Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 05, 1908, Image 5

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    We know it's warm and \
you know it's warm
* But
3 we want to sell our
j We Meet Any Price.
Call on us sure.
I T. C. Hornby.
Constant cleansing1 of
the scalp with a good
shampoo keeps it free
from dandruff a n d
scales , stops itching-and |
irritation , and by keeping - B
ing the roots in vigor
ous condition greatly j
benefits the growth of I
the hair.
Quinine and Egg
Shampoo Jelly
is an ideal cleanser and
tonic. Removes all |
dandruff. Makes the [
hair and scalp sweet
and healthy. Believes
itching. Invigorates
hair roots. 35c.
W. H. St ratio n
Dealer in
Apples and Cider
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
' ISnrgo , &Vbr.
Tubular wells and windmills ,
me up by Telephone.
More Local.
> Try Itazda's barber shop , tf
Hon. A. H. Metzger was -in
town Tuesday.
Dr. Ayers , the Longpine dent
ist , will be in Wood lake Monday ,
March 9th.
B. F. Charbonneau and wife can
boast of a fine 6 piund girl , born
on Washington's birthday.
J. F. Young and wife came
down from Cody last Saturday
and visited over Sunday in town.
The Catholic church has been
nicely decorated the past week by
C. O. Carpenter , the decorator
and painter.
Grant Dunn went up to Cody
last week to take in the Odd Fel
lows meeting and supper. Sev
eral new members were initiated.
Fred Ruechle and wife are the
happy parents of a bright baby
girl of the regulation weight and
good looks , born to them Feb. 28.
"The Girl and the Stampede
was played Monday night to a
crowded .house and Manager
Baumann. who is now again in
charge , tells us that it was over a
hundred dollar house. The play
was good.
Charles Campbell was arrested
at Cody last Tuesday week , charg
ed with grand larceny , and turned
over to Sheriff Rosseter , who was
returning from Merriman and
brought down to Valentine where
he was lauded in jail to await the
next term of court.
Rasmus Anderson came down
from Rosebud last Friday to at
tend the democratic county con
vention and was chosen as a dele
gate to the state convention. He
will improve the time while there
to run over to his old home in
Council Bluffs to visit friends and
attend lodge with the Danish
Sam Bordeaux was in town last
week and sold his 320 acres on
Oak crook to James Hughes and
Robert Jones of Sparks for § 3750.
Sam was formerly foreman on
the New Era at the Boarding
School , but has now purchased
100 head of cattle and will live on
his wife's claim on the Tripp
county line.
Sheriff Rosseter went up to
Merrimau last Monday week to
get a couple of children belonging
to a traveling evangelist who had
become stranded and was unable
to support them , the three living
upon charity of the community.
They'were brought to Valentine
with the purpose of sending them
to a suitable home.
Out of town guests attending ,
the Green Wells nuptials were' '
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Cameron of
Omaha , of whom the bride is a
niece ; Mr. and Mrs. Wallen Cam
eron of Schu.yler , grandparents of
the bride : Miss Margaret E. Ogden
of Minneapolis , Miss Maid Rising
of Ainsworth , Edwin P. Gilmore
of Lincoln and Schuyler E. Green
of Le Mars , Iowa.
yz xz '
New stock just in. Latest styles.
They're made for men made to
fit. Our price is low. Come and
see them. A nice new line of
Shirts , Ties , Suspenders and Hose
for nobby wearers.
Just as you want 'em.
Cleaning and Pressing
Robertson &
Logan Barker has moved into
the Bristol house.
Mrs. McDonald has had her
store repapered.
Tom Yearnshaw was up from
Neligh Saturday.
Mrs. John Dambly is recover
ing from a ten days illness ,
W. B. Hammond's baby has
bsen quite ill. Miss Jeffers was
was called from Bassett to assist
in taking care of her.
Thursday's World-Herald says
A. M. Morrissey of Valentine and
James R. Swayne of Ord were
elected delegates from this Sixth
congressional district to the na
tional convention to be held in
Denver , July 7th.
Presbyterian church subjects
Sunday are : Morning "T h e
Real Motive of Church Member
ship. " 7:30 : p. m. "Who is on
The Lord's Side ? " 6:30 : p. m.
"The Wise Use of Time" Eph.
V. . 15-21. Dr. H. Dailey , leader.
There is one thing you can al
ways be sure of when you buy
Storz Blue Ribbon Beer it is
thoroughly matured before it
leaves the brewery and therefore
of a mellow , delicious flavor agree
able to the most delicate stomach.
You will relish and enjoy it. It
will do you good to drink it. 8 1
See C. O. Carpenter for buggy
painting , house painting ( inside
and out ) . Furniture repairing
and varnishing of all kinds prompt
ly done. Phone S3. Shop in
west part of town. A share o
your patronage is respectfully
solicited. Satisfactory work guar
anteed. Let me figure on your
work. S
On the way down to Omaha we
net lots of delegates on the train.
They're all hurrahing for Andrew
Morrissey for delegate from this
district , excepting one man who
is trying to stem the tide but they
have about talked him down and
out. Whenever he starts someone
yells hurrah for Morrissey and
drowns him 'down. Otis Hahn
and Levi are quietly smoking and
looking pleasant. Al Metzger is
being talked of for state senator.
31. K Church Rotes.
Third Quarterly Commuion
ser t
vice Sunday morning , conducted
by Eev. Carpenter of Johnstown.
Quarterly Conference in the C
church next Wednesday evening. 1
St. Xichoh&K Chua'ch.
Services will be held as follows :
In Valentine , March 15 ; high mass j §
and sermon at 10:30. : Instruction
for the children at 3 p. m. On
Tuesday , March 17 , St. Patrick's ;
Diy , high mass 10 a. m. During :
Lent every Friday evening at 7:30- :
Stations of the Cross and Bene
dictions With the Blessed Sacri-
ment. .
In Crookston- March 22.
LEO M. BLAERE , Rector ,
The high school base hall " -team
hald a business meeting Monday.
Last Friday was examination.
Estelle Nicholson returned to
school Monday.
Kathleen Keeley handed in her
hooks Monday and is going to take
a trip to Washington state.
Prof. Watson has been anxious
about a nice black Prince Albert
overcoat. Professor thought some
one at the wedding reception at Rev.
Well's had exchanged with him ,
but in reality nothing of the kind
had taken place , as he found out :
later. Geo. H. Hornby and he had | j )
exchanged at a men's meeting the J1
evening previous and neither had } |
noticed the change. i { J
Eflie Carlson , who is attending
school at Peru , sprained her ankle f
which is causing her considerable '
Who demands justice must adminis
ter justice. CScrnian Proverb.
4 ?
wishes to announce that their Farm Im
plements for the coining season have ar
rived and invite their friends to call and
inspect the same. ( Watch this space for
a description of the same next week. ) A
complete line of
always an hand.
CfCfCfOt ofot tyty $
wvvww *
WelBsjJrcM'n. .
The want of space and time last
week permitted only a briel ac
count of this wedding :
On Wednesday evening , Feb
ruary 26 , 1908 , at St. John's
church , the lion. S. W. Green
and Miss Claudia Wells were
united in the holy bonds of matri
mony by Rev. W.W.Wells , father
of the bride. The church was
well filled with friends ajd rela
tives. At the reception held at
the rectory after the ceiemony
fully one hundred guests were in
The church was handsomely
decorated with smilax and cut
flowers. At the appointed time
the two littie ribbon bearer ? , Miss
Margaret Sparks and Miss Eliza
beth McCIure , stretched the white
ribbons along the ends of the pews
and led the way for the bridal
party which entered to the strains
of Lohrigen's wedding1 march ,
played by Miss liising of Ains
worth , Neb. Miss Margaret E.
Ogden of Minneapolis , an old
school-mate of the bride , was maid
3f honor , while the groom was at
tended by Mr. Edwin P. Gilmore
3f Lincoln. Little Miss Sarah ,
sister of the bride , carried the ring
imbedded in the heart of a calla
illy and performed her part in a
rery dignified manner. Mr. Frank I
Fischer , jr. , and Mr. L. C. Sparks
icted as ushers.
Mr. Green is owner of the drug
; tore at Ewing. He is a. promi-
icnt figure in Hoi tec uniy politics ,
laving served at the last session of
he legislature as representative.
> f the Fiftieth district.
The bride is the eldest daughter
if Rev. and Mrs. Wells of the
Episcopal church , who has earned
.he esteem of a host of friends in
> ur city during her five years resi-
lence here , the family coming
lere from Minneapolis.
We the undo-.sinned are expect-
ng to take care of the town herd
) f cows this season. We will have
joorl herd bulls and will take good
are of your cows.
) ffice over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Contest Xotice.
L" . S. Land Oilice. Urokon In\v ? , Nebr iFka i
February 'J7. IOCS. C
A sufficient cnntcaiTidi ! \ it having bt-cn filed
i t'ns olliee by Kdinun K. Catron.'ii e.-tant ,
iainst Ildiiif/u-ud otry Ko. t > 440 , ni.ide
lcio'r s. l ! )6. ) for SIC . St-ctum I'D. SKh W 4.
i'-SW4 ; , S.-c 3 : ? . lowi.sliin I * nii. t33 by
iin H U'eldoh cimtestee. i > s which it is alleged
hat said Oan It WVluon ti is tailed to
ve on and iinin-no said land as re-
nired bv law and has inadi * his home cleIHM
> r moiv tliiia year and not on siul land- that
e lias abandoned "nid land for in re than six
lonllis last ia- > ttia' ! SAI ( | delects > erem al-
Wd have r.ot bnen cured but at this date.
Said parties are hereby notilitd to npp tir
I'spoud and olfer evidence toiielmm sii : i alkva-
on at 10 o'clock a. in on Aciil J. 15 os t' -
m ; J. H.Vlton , IT. S. ConnnKsKwer. Mullen ,
icbr. . and th-tt tlie final hearing will ! held
t Ki o'clock a. in. on April 14. iws , in--
ire the register and receiver at thrnittd
tiites land Office m Broken How , N-ebra-ka.
Tne said contPbtant liavintr , in a proper alli-
avit filed Hebniary l , 1'jOS. set form ta-ts
hich show that ait-r due diligence p ° rsonal
orvice of fhis notice cannot be nude , it i > ,
eret y ordered and directed that such noti"e l > e
iven by due and prop- publication.
s 4 Upd JUUNT KliliSli , Kegister.
Successor to
Valentine , Nebraska.
Has a complete line of shoes for ladies , mis
ses , children , men and boys , in all the latest styles ;
and best quality. [ i
. .
Our line of hosiery for both sexes of children land l\ \ ;
and adults is imequaled in quality and price.
We have a new line of cravenettes for ladies
at $5.00 that heretofore sold for § 10 and § 12.50.
is the time to buy your rain coats and
slickers before the stock is broken.
" \Yc want your patronoge and will give you j
good values for your money.
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch
Brownlee.Xebr ,
Soldier PrepiCol -
umus 17th icon.-o ,
. . . . . of ( " 'O'IIIM'MIS
17th. a half hrotlu'r
pinu i ) le , a 11 d
head of berd
I now Lave about 30 head of 1007 bull calves
for sale. !
Kirstc.lasrShop HI Kvi > r\ liesjwt
Ii:4ii : de Quliufir' Hair Tonic ftoMor * star Fiatr
Tonic , Heniioidtanrl rnk.I I > : tnrirtiT rur * .
Try Porapeian Face Masaugo Crenm
Handles the
Opposite Postofiie. Phone 71.
Valentine - Xetor.
All work will be piven prompt
and careful attention.
" PcrCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked _ § 1 10 § 21 00
Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00
Chop Feed , sacked 1 45 28 00
Corn , sacked 1 30 25 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 35 26 00
Oats , sacked 1 60 31 00
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men for any
man for yon. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out § 10 or § 10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
A representative in this county
by a large real estate corporation.
Special inducements to those who
wish t9 become financially inter
Fort Dearborn Building - Chicago , 111.
District court corn vines in Val
entine , Monday , Maich 16 82