Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 26, 1908, Image 3
St run ETC FOB When fogs prevail In Boston harbor , the attention of passengers on the Nan- taskot Beach line of .steamers Is at tracted by a faint metallic sound whlcL might be mistaken for the sound of a bell. But it is not the clanging of a bell which the passengers hear. Sud' denly through the mist there appears ahead , like a specter , a large tripod from the apex of which is suspended : i big stc'i'l iri'S'mle. It is this whi.-'i cause1 * Ilu > sriir.c : : sound and signal * through the diicuit ! ! rhannel of tht fug. An Object I.oiison lit Cleanliness To impress upon his youthful mind the importance of guarding against in fections the medical student at the laboratory is given ibis object lesion : Two test tubes nearly tilled with a clear meat broth and then closed at the toj with n cotton plug are given to him. with directions to wash his hand with soap and water and clean bis nails with a brush as thoroughly as he can for some ten minutes. After lie thinks that his hands have become altogether clean he removes the plug from one of the test tubes and barely touches with a linger tip its contained broth , after which he restores the cot ton plug and puts both tubes away on a .shelf for twenty-four hours. What lie will see then is that the broth in the test tube which received his sup posedly pure touch is turbid from tha presence of millions of microbes , while the other tube remains perfectly clear. Everybody's Magazine. When the herring fishery season is at Us height something like .1.000 or G,0K ( ) miles of nets are set nightly in the North Bea. WHAT CAUSES IIISADACHE. From October to May. < 'olds are the most frr- nnenr rui eof Headache. LAXATIVE BIlOAfO VJUIXI XEremoves cause. E. W.Grove on bor 23c IJflK 1'cln In iloel . "The one thing we have more trou ble with than anything else , " said th- manager of one of the large hotels in upper Broadway , "is the fact that wo men insist on smuggling iht'ir pet dogs , to their rooms.Ve hive no objections to dogs as dogs. If the animal i > not too large or to fierce our guests may take them to their rooms during the day and may even feed tkciu there. But we draw the line at having dogs in the bedrvims at night. Any woman -with a pet dog can have the beust cared for by the porter at night , and we have specially constructed kennels for all kinds of dogs , and we give them the best of care. But owner * ot pets seem to think that no one save themselves understands Fide or ( Jyp The women seem to think that if dog gie has not the comforting assurance of the owner's nearness then doggie will not sleep well. So women try to smuggle their pets to their rooms un der their cloaks or by back ways or even bribe one of the porters to take It to their room , believing that we vril not hear anything about it. "As a matter of fact , the first thing the porter does after getting his tip i ? > to tip me. and a couple of hours later the woman is called upon by a clerk who tells her dogs cannot stay in tut bedrooms all night. New York Press The Salvation Army ia established in fifty-two countries and colonies , and preaches the gospel in thirty-one Inn- juages. HAPPY OLD AGE Mont Likely to Follow Proper As old age advances , we require less food to replace waste , and food that will not overtax the digestive organs , while supplying true nourishment. Such an ideal food is found iu Grape- Nuts , made of whole wheat and barley t > y long baking and action of diastase in the barley which changes the starch into sugar. The phosphates also , placed up under the bran-coat of the wheat , are includ ed in ( Irapc-Nuts , but left out of white Hour. They are necessary to the build- in : : of brain and nerve cells. " 1 have used Grape-Nuts. " write * on Iowa man , "for S yes and feel as good and am stronger than I was ten years ago. I am over 74 years old ami attend to my business every day. "Among my customers I meet a man -every day who is 92 years old and at tributes his good health to the use of Grape-Nuts and Posturu which he has used for the last 5 years. He mixes Crape-Nuts with Postum and says they go tine together. "For many years before I began to eat Grape-Nuts I could not say that J enjoyed life or knew what it was to be able to say 'I am well. ' 1 suffered greatly with constipation , now my hab its are as regular as ? ever in my life. "Whenever I make extra effort I depend on Grape-Nuts food and it just fills the bill. I can thinu and writy a great deal easier. " "Tln-iv's a Reason. " Name given by PoFtmn Co. . Battle Creek. .Midi. Read The Uojid to Wellvlllej , " in pkgs. SciiaioiIlncon of Georgia in flic Friiia.vj ok - of xi'r.ni1.c -i-oiTlrin'iits on the ip Nlativp power of llnv govern- iii'-nt and road froHy from iir'.vspaiii-r reports - ports to show that N'gislai' : i is being mapped out in the White House at con ferences at which Congressmen arc not even presmr. The bill providing for the shipment of material intended for the Panama raual in American ships was passed. Senator Simmons of North Carolina lina spoke in favor of the ocean mail ship ping bill. Carrying the largest appropria tion in all its history $222,100,302 postoiiice appropriation bill the same day pasM'd th House. This is $1.42..000 more than was reported by the committee. Chairman Overstroet opposed the proposi tion to increase' the pay of letter carriers , but that action was confirmed. l.'SG to 12(5. ( The appropriation for the rural delivery service was increased $200,000. The Senate was not in session Satur ilay. Members of the House were af forded an opportunity , under license of general debate , to express their views on topics of the day. Among other subjects politics , the recent financial panic , the tariff and the Sherman anti-trust law were discussed while the pension appro priation bill technically was under con sideration. Among the speakers were Mr. Hamlin of Missouri , who placed on the shoulders of the Republican the responsi bility for the recent panic : Mr. Langley of Kentucky , who wanted pensions sjrant- pl certain persons in Kentucky who aided in suppressing the1 rebellion , and Mr. Hughes of New Jersey , who desired the Sherman anti-trnst law amended so as to work less hardship on labor organisa tions. I'mler the guise of discussing legisla tion the session of the Senate Monday was devoted to a political discussion , in which Senator Tillman of South Carolina lina and Senator l.everidge of Indiana were the chief participants. The confer ence report on the Indian appropriation bill was disagreed to and another confer ence asked. The House bill appropriat ing $40.'J,0.50 to pay the archbishop of Manila , as representative of the Roman Catholic Church , for damage to church property during the Spanish war. was passed. The session of the House was devoted to the consideration of bills nn- der suspension of the rules. A number were passed including one providing for the restoration of the motto. "In God We Trust. " on American coins , and another increasing the efficiency of the medical department of the army. Other bills passed were the following : Granting to lo cal steamboat inspectors authority to pas ? upon the fitness of ofiicers and crews of steam vesseN ; recognizing the consular service and amending the. j-nnii * laws of Alaska so as to substitute the license sys tem for the present permit system. After speaking for two and a hall hours in the Senate Tuesday on the pend ing currency bill. Senator La Follette asked permission to suspend his remarks and conclude We.ucday. . Senator Aid- rich reported from the committee on finance amendments to the bill exempting railroad bonds from the classes of bonds to be u eil to secure Miiorjjoncy currency , limiting the retirement of such currency and providing that such issues should be permitted up to the par value of bonds used to secure them. Praise of Presi dent Roosevelt. Secretary Taft and Will iam J. Biyan was heard in the House ( luring general debate on the pension ap propriation bill. After a ten-minute session the Senuti Wednesday morning adjourned out of re spect to the memory of the late Senator Whyte of Maryland. General debate on tiie pension appropriation bill continued for over four hours in the House. The subjects discussed took a wide range , politics , finance , the trusts and the Presi dent's last special message all receiving attention. Mr. Monger of Ohio predict ed the election of Secretary Taft for President , while Mr. Hull of Tennessee in an arraignment of the Republican par ty appeared equally confident that Will iam J. Bryan would be the successful candidate. At 4 :24 p. in. the House ad journed out of resject to the memory of -he late Senator Whyte. Continuing his speech begun in tin Senate last Tuesday , Senator LaFollette of Wisconsin Thursday devoted consider able time to discussing a proposition for the physical valuation of railroads. The Senate devoted part of the day to the consideration of the omnibus claims bill , and then referred it back to committee for further consideration. After several hours of spirited discussion over the proposition to abolish seventeen of the pighteeu T"nhed States pension agencies , and consolidate pension disbursements in Washington , the House passed the pen sion appropriation bill , carrying $ l"iO.- 3 < JlOOU. ) the largest sum ever authorized jy that measure. In the course of the lebate Mr. Fitzgerald of New York ac- nised the President of using federal pat ronage to further the candidacy of Sec- etary Taft. Messrs. Harrison of New fork and Williams of Mississippi criti cised the President for having , as they itated , exceeded his constitutional author- ty in making laws for the Panama cana * : one by executive order. NATIONAL CAPITOL NOTES. President Roosevelt declined an invita- ion to speak at Galesburg , 111. . Oct. 7. dien the fiftieth anniversary of the Lin- oln-Douglass debute will be celebrated , [ 'ho President has decided to make no peeches next fall. A special committee to consider bills or the establishment of a postal savings auk system was appointed by the com- littee on postollk-t-s and post roads in the ienato. ' ! " ( 'unmittee is composed of ; eia w > ; r.n-fcv. lV."tor , Burrows , Clay ml Pakiiead. leima Cleanses me oystem Efeet- ually.Dispels Lolas ana , fieai aruibs duo to Lonsiipatiom Acts naturally , acts truly as J J Lv . -foi'Men\wmen aaa tmla- rea-Vbung ana Uia. 1o get its JJenejicial hects Always DUV the trenume vvnicn has me mil name of tne Com pany SYRUP Co. byvuom it is manufacturedprinted : on the front of every package. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. .one iizo only , regular price 50 $ per borne. The swiftest river in the world ia th Butlej. of British India , which in 180 miles has n descput of 12.000 feet. Jii n Plncli , TJ e Allen's Foot-East' . A powder to shake Into your shoes. It rests ( he feet. Cures Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Sore , Hot , Callous , Aching. Sweating feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 23c. Sample mailed KUKK. Address Allen S. Olmsted , Ix ; Hey , N. Y. In 1S12 people died of the plague nt Constantinople at the rate of over 11,000 a week. In all , 144.000 perished. FIFTEEN YEAES OF ECZEMA. Terrililo Itclilng Prevented Sleep Hamla , A mi and Leg's Affected Cutleura Cured in O Bays. "I bad eczema nearly fifteen years. The affected parts were my hands , arms and legs. They were the worst in the winter time , and were always itchy , and I could not keep from scratching them. I had to keep both hands bandaged all the time , and at night I would have to scratch through the bandages as the itching was so se vere , and at times I would have to tear everything off iny hands to scratch the skin. I could not rest or sleep. I had several physicians treat nie but they could not give me a permanent cure nor even could they stop the itching. Af ter using the Cuticura Soap , one box of Cuticura Ointment anci two bottles of Cuticura Resolvent for about six days the itching had ceased , and now the sores have disappeared , and I never felt better in my lifo than I do now. Edward Worell , Baud 30th U. S. Infan try. Fort Crook. Nebraska. " Of the world's population there are 64 to the million who are blind. Furnish Your Home Without Cost With Premiums Given FREE for CARTON TOPS and SOAP WRAPPERS taken from " 20-MUIE-TEAM" Borax Products SOME OF OUR PREMIUMS : Leather Goods. Pocket Books. Purses , Hand Bse . Chatalains , Suit Cats * , Trunks , Collar and Cuff Casss , Razor Strops. Travelinc Bags. Toilet and Sewing Cases , Rain Coats , Umbrellas and Rubbar Goods. Jewelry. Clocks , Watches , Chains , Rings , Fobs , Brooches. Barrettes , Sid Combs. Brace lets , Nock Chains , etc. Silverware. Tea Sets. Coffes Sots , Mugs , Desk Sats , Inkstands. Cake Dishes. Candlesticks , Ice Pitchers , Salt and Peppers , Napkin Rings. Jewel Boxes , Knives , Forks and Spoons , Cigar nd Cigarette Cases , Puff Boxes , Comb and Brush Sets , Manicure Sets. Glassware. Nappies , Vases , Spoon Hold ers , Celery and Salad Bowls , Bon Bon Dishes , Punch Sets , Tumblers. Goblets. Games. Guns. Pistols. Air Rifles. Fishing Tackle , Boxing Gloves , Tool Chests. Base Ball and Foot Ball Goods , Cameras , Phonographs. Banjos , Guitars , Books. Furniture. Rugs. Lac Curtaini , Cutlery. Lamps , Baby Carriages. Bods. Send for 40 Page Free Catalogue Listing Over 1000 Articles Given Free "for Presents. ADDRESS Pacific Coast Borax CoMChicaoo wTou c n cet a uplcndld present far 100 or lei * Coapon Value * represented by Carton Tops unii Boap Wrapper * . WESTEEN CANADA CEOPS CAN NOT BE CHECKED. Oats Yielded OO Bushel * to tb Acre. The following letter , written the Do minion Government Commissioner of Emigration , speaks for itstlf. It proves the story of the ageuts of the govern ment that on the free homesteads of fered by the government-it is possible to become comfortably well off in a few I years : Commissioner of Immigration. Winni peg : Dear Sir It Is with pleasnre that I reply to your request. Some years aj : < > I took up a homestead for myself and also one for my son. The half section which we own is situated between Rou leau and Drinkwater , adjoining the Moose Jaw Creek ; is a low level and heavy land. We put in TO acres of wheat in stubble , which went 20 bush els to the acre , and 30 acres of sum mer fallow , which went 2o bushels to the acre. All the wheat we harvested this year is No. 1 hard. That means the best wheat that can be raised on the earth. We did not sell any wheat 3'et , as we intend to keep one part for our own seed , and sell the other part to people who want first-class seed , for there is no doubt if you sow good wheat you will harvest good wheat. I We also threshed 9,000 bushels of first- class oats out of 1GO acres. Eighty acres has been fall plowing , which yielded 00 bushels per acre , and SO acres stubble , which went oO bushels to the acre. These oats are the best kind that can be raised. We have shipped three car loads of them , and got 53 cents per bushel clear. All our grain was cut in the last week of the . month of August before any frost could touch It. Notwithstanding the fact that we ' have had a late spring , and that the weather conditions this year were very adverse and unfavorable , we will make { more money out of our crop this year than last. \ For myself I feel compelled to say that Western Canada crops cannot be checked , even by unusual conditions. i I am , dear sir , yours truly , , ( Signed ) A. KALTENBRUNNER. "How much can you hold , anyhow ? " asked the woman , in amazement , as she handed him his third plateful. " 1 don't know , mum. " said Eaton .Toga- long , resuming operations. "I hain't nev- ed been tested up to iny full capacity yit. " PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching , Blind , Bleeding or Protrud- Injj Piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded 50c. Chancellor Von Buclow vigorously de fends the Emperor of Gei iany from charges that he ia ruled by a secret cama rilla ; says army will be purified. Gurficld Tea a simple and satisfac tory laxative I Composed of Uerb * . it reguluteu liver and kidne.vs , overcomes constipation and brings Good Health. The highest point at wkich man can live without his health beius seriously affected is 10,500 feet. WE PAY HIGH PRICES FOK FURS and hides , or tan them for robes , rugs or coats. N.W.Hide & Fur Co. , Minneapolis. Over 70 per cent of the natives of In- lia till the land ; hence the population ia icattered , and their power of co-operation ( greatly lessened. Billion Dollar Gram. Most remarkable grass of the century. Good for three rousing crops annually. One Iowa farmer on 100 ncres sold $3- 800.00 wortb of seed and had 300 tons of hay besides. It is immense. Do try it. FOB IOC AND THIS MOTICE send to the John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse , Wis. , to pay postage , etc. , and they will mail you the only original seed catalog published in America , with sam ples of Billion Dollar Grass , Macaroni Wheat , the sly miller mixer. Sainfoin , the dry soil luxuriator. VicUria Rape , the 20c a ton green food producer , Silver King Barley yielding 173 ku. per acre , etc. , etc. , etc. And if you send 14c we will add a package of new farm seed nerer before seen by you. John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse , Wis. C. N. U. \Vht It la For. Wife Must you go to the club to- fllgkt , dear ? Husband It Isn't absolutely neces- Niry , but I need the rest. Life. S. C. X. U. - - Xo. 13 1 08. For Infants and Children. e Kind Yea Have - - ± HV5nFS5 = 2Jjil Always Bough ! ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AVegclablePreparalionfirAs- - -n JT simflaibigiiKtiMHfaiHlRegiibM JJeaiS 1116 ( ing lite Siomadis andBowelsoT Promotes DigestionJChr erftf ness andRest.Contatasneiiter StSl ! OpiimuMorplunc norMiocral. NOT NARCOTIC. Apc&cl remedy fcvConsfipa- tion , Sour Stowach.Diante "VYcrras1Con\nsions.i'C\fcri ! . - FzcSinute Signature oF { & * / & . NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. . . THE ccNTAun corar-NY. rscw YORK cmr. The lloor space or : i. Peter's Uo-ue. in 227.000 square teet. the greatest oJ cathedral in tl.eorld. . UCNTION THIS PAPER WHEN w.mxTO orzTiuafc 'Why take sickening- salts or repulsive : castor oil ? "Goes through you like a , dose of salts" means violence , grips , gripes , gases , , soreness , irritation , and leaves your stomach and bowels- weak and burnt out. Might just as well take concen trated lye. Then there's castor oil , disgusting , nauseat ing truck that your stomach refuses unless you disguise the taste. Fool your own stomach , eh ? Don't ever believe that anything offensive to your taste or smell is going to do you real good. Nature makes certain , things repulsive , so you will not take them. Force ; yourself to nauseous doses , and you ruin your digestion , , , weaken your bowels , destroy your health. On the other hand see what a delightful , palatable , perfect modern laxative , liver regulator and bowel tonic you find in Best for the Bowels. All druggists , ioc , 250 , 500. Never sold in bulk. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. Sample and booklet free. Address 540 Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New VorV. SHOES AT ALL PRICES. FOR EVERY MEMBER OFTHEFAMILY , MEN , BOYS , WOMEN , MISSES AND CHILDREN. go > W L. Douglas makes and aetlfo moro "TT m * * * & men's $2.GOr$3.OOond$3.BOahocx * * * * * _ , than any other manufacturer In thm jt& world , because they hold thsfr straps , fit batter , wear longer , and vhgca. arc of greater value than any other , ahoex In the world to-day. W. L. Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Any Price W'AUTIOY. . W. I * Douglas name and price is stamped on bottom. Tnke Xo Snh tltnt . bold by the hpst shoe dealers everywhere. Shots mailf < l from factory to any part of the world. IDo * > tested Catalog free to any address. W. JL. . 3 > OlJOJLAJi * , Crockton , Mu * . PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brioiler and faster colors lhan any olher dye. One I Oc package colors all libers. Tbey dye In cola waler Better ( ban any other dye. Too CM in ur laroail vitboBl rippiofl ajiail. Wrile lor Ircebooklel-Howlo Dye , Bleach and Mix Colors , MOJVROE D'RVGCO. . Quincy. V must have immediate Sloeav's is invaluable in an emergency of fhis kind It quickly relieves the soreness and congestion , reduces the swelling and sfrenaihens me weak muscles. Because of its antiseptic and healing properties , Sloan's Liniment is &he & besr. remedy known for cistewoundsbruses ! ' ri § burns and scalds. ft VJy ; uj > , t<irc P 3C & $1.00. Dr. Ear ! S.Sloan. SXZSL