Old Crov. All Leading- i : vMjII - Harm i tag4 Brands larfrrslr v M T i -pl,4- * " w.r : Sftial - - - , . Sft > / > * > W"J ' "tj . Bottled anri St < - * s . w x- .g ; * " * TP'Vf * ' * f JKP1115I" ! ' tl i 'J& - , T ( | fe t Under Gruchen- 'ts z v 3F y * i the | 5 | , rf f /U / LJ" 5Ji ! - r- heimer Supervision Kye of the Whiskeys. U. S. Grov : We also handle the Bttdweiser Beer. JOHN G. STETTER , Propr. I B I have 30 choice registered and grade i from the Eiindaie Stock Farm of Stanwood , Iowa , on sale at THE fl These bulls arc from months to 19 months old , good colors and from fashion able families. They arc in excellent breeding * condition. Come and see them wheth er you wish to purchase at this time or not. They're bound to please you , and will be sold at bargain pi-ices. FA % . u VAl ! i iSO ! A Ik RC 1 n H HUa& StSEB JffifUil&V fi V a 0. W. HAHN , Secretary. FORENOON SESSION. 31:00. : Selection and Care of Brood Sows Prof. E.V. . Hunt , Syracuse , i\Vor. AFTERNOON SESSION. 1:30 : Bleeding , Feeding and Caring for Dairy Cows Andrew Elliott , Gait , Ontario. 2:30. : Alfalfa Prof Hunt. 3:30. : Judging Horses Air. Elliott. EVENING SESSION. 7:30. : Economy in tlie Care of Animals Prof. Hunt. 8:30. : Profitable Sheep Feeding Mr. Elliott. These meeting's are held under the auspices of the University of Nebraska and The Valentine Farmers' In stitute Association , and are free to all. Come , and bring your families . Obituary. "i Minnie Erao was born tit Iforn- ftjlsville , New York , August 30 , 187,2. She came to Ainsworth , withMier parents in the fall ofSfS | and hJifi since innrle t-'ii.s Imr lioinc , except lor a short ti : when she lier hasband livu J a Fairfax , . S. D. She died Thursday morning February 20 , 1908 , at her home in this city , after an ilnes ! = of some ten days of lagrippe. The * , im mediate cause ( if her death , how ever , was heart failure. The requium mass funeral ser vice waa conducted ab the family residence on Saturday forenoon by , LeoM. Biaere , pastor of St. Nich- church , Valentine , and the body was laid to rest ; in the South Ainsworth cemetery , followed by a large procession of her old friends and neighbors in this city and county. Among those from abroad who attended the funeral services were A. F. Mullen and wife of O'Neill , Mrs. J. S.Doyle of Fairfax , S.D. , and A. M. Morrissey of Valentine. The deceased was educated in the Academy of the Sister of St. Francis. Hornellsville , where , be sides her regular work , she took a special course in music. She since took a special course in the state university college of music , and well known in the musical of the state , and especially in Lincoln and in the northern part. She was married to A.V. . Scat- tergood in Ainsworth on Nov. 12 , 1890. Two children besides her husband survive her to mourn her loss Mildred aged nearly 16 and Oswald nearly 13. Mrs. Sattergood was a woman of many accomplishments and pleasing and gracious manner , and she will be sadly missed by her friends and neighbors in this vi cinity , and the bereaved family have the sincere s.Vmpa&hy of all' ' jof our people. Ainsworth Star- . Journal. Of Hamm's Beer is absolutely pure. You take no chances when Hamm's. you drink . We guarantee Hamm's fcj under the National Pure Food Law and also under the Food Laws of all the states. The Preferred Stock is the most delicious Beer ever brewed. It is the ideal Beer for all occasions. Call for it. _ 9. Contest Notice. U. S. Land Oinee. Va entiis" . Nebraska , i l''cbrnarj 15 , iwjs. \ A sufficient content affidavit having been lil-d in this oillce by Andrew < ! . Ward , contest ant , again r Hnmestea'l entry No. Hi29 nv-ide November 7. 10U2 , for Lots I And 'J. Section G , hmn-.iin 2in : v.SK'.j , section : il. township :50n : range 20 * . by ( ' . F. tMlson. eontesiee , in which it is'allegeil I hat said Henj.unn ; K. Wilson ha * ue rr resided IP on or improved saiil land but liashoHy abaiuicned sai i hind since d'Utj of enjij ; and said alleged absence from the said lana \v.is not due lo hiempl < -.y- ment in the army , navy , or 1:1 inno corps ot tlie Umted State * as a piiv.-.te eoltii.-r , ollic--r , sea- IIIHII ur marine diirintr tin * war \\nli Spain or during any oilier war in which the United States may be ngaged'Jaul : i arties are ht-reiy notified to appear , respond an I oiler eu'ence touching said allegation ut 10 oVlock a. in. on March 2S. 1WK before the register and re ceiver at the United Slates Land Office iu Valentine , "Nebraska The saia contestant having. ) n a proper aHl davit liltii ) February ir IIHH ? , set lojth lactsuhicb ) low that sifter due diligence personal ser ii-e ( f this notice can uotbt made , it is htrtby onier ed and directed that such notice be given t y due and proper publication. K. OJ SOX. C 4 Sheriff's Sale. ] Jy virtue of an order of sale issued by tie ! oork of the district co-irt of Cherry county , \e- hr.iska. February 15 , liior. nmier a dicrte of mortgage foreclosure , win n-in Charles , } . Kills is piuintilt anil Kr-denck W. Jahinin. Fred Tallnmn , Mis. I'letlericK W. Til-man llr'tnd reainam * ' un inw.i , Kuut-ite I'hifps. dedani.s 1 will cil at the t O' t dor < > i iheco rt II-HIM * in Valentine. Ohfny county. iNeb aska , tli.n ocing the building \sherrin iho last teun o > said court wa < held , o-i ihejuth day of Marcli. 1'JJ , at U ) o'clock a in . to sati > ly j idirnient of * 2no ! bS and int-re.st at 10 percent troiml-iteof jutiument January : M.19U.S and costs -t\ea at ? L'6 20 u.-l accunng costs , at piiolif audi-m. to tlie htghait buldor , tor ea-h , tne lolluwtiig ( tescnt > ed pr.'p- ert > tovitThe SK.i of seftion sand the M- > ! .seciion ! ) . township 23 , langc : c. , in dairy county e ivi.skn Dated this IJUn ciy ! of February 190S. C. A. JtOSaKTKU t ! 5 M-enft ot Cheiry County. Walcr'tt & Morrisbey , attorne\s tor plainUH Sheriff Sale. 15y virtue of an order of sale i-Mied by the clerk of the ( " .strict court ol he.ry county. .Ne bras- on K-brnary 20. IDOr under a decree of tax lien foreclosure therein .loseph 15n-ol H plaint ill and Klix.u JtiibsHl. T. C. ' : inn-n and Winitred Cauno , t harle-i 11 Cornell : "id Hcrtha 1C. Cor < ell. Northwest Quarter ol Nor h- west ( in.trter , < e ti''ii ' 14. mid \nnlieast Qnart-r ot Northeast ( Juarter , S i-ti n 13. Township : > l. Hango iii.est ot the ( ith p. m. in Cherry coun ty , Nebraska ate dct"iulanK ( , Iy I 11 .sell at the Irout door of th * co'irt house inai"iiti u * . C berry c * unty , N luatKa , tha nnm : the bu hl- mgherem ihe last tnn of eai < ! court \\as held , on the U0ti ! di.y of M.rch , 19US , at 10 o'clock a m. to sa'is > judgment of fcl'7 ' ill and intercat " > per < nt trminiatt-of judgment , .lanna y 21. l08. : ! and costs taxed ar Siis 2iH.utl ( accruingct'si .at piihlic aucti-n to the highest bidder tor asu the fol lowing described prope ty to\\it : The north west Qnarter \ojihwe"-l | Qihtrter se.mnn 14 and No.theast ( Quarter of Ai-nlieaht ( Quarter section 13 , towi slui:54 : range 2U. in cherry county. Nebiaska Dated this 10th day of February. 1'JOS. C. A. JJOSbETEK , C r Sheriff. Wa'cott & Morritsey , Attjs. for I'ltf. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. To P. X. P.axter first and real name unknown ; Philo M JJriMer. InisbaiKi of Anna 1 Baxter ; Mrs Baxter , wife 01 Philo N. IJaxt'T. first and real name unknown ; Henry A Baxter and Mrs. Baxttr.ife of llenrj A. Brxter. lir.t and real name UMKIIOUII , non-r-sident Uetendants : Von aiid each of you are hereby not Hie. i that on iheJO'h day of Fe > rnarj 19D.S , Henrv Stei'er as plalntiil. Tiled in the dK'nol court of Cherry count } , Nebraska his pet lion auainst you as delendanls the object and prayer f which is to nuiet the title of plaintiff as the pte-ent owner of Lot numb * red 17 of Block num > fred C as the same is platted and lai I down on the plat of the original ! age of Valentine. Oer- ry county .Neuraska as the same is recorded in the ottli-u of the comity clerk of said coun ty and to forever bar and perprtualh enjoin said defendants and each of them and any and all persons claiming by , through or under them or any of th m from ever asserting any right , i Hie , interest , claim or demand in law or in omtit3 in HIM to said premises or any part theaecr. ami to remote certain domic st upon the title of the plaintiff to said premises and n-a' ' estate nnd nil1 such oilier jellef. aS iMH'e ! lnd ( * quily mat renlllrp. ) Saiil deft'iKiaiits and oaeh or ijtpm are re quired to ansue- said petition on or before the oUth day ot March. 1'JUs , HhNKY &TETTEK. 1'lnititiff. Waltott & Ulorrlsacj , nttjs lUr plit , 'd 4 In thp Diptrictnurtjf < Chcrr.v Cnun- t \ , ? ' r-r > - > / , . Iii the n alt- 11. ni.i Noiice Is herHjj givii that In pursuance or an order ol the Hon : .1. I. Harrimrton. of the district c mrt of Cherry county. Ne braska. made on the 13th day of Febrmtry. i)0.s ! ) tor the saie oi the real estate hereinafter described , there will be sold at i nblic vendne lo th" highest bidder lor cash at the front ( Wjor ot ihe court ' ouse in the villrge 01 valentine in Slid coin-ty 01 the 7th day o March 1908 at the hour o { 10 o'cl ek a. m."the lullowing de- scriben jiremise to wii : The Si { % H > i N . .SKii section 17 township 30 ingc' r in Cherry equ ty. Nebraska. > .nd t-ale will remain open one hour. Dated this 20thiay of February , l&'iS. Ad.ninistrator E. D. Clarke , attorney. o 3 Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an ord-r of sa'e ' issued by U > e fM-kof the district court of Cherry county. Ne- braska , February 13,1903 under a. decree of mortgage ton closure , wherein Kllen VF. ( Jon- nolly. Anna ( ! . Connoilv. Manfice F. Connolly , executor * of the estate t.f Thon-as Connolly de- censed , plaintiffs and Fred israyton and Magg e Bra > ton. husband and wife F M Wa c-'tt. as signee Frank Bi > yton , assignee ; The First Na tional Banu of Frtinont , incorpornted ; Jolinson lros..a partnership consisting of William V. Johr-Fon. Charles A. Johnson and Andrew W. .Johnson , George 11. Hornlj ; 'Jhe 1'lano Manu facturing C < mjiar j , incorporated : ( . M. Hailey and Bi nj.miin F. t'ailey delemlants , 1 will sell at tin front door ot ihe court house in valentine Cherry c nnty. JNenr skit. that lteiiii tin * imild- ing whf rein th * lact term o- said court was IHd on tl e Sotfj d.iy ot March. 190s. at 10 o'clock a. m . to satisiy judgment of 5"23I 33 and interest at lu percent i-er annum fronuui * otjodgment. ' .Januarv at. 1908. ami costs taxed at § 17 25 and accruing c sis. ut public sii'ct Mil , to tn - hij.hp.-t bmder , for cash , the to lowing desi-ri-ipd proi- erty to-wit : ' 1 he SoutheaM Quarl.-r of Souiii- west Quiper and South Halt ot Southea-t Quar ter ceciion 82. S uthw st Ouarter of Southwest Quarter -ection 3 { townsmt ) J3 ange 23ilso lot 1 and 2 ml 8 ana1 and 5 Jin I Son hwest Quarter ot N < r rieast Qu-.rter anM Miutheast iiiiarti" of NorliM-st ( piarter ami Northeast quarter of Southwest qu.-rt-r section 6 town- snip : ! 2 range 22 ; .th o lei 1 ai-.d Southeast ipi-ir- ier ot Northeast quart * r i set tion 1. tw. . s < ip 32rarge2t ; , west of the Ctlf 1 * . Al. Cheriry county. Ni-hni-ki. Dated this 19th day of February , 1903 C. A UOSStiTKlt I Sheriff of Cherry County. Walcott & Morr.ssey , Attj 's for i'ltf , tt 5 lu the District Court of Cherry Coun tj' , Nebraska. Ilettie V. Hancock , 1 \s ! Notice to Non- The Nebraska lortgage f resident IMemlants & Trust Co. j To the rebnika Jlortgage and Trust Co. , non resident de'eiulai ts : You are herein- notified that on the nth riav of Febru ry , ll-Oi - , Hettie V. Hancock. piuiiitHI herein , liled her petition .ig inst you In the district court of Cherry county , Nebraska , tin object ai d prayer of which are establish and tort-close a eettuiu tax lien upon the real estate as Jollows : The Noth Half of the Son hwest ( Quarter Southeast Quarter ot > outhwest Quarter and I.ot Five , oection 12. Township 33. llan e 25 u Cherry county 2sebr < isi. : for the taxes assessed and levied thereon for either state , county or district purposes fr rhe vear * 1S9I , 1893 , "is is'J * , IS9 18119,11)00.1901 ) , l)02. ! ) lilOSaiidl'JOt for which sai l land was sold to plaintiff for the sum 01 ? - > : ; .70 by the county treasur-r of Cherrv cou ty. .Nebraskaand for the innher sum o'f .5:5.72 : paid as subseiiuenl tax ; to have an ac counting of the amount due thereon together with interest trom the 7th day of November , 1905 at the rate ot 13 per cent per annum ; to have suid premises s M for the satisfaction ol the amount due for such tuxes , mteres , penal ties , cost , costs of Mtit and costs of sale , to bar foreclose unit exclude defendants or any ot th-m trom havini * or claiming any lien , tine or equity oi redemption oin or to rhe same or any part ihereol ami for gem-nil reliet You are required to answer said petition on or betoie Mo.ulay the 10th dav of Marh. 190s UbiTIE V HANCOCK. PliiiiiMll By lUjoert G. Easily , her attorney * Datea February 3 , 1903. 4 4 Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issuad bv tie clerk ot the cHttict court of Cherrv County , Nebraska , February . h'us ' , tinder a decree ol mo'Uasje for clo nre. wlu-rcin. ! J. Wilson is pl imin. rtiul Joh'i B Lord. Ktie D. Lorrf Charies W. Bennett ami Marah E. Ben , ett , Davenport & Companj and C H. onieli , t-xe cut or of the estate if A K Thacher. ( feceaeed clefenditnts. 1 will sell at the front door of he court house In Valentine. Cherry euntyeb - ra-ska. that be ng the building wlu-rin the la.-t term of said court wns held , on the M Hi day day of .March 1/07. ! / at 10 o'clock a. m. . o satisfy judgment of J : ? . ' ; and interest at 10 per cetft troin date ot judginenr , March 25t . 1907 , ar-d osts taxed at . 17 CO am ! ncciuing costs , at put- lic auction , to th. highest bidder for cash the following flcscnbed property towit- " Northwest Quarter section" > 3. township 31 range ISa and Nortlnast ( iiHrter section 25. township 31. rang29 ; Northeast Quarter , s c tion 'Jt5. towi..shi | . : il rime 2-j ; \\e.- > r Ha'f of Northeast Quarter and East Hif Northwest Quarter .section : i3 township : ! 2 rang30 ; ! > onth- wtsr Quarter of Nor hwest ( Quarter and West f l.ilt ot riout Invest Quar er nii-i Northeast ( ) uar- ter of outhwest Qmtrter section :13 : township 32 ninge.'Wand al > th.it ptrtnf the .South Flalf ot Southwest Quarter ecnon 22 town * hip 3J ranne aolyinj : east of the Saake ri\er and West Half of Northeast Quarter .section 27 townsulp 32 nue 30 in Cherry comity. Neraska. Dated ibis 12th uiy : of February. 1908. C. A. : tO5ETER , , Sheriff. alcott & M.rrlssey atty lor plaintiff. 5 5 R M Paddis& Co. Postnfllce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some bninded on left thigh. Horses branded , on left [ shoulder or thigh , Some Vrandedl , . . . i-randed on ri hf thigh f 3 on left or t-houlder : shoulder or thigh Pat Peiper Slmean Nebr P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattl" branded as cut on left side Some Q _ von left side. on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordoa Creek north of Simeon , C. P. Jordan. Rosebud. SD Horses and cattle s.ime aa cut ; also CJBEJ on right blp. Range on oak anfl tl Butte creeKs. ed A liberal reward for information of leading to detection " " AJ T Z" ° ' rustlera of stock , OlfB&SBVTSttHfB , in Inft ear Metzger Bros. , Rolf ft Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Karma rk , square crop right ear. Horses have ? ame brand on eft thigh. I ' Kanu'c on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 will be ; aid to any person for i leading to the arrest andI final conviction of any person or cattle with above brand. Jos. Bristol Valentine. Nebr. Range on Nlo- brara river four miles east of Ft. \lohrara. Horses and cattle bninded nB connected on left hip or side as shown ID cut J. A. VARY AN Pullman , Nobr Uattle branded .IT on right side Horses branded J1 on right shoulder Reasonable rawar * for any Information leading to tne re covery of cattl * strayed from my range. D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as ou cnt.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left ahotilder. Range Square Lake. J. B. Lord Simeon Htb Stock branded same as cut back right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Nlobrars ALONZO HEATH Postoiace addrcai Cody , Nebraska On left side. Hor-j ses left shoulder. Range north Cutcomb Lake Sawyer Bros. Postofflce eddreu Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawyer tea charge of these out- tie Horses D 8 en left shoulder Home eft tnlgb. rive Nebraska Land aod Feeding Co. 3ortlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands : orsei same Range between Gordon on the F.E &M V , Ii. R ur.d iyannis on B , r M K. B. in Northwestern Nebraska. . A. i B A RTLaTT EIOH AJIDB . C. W. Bennett Simeon Neb Stock branded with 7 on left hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Nlobrara r.ver A T DAVIS Postofflce address flyanms , Neb On right side horses ouleit shoulder also cattle on right aide Range la miles north of Hyannls Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , 8 , D. Cattle branded 80S 011 left aide OSOonrizhtslde borne cattle also have a - fen neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded with two bars across hind quar- * cattle brantied P O on icit aide and gome on left side. Horses branded SOS on left bio. Home"cattio branded AW bar connected on both sides and laft hio of horses. S. Rowley Kennedy , Nebraska. Same as cut on left , side and hip , and on left shoulder of her ses. AlsofljJjjJB on left side la laud hip. ESj F - jon jfefc Mjrtc Snnae cat-1 * branded - ! htisk-fc x immm nv peK , eune7. . fl0 upj on loit siae or bu. p on left Ja and e t shoalder horses. jjj Qonlet : hip ol bors . \ bn len JaVr of horses