetable in per fection. Florida indeed grows it to na ture Miy lime during the winter. Teas , it is hardly necessary to say , are cool weather plants. Some of the va rieties are among the first of seeds to be intrusted to the bosom of Mofher Earth while she is yet apparently in a cold and unresponsive mood. Some cannot endure any' frost , and others are sown to mature as late as August and September. But these late sum mer peas are often something of a XOIT'S failure. They run the risk of midev\ ! \ and rot. and in the end. though thcj . exceptionally Urge and wel flavored , the/ lack the delicate charn of the smaller earlier pea in its be i season. Xo garden is really a g.irwen now ndays without plenty of peas. Ii Queen Elizabeth's time , peas not beinj common in those old English gardens they had to be brought from Ilollam and were called "fit dainties for ladies they came so far and cost so dear. ' Xow. while the south grows our ear- i liest peas , yet with a favorable sprint ; the skillful garderter north of Wash ington can bring the improved quick maturing varieties to edible size in early June , and an occasion:1.1 : grower prides himself 0:1 : ha\ing a first pick ing of green peas on Memorial day. The smooth , round varieties of peas are the earlier and hardier : the v.-riu- kled the sweeter and better in quality. On account of their superior hardiness the smooth sorts are the first planted. As soon as the ground can be worked these varieties may Le put in. and the plants will endure a pretty good freeze when coming up and when well out of the ground. For choicest peas the tall sorts used to be thought indispensable , but with the introduction of improved kinds we now have dwarf peas of quality to please the most fastidious taste. The dwarf wrinkled sorts represent the highest quality in jloas. They do not. howe\er. germinate es well as the smooth pens and cannot s.o well resist frost. P ; : t among the v , rin'.iled peas .some are more vigorous than oth ers. Xott's Cc ! sior is making a splendid record aa a dwarf wrinkled sort that may be planted almost as early as the siudbth peas and will ma ture so quickly as to make a crop near ly as soon as the earlier planted kinds. It is sometimes called the best early dwarf pea. Seven to nine large , very sweet peas are closely packed together , completely filling the pod. It is pre ferred by some to tlie well known American Wonder and Premium Gem , the good qualities of which it is said to combine. The new Surprise pea ( wrinkled ) has two distinctive claims that it is espe cially quick growing and. though it must be planted later , will make a crop almost as soon as the smooth va rieties and that the peas remain ten der and sweet a long time. Surprise is especially nice for the home garden. Garden or Prosperity was a veritable sensation at its intro luctlon an I has grown steadih * in favor. It irives an early crop of large "m.irrow" peas. Of second early varieties. MclTeanV Advancer has long been OK of the very best. .Market iraneK : 's like its' productiveness , ousto'mers like its quality , and canr.ers ; : .v it largely. j Telephone and Strat igem. the famous "big fellows. " hold their own against all newcomers for main crop and late seeding. Alderman , a new scco ; 1 early , claims "all the earmarks" Tele phone , v. ith larger pods and peas of better quality. < Tested and good varieties of peas are legion , but if you want to try n newer sort give a chance to Thomas I.axton.Vji pea of unsurpassed flavor. The Fertilizer Business , i The total fertilizer production of the United States is placed at 4. 00,000 tons annually , valued driver SiJO.ODO.- 000. It i < estimated that Nashville. Tenn. . has S3.0W.OOO Invested in the fertilizer business. N CROPREPORTS. . . . " ' ' j.0 n J" Quantity of Grain Remaining In Farmers' Hands. The crop reporting board of the bu reau of statistics finds from reports of Correspondents and agents of the bu reau that the quantity of wheat in farmers' hands on March 1 was about 23.3 pe'- cent ( equivalent to 14S.721.000 bushels ) of last year's crop as cotn- 1 pared with 28.1 per cent (200.d44.OW bushels ) of the 1900 crop on hand Ma'-ch 1. HOT. ) and 2l.C per cent ( ! . " > . - 20S.OUO bushels , the average for the past ten years ) of the quantity of the crop on hand on March 1. It is esti mated that about 08 per cent ofthe crop will be shipped out of the coun ties where grown as compared with . " > S.l per cent of the T.GJ ( crop and 3.9 per cent the average for the past ten years so shipped out. The quantity of cfrn in fanners * hands on March 1 is estimated as 37.1 per cent ( equivalent vto 9iJ2.429.000 bushels ) of last year's crop as com pared with 44.3 per cent (1.2:18.000.000 ( : bushels ) of the 19'J ( cr.pon hartd Marcli 1. 1907. and 39.1 per cent ( SS2.707.000 bushels ) , the average for the past ten years , of the quantity of the crop on hand March l."It is estimated that about IS per ceift of the crop will be shipped out of counties where grown as compared with 23.2 per cent of the 190(5 ( crop and 19.7 per cent the average for the past ten years so ship ped out. The proportion of the total crop which is merchantable is esti mated as 77.7 per cent of the 1 ! 07 crop. S9.1 per cent of the 190 ( > crop and 84.2 as the average of the past ten years. The quantity of oats in farmers' hands on March 1 is estimated as 33.5 1-er cent ( equivalent to 2C7.47G.OOO bushels ) of last year's crop as com pared with 39.S per cent (3S ( 1.401.000 bushels ) of the 190 ( crop on hand March 1. 1007.and , 37.3 per cent (311- 023,000 bushels ) , tlie average of the past ten years , of the quantity of the crop on hand March 1. It is estimated that about 2S per cent of the crop will be shipped out of the counties where grown as compared with 27. < per cent of the 190(5 ( crop and 27.4 per"cent the average for the past ten years so shipped out. Too Early Testing. As a consequence of 'the last poor corn year thousands of fanners who have never tested their seed corn are probably doing so for the next crop. And there is a very natural result to be feared namely , that of testing too early in the season. This very early testing is by no means sure to prove satisfactory , for. as an exchange sug gests , it frequently happens that corn will give a high percentage germina tion in the middle of winter , while the same seed if kept two months longer may have its vitality greatly impaired. Where corn is placed so that it cannot be frozen there is less danger of this happening , but even then better results will be obtained if seed testing is left until some time during the early spring days. days.We We have in mind an instance where good dry oats gave 10 per cent better germination in the middle of January than they did on the 1st of April. All seedsmen will tell you that they find it necessary to retest s-eeds in the spring that have been tested during the winter - , ter in order to make sure of their vital ity. Wrinkles In Lettuce Growing. A combination method of indoor and outdoor lettuce culture that sometimes works nicely is starting head lettuce in the greenhouse , hotbed or cold frame and transplanting to the open as soon as the weather is favorable. Not only do we thus get earlier lettuce , but the development of head lettuce seems to be very fine under these conditions. Deacon. Big Boston. May King. Black Seeded Tennisball. Market Gardener's Private Stock. Iceberg and Improved Hanson are varieties suitable for this GRAND RAPIDS T.ETTUCH PLANT. ' [ Grown in pot for transplanting to bencher or box. ] combination culture. The last two are curl } * leaved varieties , but under prop er cultural conditions form good heads. The plants are started in the green house , transplanted into flats and hard ened off in the cold frames. [ They are then set in the open ground in revs fifteen inches apart and about ten inches apart in the row. Another wrinkle in the growing of early lettuce is to grow the plants in pots until about the size of that shown ' in the figure and then transplanted to flats , In which the plants are grown to t maturity or at least salable size. Favorite Figs. Black Ischia is known as Blue Is chia. This and White Ischia are prime favorites. Fruit is considered as good as the bet for Ger-gia and the south. Skin violet black , pulp rosy red. meat white , soft and melting. Drie on tree. Ilipens in August. White Ischia has the same qualities except color. It fc greei.lsh yellow. Farm and Uanch. i Spraying Peach Trees. One sprayinjr with borde-ux mixture Jn the spring before the opening of the blossoms continues to prove effective In the prevention of 'oaf curl. Where fungous diseases only are to be eom- Hateil the bordeaux mixture is pre ferred. Where scales nr ? present the milphur sprays may be re'ie-1 upon for curl prevention. 5. D Roan Brothers Woodlake Neb John Roan's pitvate mark , silt in left ear r Bros. , Rolfe N'ebr Cattle branded anvwliere on left side. Earmark , square crop light ear. Horses have ame brand on eft thigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250r\vih bt aid to any person for information lea-ling to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with above brand. Jos. tsristol Valentine. Nebr. Range on NJo- brara river four miles east of Ft Miobrara Horses and cattle r branded rtB connected on left hip or side as shown in cut J. A. VARY AN Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JTf on rightside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my range D. M. Se-.irs. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cnt.lef t side some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. ALONZO HEATH Posfofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side. Hor-l ses left shoulder. Range north ( Jntcomb Lake Sawyer Bros f Postofllce address Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cat tle Horses I > S on b left shoulder ome left side f HorsPS i es aarae 3ft thigb. Itnnge on Snake riverj Land and Feeding Co. ijvtlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P fbasr lamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded OD any part of animal ; dlso th < following orsea same Range uordon on the F.E &TVI V , R R ard lyannis on h R. In f braska P A T DAVIS 'nstofflce address hyannis , Neb On right side horses uu left shoulder also cattle on right s Range la miles aortb of Hjannis Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on riKhtsIde Some cattle also have a - - on aj jon neck Some with A. on left shonlder and some branded > vith two bars vcros hind qnar- TS Some Texas le branued O on icf t side and some i left side. orses br-inded SOS on left hip. Some"catt anded AW bar connected on both side" and It hin nf hnrsps. N. S. Eowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left , ie and hip , and on ft shoulder of hors s Als ( ft bide nip cat- brand- . . . li" I ' * I ntr peg ( either side up ) on : t itie or hlj . on left p jaw and If f -ihoulder ht > rx " > Q n left hip of horses. on left Jaw of horses G. P. Jordan. Rosebud , 3D Horses and cattlt rTRpa8fTCut : also uj Bfc , ; j on npht nip. gange on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock u-tmanv of rfwso hr Pat Peiper Simeon N