2122-3 SSSESOSZB ess .0 Attentive I Service to the wants of , Every Our service has no de grees.Ve treat all patrons alike whether they buy five cents' worth or five dollars' worth. The wants of each and every custom er receives the most careful and attentive consideration which we are capable of giving. * ! * * ggE58Bi VALEtftlNE. NED sag tp W. H.'Stratton Dealer in FLOTJH & FEED Apples and Cider PIIOXE 125 cor. Hall & Catk Valentine , Nebr. JORN F. PORATH X I r. Tubular wo. ! Is and windmill ? . all me up by Telephone. H. S. LOCK WOOD Handles the SHARPLESS CREAM SEPARATOR , JbLOUIl. CHAIN AND HAY. \ Opposite Postoflie Phone 71. Senator F. J. Hale is prominently mentioned as a can didate for governor. He is the gentleman from Holt county who was elected delegate at large to the National convention at Den ver , defeating the little giant of Grand Island who is said to be the strongest democrat in the State in his time. We met Mr.Hale on our way to Lincoln and he denies being a candidate for anything and says that it is only hi > friends giving him a friendly boost. There is no doubt that Senator Hale is a mighty good man and that he would make a good rare for governor if nominated. lie has lived 40 yeais in the State and for 36 years lived near Battle Creek in IVladison county. He was a National delegate in 181)2. ) elected State Senator in 1SU3 , a Bryan elector in 1896 and again elected State Senator in 1S99. Senator Hale came from Virgin ia and is an old time Democrat He's growing old but is strong and hearty yet and has a host of friends who would like to do him honor if he is in the race. A May Festival is being pre pared by the Choral Society Can tata by George F. Knot , called The Queen of Flowers or Flower Queen. 13 1 A Queer Ad. "An Itiiau ! with : i pinno organ was turning the handle of his machine rap idly , but not a note was to be hoard. I stopped nt once. What on earth couM be the matter ? " The speaker , an advertising agenr. smiled. "Finally , " he said , "I went up close to the man. "A breakdown ? ' I asked. "He pointed to a small placard on the organ's front , and I read : " 'The interior of the instrument has been removed. The relief that in con sequence you experience is as nothing compared with that which immediate ly follows a dose of Sure Cure Cough Mixture. ' "It was -in original ad. , " the expert ended , "and I followed it up. From what the Sure Cure people told me , 1 found that the saiac ingenuity and money put in legitimate newspaper advertising would have brought GO per cent more returns. " New Orleans Times-Democrat. Talk of the Town. Try Kazda's barber shop , tf Obe Church was in town the first of the week. Fresh vegetables always in stock at The Central Market. 12 \ 1 Rev. Wells went to Ainsworth Wednesday to hold services. Lewis Taylor of North Table is building a new house on his farm. Don't miss the ladies' ( in cos tume ) drill at Ye Old Folks con- crrt April 22 , at Church's hall. House and lot , block 1 , lot 1 , McDonald addition , for sale. In quire of James Bradshaw. 12BF J. E Mapes of Cody called on us today while in town as a wit- 1 ness in a contest case before the landoffice. Ye Old Folks concert Wednes day April ? 2 , at Churches' hall. Come everybody and see how your grandmother use to dress. H. C Jennings went to Rush- vil'eYilnpclay ' morning , coming ba.-k Thursday , Chester Wells looking after the gallery during his absence. Mrs. W. W. Wells and little daughter , Sarah , went to Ewing Wednesday morning for a week's visit with her daughter Mrs. S.W. Green. The boys' speaking contest last Tuesday night drew a crowded house. Nine boys contested for a silver medal. Johnny Rector won first prize and Lawrence Rice was awarded second honors. The local lodge of Royal Neigh bors went out to Dave Dunn's on North Table last Saturday to help Mrs. Dunn celebrate her birthday. This event is beginning to be an annual function with the lodge. See C. 0. Carpenter for buggy painting , house painting ( inside and out ) . Furniture repairing and varnishing of all kinds prompt ly done. Phone S3. Shop in west part of town. A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. Satisfactory work guar anteed. Let me figure on your work. S j The wrestling match Tuesday night between O- car Wasem and The Terrible Swede drew a good crowd. Al Powers was referee and John Tucker time keeper. The Swede won the first and third faU ] and exhibited greater strength find agility. The match was not so fierce as some but the work was troocl and the audience felt satisfied. Al Powers was billed to meet NTat Oewey in a boxing contest at Draw ford Wednesday night and we are told that the ' 'Terrible Swede" went by that name and Altered the ring there but lost the contest in the fifth round on a Foul. Dewey is said to have been ; oo much for the "Swede , " Al. Powers , anyway but took the de- lision on a foul. . Frank Gotch defeated Ilacken- ichmidt at Chicago last week by ihe latter giving up the honors in hour forty-five minutes. lie ilairns that Gotch greased his body ivith some oily substance so that tie couldn't hold to him , and tried o gouge his eyes out. Gotch de- a lies it. flackenschmidt says he v will return to his native land c ivhere they wrestle more Jionor- ibly and offers to meet Gotch icross the water. a Certain notables of this town who injected Major Kelly into the rec- ? nt campaign are perhaps anxious : o have him keep the Indians from trading at Valentine and are also zlad to furnish the agent with ibundance of excuses for keeping ; hem from coming here to spend their money. A little in vestigation of the business meth ods and dealings with the Indians ij ? hould develop that Uncle Sam s is not paying so much to the In- s : lians but that they make them j , it out at $1 for 50 cents or 8 ; orae such ratio and Major Kelly 8a 8o is helping- , a Good apples at the Centra Market. 12 Joe Jennett is in town frou Cesterfield. Wesley Holsclaw came dow ] from Chadron Tuesday. W. II. Carter of Cody was ii town Thursday on business. Clinton Collett was up frorr Lincoln the first of the week. Oysters and fresh fruit in sea son at The Central Market. li E. L. Burch inserts an ad this week as an auctioneer. Read it. A neat picket fence has beer put along the front of the Catho lic church. L C. Stotts and two sons re turned last Wednesday from a visit down in Missouri. Cloyd QuSgley returned to school Monday morning at Bellevue - vue after a week at home. II. H. Wakefield says he has 1,80 acres ready to seed and has Barley sprouting now. South Dakota democrats in structed for W. J. Bryan for president and no one else. It is time to begin spring work md soon time to plant your spuds , sow oats , wheat and plant garden. Miss Bessie Gaskill has re signed her position in the State Bank and will teach school near Jocly. THE DEMOCRAT is one day late ihis week on account of extra vork on hand and being short of iclp. James M. Coutts , representing lie Chicago Newspaper Union , is n the city and visited this office ioday ( Friday ) . Geo. Tobien , Mai tin Christen- on , Ed Taylor and Mans 'Ulrich ? ere down from Crawford the irst of the week. / Ed Sears returned from Ft. D. L Russell last Friday and will arm this summer on the old home lace with John Dambly. Miss Bessie Shaw has been very 11 the past week at intervals and ias thought , seriously of going to lie hospital again in Omaha. B. Atwood and wife , of Craw- ord , have moved to town and B. rill tend bar for W. R. McGeer iking Joe Carrol's pHce , who oes out on John Neiss' ranch. John Ddmbly has resigned his osition with Walter Meltendorf nd will go down on the farm to pend the summer but occasional- , T expects to return to town to pend a day or so. Sec. Taft visited Omaha the rst of the week and gave some rominent republicans a banquet , Inch is reported not up to the ; quirements of some of the not- 3le epicureans. lie is evidently ying to make up with the labor nions. His speech was read om manuscript. Rushville went dry by 15 votes , .lliance is reported dry. Lincoln ent wet by 200 votes. Ains- orth will license saloons. Kan- is City went Democratic. Neligh utes for license. Blair , Arling- m , Tekamah , Oakland , 'Central it.y , Tecumseh , Broken Bow , alley , Clay Center , Waterloo , food River. Auburn and Aurora : c reported dry. The towns Dting for license are too numer- is to mention. The village board met last night id canvassed the election returns ' id allowed a number of bills. ' he most important matter taken ! p was the matter of saloons and j was decided that the Dumber ! ionic ! be reduced from five to j > ur. It was also agreed that in , der that the town should not se the license fee which the fifth Joon has paid that the license wuld be increased. At present Lch saloon pays § 800 per year sense , making a total for the five .loons of § 4,000. Hereafter each .loon will pay § 1,000 a year , rnak- g a total for the four saloons of [ ,000. In this way the number : saloons will be reduced without ry loss of revenue to the public. Spring is here and we are well supplied with farm implements for the spring's work. At this time we wish to call your attention to our Disk Harrows They have three levers and three bear ing boxes on eacli side. They will dig into the hardest ground without the aid of weights. The Double Throw Force Feed lioosier Endgate Seeders arc the best there is. "We also have riding attachments to fit any Walking Lister or Walking Plow ; also have breaking bottoms to fit this attachment. Notice of I > iMr oIution cf Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between Louis II. Baumann and C. B. Bachelor under the firm name and style of Baumann & Bachelor has this day been dis solved by mutual agreement of said partners. All bills due the said co-partnership are due and owing to C. B. Bachelor. Dated this 30th day of March , 1908. L. II. BAUJIAXN. 12 2 C. B. BACHELOR. Notice is hereby given that 1 htive filed with the cli-rlc of the board of trustees of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , a jvMition accompanied by a bond duly at tested , said petition praying that I bo granted a licence to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in block G , lot 17 in said village of Valentine , Cherry eminf.v , " Xe- bra-ka , for the year ending May 1 , 1909. JOHX G. STETTEK. Dated April 9 , 190S. Liquor Notice is hereby given that I .iave filed with the clerk of the joard of trustees of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , a petition accompanied by a bond duly at- ested , said petition praying that L be granted a licence to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liqours in block 5 , lot 25 in said village of Valentine , Cherry county , .Ne braska , for the year endii-.g .Mav I. 1909. WILLIAM K. Dated April 9 , 1'JuS Notice is hereby given that I have filed with the clerk of the board of trustees of the Village of Valentine , Nebraska , a petition iccorapanied by a bond duly at- : ested , said petition praying that [ be granted a licence to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in jlock 5 , lot 22 in said village of Valentine , C'-erry ' county , Ne- jraska , for ti.e . year ending Mav L , 1909. GEOR K N. HEIWIIKY. Dated April 9 , 1909. Notice is hereby given tint lave filed with the clerk of the joard of trustees of the Village of ! Valentine , Nebraska , a petition iccompanied by a bond duly at tested , said petition praying that' ' i be granted a license to sell malt , ! spirituous and vinous liquors in' ' ) lock 4 , lot 12 in said village of Valentine , Cherry county , Ne braska , for the year ending May L , 1009. WALTHER F. A. MKLTENDOKFF. Dated April 9 , 1908. Wanted Responsible and am- jitious young man or woman to earn the watchmaking and en graving trade. After 4 months vill pay $15.00 per week. Better .ban . shorthand or bookkeeping , ) ccause hours are shorter , op- jortunities greater and wages bet- er. Board earned while learning , iailroad fare paid. Enclose stamp. Jubuque Engraving Co. . Du- > uquc , Iowa. 13 2 We have a good stock of \ SuSky Plows , Sulky Listers and Double Row Lister's Do not hesitate to put in lots of corn. Later we will sell you a V Two Row Cultivator , so you can care for it easily. Call up on us for Moline Wagons , Velie Bug = gie § , Eclipse Windmills , McCormick Machinery , in fact for anything in the implement or Building Material lines. K ii buccessor to D. STINARD 1 Valentine , Nebraska. I Has a complete line of shoes for ladies , mis ses , children , men and boys , in all the latest styles and best quality. Our line of hosiery for both sexes of children and adults is unequaled in quality and price. We have a new line of cravenettes for ladies at § 5.00 that heretofore sold for $10 and § 12.50. Now is the time to buy your rain coats and slickers before the stock is broken. f ! We want your patronage and will give you good values for your money. Overalls , work shirts and work shoes are now seasonable goods for spring work , and we have them in large quantities at prices that are not equal ed by catalogue houses. Come in and let us take your measure for a tailor made suit that will fit , be dressy and wear well. We guarantee them. | Cleaning , pressing and repairing done. THE FAIR A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised , by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out § 10 or § 10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. J. W. McDANIBL , All \ vorkxill he ( riven prompt and careful attention. \ Cattle 5Bastwi'tv * Wanted 70 or SO bead of cattle to pasture , plenty of shade ami run ning water , sec 4 , ip. 32 , r. 25. lu- juire of S. E. Smith. \ \ oed Lake , \ebruska. 11 j The Loup \ralley Hereford Ranch. i frbJ gigt Brov/nlee.Nebr , --JZS& - - soldier rreeVCnl- iiinnns 17th IGC07I , ; inn of f'ohiinhiis - ? Jswli 1 1T'J | . n lialf brotherS . . . . . . 3 S STwxK ji } i J otthetfi" - - s r pion Ortle , ; i u d d * * * 5" * " jw ? Prince ISoabdel ii.- : " * * $ W * 6 : ) : { at head of berd' I now hatenlxmt 20lieul : of 1W)7 hull cihes : f. r vile. ' C. II. FAUI.HABEI : . . DAILEY , DentisJ. Office ovpr the grrocei'.y deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. E. D. DEBOLT. Barber STATE BANK BUILDING Kirst-r.lass Shop in Every Respect tf.fi ( [ f Or.icinr Hair Tonic , Golden Star Hair Inr.n * . Heryicidf- Hint Ookf'a D.indruff Cur * * . Try Ifompeian B'ace Massage Cream MILL PRICES FOR FEcD , PerCwt. Per Ton. " Bran , sacked § 1 10 § 21 00 Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00 Chop Feeil , sacked 1 50 29 00 Corn , sacked 1 35 26 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 40 27 00 Oats , sacked 1 60 31 00 Efor Sale Cattle about 20 her-1 ; 9 head year ling steers , 5 heifer- , rest cows and heifers. Must all po in a lunch. Inquire or write S. E. Smith , Wood. Lake , Nebr. H