f House = , . cleanin Household Ammonia , gallon jug 75c Household Ammonia , bottle 15c 20-Mule Team Borax , ? pound box lOc H. & H. Soap for Car pets , cake 15c Ladies' Rubber Grloves , pair 75c al * - * * nraHZBB VALENTINE. NEO W. H. St ration Dealer in FLOUK & FEED Apples and Cider PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nehr. JOHN F. PORATH Sfcrirgc. Tubular wells and windmills. me up hy Telephone. . S. LOCKWOOD Handles the SHARPLESS CREAM SEPARATOR , * LOUR. GRAIN AND HAY. Opposite Postofiie. Phone 71. Prices are what we are talking Now Our stock iscomplete. . BISHOP & mm , C ODY , JEB R , L < i < l or Notice. Notice is hereby given that 1 have filed with the clerk of the board of trustees of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , a petition accompanied by a bond duly at tested , said petition praying that , I be granted a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in block 6 , lot 17 in said village of Valentine , Cherry county , Ne braska , for thexyear ending 1 , 1909. JOHN G. STETTEK. Dated April 9 , 1908. Liquor Notice Notice is hereby given that 1 have filed- with the clerk of the board of trustees of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , a petition accompanied by a bond duly at tested , said petition praying that we be granted a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liqours in block 5 , lot 25 in said village of Valentine , Cherry county , Ne braska , for the year ending May 1 , 1909. WILLIAM R. Dated April 9 , 1908. Uqitor Xotice. Notice is hereby given that we have filed with the clerk of the. board of trustees of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , a petition accompanied by a bond duly at tested , said petition pra. fcug that 1 be granted a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in block 5 , lop 22 in said village of Valentine , Cherry -county , Ne braska , for the year ending May 1 , 1909. GEORGE N" . HEUSIIEY. ED PAIUIY. Dated April 9 , 1909. v i Talk of the Town. I Try. Kazda's barber shop , tf i Fresh vegetables always in stock at The Central Market. 12 Rev.Vells returned from Long Pine Tuesday. Mr.Shawl's family is quarantined for scarlet fever. Mr. Garrett is again on duty at the Home Bakery. Mrs. John Pettibone has been quite ill with the grip. Fred Holsclaw has enclosed his place with a new wire fence. Len Bivens is building a new wire fence around his home. Rev. Beale left today for Mitch ell to attend the Box Butte Pres bytery.- The quarantine for scarlet fever was raised from the J. P. Ninas , home Monday. j Don't miss the ladies' ( in cos tume ) drill at Ye Old Folks con- April 22 , at Church's hall/ A new stretch of cement walk is being put down in front of the Armstrong and Faddis residences. Mrs. Wells and daughter Sarah returned last evening from a week's visit in Ewing with her daughter. Dr. Meehan , osteopath has , moved into his new office rooms over the Red Front store. Tele phone No. 155. 10 Ye Old Folks concert 'Wednes day , April 22 , at Church's hall. Come everybody and see how your grandmother used to dress. Frank Fischer comes to the front , this week , advertising a com- plpte line of Spalding base ball goods. Notice his ad in this paper. Prof. Wilholm Dittmer , violin- i-t , Eiogo , Xeb. , will instruct pu pils in music and teach to play the violin. Will organize a class about May 2nd. Inquire of Frank Fischer , jr. , 14 4 A number of Miss Britton's lady friends called at her rcoms last Thursday evening , Wid , wait ing until she came home , gave her a very pleasant surprise. A de lightful evening is reported. Robt. McGeer has a new ad on page 1. He tells you some of the m my articles he keeps in stock fiat may be had at a moderate pi-ice. Tell him you saw his ad' when calling for the goods he ad vertises. James Hucchison and Miss Lillie - lie Grooms were married Wednes day by Judge Layport. The groom is the son of E. L. Hutchi son of Ponbrook and the bride is the daughter of A. W. Grooms of northeast ot town. They expect to begin life together over in S. D. , where Mr. Hutchison has a position running a ranch. We received a card last week from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wes ley Hunter of Ocala , Fla. , and in the lower left hand corner , attach ed with a bow of 'silk ribbon , was a little dainty card bearing the name of Howard Wesley Hunter April 4 , 1908. Mr Hunter was acting hospital steward at Fort Niobrara several years ago and his friends here " -will permit'us to extend congratulations. Mrs. Hunter was formerly Miss Maloney - lonoy , daughter of E. L. Maloney , the postmaster for several years at Fort Niobrara. Wm. Lee of Brownlee was up on business yesterday before the U. S. landofh'ce and found time to call on ye editor , and tried his hand at the chess board. Mr. Lee plays a jiood game of chess for his practice and will be a successful player. He agreed to leave us the championship , though for awhile it looked like he was going to take it. He tells us that Mrs. Lee had gone to Mullen to visit her sister Mrs. Homer Tait who is spending the winter there , sending their children to school. Her health and that of her sister is improving. Good apples at the Central Market. 12 Dave Hanna was in town on business Monday. Zan Gillaspie drove into town yesterday from Newton. Notice the change of advertise- mentsxthis week and read them. F : K. Bivens of Rosebud was down last Friday visiting his son. Tickets for Ye Old Folks con- cart on sale Saturday at Chap-I man's drug store. Mrs. 0. Sullivan , who has been visiting Mrs. Nicholson , returned'1 last week to O'Neill. Frank Brayton has had his dwelling repainted , this 'time lighter color of brown. James H. Quigley went up to Rapid City the first of the week to attend the stock association. Mrs. Hattie Bennett and chil dren have moved away and left her house for rent or sale with us. Mrs. W. T. Ivinqaid returned Sunday morning from Denison , la. , where she has been visiting homefolks. P. F. Simons and family have moved to their new home at Sparks where Mr. Simons will run the Sparks store. Judge Zarr came home from Wyoming last Saturday to see his daughter , Mrs. Bessie Shaw who has been very ill. John Kazda , the barber has purchased the building and lot of C. H. Cornell that he occupies for his barber shop and dwelling. Ben Steadman of Oasis was in town Tuesday and says it is getting very dry out in the hay flats and a rain is very much needed to start the grass. This office has some fine samples of 1908 commencement cards.- Call in and see them. Give us your order. We guarantee satis factory work. Geo. Cutler- the painter , ' has returned to Valentine to make his home and expects his wife to come soon. George is working for M. Christensen. John Dey came in from the German Settlement today and got a baseball outfit , saying the boys out there had organized a ball team to play this summer. Ye Old Folks concert Wednes day evening , April 22 , at Church's opera house. Children 15c. Gen eral admission 25c. Reserved seats 35c , on sale Saturday , at Chapman's. On Friday evening , April 24th , will be given a base ball dance. Music by Fischer's orchestra , the proceeds to go to the ball team. Everybody turn out and help our base ball club. Wm. Heelan called at our office yesterday to pay his subscription in advance. He says that his brother John has returned from Hot Springs , Ark. , much im proved in health. Mrs. Len Bivens returned last Friday from Crawford where she had been , visiting her sister , Mrs. Sol Morey. She also visited in Chadron , and was accompanied home by her niece , Gladys Morey. Thomas Huston , formerly.from the eastern part of the state , is now in charge of the O'Connor ranch near Chesterfield. He was in town Tuesday * to meet his wife whom he preceded a couple of weeks. Tim Higgins , one of the old timers here , was in town last week visiting friends and notes many changes since he left here about fifteen years ago. He says Valen tine always was a good town. He's looking well. Mrs. lloltzman , wife of the bridge watchman was severely hurt last week while driving to town , when her horse ran away. She was thrown out of the buggy near town and was soon picked up and brought to The Valentine House where sh is .being taken care of by Mrs. Harden. Spring is here and we are well supplied wifh farm implements for the spring's work. At this time we wish to call your attention to our .Disk Harrows They have three levers and three bear ing boxes on each side. They will dig into the hardest ground without the aid of weights. The Double Throw Force Feed Hoosier Endgate Seeders are the best there is. Te also have riding attachments to fit any Walking Lister or Walking Plow ; also have breaking bottoms to fit this attachment. 1 Mrs. Jas. McDonald of Brown lee died in Omaha Sunday. W. Butler was down froYa Irwin - win Monday and told us to send him THE DEMOCRAT. MisyS Wren Donoher has decid ed to deliver goods from the Home Bakery so their- customers may now order by phone ; call No. 7. C. II. Cornell leaves next week to accompany Gov. Sheldon to San Francisco where they present the battleship Nebraska to the Navy. The governor and his staff go by way of Denver and Colorado rado Springs where they make I'rief stops to see , the sights. Born to , Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Carpenter of this cityx Sunday morning , April 12 , a son. It is safe to predict that there will be a few squalls yet before-settled sum mer weather , though they may not refer to the weather. There will at least be son-shine in their home. Geo. W. Beamerof near Gordon was in town Tuesday with his nephew who was . filing on a sec tion of land near him that he had secured by relinquishment. Geo. renewed his subscription to THE DEMOCRAT and says send it along He says-Mrs , Beamer is enjoying good health and is growing.young er every day. Morris Walker and family we'e in town from the reservation Monj j day and called at our office to re-1 new his subscription to THE DEAIO- crat. Morris has recently sold a seccion of his land near John Neiss' but he has plenty more for a good ranch and is looking forward to the time when he will become a fiill-fledge.d citizen with the right to vote. The base ball season starts on the local grounds Sunday after noon at 2:30. : Sparl and Valen tine open up the initial game with batteries as follows : Stetter and Fischer for Valentine ; Shelbourn and Qsborne for Sparks. Ten cents admission will be charged. I and everyone is cordially invited to come out and boost for the lo cal team. See C , 0. Carpenter for buggy painting , house'painting ( inside : and out ) . Furniture repairing and varnishing of all kinds prompt ly done. Phone S3. Shop in west part oftown. . A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. Satisfactory work guar anteed. Let me figure on your work. S Wanted Responsible and am bitious young man or woman to learn the watchmaking and en graving trade. After 4 months will pay § 15.00 per week. Hotter than shorthand or bookkeeping , because hours are shorter , op portunities greater and wages bet ter. Board earned while learning. Railroad fare paid. Enclose stamp. Dubuque Engraving Co. , Dubuque - buque , Iowa. 13 2 We Lave a good stock of t Sulky Plows , Sulky Ilisters and Double Row Listers \ Do not hesitate to put in lots of corn. Later we will sell you a Two Row Cultivator , stf you can care for it easily. Call up on us for Moline Wagons , Velie Bug = gies , Eclipse Windmills , McCormick Machinery , in fact for anything'in the W implement or Building Material lines. A \ \ Successor to D. 8TIXAKD Valentine , Nebraska. Has a complete line of shoes for ladies , mis ses , children , men and boys , in all the latest styles and best quality. Our line of hosiery for both sexes of children and adults is unequalcd in quality and price. We have a new line of ci'avenettes ' for ladies at $5.00 that heretofore sold for $10 and § 12,50. Now is the time to buy your rain coats and slickers before the stock is broken. \ AVe want your patronage and will give you good values for your money. Overalls , work shirts and work shoes are now seasonable goods for spring work , and we have them in large quantities at prices that are not equal ed" by catalogue houses. Come in and let us take your measure for a tailor made suit that will fit , be dressy and wear well. We guarantee them. Cleaning , pressing and repairing done. THE FAIR A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out § 10 or § 10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR.- J. W. MCDANIEL , f'OUXTY SURVEYOR Valentine - STcbr. All work will he given prompt and careful attention. Harry Rector gave a birthday 1 y to several of his school- maus Tuesday evening. Ituas Harry who \\on the silver medal in the speaking contest Monda.\ night rf last week. . me .Lioup vauey iiereiera itancn. Brownlee , Kebr , .Soldier nmhus 17tli ; t son of Columbus ITtli , : iliilf : brother of the 810.000 Oam- j inii O-let a n < 1 Prince Honbdel 131- Oti : ? at head of herd. I now have about 30 head of 1907 bull calx us f"r bate. C. II. FAULIIAliKIt. BL DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. , E. D. DEBOLT. Barber STATE BANK BUILDING First-class Shop in Every .Respect Run de Quimnp Hair Tonic , Golden Star Rair Tonic , Herpicide and Coko's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream MILL PRICES FOR FEED , PerCwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked § 1 15 § 22 00 Shorts , sacked 1 25 24 : 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 50 29 00 Corn , sacked 1 35 20 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 40 2T 00 Oatssackel 1 60 31 00 \ Cattle & * atnre Wanted 70 or SO head of caitle to p-isuire , pinty o" hide and run- n nj water , sec. 4 , \ \ . 32 , r. 25. In quire of S. E. Smith , Wood Lake , Nebraska. 11