' THE VALENTINE DEHIDCRi VALENTINE , XEB. T. 31. RICE. - - - - Publisl IN L1SB ( 3vIXTS TROOPS FIRE OX A . KILL MANY RIOTERS. Slake Desperate Stand in Street , tacking Troops with AH Sorts Weapons Troops Open Fire .Rioters Arc Quickly Dispersed. Tlie elections in Lisbon Sum ! Avhich were conducted peaceably w the execution of minor disorders some of the disaffected districts , w followed Sunday night by serious ri ing which was only put down by m vigorous action and the troops. 1 rioting broke out in different parts the city as though by a preconcert plan. Troops which had been held resci' . e were immediately ordered ii action. Vand ( hey repeatedly charg the mobs that in places filled t streets , but without effect. The ri. . ers used clubs , stones and whate\ other weapons were at hand , and fin ; ly the troops were obliged to lire u them , killing ami wounding a mi ! This determined action on the p ; of the authorities seemed to have t desired effect , and shortly the mo were well dispersed. At a late ho jiiosl of the republican voters h ; gone to their homes , but bands youths continued to demonstrate b for the ehureht-s. They confin their disorders , however , to shoutin W-th the excejtion of minor diso Cers at Anjos and Alcanara the ele lion passed off quietly throughout tl countiy so far as the present advic indicate. , In Lisbon slight disturbances o curred during the day in certain se lions owing to the number of electo ivhn suspected that unfair methrx -were being adopted. There was mut limiting at and deriding of the polic but the latter did not hesitate to sea ter the crowds \\ith a strong arm. AEIIOX.U'TICS F015 XAYY. y iin cr OJIiccrs An.\iou for Perm : lion of : ui Airship Squad. Anxious to see the navy not a wh "behind the army , many of the youngt nava ! ollicers are endeavoring- pr mote the establishment of an aerc Jiautic corps for the navy like the baleen loon squad of the army sjgnal eor ; , Hear Admiral Chester is a staunch ac vocate of -ronautics in the na\ ; chiiming that airships will play an in : Jioitaiit part in further wars. -\t the suggestion of Rear Ad mm Chester it had been planned to sen an airship to Magdalena bay for expei iments in connection with the maneu rei-s of Admiral Evans' fleet , but owin to the lack of funds for such a pur pose the plan had to be abandonee An airship is being built in Toledr Avhich .will be tested before a board o naval officials in Washington as sooi as completed , probably in May. CHUIU'H STRIKES "GUSHER. " . Oil \YelI Xcar Ivdificc at , Butler. I a. I'lvvents Divine Service. . Xo services could be hold in the Re formed church at Petersville. Pa. "The Cabbage Patch" oil district Sun day because the congregation , havin ; gone into oil prospecting , struck : 'j Rusher Saturday night on the churcl lot fifty feet from the building. Th < f Mow came in strong during the night - and Sunday a large force had to In kept at work to care for the oil. The lucky strike is a godsend to the strug- \ Kling congregation , which is in debl ft for its property and owes its pastoi back salary. The well , it is believed : ' will pay off all debts and provide n f sum besides for future expenses. Labor V.'ar in I > aris. ; - A gigantic lockout affecting lf.0.000 ? masons , bricklayers , and allied Avork- t men in the building trades Avent into , effect in Paris .Saturday. The ques tion of hours and the application of the weekly day of rest law is in. volved. from Tacoinu to Chicago. Carl F. Haupp finished a pedestrian tour from Tacoma. Wash. , to Chicago f Sunday. .Monday he presented to -Mayor Hus.se a letter given to him by * , Mayor Wright , of Washington City , Dec. 10. Uatipp's actual walking Urn/ / was 81 da vs. Mitchell Will Bc Editor. John Mitchell , retired president of the United Mine Workers of America announced Thursday that in the future he will devote his attention to a labor .paper which he will establish in j , , . dianapolis. Leaps from nigj , Window. JA. . Hossack , a banker of Odell , 111. , jumped from the eighth floor of the Auditorium Annex at Chicago Sunday. He was instantly killed. The window from which he leaped opens on a court and many other guests of the hotel saw the suicide. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Saturday's quotations on the Sioux City live slock market follow : Beeves SC.OOPG.75. Top hogs $5.SO OYER THIRTY MEX PERISI BrltMi ToriMMlolmat Is Sunk by Cruiser. Thirty-six men , including Li Middleton , commander of the torpe boat destroyer Tiger , lost their 1 in a collision in the channel at Po mouth , Eng. , late Thursday night tween that vessel and the Bri cruiser Berwick. The vessels were gaged in night maneuvers in the ch nel while on the way to Portland. ' night was very dark , and the Ber\\ was steaming slowly. When the stroyer attempted cross the ' cruiser's bow she was caught an ships and cut in half with knife precision , sinking almost immediat The dock crew , who were dressed heavy oil skins and boots , went dc with the vessel , not having time to f themselves from these heavy encv brances. Of the twenty-two men v were rescued , most of them were er neers and stokers , who , having li , clothing , were able to keep themsel up till rescuers came in boats fr other ships , Avhich were immediat launched , and picked them up. The smaller naval vessels were the midst of an attack on their bigi consorts when the disaster occurr The entire fleet Avas under masl lights and in absolute darkness. Tiger suddenly was struck squar amidships by the Berwick. The sV , stem of this A'essel cut the destroyer two as if she had been made of pap Ihe forward half sank instantaneous The sea became dotted with struggli men. Most of them , however , sa befoi-e help could reach them. GOULD JJRESSMAKER SUES. The Bill Submitted by Mrs. Obborn for $20"r 0. What does it cost a year for t "necessaries of a woman ? This is a question that a'Xow Yo jury and a supreme court judge are decide soon. Whether the "necess ries" include a Avardrobe that costs u ft-ard of ai'0,000 in considerably h Lhan a year , or bare living cxpensi with perhaps a printed cotton gown AVO , is the problem that must be deci ; d by the thirteen men. Much intc ist must attach to the decision , as nay bring to some better halves a 1 jal dictum that they are entitled nuch more than they are at prese eceiving in the way of Avearing a > arel. A suit against Howard Gould a ther of the several that have bei > rought against him since his separ ; ion from his wife gives the basis ft he query. In a legal action brougl > y the Mrs. Osborn company , of Avhic .Irs. . Josefa Xeilson Osborne is pres ent. and leading designer to people i ashion , the allegation is made. th ; Irs. Gould purchased from the plain Ff $20,750 worth of gowns and acce nries in a period of nine months , ar hat bhe was entitled to do so on h < usband's credit under his legal r < uirements , even if he or she were MA ig apart at the time. Entry of the case was made in Oc Dber of last year , but nothing lu een made public before this. FIRM STAXD FOll XAVY. resident Insists Upon Four X'ei Battleships. Congress must either authorize fou attleships or there Avill be no publi uilding legislation at this session , ac > rding to a statement said to hav sen made by President Rooseveli hursday the president was discussin ie legislative program Avith th embers of the Xorth Carolina peac ) nference. He is said to have im : -essed upon his callers the necessit ; > r an authorization for four battle lips , adding : "If congress fails t' ' OA'ide four battleships and passes ; iblic building bill I shall veto it. " This news created a good deal of ex tement at the capitol Friday. Th < iblic building bill now being framec cognizes every state in the union am ill carry appropriations approximat g $20,000,000. It is up to a gooc any members to get public building : id if they don't , no matter Avhy , thej 1 will be placed on the defensive te house is opposed to granting foui .ttleships and it remains to be seer lat effect the president's attitude to- irds the public building bill in its aring on the battleship program Avill ve upon the house leaders. Dynamiting Terrorizes Town. The dynamiting of the Mader build- ? at Center Point , Ind. , due to the uor fight , has been followed by nu- ; rous threatening letters to citizens , d the to\vn is in a state of terror , irshal Reeves , Avho received letters lering him to resign and cease inves- ating the dynamiting , has given up ; office , and the town is now without narshal. About to Wed , is Arrested. Raymond B. Kellar , of Raymond , , Avas arrested at Peoria , III. , Avhile plying for a marriage license at the inty clerk's office on the charge of ! rauding a hotel keeper of Bloom- ton , 111. The young v/oman ac- npanying Kellar gave her home as rlington , la. She Avas ont molested. Greater Fund for Teachers. Lndrew Carnegie has promised tp rease his endowment of the Carne- foundation by an additional gift $5,000,000 so as to provide pen is for professors of state universi- Constil Ilochc Dead , ames Jeffrey Roche , American con- at Berne , Switzerland , died there 3ay after a long illness. ' COURT ROOM BATTLE. Dynamiter Kill Detective , Woi ; Others Found guilty of a charge of ai Hcm-y F. McDonald , ui the cir court seem at Terr * F.aute. 1 TIur.sday , ahot and killed Detec William A. Uwyer , seriously woun other officers and was himself serh ly Avounded. The shooting folio the announcement of the A-erdict the jury before which McDonald been tried on 'charges of dymunit stores and churches in Sanford year. year.When When the jury reported its ver McDonald jumped to his feet and d a revolver. He fired-at Prosecul Attorney James A. Cooper but mis : Mr. Cooper dodged and McDonald reeled his fire at the officers sea around the table. Without an opportunity to clef himself Detective Dwyer was s down. Almost in an instant police ficer.s and deputy sheriffs in the co room drew their revolvers and opei fire on McDonald. The convicted n fell with half a dozen bullets in body. Harvey V. Jones , superintendent police , was shot'in the side. Dep Sheriff Ira Wellman sustained a woi in the chin. Sylvester Doyle cu bailiff , was shot in the leg. Anotl shot struck a bystander. The shooting was the result of sensational trial \\hich was bitte contested. McDonald uas known be : i bad man. but he had been p mitted his liberty during : the trial. 'I police department has been active the case and several oflicers were the court room to hear the verdict. Officers had expected some demc stration. but they \\ere not expecti inch action When McDonald dr iiis revolver he aimed at Mr Coop flic prosecutor tipped his chair bat i\ards. the first shot went wild and t second bullet struck the table at whi \ir. Cooper had been seated IlefY elective Dwyer had time to move t hird bullet killed him. By this th he police and deputy sheriffs beg : iring. IMYIXK ACTS AS SURGEOX. "uts off L < - of a Man Pinioned Ur.d Wreck. As the result of a collision betwe Burlington passenger and freig rains at Spanish Lake. Mo. . Thursda V. J. McKittrick. of Brooklield , Me. } . L. Ledford. of Hannibal. Mo. , ai 'harles Mackisson , fireman , wei-e sei usly injured. Samuel Keister , of L : lode. Mo. , and J A. Dunn , of Shelb ; ille. : , io. , were slifihtly hurt The c ; oose. freight and passenger engine ere wrecked. .1. A. McKittric.k. a stockman. trooklield. was pinioned under tl reckast : by his left Iej4hich w : early crushed elf at the knee. \\'it Balding steam from the damaged pa ; . -nger locomotive envelojiim him. M < iittrick pulled out his knife , an anding it to ljev. R. C. Allen , < rove City , Pa. , who with others \U ; ying to drag the pinioned man lees om the wreckage , commanded tli linister to cut off the crushed leg an ivo him from being scalded to deatl : rs. Emma Renner , a trained inirs om Cincinnati , a passenger , prosse bottle of whisky to his lips and tel im to drink. "I'll try a little of H , Jd McKittrick , "but I haven't toucn 1 a drop of the stuff for five years. lie steam from the engine increase quantity. "Cut off that leg ; I can't stay her id die , " shouted McKittrick. Heroically and with set teeh. th ergyman began cutting the tendon ith the knife. It Avas dull and Me Utricle suffered intense ago.ny. FEARS HER LIFE IS IX PERIL. Daughter of Rockefeller is Threat' ' ened. The Chicago Inter-Ocean Thursda ; , orning says : Mrs. Harold McCor ick. daughter of John D. Rockefel , is verging on nervous breakdowi d has prepared to depart hastilj jm the city as a result of a serie ; threatening letters received by hei lich have led her to believe that hei e and the lives of her children arc peril. Guards have been placed about the : Cormick home at Bellevue Place d Lake Shore drive. Servants and ichmen , working in relays , Avatch ilestrians and no one is permitted enter the grounds without being utinized. \s soon as possible Mrs. McCormlck 1 leave for her father's home in jveland , but the date of her depart- i \\ithheld. . Dieto Aid Her Sister. Marie Lehman , of St. Louis. Mo. , nmitted suicide Wednesday and an estigation proved the motive was to ve $1.000 life vinsurance to her pless , invalid sister , Maggie , a ed Evans at Hot Springs. lear Admiral Evans arrived here irsday morning. He experienced inconvenience during the trip. Emperor to Get Mow ; Pay. L dispatch from Berlin says that ause of his large family and the i-easecl cost of living , the kaiser is have his salary raised. It now is KJO.OOO a year. Ohio Plans Xc\v Penitentiary. 'he ' Ohio senate has passed the bill viding for the appointment of a imittee to prepare plans and pro- 1 with the construction of a 100.000 pen i tertiary asa te News ILL WITH RABIES. Palmyra Physician i * Stricken H < for Ills Recovery. Dr. J. W. Cameron , a physiciar Palmyra , had a fine stallion runnin ; B pasture near his home , and notic that he was acting queer and con ued to bite himself , had the horse curely tied and gave him a hyperc mie injection to see if he could quiet him and then sent for a vet nary. The horse continued to gi Averse and finally had to be shot. The physician took home the s inge and laid it upon his desk , inte irig to clean it , but his attention called to something else , and a i days afterward was cleaning up desk when he ran the needle point the hyperdermic syringe into his ger and broke it off. He at once i ped open the finger and applied c bolic acid to cleanse the wound , that night he awake feeling rat ] queer , and getting up drove to L coin , and took the first train for C cago. where he entered a hospi Tuesday evening a message was ceived from him stating that ml ] had developed , buj that the physici ; had hopes of saving him because his precaution in treating the won Et the time of the accident. TEACHERS FLOCK. TO RKATRK Inteischool Debate First Xumber the Program. The annual meeting of the Soul eastern Xebraska Educational assoc lion opened at Beatrice Thursday nit in the Christian church with an int scholastic debate between represeiv lives of eight towns in southeastc Nebraska. The question. "Resolvi That the United States Xavy She ; Be Materially Increased , " was d cussed and the decision was given favor of the negative. The affirmati was represented by Walter Vasey Beatrice. C. E. Temple of Xebras City , Louis Rogers of Auburn. .M Salina Snow of Humbolclt. The neu live by Elaine Yoder of Falls Ci Mark Hargrave of Wymore. Arlh Wherry of Pawnee City. Walt Slaughter of Fairbury. First place the debate was won by Mark Hargra ind second uy Blaine Yoder. T judges were Profs. S. Fogg and Cal ivell , of the Xebraska State universii nul J. H. Hatlield , of Lincoln. Pi ceding the debate a musical progra , vas given. Two hundred teachers we iiirolled. Xe\v Turn in Spark C e. The attorneys for the defense in tl ase of the State against J. H. Sparli > ridge contractor of Beatrice , chargi vith obtaining money under false pr ense , si > rung a surprise Wednesd ; ivening by tiling a motion that tl : otirt instruct the jury to biing in erdict , of acquittal. The v.-.irrant J ued by ( lage county was received 1 Iparks at St. Joseph. Mo. , and caslu > y him there. His attorneys conter. . hat the law sets forth that a ca ; harging the obtaining money by fah iretense must be prosecuted in tl ountyand state Avherein the consun lation of the deed occurs. The con rill rule on the motion in the morninj Held for Mailing- Obscene Card. Herman Lachmund , A\ho has bee orking for Hemy Gilferd , a farnu ving northwest of Pender , was take ito custody by Postoffice Inspectc . . A. Thompson and turned over t lepuly United States Marshal Joh ides , who brought him before Unite tales Commissioner Singhaus. charg I with sending an obscene , scurrilou est card through the mail to Mii- larlha Alberts , of Wisner , Xeb. Lach itinds pleaded guilty and was boun i-er to appear before the fed era rand jury April 6 in the sum o 1,500. lie-grinding Old Sugar. The sugar factory at Lea\ itt ha 2en running for several month . hiding and pulverizing the suga ade the year before. Owing to at ospheric conditions or other cause became so hard as to be scarcel ; .leable except at a price below regu r quotations , and it was decided l ( in it through again and pulverize lis work was finished this week hat Avill eventually be done with UK lilding and machinery is slill unset 3d. Carlaiul He-Id Without Bail. James Garland , who killed Johi .nderson in Broken Bow last Avdek ipeared before County Judge Hum irey Wednesday for preliminary aring. The evidence was about the me as given in at the inquest , with e exception of the defense produc- j two witnesses who teslified as to e dangerous character of the deceas- Avhen alive. Bonds were asked for d refused , the judge holding Carland appear the next term of district urt without bail. Tibbitts Sues for Divorce. Emory D. Tibbitts , artist and capi- ist of Xebraska City , whose wife i away with Grant Selby , a feather lovator. and was overtaken at Rock- d. 111. , and brought back with her ilclren. as well as Selby , has filed a t in the districl court praying for diA'orce from his wife and asking the custody of the children. They re married in 1900 and two children re born to them. Educational Association 3Icetin - . V splendid program is being pre- ed for the Southeastern Xebraska ucational association meeting , ich is to be held in Beatrice April 2 and 3. All the meetings will be d in the Christian church. To Double TradLine. / . 'he Union Pacific began Thursday eiving a consignmenl of COO cars 3leel , Avhich is to be used in double : king that line fiom Kearney to 'th Pli Ue , u. uh-um e of 95 miles. FATHER DROVVXS , SAVES SO Morris f'hreiHc n. of Ozmiiia. F Into Cisteni uilh Child. Morris ' 'hrist naer. . 132. So Twenty-fifth street , Omaha , v. as dro1 rd Sundity in a c-i r 'n > in the b y-M-d. int'j v/liich ho f Hhile he 1 his 2-year-old son , WiiHe. in his ar The child wa = = saved by the hereof of the father , who stood in seven 1 of water , and by stretching his ai to their highest managed to keep boy above the water until assistr arrived. It was shortly bef.ne 3 o'clock wl the Sunday afternoon quiet of neighborhood was broken by a AVC an's screams and Mrs. ChriKtensen A seen by neighbors running from house. She rushed to the home of A. Goettsehe. across the street , i though her excitement had rende her speechless Goettsche , with L. Eipperle and IF. S. Jennings , follov her in a mad run back to the nous She pointed to the cistern. Looking down they saw two hurr hands reaching out of the black wa upholding a little child in a red cc A ladder was ; quickly secured , was too short to reach to the bott of the cistern. So two of the ir held it AAhile Goettsche climbed do and rescued the baby. The mom < this burden uas removed the har seeir.ed to close and sank beneath t ' water. Several minutes were consumed grappling for the body. Finally was brought to the surface. But < eiy sign of life was gone. DAMAGE BY PRAIRIE FIRE. The Burlington Road is Causing Cc sidcrable Loss. The Burlington railroad is causi great damage by fire around Mull and in the section of the sandhi country. Xearly one-half the la Lilonpr the right of way has been bur ed over. A blaze that started at K < ' o burned a strip of country eig miles wide south to the Dismal riv < nearly thirty miles long. Despite t hard fighting of the citizens in that 1 L-ality the flames swept merrily o leaving destruction , misery and horn ! e s homesteaders in its wake. Qui i number of stock is reported to ha perished , but the heaviest loss to 01 : nan befell a new "Kinkaider" by 11 name of Xelson. who lost his hoin : wo cows , chickens , a sel of harnes iay all he had on earth except h "amily and two horses. There is > trong bearing toward criminal car essness on the part of the railroi n stringing out these fires and the s also great need for the strong ar > f the law to bear down heavily c his class of transgressors. 'OSTOFFICE AT VALLEY ROBBE te Cr.-u-kcrs for Fifth Time Tali What ! > ; in the Safe There. For the fifth lime , safe crackei ebbed the safe in the Valley pos ; dice. Postmaster Mons Johnso ays they were paid for their troubl in the first time , but heyould make o statement of the amount of hi > ss. until he could make an examine ion of the safe. Word was received at the Oniah ostofllce shortly before noon of th r > bbery of the postofiice at Valle ml Postofiice Inspector Frank Fray : -r went at once to Valley to investi ate. Vulley is in the Omaha dis ict. which is under charge of Mi 'rayser. ' Mr. Thomuson , of Ihe Fre lent district. A\as also in Omah ; londay morning and has gone t alley to assist Inspector Frayser ii irreting out the robbery. SHELDOX BACK PJIO3I EAST. lea set ! with Results of His Trip t < the Xational Capital. Gov. Sheldon has returned fron rahington more than pleased Avitl is efforts to obtain modifications ir ie government cattle quarantine COA' ing Xebraska. He will soon issue i oclamation to take the place of the ie issued several months ago , bul ere will be litlle difference betweor e two documents. The dividing line ; tween the western division. Avhicli to remain under quarantine , and e eastern division is the same as thai itlined by State Veterinarian McKim id Gov. Sheldon after they had ob- ined reports from counties in regard the existence of scabies in cattle. Carland Held for Shooting. The-verdict of the coroner's jury at oken Bow on the body of John San- rson , who was .shot and instantly lied early Saturday evening by mes Carland. is in part as follows : 'hat said John Sanderson came to < death by reason of two gunshot mnds inflicted on him by James rland with a revolver , and that said Doting was feloniously done. " Xe\v Head for Beemer Schools. Prof. William Theissen. of the facul- of the West Point high school , has _ > n elected to the principalship of ; Beemer public schools. Mr. Theis- i is a graduate of the West Point rh school and the the state unlver- kHe has filled the position of istant superintendent of the West hit schools for the past year. He is lative of Cuming county. Jpland Telephone Improvements. Hie Upland Telephone company ? bought a lot and will build a en-room house for a central oft - t and install a new switchboard. 2 company has outgrown its pres- quarters. Kinkaid Sutlers Plentiful. 'ifty families that are settling on ikaid homesteads have arrived in Hen this spring and seventeen cars live stock and household goods e been shipped to this point. Most Lhe filings were made last fall and ny of the entrymt-n built houses jre returning for their families. 3In Accidentally Shot. ; ohumil Rtizieka. , , f Weston. w-as ? d intcnty ! by the nccldcnta'l dis- i rp-e of a 22crr ri.- . the bullet ' ring the orain a'v.vc ; h left r * r 3 an& lands The state board of jublic buildings will shortly advertise for bids for labor at the state penitentiary and it is a safe guess to make that Uvb wll Duster company Lee Broom & not be able to close another contract with the state for convicts at 50 cent- per day each. Already several letters ' Interested ters have b'een received from ed parties for information regarding- the contract noAv in force and the- board expects to receiA'e several bids , In addition to getting convicts at 50' cents a day to make brooms , the Le- company is also furnished power anQ heat and considerable machinery hi been bought by the state in order tc furnish this power and heat Avhionj. ' been neces otherwise Avould not haA'e sary. The state does not compel tho- company to stamp its products "penj- tentiary made goods , " consequently it can compete with any other concer-ii- which is not favored by cheap labor. Xebraska manufacturers have Avrit- ' ten the board that they pay from $8 to $3 a day for broom makers an& they are compelled to furnish their own heat and power , which makes it almost impossible to compete with the- firm having the contract with tho- f state. * * * . 4 _ denied tho- The supreme court has application of the Union Pacific rail road for a writ of mandamus to com pel the state board of assessment to- reconA'ene and make a record of ob jections and a finding of fact. The- court held that mandamus \votild not" lie to compel the board to make a re cord or a finding of fact not required' by laAV. The opinion holds that the state board of assessment in valuing prop erty for taxation in a qua i-judiclaj. capacity and its action is not subject to collateral attack , except on grounds- of fraud or other Avrongful conduct , equivalent thereto or for the exercise- of power not conferred by lawTh < Union Pacific filed a petition for man damus to compel the board to mak - a. record showing just how it reached' the A-alue of its property. * f t The stale railway commission has * granted permission for a telephone company at Batlle Creek , to make . rate of $1H per year to farmers and' business men in place of the SIS rate , f the users Avill pay in advance $ G.5d > tAvice a year. If the users pay by the Tionth they can get telephones for $1 # " i year. The commission figures it Is- iot violating the principle it laid'down < ; vhen it refused to al' w telephone- : ompanies to sell ? 120 Coupon books'- ! or $100. When this question came- ip the commission held this \vas dia : rimination because not many people- : ould afford to buy the Coupon books. . [ "ho commission figures most a'nyons- . : an pay the SG.50 in advance. i * * * . .5 The Humbolt Telephone company * las asked permission of the railroad * : ommission to increase its rates to armers who built their own metallic- ines from l'c to $1.113 per month , 'his is the price paid by others Avhc * ise the AA-ires put up by the company. ? he commission concluded1 to allow he company to make the increase- iroA-iding the users did not come in * y April 1 and shoAV good cause why- he order should not be issued. : * To the complaint against a Burling an stock yards at Kenesawn , the Bur- ngton has filed answer with the state- lilway commission. General Solicit- r Kelby in his ansAver said the matter id not come within the jurisdiction f the commission , but the proper- rocedure would be for the petitioner- ) appeal to the local authorities , anct ? 1 the stock yards is a nuisance the lo al authorities have juriodiction to- jmedy the evil. * * * The raihvay commission , after con dering a complaint of creamery com mies has decided to issue an order- Kiuirlng all transportation companies * > give bills of lading'or receipts for 1 goods offered for shipment , the re- ipts to be given on demand of the- ipper. The order , when issued , Avlir. 7ply to "empties" as well as other > nsignmenls. * * * The judgment of the district court' : Richardson county , compelling the- issouri Pacific company to build sn * ansfer switch to the property of the- armers Elevator company , at Straus- lie , is affrmed by a decision written'- ' ' Commissioner Dulfie. * John G. Hamblin of Grand Island , . . ntenced to be hanged for the murder- Rachel Engle , Avill not be executed1. , ie supreme court has commuted the- ntence to life imprisonment at hard' bor and recommended that he bert - > t released from confinement. * A number of citizens of Crete have-- stitioned the state railway commis- > n to compel the Burlington railroad put back the operator in the .depot ere. The telegraph office at Crete- is just recntly closed. Christiana Henry of South Omaha , , ns her case against the Omahsi. icking company for damages for in- ries , the supreme court having af- med the decision of the lower courts * * a The state railway commission has- dered the Lin wood telephone com- ny to charge the owners of the operty the same price for telephones the general public pays. * * * Marion Morris of Omaha has been- structed by Insurance Deputy Pierce stop soliciting business for the- dgely Protective association of Wor- 3ter , M"ass. , because the company s no license to do business in this' ite. * * The supreme court has quieted title the Joseph ? . Hartley homestead in < ) lt county in Hugh A. Allen. Ii 2 same < leci--fon It holds that the sale a homestead tinker an ordinary ex. Jtiou during the temporary the OAvner is vo-iT.