Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 05, 1908, Image 1

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If you do not know what it is , ask to see
the new lamp. Cheapest and best lamp
on earth. Costs i cent per hour to
burn it. Ten times as much light as
any other oil lamp.
See our window for Keen Kutter Tools
20 Percent Discount on
Tf X V H "
SI fl FH
JL 1Jr i s
Overs'hoes , Underwear and Men's Caps at
specially low prices. Fine lineof family
Groceries. Drygoods and ( rent's Furnishings
PHONE 97 , & mini ft pjl
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , PHOXE 72 Nebraska
Breeders and Importers of Percheron and Belgian Horses.
Carroll , Nebr. , Wayne County.
We arrived with our last importation Oct. IS , 1907. Our barns
are full of big square built horses , imported and American bred , from
yearlings to five years old. We handle the best draft horses in the
northwest. They have the size , bone and action , each horse being
selected on the merits of its own individuality. We have no agents ,
do our own buying in Europe and our own selling at barnSjin Carroll.
Farmers , form your own company , come to our barns and select a
horse that will be a money maker for you and a benefit to your com
munity. Come and see our houses or write us.
Talk of the Town
John Eaton was up from Wood
Lake Tuesday.
Win. H. and Henry Carter were
down from Cody Tuesday.
Born , to R. H. Veach and wife ,
March 4th , a nine-pound girl.
Carl Sasse and F. W. Beck of
Gordon were in town Tuesday.
W. A. Parker an Wash Honey
were up from Woodlake Saturday.
Geo. Seager of Cody was trans
acting business in our city Tues
John Ohe , proprietor of the
Donoher hotel , visited Woodlake
Born , to Blake Pisk and wife
Sunday , March 1 , 1908 , a girl ;
also to John Sedlacek and wife , a
6-pound girl.
Miss Pearl Fulsom , who has
been visiting Judge Walcott and
family , has returned to her home
in Merriman. *
Frank Brayton and wife re
turned from Omaha Friday with
their son Donald who had his
tonsils cut out.
The silver medal contest given
Tuesday evening resulted in Miss
Addie Harvey reciving the medal.
The proceeds were § 17.76.
F. W. Garlock has accepted the
agency for the Standard Registry
Company of Minneapolis , Minn. ,
to write special accident policies
in the U. S. Casualty Company of
New York. § 1000 policy for § 2
per year.
Mr. Spoo has accepted a position
with Baumann & Bachelor as meat
utter. J. S. Grange is also em
ployed there since the accident of
Mr. Adams , who had the misfort
une to have two fingers partially
torn of in the sausage mill.
Mrs. W. S. Jackson entertained
few young people Tuesday eve
ning in honor of Miss Margaret
Ogden , bridesmaid at the Green
Wells wedding. Progressive
nearts was played and Miss Anna
Stetter and Wallace McDonald
aptured first prizes. |
The Moonshiner's club gave
their last entertainment before
Lent Tuesday evening at the home
of Mrs. Gould. Progressive high
ive was played and dainty re-
'reshments were served. Ger
trude Quigley won the ladies'
prize a silver pin tray , and Har-
rey Hornby won the gentleman's
prize a deck of fine cards.
Thirty ladies were royally en
tertained at a "hay rack" party at
the home of Mrs. G. Carlson last
Friday. After a good dinner of
chicken , ice cream and other deli
cacies , parcel post was played and
various articles were distributed.
It was said a prominent member
of the M. E. church drew a long
neck bottle and with some help
disposed of the contents. At the
close of day the wagon reached
town , all declaring they had spent
a pleasant day end extend thanks
to Mesdames Carlson and Collett
for transportation.
Milt Latta's recently patented
valveless pumping device sets
them all a thinking to hear of a
hollow pipe without a valve or
cylinder pumping water like a
pump and Milt says will outpump
a pump that has both pipe and
pump. lie is going to give a
funny little exhibition in Valen
tine as soon as he gets a larger
sized rigw set up that will make
the boys laugh. Milt says he will
make easy prices to all the boys
applying to him for the fastest
money maker ever pos ossed by a
poor working Inan afad show the
purchaser how to operate it. Ad-
clr'ess ' Mm at Valentine , Nebr.
2 *
In order to introduce new lines in spring goods , both in ladies'
and gent's wear , and to get you interested in the spring showings for
1908 , we offer as a special inducement a 10 per cent discount sale
i *
throughout our entire drygoods stock. This sale will last for one
4 ? week ONLY , beginning Friday , March 6th. AYe call your special
attention to our pretty showing of White Goods and Ladies' Waists
for spring , and our attractive-showing of Muslin Underwear in our
south window. Our stock is complete with new styles in the Brown
4 ? Shoe for ladies , misses and children ; the HARLOW Shoe for men ,
4 ? and the TIGER Hat for men and boys' wear. Watch our windows.
( No discount of Cluett. Shirts and Arrow Collars. )
Checker Tournament Results
The checker players met at The
Chicago House last Friday and
Saturday and enjoyed a series of
games. Several out of town play
ers were there who play good
games , but were handicapped in
neb having the advantage of rec
ent practice. W. Honey anl S.
E. Smith were both good playeis
and won many games.
J. A. Hornback , the genial pro
prietor of the hotel , won and lost ,
here and there , and plays a good
game , beating the best at times.
Win. Erickson didn't have time
to play many games , but held his
own pretty well. Dr. Lewis and
O. W. Morey played when they
had time , but for want of recent
practice were not at their best.
Mark Zarr tried his hand at the
game but preferred chess and so a
chess game was kept going Satur
day evening.
Henry Harrison always plays a
good game of checkers but I. M.
Rico , who holds the championship
of Cherry county and Rosebud
Agency , is a little too much for
the Colonel.
Everybody had a good time and
all want to hold another meeting
Caleb Gaskill was born in Ross
county , Ohio , Nov. 27 , 1832. He
was married to Julia Nelson in
18(50 , to which union eight chil
dren were born , two of whom sur
vive him. He moved to Sheridan
county , Neb. , in 1SSS and to Cher
ry county in 1S9S where he has
since resided. The deceased was
a member of Co. B , 61st Regiment
Ohio Volunteer and served during
the civil war. He was a member j
of the M. E. church and enjoyed {
good health until a year ago when j
he became afflicted with a cancer
and a tumor , from which he died
Feb. 28 , 1908. One son , a daugh
ter , a sister and four brothers
survive him.
The funeral was conducted in
the M. E. church Sunday and the
body laid to rest in Mount Hope
To the many friends and neigh
bors who so kindly assisted us
during the illness and death of our
beloved father and brother , we
extend our heartfelt thanks.
George J. Gaskill.
Anna M. Gaskill.
\ Phoebe Cramer.
Jesse T. Gaskill.
Geo. W. Gaskill.
D. Stinard and family departed
Monday for Omaha and thence to
Texas anil the Wast ? .
of winter goods in all lines is
now complete. Come and give
us a call.
S We have had a panic ;
We have had a mild winter :
We have had some closing out sales , but
. are still doing business at the old stand
it. and invite our friends to remember us
* when in want of the staples of life.
Call and see us. Phone 23
Chartered as a State Bank Charter-id as a National Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1802 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
CAPITAL PAID A General Banking
, , , Exchange . , . M and
Collection Business.
G. E. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAT , Yice-Preaident.
M. V , NICHOLSON. Caflbier.
| Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
I * Phone
7 Home Bakery.
& $ \
If y B r Sj r ' S S Srra f : isi/St
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Salt Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Flogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell.