Paul Road's Pacific Coast Exten sion Gives Entrance to Rich i New Country. WHERE THINGS HOVE QUICKLY. Claims Being Bapidly Taken and Towns Are Building Along Houte Big Railroad Bridge. so many years ago the western iTlaud of Missouri , Iowa , Minnc- ' 3ota and 'Nebraska presented a ragged fringe of newly mnde farms , tiirust into what then seemed a boundless , in- exh.-uistiblc expanse of unoccupied , Jlai-L soil prairie lands. Sons of the arnM-rs of that linio , needing land , simply plyi i : ovod out ten or t\vcuty miles upon he r.-wly surveys I areas , choosing and -iipying homestead claims , almost un- iiis iirlied by competing land hunters. DM ing the ' 80s , though. something &ap ; . . iicd. A fierce "land-hunger" iv- J > la < c I ( his creeping of settlement , this expansion. The Dakota s in iitile liiore thav hilf a dozen years saw more than 300,000 entrymen settle with in their borders , and 100,000 pioneers feat In engineering throughout , Is nearing - ing completion , according to informa- lioii received from Mobridge , 6. D. , where the structure spans the Missouri river. The bridge is one of the prin cipal connecting links between the main line of the St. Paul Road and the new coast division. The town of Mobridge is expected to be one of the most im portant on the road. Its name is made of the abbreviation "Mo , " meaning Mis souri , and "bridge. " TIiou. < ( itn ] .s o Tlonie.'slcud.'s Op n. Nowhere in the United States under like conditions , upon a like solid area of plowable , black loam , in a like space of time , will so vast a number of home- seekers be accommodated , yet a corre spondent , having finished a drive of 300 miles or more along the extension between Marmarth , X. D. , on the Little Missouri , and the Musselshell River , in the heart of northern Montana , says i that there remain within five to twenty miles of this new line to the Pacific Coast thousands of homesteads well worth while to look at , and which will be occupied within the coming twelve- mouth. As a result of successful dry farming during the past eighteen months , on the. Beach flats just north of the exten sion along the Montana-Dakota line , there is a bright town a side track a year ago. To-day it boasts of improve ments of ? 300CK0 for the past year ; among these , a -barrel roller mill , four elevators , with a capacity of 100- < HX bushels , three hardware and imple ment stores. The last named s < > ld with in the year leO wagons , (50 ( self-binders and 100 mowers. Everywhere now men are awakening to the fact that whore sage brush two to three feet in height f VA' sfff .f - , -r..5 ; : . . < * ? ! ? . . .l jfrf6& $ ' : % l ยง i iM I UK ; RAILROAD CRin < ; iAT MOP.RIL > GLs. . D. addi l to the population of their newly chr. stoned towns and villages. To the extension of the Chicago , Mil waukee and St. Paul Railway's numer ous feeders in these States , perhaps sn v , than to any other factor , did this : ueiu owe its existence. It drew io i N prairie country not only farmers but iiousnuds of men and women from known occupation , drew them and made possible their successful oc cupation aud upbuilding of these vast -coiiii'iunwealths as we see them to-day. The record of the Chicago , Milwau kee and St. Paul Railway , in building its Pacific Coast extension , has never been equaled in the matter of time by any similar undertaking. Track has been laid at the rate of fire miles per lay. and trains over the new trans continental line will soon be operated from Chicago to Butte , Moat. , and to Seattle and Tacoma. Wash. , in about a TIi" big bridg'4 of this Pacific Coast extension , the construction of which 'has ' attracted attention as a remarkable Hai iiiiics.s frniu Troubles. licing human , happily or unhappily , tveannot deny the comfort to be onr.u in , the reflection thnt misery never lacks the company it lores. We all nave our troubles , and some of us derive much satisfaction from the con templation of them. Indeed , there are these who are happy only when wretbed , but these we beliere to be as few in number as they are disagreeable In association. The vast majority of humans arc normal and disposed , tteere- ore , in conformity with cutural law , to smile when the skies are clear and to grieve under the portent of clouds ; &ence the ease with which worry takes possession of the mind , colors the dis position and makes a crii > ple of ffert JTliat causes abound we kuo-rv and must admit , as we do almost uncon sciously the certainty of death , but too little cognizance is tftkcn of the aet that the effect of mere apprehen sion , which is all that worry really i ? . anay be subjected to simple mental { treatment and be overcome. Gaorge Harvey , in North American Review. Two Cltie.s. The most northern town on the globe 2s probably , latitude 70 Degrees 3D minutes 14 seconds , off the northwest coast of Norway , a place of some ' 1,000 inhabitants. In Kammcr- fcst the sun stays for two mouths -above the horizon. The southernmost $ o\vu in the world is Punta Areaas , on -the Strait of Magellan. Punta Arenas is a place of some 10,000 population. The n.-tby'x Fuuli. Nursemaid I'm going to leave , mum. filistress Why. what's the matter ? JDon't you like the baby ? Nursemaid i'es'm , but he is that afraid or a po liceman that I can't get near one. London Taller. A Chuiicu to Get Ilich. ' A fortune awaits the tailor who can ( invent a secret pocket in u coat where a man may carry his cigars without pxposing them to the many friends who themselves. Detroit Free Press. grows , densely luxuriant , unirrigated , rye. speltz , and particularly wheat , will grow , if the simple methods of cultiva tion , now no longer experimental but proven , are employed. These gray- green sage brush uplands are to be the grain fields ol' the near future. Montana has an-abundance of coal , from lignite to the best steam fuel known. It is doubtful whether a in- other section of the United States is more plentifully supplied with coal whih can lie io easily developed and utilized by the settler , as eastern Mon tana. At the first crossing of the Yel lowstone , there is. in plain view of the approach , a black band along the bluff to the north two or three miles in length , ten to twenty feet thick , of j solid lignite coal of the finest quality , j Never again > TJ11 Uncle Sam offer such j prineely domains for the entryman's j choice. Throughout this entire coun- j try the government surveys will soon ! be practically complete , and before the j end of the year the claim shanty will j be everywhere in evidence. Uii.iver.siSj' of Piirt.N. The doctor's degree in the University of Paris is SD entitled as to designate the faculty under which the work was done , ns those who do literary work would receive the degree doctor of let ters , etc. To obtain the doctor's de- ! sree the candidate must possess the ] lower degree of the corresponding di vision of work , submit two theses on different questions , reply to questions or objections concerning them , pay a fee of 340 francs and present 100 printed ' copies of one of hi.s theses to the uui- j versity. The candidate for the degree ' doctor of letters must write one thesis ' in Latin , the other in French. If in ' the ecieatific department , the thesis' ' must be on some original iuvestiga- ! tion : if in theology , the examinations j ire both oral and written. School Bui- lelin. SigrrcNif > iiM in a Xmue. A Scotchman in search of Avork was recently given employment as a labor er at Cramp's shipyard , Philadelphia. His first job was to carry several heavy planks. After he had been at it for about two hours he went to the foreman and said : "Did ah tell you ma name when I started to workV" -yes. " replied the foreman , "you said it was Tomson. " "Oh , then it's a' right. " said the Scot , as he looked toward the pile of planks he had yet to carry. "Ah was .list a-wunnerin' if yeu tliocht ah it was Samson. " Worth Franco has more than 300 daily newt-papers. Generally the right ear Is larger than the left. Hats are an alarming nuisance in Englnnd. For every ton of gold in circulation there arc fifteen tons of silver. ' Germany sends iiCOO,000 : feathers per year to England for millinery pur poses. Rise of Several Rivers Is Reported to Be the Highest in Many Years. i SUFFERERS FLEE TO THE HILLS. Boat Invades Flooded Cornfield to Save Farmers and Stock Sick ness Follows Privation. The flood throughput the Ohio val ley , caused by heavy rains and melting snows , is reported to be the highest since 1S70. Lives have been lost , homes , bridges and fences swept away , and crops and roads ruined. Hun dreds of families have been flood- bound in the overflowed areas. Tlio Monongahela , Allegheny , Ohio , Wabarh and smaller streams hsre all contributed to the destruction which has moved down the. Mississippi to ward the Gulf of Mexico. Pittsburg , perhaps , has been the greatest sufferer from the flood which has bvv-ii swooping down the Ohio val ley. Any one acquainted with the lo cation of the Smoky City knows why Pittsburg is annually , and sometimes several times a year , a victim of high water. The Monongahola and Alle gheny rivers , uniting to form the Ohio , each flows through a narrow ravine and when the waters of the moun tains'and highlands come down in un usual quantities , owing to prolonged thaws or persistent rains , the flood of necessity must overflow the narrow point between the ravines , thus inun dating more or less of the city. In the vicinity of the junction of the Ohio and Wabash rivers flood suffer ers abandoned their homes to the rag ing waters and lied to the hills. Hero they have been quartered in huts , sheds and deserted buildings and as a result of the exposure and privation pneumonia has become prevalent. People along the lower Ohio River have prepared for the siege in store for them. Nearly a hundred families on the Indiana side , opposite Union- town. Oiin. ! were removed. The biz Ohio River steamer City of Spottsrille cut across a cornfield and brought out several families , with 200 hogs , eighty 7'.itiles and fifty cattle. The rescued Hood victims had spent two nights in Terror and fought incessantly to keep their stock from drowning. Residents ct Shawneetown. 111. , are apprehensive , ns the levee has been weakened by the excessive rain and the three floods of ' .ast joar. A constant watch is being kept of weak places. The Evansville and Terre Haute Railway Company has been anxious y-Vjoit the safety of its embankment rfhlch parallels While River , and thou sands of bags filled with sand have been placed to strengthen it. This place is now known as the "IHack Hole' ! be cause of the dis.ipperrance of a train some years ago. All efforts to fill this hole have been futile. As a result of the heavy snowstorm throughout the Middle West , railway traUic has been greatly impeded and telegraph and telephone service crip pled. Dispatches tell of several trains being snow-bound for many hours. The area of the storm is large , extending from Texas xto the northern boundary of the country , and east from Denver to New York. In several sections the snow is more than a foot deep on the level. Stock is rejiorled suffering in the Western States and the loss is ex pected to be heavy. Drifts have made travel over country roads in wagons impossible in many places. IflEMIGRAMTS SHOW DECREASE. Greatest Falling Off in Percentage Is Shown by Japanese. At the Cabinet meeting Wednesday Secretary Straus of the Department of Commerce and Labor laid before the President some significant figures as to immigration and emigration. The fig ures show that for January there was a large decrease in Japanese arriving in the UnKed States. The total arriv als for both the mainland and Hawaii were 071 , as compared with 5,000 for January , 1007. THE WEATHER THAT'S PROMISED AITD THE WEATHER WE GET , Fair and Mild. Cold \Yava. Warmer Weather. m o l * &Si\ \ > Bain and Warmer. JACKIES AS TARGETS. Remarkable Test to Be Made by JTavy Department. The Xavy Department has under con sideration the most startling tests of the penetrating power of shells , dan ger to life , and the resisting power of armor that ever has been tried in any navy. The proposition is to have the monitor Arkansas fire a 12-inch shell weighing S50 pounds from a GO-ton gun a distance of two miles and have it strike the turret of a sister ship , the Florida , which is being placed in read iness for the trial. The astounding part of the test is the proposition to have in the turret of the Florida at the time of the impact the full turret complement of twelve men. All paper figures , all statistics so far as weight of metal thrown , heat generated by impact , resisting power of armor , and other details would indi cate that the men in the turret would come out unscathed except for the shock. Of course , there is no record in existence of a monitor , the turret protected by an 11-inch armor belt , be ing struck plump by 13-inch shells of S50 pounds weight. All figures , are purely theoretical. The possibility of missing is indefi nite ! v small. All shots are now fired from a geometrical deduction and with machine precision. The shell will doubtless land just where aimed for , and then if the theory of the naval experts holds good , it will be deflected and the turret left uninjured. Naval attaches from all parts of the world are anxiously scrambling for an opportunity to witness it , but the de partment has declined all applications ; in fact , it is said the test will be made far out at sea , so that observations and deduction by foreign powers cannot be made. The chiefs in charge of the work to be performed by these two monitors have been instructed by tlw P.onrd of Officers in charge of the ex periment to ? ay nothing to the pre/ ? , and the result is to be kept solely for the information of the United States navy. IS'o Denmiul for Jjocomotive * . The Cookc and Rogers branches of the American Locomotive Works at Paterson , N. J. . have recently laid oft several hun dred more men , so that of the H.OOO or dinarily employed at these plants , only half are now working , and these are mainly engaged in making repairs to old locomotives. The reason given at both shops is that no orders for ue\v locomo tives are coming in. either from domestic or foreign raihoads " > ; ; f lrlP'ixfi1flM ; : ! f [ ' fMSjj $ ijl lj ] Mfijpfti [ i Sao\v and Colder. Sentenced to Die for Surresider of Port Arthur , but Imprisonment Is Recommended. HEED COWARD AND TRAITOR. General Pock Reprimanded and SniirnoS and Reiss Acquitted After Trial. At St. Petersburg Lieutenant General Stoessel was condemned to death by a military court for the surrender of Port Arthur to the Japanese. General Fock , who commanded the Fourth East Siberian division of Port Arthur , was ordered reprimanded for a disciplinary offense which was not connected with The surrender , and General Smirnoff , acting commander of the fortress , and Major General Reiss. chief of staff to General Stoessel. were acquitted of the charges against them for lack of proof. The court recommended that the death sentence upon Lieutenant General Stoessel be commuted to ten years' im prisonment in a fortress and that he be excluded from the service. For his services in the campaign against the Boxers in 1900 Stoessel was made a lieutenant general and sta tioned at Port Arthur , where he began strengthening the works , little dream ing at the time that he would be called upon to defend the place against the as saults of the Japanese. In February. 190-i , when the war broke out. Port Arthur became the center of the con flict. Cut oil" by land and sea. Stoessei and his men held out for nearly two years before lie was compelled to sur render. At first he was given great praise by the Russians. Emperor Nich olas conferred upon him the title of aid-de-camp to the Czar and the Ger man Emperor gave him an order. Then his critics became busy and a commis sion appointed to investigate the sur render recommended that Stoessel be dismissed from the army and shot. His trial followed. Ger-.cral Stoessel's sen tence , which is "without the loss of rights or honor , " is generally regarded as intended to satisfy public opinion. It is expected he will be pardoned after a briM imprisonment. Hot and Sultry. WASEOHXTOirS HEIRS. Discover/ Ohio Property Brings ; 5,000 of Them to Light. Over . .Cti : heirs-at-huv of George Washington , father of his country , yet a childless man. have recently been found in different parts of the United States through the went discovery that there is a large tract of land in Ohio which hcions to the lirst Presi dent of the United States , having been deeded to him many years ago. These heirs. through Lawrence Washington , who has a position in the Congressional Library at Washington , , are preparing to make a fight for tha property. Should they succeed through the courts , they will very probably deed the land hark to the State oC Ohio for : i big national park to be as Washington Park. Of all these . " > , < ! , , > heirs of the collat eral branch of tlie family , the descend ants of the four brothers and two sis ters , there is one who has thf double distinction of-heiijg a ricsccmluut of tb < ; immortal G < ergo on both his father' * and his motler"side. . This is door. , ' " Steptoc Washington , a men-hunt ? Philadelphia. On his mothers shit * ho is descended ! from Colonal Samuel Washington , the oldest of fJeorg 'S brothers , ami on his father's side , he Is a descendant of John Augustine the FLOOD RAVAGES PITTSBURG AND HUNDREDS ARE MADE IIOI > IELESS BY SWELLING WATERS. I This picture of the February flood , -which threw 20,000 people out of v/ork end rendered thousands homeless in Pittsburg alone , shows the scene at tbe river's worst stage. On the right is the North Side B. < t 0. station. On the left is a coal tipple v/recked by ice and carried down the middle of the stream. A wrecked houseboat is shown in the ice floe. youngest of the Washington brothers. He was born on the ancestral estate of ITarewood. in Jefferson County , West Virginia , the birthplace of his mother , which was built jointly by George and Samuel Washington. It was by act of Congress that tha gift of the Ohio proi erty was made to the first President of the United States. Whether or not he accepted it , or. if he did. to what use he put it. is not known by th Philadelphia descend ant : but he dors know that the estate is very valuable now and would make a magnificent site for a manmioti ) park. nr l nj.-mi > loyc I. At a meeting of fifty men mteroste * ! ii charitable movemenTs of New York Citj it was decided tent a $200.000 build ing to be used as a home and workshop for the worthy tmemployo * ] , who are will- in ? tovork. . It will make no appeal to the professional vagrant or tramp. Dr. Harvey Furl'uy. on < - of the founders , says that rhrHty lodging houses are mncb imposed upon by the drones of society. The nc\v plan is expected to separate these from the earnest unfortunates. It is expected that the work w > Il make tin charity self-sustaining. The statement was made thr-t out of 097 men of the better - ter class of unemployed SO were fouui to be college graduates.