' .i' . 1
- \
Historical Society
A large part of our hardware has been
sold , bat has been replaced with new
spring goods. The largest and best
line of
iii Cherry county.
Furniture oic all kinds. Gordon Hose
and Sprinklers. Gordon Tools ,
Hoes , Bakes , Spades , Shovels.
Bring in your old sewing machine and trade fora ,
Guaranteed as good or better than the Singer.
Headquarters for first class
undertaking and embalming.
Try A ,
We have the finest line of Men's
Hats , jail styles and colors , in the
city. Prices from ยง 1 00 to $3.50.
PHONE 97 , 3t a-
y : 1 [ i !
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Kpsider.ce and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , Nebraska
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon , Old Crow , Hermitage , Cedar Brook , Spring
Hill , Jas. E. Pepper , Rye , Sherwood , Guchenheimer ,
Sunny Brook , and 27/yeaivold O , F , C. Taylor Whiskies
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinnessfs Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiscr Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
Patronize Advertisers.
We would suggest to our
readers that they patronize
those who advertise and tell
your merchant that you read
their advertisement in the
paper. The people who ad
vertise are helping to pay
for your subscription , the
it is seldoni thought of that
way. A weekly paper is
worth about $12 to $15 a
year or more , but because
people advertise and pay
part of the expense the price
has been steadily reduced
until the common price is
now $2.50 or $1.50 a year.
Some papers charge the
nominal sum of $1.00 which
barely covers the cost of the
apef and mailing without
the home news.
The man who advertises
his goods or wares for sale
pays a part of the expense
of getting out a newspaper
for one dollar a year and
some people have begun to
think that one dollar is all
it costs to put out a paper
for a year. They do not
realize that they get $12 to
$15 worth or more for a
dollar when they pay in ad
vance. They do not ap
preciate a paper fully and if
an item appears tliat they
do not like they imagine
that there will never be any
thing more that they will
like or forget the many good
things that they have
Imckled over in the past.
Some few persons do have
a grievance and stop their
paper but there are many 1
people who laugh when they
see someone trying to affect
Deing offended or taking of
fense now at what they
would have chuckled over
five or six or a dozen years
a g o. B u t some people >
hangc their minds some
many . times. Some people
try only to show their dis
approval and show it in dif
ferent manners -common teach
ach individual.
People Are Not Angels.
People are not angels.
They become impetuous at
times. Their minds become
centered in some more or
less important thing and
talk for it , strive for it ,
fight for it or would die for
it while the heat of passion
is at its height. Then grad
ually their minds become
drawn aside or turned to
some other important mat
ter and they stampede , so to
speak , in that direction.
In the early days kings
found great difficulty in
beeping their subjects from
these stampedes. They in
vented games to play to
draw the nind to peaceful
pursuits. They had more
trouble than they knew what
to do with. Finally , realiz
ing that men were bold and ;
brave , fearing neither the
king or ruler , nor their fel
low men , nor the terror of
being thrown into a den of
Iii all the decrees of Dame Fashion , none have been surpassed
in elegance of styles or beauty of styles , than the new spring-
creations of MERRY WIDOW stuff.
Merry Widow Belts 35c to 75c
Merry Widow Collars 35c to 75c
Merry Widow Neck Bands 50c
Merry Widow Ties 35c to 75c '
Merry Widow Veils $1.25 to $3.50
A lOc trading stamp with every cash purchase of lOc. Ask for
them. Watch for our eastern window display.
ferocious wild beasts , the
religion of old was brought
to their notice and they
were made to realize that
there was eternal punish
ment for the wicked that
their lives was not the only
sacrifice , but that there was
fire and brimstone after
death , eternally. That was
the worst known punish
ment ] and it was threatened
with good effect to prevent
1 lawlessness , disorder and
crimes of various natures
stampedes , so to speak.
There are a few knowing
ones who do not get excited
and there was iirearly days.
They got together , invented
amusements o f various
kinds and now it has become
a fad , a hobby with some
people who have stampeded
in that direction.
It is difficult to keep all
the people calm and collect
ed , thoughtful , sober , peace
ful , sociable , industrious
and sensible all the time.
This is life. It runs high
and low. The extremes are
fanatics. W i t h the m
may also be found the sloth-
Pal and the indolent , who
know not nor care not , but
might be classed as the low
er extreme. T h e means
represent the common , ordi
nary , sensible people who
are temperate in all things
and believe this world was
made to live in , to make use
of to our best demands and
conditions and to live in
peace and harmony with
St. .lobia's Cimrrh.
Daily services will be held dur
ing : Holy week as follows :
Tuesday and Wednesday after
noons at 4:15. : )
Maundy Thursday , early cele
bration of the. Holy Eucharist at 7
i. m. , and services atil.r : > p. m.
Good Friday , services at 10 a.m.
Easter Day , early celebration of
the Holy Eucharist at G a. in.
Morning prayer and sermon with
the holy communion at 11 a. m.
Evensong at 8 o'clock. Notice ! j
he change of the hour of evening
Oysters and fresh fruit in sea
son at The Central Market. 12
We sell farming implements as well as other
, merchandise at reasonable prices.
Call and try us.
The Auctioneer.
I guarantee satisfaction. Try me.
Valentine Nebraska
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank
1 , 1884. August 12 , 1002 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
; APTAII PAID IK A General Banking
85,000. Exchange and
Collectioa Business.
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V , NIOHOLSON , Cashier.
Tobaccos and Cigars.
. Canned Goods ZC Lunch Counter.
$ Phone 7 Home Bakery. I
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
ijifi1' '
Kinds of Fresh II
and Salt Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and"
anything you have to sell.
the Advertisements.