Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 27, 1908, Image 8

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    Old Crow , All Leading
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Guchcn- Under the
heiiner Supervision
Eye of the
Whiskeys. U. S. GOY.
also handle the Budweiser Beer.
il ,1
r \ ,
30 choice registered and grade
from the Elmdaie Slock Farm of Stanwood , Iowa , on sale at
* ? j r' f"\ i ir f "
THE V/2 " ! L-'W ' I ' a K F
il ry u :
10 :
Tlicse bulls arc from 8 months to 19 months old , good colors and from fashion
able families. They are in excellent breeding condition. Come and see them wheth
er you wish to purchase at this time or not. They're bound to please you , and will
be sold at bargain prices.
0 I f \ I I i 1
VAL I r MAPRH R | i Qfl7 !
O. W. HAHN , Secretary.
11:00. : Selection and Care oi' Brood Sows
Prof. E. AY. Hunt , Syracuse , JNrehr.
1:80 : Breeding , Feeding and Caring for Dairy Cows
Andrew Elliott , Gait , Ontario.
2:30. : Alfalfa Prof limit.
3:30. : Judging Horses Mr. Elliott.
7:30. : Economy in the Care of Animals Prof..limit.
8:30. : Profitable Sheep Feeding Mr. Elliott.
These meetings are held under the auspices of the
University of Nebraska and Tlie Valentine Farmers1 In
stitute Association , and are free to all.
Come , and bring your families
Wood Lake News.
George Dew his moved purl of
bis family to town where they will
spend the balance of the \viiiUT.
Thcj M. W. A. dunce last Fri
day iiijjlit was a pronounced suc
cess. While the dai.ccrs enjoy-d
a jrood time , the Woodmen report
! eijjht new members watch us
jgrow. Quite a number of Johns
town people wen ; im and we ap
preciate their friendly call.
Mrs. AVuiTjroner 5s now taking a
. short vacation * visiting relatives
and friends of the east.
Dully Banna is general freight
agent for the ranch nowadays.
C. A. Butterfield , who had the
misfoitune of being severely in
jured in a runaway some time ago ,
is getting along nicely.
Miss Carter is reported quite ill.
A number of friends called in
surprise at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. MeKcnna last Saturday eve
ning in memorium of the former's
The Pleasant Valley base ball
team have secured two schedule
games for the coming season , other
dates to be filled later.
AVANTED : Salesmen to intro
duce our New Commercial Survey
of Nebraska. These surveys are
a splendid compilation oi ! facts ,
figures and drawings and of won
derful value. Kailroads and interurban -
urban lines are shown up-to-date ,
special attention being given to All counties , - towns and
poslollices fully indexed and popu
lations given. Many other feat
ures too numerous too mention.
A splendid opportunity for ener
getic men. KAXD , MCNALLY &
| CO. , Chicago- . F ld
Of Hamm's Beer is
absolutely pure. You
take no chances when
you drink .
We guarantee Hamm s
under the National Pure
a Food Law and also under
the Food Laws of all the
The"Preferred Stock'is the
most delicious Beer ever
brewed. It is the ideal
Beer for all occasions. Call
for it.
T. K \YHON" . Man vvr , O n iVi
Brunch , The Manna Urewinu Co.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Oillce. Vi online. Nebraska , t
S-ebniar : ! "i , mos. i"
A flick'iH conic11 ! : ilT"n'ivit ' : Imvmi ; bcon lil d
In this otMce oy Andrew < ; . Waul , co itt-st-
ant. ttgriiu t IIoni"sci'l on try No. I lf. . . m-ide
November 7. lOs'J. for I.ofs l si ul 'J , .V'efiun U ,
tmvn-liin C'.in.l..Sl:4. : . MM tion : | 1. township : Wn.
raiinf : > GA. 1 > ' \ t' i > . , ) F. ttiibon. roiiiestee.
in Vhhicit i' i .illcs'd tliai ti.u i < eij.iinni : ! " .
\Vi ! > n li is iit-vcr it" > id < 'd ii1 on i > r impiou'd s'lid
land but II.-IM \ \ hntltibaiidmi.'d - > ii land since
date ot ent y ; and sud alleged absi > cw
from the siid'hmus noi due to hiempl'y -
nu'iit in the rmy , nu\y. or marine i-o'p < of the
United Stata.s a j'livviteoldies , oltic r. .st-a-
nian or niiirihe dnnnir the \\.ir ut-h Spain or
during any oilier inlnch the I'mtud
Stales may 1 e tngagi'drul ; i artis are hfivny
not ilu'd to apptar. respond an 1 oiler evi 'Mice
touching tjud alley iti.-n at 10 o'clock a. in on
AliiiTh ' _ ' ; > 1'JiW. before the register and re
ceiver at the United Slatrs Laud Oilice iu
Valentine , fkebruNka
' 1 he sum coMe tant having , in a proper a'H '
davitlilen Febi tiury 15 ISi'js , .set foitli hu-ts which
.show that flerdiur diligence | .fri < > ual ser K'O
ot this notice can not f > made , ii i.s lit r by on'or '
eii iiiid directed that sueh notice be giv n oy due
and proper publication.
E C 4 Receiver
Sheriff's Sale.
Iy ? virtue of an order of sale issued by the
0 erk ot the disiric.t co rt of Cherry coimiy , xe-
braska. February 15 , ] < x,7. muter a dreree of
rnortgttge foreclosure , whrivm Charles .1. iMIs
is | > ! amtitl and Fr- denekV. . luiii ! ! n Fivd
Talliiiiin , Mrs. 1 : dric ! V. . T liiiitn ; Iirst ml
reainam-nn n.m.i , Kuu ne I'ht-'ps def "ian : s
1 will seil iit the f 01 t do i < > l IhiM-o rl in
Valentine. Oln-rry comity.NI b aska. ti.ti ! I'eing
the biuiiin4lirtiii Hie ia-t tenn < > said eomt
\va heli ! . o i ill" L'Uth d.iy of March. 190S. a-
10 o'eit ck a in . to satisly ji.dement of L'i lo ss
and iut n-i-t at 10 percent"HonuUieof judgment
January 21.191H and co-t.s t.-ixt-a at : ! ( > : . ' ! > and
accruing oi.sts , at pntihc auction , to tlie higheit
bidder , tor c''iMh , Hie rollowiiig de.scntjed pn-p-
erty to-.vit The Mvj ot .vc * lion S and the S1C&
seetion ! . to\\nhhip ij , ranjv : . " . ' , iu Cheiry
county Ne rn.ska
Dati-d this ItHh day of February 1903.
0 . " Sherill'ot Cherry County.
\\alcott & Jlorrisaey , attoniejs lor plaintili
Sherill' Sale.
IJy virtue of an order of sale issued bv the
clerk of the iistrict court of hi'iry county. > e
bras < a on F-bruurv 20. p.ior undf-r a dt-cree of
tax lien foreclosure uln-rein Joseph Hrisd
i- plaint lit and iili/ii Kiissell. T. C. i amin Mid
\\initted ranno , i harl i > H Cornell and
lU-rtha 1C. Cor ell. Northwest Quarter o > Nor'h- '
ucst ( ju.titerse un II. and .N irihi-ust ( iuurt r
ol Noilheast Quarter , Si-ctt-in l.'i. Townsiiip : ; l.
Kiingi * cest ot th * < : th t > . in in rherry coun
ty , iNrhnuka. JIMdefndant , 1v 1 II sell at liie
Iroi t dt-or of tin * court h'i'i--c in ui Mitii e , j
Cherrj cuinty , N lct .ka. : ba > ' " M"J ; Ihe bn Id-
; ng \\hfifin' the last t rni of said < - ourtas |
hejii , on ih : * ) ti ! d iy < u M.trch , lus ; ,
at 10 oVlock a m toans \ judgment
of i ! > 7 : > 1 and interc'at " per c nt
fr m oat-i > f judgim-nt. Jaiiisa y -i. IHO . an-l
c < sts taxed ar # _ ' < 2' act ruing COM s. at public
aucti- to Use highest bidder lor .afi-t the lo'-
Kiwing described prope tj toit : 'Ihe north
west Quarter ot .Norltnu'M ( uarrer seotinn It
and No theast Quarter ofirthcabt Quirtr :
section J5. towihliii'Gl range -G. in Llu-ny
county. Nebraska
Jated this pjth day of February. 100 ? .
U. A. KOasIiTKH ,
or. Miei.ff.
\Va'cott & Jlorrissey. Attjs. for I'itf.
Notice to Non-Jlesident Defendant ? .
To I * . N. Hr.xter. iirsfc and re l namemikiiov.'ii ;
Phi'.o ! M r.axter. husl.-iii'l of Anna . l M.rner ;
Mrs 15'Mer. wife fif i'lulo N. J5.t\t'M' . fir-it and
real nnme unUnowii ; Henry A Haxt'-r and Mrs.
i.ixt r. wsle of ili-nrv A. I5r\ter. fust and real
Hume uin.iunvi. . uon-r sidctit iletend.-tnt.s : i-atii of yon are heiebnotiiiei Uiat
on thf'JO.h daof F * rnnn lUH , Henr > S'd er
a ? , platntii ! , fnod in the dis'rict court of Cherry
rountj , N bnisi a his pel-lion against \ou as
( ielemlants the object : ind praver \\hieh is
to tpuet the title oi plaintili as the p'e-eat
of Lot numb r-d of Mlock .
ouner - 17 mini --retl
0 as tne same is platted and iai ! doun on the
pl.ic of the oriiini'il ' a e of Va'eutine , i ; er-
rj coimiy NeT.iaska as the same is re-ordcd
in the oln-e of lh > ' ct-nutj clerk ot s.ii'i coun-
tv ami to forever bar and pt-rp tnalh enj' in
said def mlaiits and each of them and any and
a'l ' persons claiming by , throuJi or under
tt.em or anj ot Hi m from ever asaertirg any
n > : IH. i itle , interest , claim or demand in taw
or in eqtntj in an-i to said nn'mises or any
pa it llieae.'l. aii'l to rcn'oxo Certain ilmide. &i
nptui the title of Hie plaintiff to alrt jirernl"
nrt rvt' : ' I' I.MO r.nd or inch othtr H'lll'I nj
jttstltf rt'it ! c > lnit ! iimy rt' lilh1.
Sitill Uciei-Oaiils ittul Pnt'h i" 'nfin ni-p re
fuiiTJ ] to aiiMu * said petition on or before
HitLOlh diiy ol March. IKJ * .
MhNUY blETTEJJ. 1'la uiiff.
for fl . t' 4
In tbr Di ° tricr'r'ourt of Therrv Onun-
1 * -r , .k . .
ii .1 i - , > i o il , < i .stale t > ' illi tin i.ia
1' ii > l. < - | iK'f ased.
l\oice : is LeieiA jriv-ii that in nnrauunce of
an order of Hie Mon. .1. J. flarrlnuton. judce
of the dHlr-ct c-urt of Cherry omntv. Ne
braska , made on the loth tUv of K'-brntrv.
1'iOS tor the sa e oi tinPM ! estate hereinafter
described , there will be sold at nblie vendne
to ih" highest bid ier loreasli atthefiom door
ot tin * court -oils. * in th < ' \illrge of ab'iititie
in said cou > 1\ o . the 7th diio Ma > eh lOOj at
! * hour ! in o'e ) ck a. in."the i-tllowing de-
hcnbeii premise to wit :
IlieSlJ KM N'jSK1Cl tion 17 fowiuhip 0
rang. ii5 in ( 'i-erry couty. . Nebraska.
> aid f. le wil remain open on : hour.
Dated this iOth * iay of Fel > rnan , UK'S.
Ad . .inistr.itor
E. D. Clar- . attorney. G 3
Sheriff's Sale.
Hirtue of an ord r of sa'e issued by the
rk of the --istriet i onrc of Chen v onnty. N'e-
Febiua.y 15 , 19 < tf under a decree of
in irtgaue Icrtclo.iure , wherein Hlrii F. C'on-
iinlly. Anna ( > . . .Maurice F. Connollv ,
e\i enters of tli * e.state t Tlion as Connolly de-
censed , plaintiffs.and Fred braUonand Miigg e
HntUon. husband and wife F MVi c U. as
signee Frank HI. > yioii , assignee ; The First Na
tional HanK oi 1'r inoiit. ineorpo' ited ; .Johnson
Itros . a paitnership insisting of \ \ ilUam V.
Join p.m. Cnarles , v. Joltn on and \ ndrevV. .
.lohnsnii , Ceorye II. Hon. ! j ; flhe I'laiio Manu-
laetunng Compai y. ineoipoiateil ; < . M. Hailey
and Id tijaiiiin K. nailey detemlauts. I will sell
at th- trout doorot the court hou-e in v aleinine
( h-rrv c unty. iNenrvtswi. thai iieiriu the r uild-
ing wiiereiii th lact term o said comt was hHd
on He Ot'j day ot Mm oh. 190S. at 10 o'clock a.
iu. . t ) satisfy judgment of SJfcJSl 33 and intert-st
at 10 per ceiit i-er annum fri m dat ol j-idgnu nt
Januarv Ul , ls. aim cos taxed at 17 L'5 and
accruing c sts. ut public auction , to tinlnVhrt
balder , for ctsh , the fo lowi.ig deseii.t d prop-
ei ty to wit : ' 1 he Southeast Qnarler of Souili-
\\tst ijmr er and South Halt oi .Sonth-a
ter f-eciion ft ! . S ntlnv st 'Jnarter of honlhwest
Quarter ooerion ! ) { towiis'iiii .3 ange J ! " ) ds >
lot 1 and 2 ml.4 ! ami4 an i 5 a < > >
Qi.neroi . \ < r heast Qu 't -i an-t
iiiatte | < of Nor h vest quarter ami Northeast
quarter ol qu.nt.T section 0 lown-
siiip ,7J range : ! : ! ; silso lot 1 ar.-l Njufheast
terot Noitheasi quarter- i s-i tion 1 , tow s' ip
: ! ' . ' ,' ' ( ; , west of the oth 1' . IM Chenry
c.iimty. Netir.tsk t.
Dated this t'Jth day of Febniary. 1903
sheritf of Cherri Comity.
Waltvlt & Hlornsdey , Atty's for 1'ltf , 6
In the District Court of Cherry Coun
ty. Nebraska.
JlettieV. Hancock. 1
vs ( Notice to Xon-
The Nebraska Mortgage f resident IMend.mts
& Trust Co. J
To the > ebra-ka Moitgagc and Trust Co. . non
resident de'emia1 ts :
You are hrretiy notiiied that on the sth day of
I-\-bru ry. I'M-i. Hettio V. Hancock , piaiunff
herein , tiled her petition aglnstou in the
i district court of Cherry county , N i.taska. the
object ad pra\er of which are t establish and
iorecio-e a ceitatu tax lien upon the real e-tate
as lollows :
The North Half of the Sou lmv t Quarter
Southeast Quaitt-r -outlnvesi Quarter and
I or Five , section li. Township ' } . Jiaii > ; e25 in
Cherrj county Nebr-iSua. for the ta\eaa.-sessea
and levied thereon for eittn r state , countv or
district purpose f--r the \ear-J ls'J4 , 181)5 ) , " 1S9C ,
isir. ibus i.ssiy , i ! oO. 1901. l'M2. iio ; { and l ! j for
winch said land was sold to pl.uutilf tor the
Mini 01 f-:5.7i5 : by the county treasnr-r of Cherry
eon ty , .Nelirasi-aand tor tlie iunher sum of
S : < .72 paid as subsequent tax ; to have an ac
counting or the amount due tnereon t"gether
with interest irom tne 7t day--f November.
lijOo at the rate ot ! . ' per cent per annum : to
ha\e saitl promise * sld for the satisfaction of
the amount tine for such ts-xes. mteres , penal
ties , cost , , costd of suit and costs of sale , to bar.
foreclose an < l exclude defendants or any ot"
lii.-m iiom ii.-uini ; or elatinidg any lien , ti'le or
cqi'-ty 01 redt mptum of in or to i he sainor
auyiiathenol ami for gi n. ral rolu-t
\ou arr ieui.Ml | to sinwvr.aid . petiMon on
or beloie Alo.uiay Hie 10th day of Mar-h , 10J1 * .
JlKi'lIli : V HANCOCK. J-imn ill
I'.y ] C > nert G liasit y , ner attorney.
Datea Februarv 5 , IDU.S. 4 1
Sheriff's Sale.
P y virtu1 of an order of sa'e issued by t.e !
clerk ot the nit ict c.Mirt of Cherry Countv ,
Nebraska , Ftbrnsirv J. Hios. under a der-ree of
moit--age ror * * lo lire , wherein J J. Wilson is
pl.iniiff. mid Joh'i IJ Lord. Fttie. 1) . Lord.
ChariesV r.ennett and > arah E. Hen t-tt ,
Davtnport & Cbii.pany and C H. ornel1 , t-xe-
cut or of the t state 1 A K. Timelier , deceased ,
( lefeiid.uits. I will sell at the front door of-he
court house in Valentine. Cherry c mity. Neb
raska , that be UK the buildi..gvfurin the 1-ist
term o said court was held , on V-.f 14th day
oay of March Iio7. ! at 10 o'clock a. m . toatisfy
judgment of ? ; irwi 35 and interest at 10 p r cent
irom date < . ! judvii eur , 3Iareh : > 5ti. 11)07 ) , and
i osts taxtd at z\7 \ Co and Jiecruing costs , at pul-
lie auction , to th- highest bidder for the
following ' 'esi'iih-d ' prop * rty towit :
NonhwtM Quarter sectii'n" 85. township 31 ,
range 2 : ) and N'ortli ast Qu.irter section 5.
township 31. . i'0
rang. ; Northeast Quarcer s c-
tion iG towns ! | . : : r nue if ; Uest Ila'f of
northeast Quarter and ICasr H lf Northwest
( Quarter section : w township 33 rang30 ; onth-
wst Qturteroi Nor hues' ( Quarter and West
H.ilf oi .Miirhw-s' Quar er an sorth ist. Quar
ter -onthwfst Qu-trtt-r s-ction 33 township : u
rang.SOarid al tlrit ptrt .f the .South Half of
Southwest Quarter Seciion 2i township : : . ! rante
oljing east of the Suaxe ner and West Half
ot Northeast Quarter section 27 townsiilp 3U
range 30 in Cherrj' conntv. Neraska.
Dated this lith day of i-Vbruary. 1908
C. A. iO.-i
\ \ alcotf & M-jrriasey atty for plaintiff. 5 5
R M Faddis& Co.
Postoltlce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
on left
Horses branded
on left
r thigh ,
Some Koine branded 3
i randed on > thiirhj
on left or
or thigh
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr.
P. IT. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cuttle branded
as cut on left side
Some Qyon left
- on left jaw of
V horses.
Kange on Gordon Creek north of S
C. P. Jordan. ! i
Rosebud. SD i
Horses and cattle
iame aa cui. also !
OJ BE f J on rlfrht
jtimre on oaic and
Batte dteeks.
A liberal reward
for information
wading to detection
nistlera of stock ,
Bros. ,
Rolf N'ebr
Cattle branded
anj'where on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
' Horses have
same brand on
eft thigh.
on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A E S SO will bf i aid to any person for
ininrimmon leading to th arrest andi final
conviction of any Person or peraou * stealing
cuttle with above brand.
.Toa. rsnstol
Valentine. Nebr.
Range on Nio-
brara. river four
inileHeastof Ft.
Horses and
nattle branded
rtB connected on
left hip or side aa
shown in cut i
Pullman , Kobj
Tattle branded JT
on right side
Horses branded JT
on right shoulder
Keusonablr rewaci
for any Information
leading to tlie re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
D. A
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
aa on cut.left side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on i
left shoulder.
Ranee " Square
J. B. Lord
Stock branded
same as cut back
right shoulder and
en rigot hip
Range on thef
Postoffice address
Cody. Kebreaka
On left
Hor- !
sea left
Range norn
Cutcomb Lake
Sawyer Bros.
OaaU , Kebr
G. K. Sawyer hs
charge of tb so cat
tle Horses D A on
left .shoulderioni
eft t
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
Sartlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P.
Chas G Jamison Sec&Troas "
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
r&nded tn
Gordon on the F.E
&M V.K. R. ai-d
iyaunis en B , & M. B. R. in Northwestern
C. W Bennett
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
also same as cut
Range between
CJordon and Snake
erei-ks and on the
Niobrara river
Poatofflce address
Hyannis , Neb
On right side
on left
also cattle
on right 3 d d
Kunge la miles
north of Hjannls
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rlnhtside
Some cattle also
have aj jon neck
Some with A on
left sbonlder and
some branded
with two bars
tcnmhfnrt qnar-
> 'rs Some Texas
- - - - -
r -t-r-- ii i
b/anded on ieft aide and some
on left side.
Horses brinded SOS on left hiD. Some atu
branded AV. bar connected on both sides and
Soft hio of hnrsos.
N. S. Kowlev
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Siiiue as cut on len .
side and hip , and ou
left shoulder of her
ses. AlsoKJJ | on
left Hide
' * -f on fCft M e
left siue or hi , . p On left jaw ahfl e
of horsed. yj
; on ie t Hip Of
O-i left Jrrtr