Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 16, 1908, Image 7

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    One of the
t > T the liappy homes of U-day is a vast
fund of information as to the host methods
of promoting health and happiness and
right living and knowledge of the world's
-best products.
Products o.i actual excellence and
reasonable claims truthfully presented
and which have attained to world-wide
acceptance through ti ! ° approval of the
"Well-informed of the World ; not of indi
viduals only , but of the many who have
the happy faculty of selecting and obtain
ing the best the world affords.
One of the products of that class , ol
known component parts , an Ethical
remedy , approved by physicians and com
mended by the Welt-Informed of the
World as a valuable and wholesome family
laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial
effects always buy the' genuine , manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. ,
only , and for sale by all leading druggists.
The Eastern , which made hei
maiden trip just half a century . 'go , was
not a financial success until she becaint
a cable repair vessel some years after.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
JL With LOCAL APPLICATIONS , as they can
not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease , and in
order to cute it you must take internal rora-
cdie * . Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally , and acts directly on the blood and
cnucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not
a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one
of the best physicians in thiy country for
years and is a regular prescription. .
composed of the best tonics known , combined
with the best blood purifiers acting directly
on tin * mucous surfaces. The perfect com
bination of the two ingredients is what pro
duces such wonderful results in curing Ca-
itarrh. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Sold bv Druggists , price 7 , c.
Take Hall's Family Pills or constipation ,
During Tlmt Trip.
i Mississippi Valley Man ( with enthu-
-asm ) Well. Mr. President , what do yon
think of our grand old river nowV
The President ( wiping liis glasses ard
Cooking at it again ) If's bully. But
< 3on"t you think the water might he im
proved a little by boiling it ? Chicago
Eye Siilve for 25c
{ relieves tired or overworked eyes , stops
-eye aches , congested , iaflnmM or sjre
reyes. All druggists or Howard Bros. ,
\BuffaIo \ , N. Y.
Profit from the Garden.
The amateur garden er.4 whose love
jfor flowers is often disproportionate
to her means of buying the now sorts
ehe covets , may often make her pardon
; return a profit in cash , as well as in
' Cannas are so popular that there is
always a ready market for good , well-
grown tubers , especially for the dark
colors. By starting in with good stock.
and keeping it true to name , or even
by having good plump roots that are
'inixed , * ' one may often make advan
tageous sales to neighbors or to
"by seedsmen. They multiply quite rap-
.idly , but the demand , at present , seems
, o keep pace with the increase.
j The secret of success is to have the
.tubers sound and firm. And this is
[ Secured by giving them proper care
/through / the winter. 1'ack thorn in < aml
.in a dry , frost-proof cellar. They will
ffceep firm and plump , affording cu < -
jtomers ample proof of their intentior
.to irrow.
j Dahlia ? , too , arc in favor again , .and
are shown iii some charmiiu : nnv col
orings and forms. The same treatment
{ applies to the care of those tubers
/through the winter.
[ Canna seeds are very hard to germi
nate , and , while stock may bo raised
that way , it is always d-mbtful how it
will turn out It may prove inferior ,
so the best way is to depend on the
propagation of the root * .
Perfume manufacturers ot" Italy everj
year consume lSiO tons of orange blos
som ? , OuO tons of roses. J. 0 tons each
of jasmine and violets and lo tons ol
LOST $300
: tre llciiie IVIien Rlgrlit Food
" \Vsis denied.
i Money spent for "tonics' " and "bra-
pcrs" to relieve indigestion , while the
rpoor old stomach is loaded with pastry
jand pork , is worse than losing a pocketbook -
book containing the "money.
If the money only is lost it's bad
enough , but with lost health from
( wrong eating , it is hard to make the
money back.
' A Mich , young lady lost money on
drugs but is thankful she found a way
to get back her health by proper food.
She writes :
"I had been a victim of nervous dys
pepsia for six years and spent throe
hundred dollars for treatment in the : it-
rtempt to get well. None of it did me
rny I tried Grape-Nuts food ,
and the results were such that , if it
jcost a dollar a package. I would not
jbe without it. My trouble had boon
[ paused by eating rich food such as
pastry and pork.
"The most wonderful thing that evfp
'happened to me. I am sure , was tht
Change in my condition after I began
jto eat GraperNuts. I began to improve
jat once and the first week gained four
p "I feel that I cannot express myself
jjn terms that are worthy of the benefit
frape-S uts has brought to me , and you
; pre perfectly free to publish this letter
if it will send some poor sufferer relief ,
uch as has come to me. "
Name given by I'ostum Co. , Battle
rcek , Mich. Read , "The Road to
( JVellville , " in pkgs. "There's a Rea-
on. "
Iowa r.nd tlio TnrilV.
The tariff plank adopted at J > es
Moines 1'or Republican campaign uses
in Iowa concedes tin1 impossibility of
holding Iowa Republican * longer in
line for monopoly taxation. It aban
dons thi' stand-pat attitude and prom
ises to consider Republican objection- ;
to what i ( "peaks of asxccs ivo du
ties. In ( l'in this i ! borrows tin * lan-
iruaixc ol' tb $ Ohio tariff plunk ami
makes additions under which next year
or at some time subsequent to the
Presidential election this year Hie
Dingjoy rates of the present will be
replaced by "such customs duties as
will equal the difference between th- '
cost of product ion at homo and abroad ,
together with a-reasonable profit , " to
the end that "adequate protection" may
be given "without excessive duties. "
Iowa Republicans to whom this is
addressed are left by it to dttridc for
themselves , not next year , but at once ,
what they themselves understand by
excessive duties. For example , the lat
est reports on the subject published by
the Department of Commerce and La
bor show that the Dingley tax collected
ou woolen uo ; > ds. including common
clothimr. live-raws S.4U ! per rout ad
valorem. This means that the buyer
of woolen munis in Iowa has a tax of
. < ? S.H ! on the $10 real values , protect
ing" tlie price demanded from him.
The word "excessive" is not now ap
plied in celled ing this tax. although it
is more than twice the tax which pro
tects the prices of wool , dairy products
and meats and more than five time- ;
that which protects the price of hides.
The taxes now collected are authorized
by the Dingley law. under which no
tax which shuts out competition and
prevents competing prices is regarded
as excessive. When ad.dresod to Iowa
Republicans now the word challenges
them to force an immediate answer to
the question of its meanimr. Will the
uioii who seek their votes pledge them
selves in writing to cut the taxes on
clothing as low as the taxes on dairy
products or hidesV
This is what Iowa voters must de
cide this year. Next year they will
have no more opportunity to decide
than they have- when the tax rate on
clothimr. as ollicially publisher ! after its
collection , is not presented for their
consideration as "excessive. " but as le
gal , oliicial and orthodox iu4ts Repub
licanism. St. Louis Republic/
Tariff floras JMsj-tiM.
One of the best arguments against
nny tariff bill ever made was that of
Senator IJeveridge in his reply to Sen
ator Xewlauds. on January " > . 1 ! ) < KS.
Mr. r.everidw declared that Cougres. ;
could not of itself find out tlit * * facts
and make the clas-ilications necessary
as a condition precedent to framimr : i
just tariff bill ( see Record , p. l. ! ) . ) .
Yet the people's representatives alone
are authorized to frame such a bill.
If they cannot frame- just tariff bill ,
why should they frame iiny at all ? If
the committee on ways and means can
not discover and correct the inequali
ties ol" the iron and stool schedule , the
wool schedule , the cotton textile sched
ule , the wood schedule , the pottery
schedule , and two or three others
which do all the real dam aw. then
popular government is a failure in
This T'.ovoridw bill is a snare and
a delusion. It was conceived in sin
and born in iniquity. Its object is tu
allow the trusts to continue to charge
our own people not only the diftVivuc'1
t between the price of any article abroad
j and the price at home , but to sell stool
rails and oilier products from 20 to 30
per cent cheaper abroad than at home.
It will not fool anybody outside of In
diana , however. It is too FalslaLUian.
gross and two palpable a fallacy.
Tariff Tux on Con I.
Every one has to use coal , so a tariff
on coal affects every family directly
or indirectly. Can any tax be more
senseless than that on coal ? True , it
is only ( \ cents a ton. but that is just
enough to prevent competition and the
conl combines can therefore add that
much to their profit. lion. William L.
Douglas , when his term as governor of
Massachusetts had expired , in a speech
before the Now York Reform Club , told
.why New England demanded free coal.
"The duty of (57 ( cents a ton on bitumin
ous coal. " said Gov. Dougl. ? * , "clearly
protects both the hard ami soft coal
trusts in New England territory. It
costs only half as much to transport
coal from Xova Scotia to Boston as
from Virginia or Pennsylvania , even
when the railroads give us a 'square
deal. ' With free access to Xova Scoti.i
coal , the protected trusts would have
to lower their prices or lose our orders.
Free and cheap coal would be a great
boon to the homes and factories in our
cold climate. Nor do I think it would
injure any section of the country not
even Pennsylvania. As I understand
It , Canada lias for years been ready to
take her duty off coal when we take
ours off. Upper and middle Canada are
even more dependent upon Pennsyl
vania and other Central States for eoai
than are we of the Atlantic and Pacific
Coasts upon Canada. We export four
or five times as much coal to Canada as
we import from there. For the year
1904 we imported 1,370,000 tons of coal
and coke from Canada , and exported
< ; . < ; 4J.H : ) ( ) tons to Canada. It is thus
evident that oven our protected coal
trusts would share in the -mutual bene
fits that would flow to these two mu
tually dependent countries from tha
mutual removal of those mutually ob-
noxior.s taxes on coal. Reciprocity
would make brothers of these two
neighbor countries.Vhy cannot we
exchange products in a friendly way' : ' '
Political I' r < : e.s
Some people think political parties
are u hindrance to good government.
and would have a free for all race
for representatives and officials. But
such a plan would load to political
chaos and principles would be lost sight
of "in The race for personal ambition
and desire for the spoils of office. The
national Democracy has always stood
for principles rather than persons , for
men die. or go astray after false politi
cal uods. but principles founded on the
eternal truth of Democracy "equal
rights to all and special privileges to
none" 'ami "Home Rule" live forever.
Party organizations are necessary un
der our system of Democratic-Republi
can government and however much we
may admire or revere those whom we
regard as leaders , yet , after all. they
are but fleeting shadows on the political
pathway. Xo Democrat , however fa
mous. must be allowed to stand in the
way of party success , because without
success the party of the people is helpless -
loss and worthless to the people. Some
times wo can gain by taking notice of
what our friends , the enemy , are doing
and thinking and thus it is well to
note what former Governor Stokes , of
\\'ew Jersey , has just told the Republi
cans of that State in his plea for real
political parties. Speaking at Phillips-
bunr he said :
"It would be a sad day for this
country if parties were destroyed and
purely personal leadership substituted.
A personal leadership often becomes
sol ( Nh , because it aims to be popular
rather than deliberative and right It
often becomes autocratic , because it
leans upon' itself rather than upon the
party's support. ' . '
If Republicans can thus defend their
party against the present tendency to
wards personal leadership , how much
more should Democrats follow th. !
same good example. The Republican
party has always practiced , if not
preached < entralizalion which naturally
begets autocracy. But Democrats
preach and practice that the voice of
the people must be hoard and absolute
submission to the majority , the only
salvation of a Democratic-Republican
form of government.
A KepuI > ! iriH Holt.
The Republicans are suffering from
the ambition of some of their leaders
and the evident intention of President
Roosevelt to dictate the nomination of
Secretary Taff ashis successor , or him-
s-elf. in case Taft is impossible , may
result in a split in the party. Even
in Ohio , where the convention was ap
parently unanimous for Taft , there is
a rebellion. That stalwart Republican
organ , the Toledo Blade , which has
boe.ii faithful to the Republican party
since its organization , loads in an open
bolt against the Taft-Cox-Browu ticket.
The Blade declares that the Taft man
agers have handed over the party or
ganization to the corrupt Cox-Brown
machine. and the Sandusky Register
indorses the Blade's attack upon the
State ticket.
President Roosevelt and Secretary
Taft must have knqjvn that in. making
this combination with Boss Cox and
allowing him to dictate the most im
portant nominations for State officers ,
they wore guilty of betraying the people
ple for their own personal advantage ,
and it is decidedly refreshing to see
that tlie honest organs of the party re
fuse to abide by it.
Such personal politics always leads
to party disruption , and Ohio has too
miny independent voters to defeat such
combinations even to the extent of de
feating the men who have been guilty
of it
Corruption mill Scandal.
The Federal office-holders in the
Southern States are expected to turn
out delegates to the Republican na
tional convention with quickness and.
dispatch at the disposal of the admin
istration. But somehow the old ma
chine is squeaky and the plan does network
work well. The negroes are opposed
to President Roosevelt and his man
Taft The Lily-Whites are somewhat
divided and there will be contesting
delegations from nearly every Southern
State. This offers a good chance for
the Republican national committee to
"fix things. " The fact that any of
those States have the same power in
voting on contests as other States have ,
and that those members who are in
volved in the contests from their States
will have to pass , in 'i judicial way ,
upon all the contests , will put their
virtue to a test that most of them
will be unable to withstand.
Corruption will rear its hideous head
and with both factions trying to fix
the committee to pass favorably on
their side of the contests , there is al
most a certainty of a scandal and per
haps a split that will tear the hide from
the tough old elephant of the G. O. P.
iJeautlful children , whose voices sweet
Echo the carol the hells repeat
All In the Piaster morning ,
Did ye know that before the sun BO red
Had clambered up from his downy bed
Loveliest carols were sun ? and said
Early on Easter morning ? p
Out where the willows are bending low ,
Out where the mists drift to and fro ,
All in the Easter morning.
Little brown birds in quiet nosr ,
Twittering low 'neath mother's breast ,
Say , ' Spring is coming : let'u sing our
best. "
ly on Easter morning.
Dainty feralc-l * . in woolly fold ,
Safely hidden from wind and cold ,
All In the Easter morliing.
Lifting their blanket's , peep to see
What kind of a place the world may bo
And waken and rustle merrily
Early on Easter morning.
The clear little brook sings low and sweet ,
Touching. the poliblt-s with dainty feat.
All in the Easter morning.
"Spring is coining ; I make the way
( ireea. here the lo\ers shall be some
day ;
Singing , I herald the sun's first ray
Early on Easter morning. "
Beautiful ones , ere the sun was red
Loveliest carols were sung and said
All In the Easter morning.
The light mist shroiideth the sleepy town ,
But the birds and the ferns and the brook
let brown
Sing In the gray , while the stars lock
down ,
Karly on Easter morning.
X. C. Waterman , In Youth's Companion.
fe I )
- ? _ K
Easter Hoard
All the children had a hoard of eirgs
hidden away for East or all but Hilly.
Billy was so small and fat that he could
not climb on the hay mows lo find the
nests. Sue , Mary and Teddy were big
ger , and the contest with them went gu- :
ly on. Easter morning their hoards would
bo brought forth from their hiding places ,
and the one who had the most eggs would
be the best fellow.
Mother would give them some bits of
bright calico and pieces of onion peel ; the
eggs would be wrapped in those and
boiled , and when taken out of the water
the onion ones would have beautiful yel
low shells , and the ones wrapped in calico
ice would have dainty ilowers and pat
terns traced CM them. Perhaps they might
have some of those gorgeous purple and
crimson dyes for certain highclnss eggs.
Anyway , there would be a brave showing.
Billy would probably have some given
to him , but they would not be his own
hoard , and the heart of Billy was heavy
within him.
He sto'od on the barn floor dejectedly
'shelling the kernels off an ear of corn
that had been dropped , and he could Ijear
the shouts of the other children away off
on the long mow in the wing.
Euster was very near only a few days ,
and then
"Cluck ! Cluck ! "
Billy looked around and saw a brown
hen squeezing out through a hole iu the
flooring. She walked straight up/fo Billy
nml began picking up the kernels he had
"What you been doiu' under ve floor ,
ol' Brown HonV"
"Cluck ! cluck ! " said the Brown lien ,
which meant , "Look for yourself. "
Billy looked. Away under the dark
floor he could see -nest , and he counted
"T-.vo five free eleventy. " Bill y
could not tell just how many , for his
mathematical education was shaky.
"Is they yoursV whispjererl Billy .
"Cluck : cluck ! " said the Brown'lien.
"Don't tell the rest , and \\c'll go shares
on this hoard , and I'll take care of them
[ for us. "
I Then she crawled back under the boards
and Billy ran in the house feeling that
he , too , had a secret. -
1 Xot a word did Billy lisp. On Easter
morning lie , too , would bring forth his
board , but he would leave borne for the
i Brown Hen oh , of course because they
I were partners.
j Easter came and the older children
went after their hidden eggs. Billy fol
lowed in glee. How he would surprise
them ! His fat legs twinkled through
the barnyard fence and up to the great
door , lie heard the Brown Hen cluck-
ling. She must be waiting to divide. He
, -vent in , but she was not in sight. He
ducked his head down to the hole and
i peeped. She was not on the nest , and
only a few broken shells lay about.
i ; Tears welled up into Billy's blue eyes.
The Brown Hen had not dealt fairly.
Sobbing and stumbling , he went out the
table door , and ran plump into her.
i She was not alone. Chirping and peepIng -
Ing all around her was a troop of yellow ,
fuzzy balls. Billy took \one \ rapturous
look and then fled to Sister Mary , who
was crawling from under a straw stack
with her treasure.
i "Look , Mary ; look what me an' the
Bnnva Hen done ! " he called. "She's been
takin' cars of our eggs , an' they've , all
wine chicfc is ! "
' Bermmln Flower Which Tins a Place
i in Hearts of Am ric U.S.
J Th" Bermuda lily is one of the foreign-
ira which has established a place in the
hearts of the American people. Its pure
. white chalicea are found not only in the
church and ch.ipel. hut in the homes of the
people , rich and poor , on Ea.ster morning ;
they carry their message of the re urreo-
tiou to a life where the spirit will be
freed from the flesh that trammels it.
How fitting , that they should come from
the summer islands , where there is no
winter , no falling of leaves !
As one sits in the air perfumed by th"
droppings from the lily bells the romantic
story of the land of their nativity en
riches their beauty. Xo thunder of can
non or long tale of war sullies the pages
of thr > history of the Bermudas.
Tiu-y were , to the best of our knowl-
ff '
edge , discovered between 1 . " > ! . " and 1522
by a vessel commanded by a man named
I'.orniudex. On board was a Spaniard
who was the historian of this discovery.
The \es > el was on her way from Spain
tCuba. . An attempt was made to land
and leave .some hogs , with a view to pos
sible future needs , but. according to th' . '
record , a storm arose and the boat did not
leave the vessel. This is the first time
that any mention of the islands appears
in history.
The terrible storms that frequented this
group led the Spaniards to believe that
the islands were peopled by devils and
evil spirits , and they became known as
Los Uiabolos. Nor were these vexing ,
destructive winds and storms unknown to
the English. In ] . > 93 Captain May , an
Englishman , was one of a party wreck
ed on the southern shores of the Bermu
das. They remained five mouths in the
islands , and after building a bout from
the cedars that grew there they were able
to get away , reaching Cape Breton , from
which place they sailed for England. This
disoo\ery of the beautiful islands was
doubtless well known , but the spirit cf
adventure that was prevalent in those
days 'ittracted men to wider fields , and
the Bermudas were , overlooked .
About 1(510 ( there appeared "A discov
ery of the Bermudas , otherwise called the
Isle cf Devils , by Sir Thomas Gates , Sir
( feorg. Somers and Captain Newport and
divers others. " It is claimed that this lit
tle book , having o5me into the possession
of Shakspeare , provided the background
for "ThQ Tempest. " Sir George Some'-s
and his companions reached the islands in
I ( 09 in a sinking vessel. The vessel was
finally lodged between two rocks , and all
escaped to the shore , which from that day
has been an English possession.
Th. ; first sight of a lily-field transfixes
one. Sitting in the low-swinging car
riage , riding over roads smooth and noise
less , one becomes conscious of an ode *
familiar , yet not familiar. Suddenly th
lily field lies before one. Who can describe -
scribe it ? It takes one out of this lifa
if first seen without the workers. When
they are added to the picture the Illy
fields suggest Utopia. Such work must
be a delight. All through the fields arg
the beautiful , graceful figures of men and
women , through whose picturesque gar
ments are caught gleams of the golden
bronza of their skin. Here and there an
animated small broa e image , with aa
little covering as possible , intensifies tha
beauty. The colored men of Bermuda
are of mixed stock. They are the descend
ants of American Indians captured and
sold into slavery , negroes kidnapped fjroin
Africa , and English convicts who prefer
red f > remain in the Bermudas after tha
government ceased to make use of th
islands as a convict colony.
The Bermuda , lily was introduced into
this country in 1ST5. Two plants hi bud
and bloom -were brought to Philadelphia
by a lady and given to a florist. This
florist , appreciating their beauty and
value , cultivated the plants for the bulbsr
Since that time the exporting of lilv-bulba
has been one of the industries of Ber
The Fart in Raster Curd.i.
Almost all the Easter cards are dim
tinctly secular. Flowers and doves and
other emblems of peace and purity adorn
them , but there are few representations
of sepulchers and very few religious texts.
To such an extent has the secular card
craze been carried , indeed , that thosa
who refuse to buy them are known as spe
cialists , and some few ecclesiastical cards ,
which no doubt the shopkeepers think In
appropriate to the season and only called
for by cranks , are stowed away for them ,
Easter Lalies.
On this glad day the lilies never fall n
The white-gowned lilies of the Easts *
morn ;
In grand cathedrals smilingly they hall tu.
And Iu the chapels of the lowly born.
They are the chosen flowers to tell
As only lily grace and fragrance may ,
Of the abounding miracle and glory
That through the ages crown the Eastei
The lilies whoso contemplates their rivcet
ness ,
And , kneeling , lingers In their sacred
But shares the message , in Its full com
pleteness ,
When Illy voices whisper , "All -welL"
Frank Walcott Ilutt.
Carefully cut out the rabbit and fold it so that itul exactly fill tha
hole in the eggii the folded paper to the egg. The game is to see In
how few folds yon can make the paper fit the erg. The person who makes It
tit in the smallest number of folds may be considered ias winning the game.
Of course , any number of persons can play it. as the paper rabbit can be
folded any number of times , but a record of the folds made by each must be
kept * and , to make the game interesting , .no one should tell until all have
tried bow many folds he or she made. The record should be kept by aa
umpire " "