Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 27, 1908, Image 6

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    'acts gently yet prompt- '
% JL \ \ \ * \
lyon the bowels , cleanses
we system eljeetually ,
assists one in overcoming
Kauitual constipation
permanently. To get its
oenejicial eWects buy
tnc genuine.
< "lunujaciurcd bytno
* * - prw '
f -j- -
Wlsat a Settler Can Sscuro ! n
160 Acre * Grain-Growins Land FREE.
20 to 40 Bushels Wheat to the Acre.
0 to 90 Bushels Oats to the Acre.
35 to 50 Bushels Barley to the Acre.
Timber for Fencing end Buildings FREE.
Good Laws with Low Taxation.
Splendid Railroad Facilities end Low Rates.
Schools and Churches Convenient.
Sali'Oc.rSory Markets for all Productions.
Good Climate and Perfect Health.
Chances for Profitable Investments.
So'i < > of theichnici't jjrain-prodncittjr lands 1
Sask.-T'-ijfv. an and Alerta may now be acquire
la thcv : uot hcuithful and prosperous section
under tie
Beulssd fasstessi Segulailons
by whiVh entry niav bo irr.dc by proxy ( on certai :
conditions ) , by the fatiior , mother , son. daughtei
brother or sister of intending homesteader.
Entry fee in each case is 510.00. For pnmphlel
"Last IJest West. " particulars as to rates , routes
best time to go and -where to locate , apply to
\V. D. Scott , Superintendent of Iininieration
Ottawa. Canada , or E. T. Holmes , 31 ; Jackso ;
St. , ? ! . Paul , Mian , and J. M. MacLachlan. Bo
116 , WaUrtown , bo. Dakota Authorized Covers
merit . % ent'1.
Planso say wKoro you saw this adve-tisement.
Mm "Who I nicr Laid Foun-
diLtion for Fortune in 3XieIiigrau.
Among the landmarks of Farming
ton. Mich. , is an old water-power mil
standii'g by the side of the now in
6ignifi'-int : stream tliat flows througl
the village , ti branch of the Rivei
Rouge. The old mill , known as the
Power Mill and later as the Philbricl
Mill , is on the farm of John Power
county treasurer. It was built bj
Samuel Power in 1S3S and in that ear
ly day was the most imposing struc
ture of its kind. in the eastern part of
Michigan outside of Detroit.
The castings were all made at Ann
Arbor and laboriously hauled by wag
on from tliat city. The consequence
was that when at last the mill was
completed Mr. Power and an uncle
from whom he had borrowed money to
complete the mill were impoverished.
The country was so sparsely settled at
that time that customers were few and
the business a losing one.
Mr. Power became discouraged and
gave up the business , and with all his
earthl\r belongings in a small satchel
and 7u cents in money left Farmiugton
to seek his fortune elsewhere. He land
ed penniless in Grand Rapids. Lie
finally secured a job on the railroad
and eventually became a rich railroad
contractor. He returned here in after
years and married a Farmington girl.
At his death he was worth more than
$100.000. His widow , a comparatively
young woman at the time of her hus
band's death , became a teacher , and
for many years has been at the head
of an educational institution. Grand
Rapid ? Herald.
Salzor's strain of Macaroni or Kubanka
wheat is absolutely pure and is from seed
obtained from the Department of Agri
culture. Our strain is Dakota grown
which l.iuchs at droughts and elements
and positively mocks black rust tliat ter
rible scorch and would be ashamed of
it&elf if it did not return from 40 to SO
bn. of the finest wheat the sun shines on
per ncrp in good 111. , In. , Mich. , Wis. ,
Ohio. Ponn. . Mo. , Xeb. , Kan. , and other
lands , and 40 to 00 bu. per acre in arid
lands. No rust , no insects , no failure
to tin- John A. Snlzer Seed Co. , La
CroshC. Wis. . and they will send you the
most original seed book published , to
gether with free samples of farm seeds
such as Macaroni , I'.illion Dollar
Grass. Victoria Rape. Sainfoin , the dry
soil Itixuriator , Rroinus Inennis , the des
ert 'grn sifier. Emperor William Oats ,
more original than the Emperor himself ,
etc. . Pt < - . . etc.
And if you send He they will mail in
addition a package of farm seed never be
fore Rpon bv you. John A. Salzer Seed
Co. , Lu Crossc , Wis. C. N. U.
jc : Definite.
1 The detective u-as trying to find some
clew to the whereabouts of the missing
* * WIion your hushnud went out of the
house that morning , .slamming the door , "
he aricd , "did ho say anything that gave
yon an idea where IIP was going ? * '
"All lie said was tliat he'd be darned
if lie wasn't going to hunt some place
T. ! i < : re lie could read his morning paper
Animal Post Cards.
A set of eight attractive post cards ,
ju live cokrs. showing wild animals in
Wellington I'.irk 7.00. in the city of
MiwiikeP. : vill be mailed to you on the
ri'C'-ipt of twcjvo cents ( coin or stamps ) .
3nt resting < o firown people and clnldren.
A.Ulrf. * Tin * Evening Wisconsin Com
paq , Milwaukee , Wis.
much attention to
KWSPAPKRS devote so
marriages of American girls with titled
foreigners tint there is a geir-ral impres
sion in thicounUy that such union * are
ami then sc
very numerous. Every now
woman's club parses vigorous re :
of protest against 5iternat1onal v
ministers pre-i'-h a-zanist them and Icarr.ed editorials ap
pear denouncing heartless parents who allow their daugh
ters to be swallowed up by European fashion.
It is with some surprise , therefore , that we learn from
a complete list published by thr Xevr York World that
Bince the beginning only 1T.O AirNrican girls have mar
ried foreigners of title. Many , if not all. of these , of
their husbands , ami
course , have brought fortunes to
have thus acquired a sort of importance , which would
not have been the case if they had been poor. But , even
so , the fact that 130 members of a ualion of SU.GOO.OUU
of people have married abroad is not g'nug to disrupt or
Impoverish the country.
Some such marriages have ended uuhappily. but by
far the hirger proportion of them endure at least as well
as marriages here at home. Anna Goulcl and Consuclo
Vauderbilt may have wrecked their happiness , but t > < >
who have inai-
have eqifally conspicuous American girls
ried American men. The posse iou of a title doe * not
seem to compel Its holder to be a bad husband. Chicago
; jo. three years since Port Arthur surron-
dcre1 ; to the .Japanese1. Meanwhile the
coMiniuding ollicer. General Stoes-el , prepared -
pared his dd'eiise agjiinst the chai'ge of
couardice ar.d ineoiuiiett'nco. lie main
tained that he helxl out as long as was wise
and humane in : > position poorly equipped
and badly armed. The prosecution held that he did not
make soldierly use of liis opportunities.
Although it seems medieval tyranny to put a nan on
trial for his life because he was unsuccessful , yet this
treatment does not differ fumlnmenlnlly from the treat
ment the whole world accoi'us its leaders.
A nation gives a intu a ikvj or army , and biilf ? hni :
go forth and win. If a no tl man fails with poor equip
ment against impossible odds he is disgraced , or at least
not honored. A mediocre man who wins l.y virtue of
fine equipment , a weak eneuiy. loyal followers and for
tunate circumstances , is honored , feted , promoted.
Later history may sum up the merits of a case. Jlut
the world is immediately concerned not with weighing
"points like an umpire , but in drmamling what it wants
success. The Japanese leader who fails commits sui
cide , expressing in a direct way that he who loses is of
r.o further service. Volumes upon Napoleon's superior
generalship ut Waterloo do not explain away the fact
that be was defeated.
In non-military enterprise the leader hears the same
loud call of the world for success. The statesman must
achieve. The manager of the railroad is held respon
sible for the train service and fof the stockholders * divi-
rleuds. "The man behind the gun * ' and the "hero at thy
throttle' ' are justly popular figures , but it is the leader
who irets the major reward foi success and death or life
long suffering for failure. In this the world is unjust to
certain individuals , but on the whole it is just ; Cor
without its rough rewards and punishments the great
motive of responsibility would be lost. Youth's Com
[ IK farmers are the true backbone of the
nation , whether in time of peace or war.
P.ut from the outstart of the republic ,
while they have been content to bear the
brunt of the fighting and of furnishing
bread and meat and raiment on which
to subsist , they have modestly turned over
to th ir fellow citizens angagod in other pursuits the
task running the overnment. There are signs of a
change. The larmcrs etting tired of currying the
loul without any proper and equitable voice in the di
rection of affairs. Tt will ha- a most auspicious change
for ihe better when the Grangers shall assert themselves
aiid assume their rightful and necessary share in regu
lating the politics of the country. They pay the maiu
s-hare of the taxes , which are so laid as to heavily dis
criminate against them. They should help to fix the
rates. They are in fairness entitled , as the main pro
ducers of revenue , to mainly profit by its distributioa.
They should insist on a suitable control of expenditure.
Philadelphia Record.
is rapidly becoming apparent that with
opening of the Orient we are facing
the large condition of two civilizations and
tl % " question of their relations. This is a
qre tion , of course , that concerns the whoie
vi hite race , as Vancouver recently demon-
f-trated. P.ut it teaches us. too. and w j
should be prepared with some quality of statesmanship
to meet it with becoming wisdom. It is not to be made
a party football nor to be argued by clamor auj illus
trated by mob law. It 5s a large question one of the
largest that the twentieth century will have for us
namely , the right iwljustment of our civilization with that
of the Orient. Indianapolis Xews.
V. *
$ * ' u VitJK
< : > r $
! "He'd be agood man to i\ork fer if
j he got the right kind o' hoy. " ' sid
Jimmy. "What he wants is a boy about
100 years old with a bay window on
, him an' a bald head. If some ohl loh-
ster like he is would come in an * take
my seat an' stand oft' t'.ie guys he
doesn't want to sec an' run his arranls
fer him he'd bo suited nit-not.
"He jest thinks that he's all right ,
that's all , " continued Jimmy. "If l > o
had u duplerkit of hisself around heM
let out a holler you could hear clear
out to the city limits. lie comes in an'
he says to me. 'What are you a-doin'
that fer , you young limb ? You don't
never see me a-doin' that. ' Well. I
should say not ! I'd like to see him a-
balancin' a , leather ( luster on his nose
an' jugglin' a couple o' rubber stamps j
at the same time. An' whistle ! Ho j
couldn't carry a tune to save his denied J
old red neck. j
"I've got a pitcher o * myself bavin * |
my nails manicured by that fairy up 1
on the tenth floor an * makiu goo-goo
eyes at her , the old skate ! Why don't
you ever git your hands washed , blame :
It ? ' he says. 'Look at them finger marks
on these here papers. ' 1 wanted to say ,
'If I didn't never have nothin * more to
do with my hands 'ceptiu' to stroke my
whiskers an' sign checks iiiabbe I'd
keep my hands clean , too , you oM mutt , i
If I snook up to the tenth lloor as j
much as you do I'd have pretty fiuw
nails. I would if I could , but I can't ,
'cause I'm married now. doncher see ? ' '
That's what I waut to say to him. lie' '
doesn't know that I'm on to him. but
you bet I am.
"I takes a message over to West Adj j
nms for him this monuu"an' because I i
didn't git back with the answer ii ten j
minutes he throws a fit. 'What'u bhi/'s : j
have you been a-doin' with the rif'er- '
noou ? ' he says. Did he roast me ? " 3 ell.
say ! I'd a notion to take him n the !
side o' the head \\ith an ink bottle , j
He's stii ohl peach to talk about \vistn ! *
lime. I don't go out to my lun-h an'
say I'll bo back in ten minute.- : : ' stay
gone two hours an' a half , anyway. An *
when I come back from my lunc-li my
face ain't no rcvider nor my tnl ! : any
thicker than it was afore I went out.
lie ought to : rit on the - . .ratervagm. .
"I've gt.tter be respectful an * atten
tive an' perlito : ; u * I've goLter us- nice j 1 s'pose he th'r.ks it was
nice langwitch he was usir.vliyu that
book agent got in to see him ( hi- other j
inprniif. I bet if I talkc-1 like that i
they'd send me to tha reJorn. school , j
but it's all right for him. Then h ; ? |
Mamos It on to me an" hashes nw a
nice perlile gi.iif over. 'What < 1H yon
let him in for , you little idiot ? ' h ° siys. :
'What am I payin' you wages fer ? Do j
you think you're an oruymw/t to the cr- j
fis ? ' 1 won't say what else he said. I
siys : : 'lie didn't have no
sign on him. " 1 says , 'an' I didn't have
time to telerphone fer the perl ice be
fore he broke iu. ' I says. ' 1 thought he
was a freii * o' yours , the way he acted. "
"Then he calls me a few more pet
names an' goes back growl in * . He pays
me big wages , he does. He'll bust his-
self payin' me wages. As far as beiu'
an ornym.'r.t goes. I s'pose he thinks
h 's a hot old decoration , with his hot-
tie nose an' his bandy legs. Oh , yes ,
he's a nice man to work fer. Fure !
"On'y I ourrht to be one o * these nice
little kids with frills on the end o' my
pants like them I seen in a book my
teacher give me wunst. Then every
body what come iu the or/is / 'ml pat me
f > n my curls an * slip me a ten spot an'
his nibs 'ud give me an intrust in the
business. It's all my fault. But I
wouldn't be so sore if he didn't tell me
that I never seen him actin' that way.
Any old time that I do ketch myself
; ictii' like he does I want to dio.
"Sure he's a nice man , " said Jimmy.
with bitter sarcasm. "lie's an old
[ ) caeh ! " Chicago Daily Xews.
TIio 1Viy It JM Sold. I'lirir : iu < l Sivet-1 ,
in Cuil riclv ; * . Ku : liiii.
in Cambridge , Kiigland , butler is
; oi by the yard. For generations it
Lias been the practice of Cambridge
shire dairy folk to- roll their butter into
ei > gths , ench length measuring a yard
MM ! weighing a pound. Deftly wrap-
; > fd in strips of clean white cloth , ihe
y'imlrical rolls are packed in long ,
DTOW : : baskets made for the purpose
UH ! thus conveyed to market. The
butter women who. in white linen
iprons ami sleeves , preside over the
Jttilh ; in the market have no need of
iveights or scales for dispensing their
iv.-'res. ' Constant practice and experi-
rncesl eyes enable them with a stroke
jf the knife to divide a yard of butter
into halves or qu U'iers with almost
mathematical exactness.
TI " i'"hers > ity people : ; re the chief
t u . . - < ; f this curiosity shaped prod
uct. In addition lo being famed for
its purity aiul sweetne-s CnmhrMge
"yard butter" is eminently adapted for
being served to the students in the
ilsiily commons. Cut iu conveniently
r.ixeri pieces anil accompanied by a loaf
; > f the ! : est wheat bread , a stated portion
tion is sent round rrery morning to the
rmr.-s of th ? undergraduates for use at
l > r.-r.kfst ami tea. Chicago Record-
When a woman forgives her erring
husband , she is applauded , but when a
uu'.Ti forgives au erring wife , he is
laughed at
of Siwrlot'c ! 15'Jlisos" Tola
Soiuu Rood Strati" ; V.rliil ll c.
Not long before his departure for
England the A Wine Club in Xe\v York
gave Consul Doyle a farewell dinner ,
where he made au offhand speech , a
part ( if which is worth repeating , says
the Ikmkman. lie began by telling how
on his arrival in lioston the cabman
who drove him from the station refused
to accept any fare from him. but po
litely asked for a ticket to the reading.
Dr. Doyle expressed surprise that the
cabman should have recognized him
and asked : "Tell me how you found out
who I am and you shall have tickets
for your whole family and such cigars
as you smoke here in America besides. "
Whereupon , according to Dr. Doyle , the
cabman answered :
"If you will excuse personal remarks ,
your coat lapels are badly twisted
downward , where they have been grasp
ed by the pertinacious Xew York re
porters. Your hair has the quakerish
cut of a Philadelphia barber and your
hat. battered at the brim ? n front.
shows where you have tightly grasped
it in the struggle to stand your ground
at a Chicago literary luncheon.
"Your right overshoe has a largo
block of Buffalo mud just under the
instep ; the odor of a Utica cigar hangs
about your clothing , and the overcoat
itself shows the slovenly brushing of
the porters of the through sleepers
from Albany. The crumbs of doughnut
on the top of your bag pardon me ,
your hsggaure could only have come
there in Springfield , and stenciled upon
the very end of the 'Wellington. ' in
fairly ploin lettering , is the name 'Co-
Kan Doyle. * "
Somewhat more veracious than this
anearlote ta the story which Con an
Doyle tells of an experience which he
had when leaving school. Ills teacher
must hare been one of tlmse uoble old
Romans such as Thackeray describes
as roariuir at young Pendeunte when
the major , his uncle , called to take the
boy away. AYheii Conan Doyle had hu-
isl ed his course in school , the head
master called him aside and , after ey
ing him vvith ominous disfavor , spoke
to him in measured tones as follows :
"Doyle , I have known you now for sev
en years , and I know you thoroughly.
I am iroing to say something which
you will remember in after life. Doyle ,
you will never come to any good ! "
cs.s Gertie.
Gertie ( who has behaved very rude
ly to her mamma , to her aunt ) Auntie
Clara , pray don't go away yet.
Aunt ( flattered ) I had no Idea you
were so fond of me , ( Jertie.
Gertie Oh. Auntie Clara , it isn't
that , but mamma said I was to be
whipped when you had gone. Tatler.
Sure Cure.
The Young One What should a man
do to break himself of the habit of
talking too much ?
The Old One Get married ! Yonkers -
kers Statesman.
Of all bores , the goody good bore is
the most tiresome.
Refuses to P5ay Pawnbroker an
Furnish Money to Go to
Woman Pinancier Tells of Big Loan ,
and Makes Prophecies on
Political Outlook.
Mrs. IIett3 * Green. Queen of Finance
has been "hearing things- , " and flu
other day in an interview at Hostoi
she confided iu the public through tin
pi ess. The finaucial stringency ha :
plunged many of the notably rich iut <
a sea of temporary poverty , if Mrs
Green's statements are true. Mrs
Green , according to her story , got un
Jer cover before the pinch hit. and hat
plenty of cash. Then the financier :
came to her on bended knees for relief
The Vanderbilt family , she says
came to her with their family jewels
They wanted her to take them as se
rurity for a loan. This was before
Gladys married the count. Mrs. Grcer
iokl them , she said , that she didn'1
ileal in diamonds , and their offer war
spurned. "They say Mrs. Cornelius
YnnderJjilt is going to marry a llumra-
riin count , " said Mr . Green. "She
occht lo have a guardian instead. "
Mr . Green s.iys men high in politics
have tipped off the inside information
( -11 I lie presidential nomination. Roosevelt
velt , she says , is to be nominated again.
Taft knows it. too. She says the scheme
i" to pose Taft before the country as
the President's choice. lie will get all
the < ! ele atcs he can and then will get
up hinelf and nominate Hoosevelt. It
55 al ? framed up. declares Mrs. Green.
She says money is easier , but hard
times will continue until after the elec-
Doukhobors of Canada Preparing
for Another Outburst.
Reports recehcd at Ottawa. Out. , in
dicate that the coming spring will see
the T.fiOO Doukhobors leave their Xortn-
urst communities and go on another
v.-iUl pilgrimage. All accounts agree
that the fanaticism of the sect has no
[ larallel in modern time- ; .
Doukhobor leaders have been partic
ularly busy issuing decrees since tin1 be-
. 'inning of winter , and each new ; > m-
nuig.ition seems to have been dratted
ivith a desire to outdo the preceding
> nes in inflicting hardship ami suffer-
inir on "the faithful. " Children are
< : ii < I to be dying for want of proper
' > nl. The people are paupers. They
m\ > obeyed an order to sell all their
--ittle and sheep.
All products of the laud -40 to the
sect leaders. All chicken * have been
'old in obedience to a decree. Tea ,
ofi'ee. sugar and pancakes have been
ahooed and the general tliet has been
larrowed to raw potatoes , ouions. car-
ots. turnips and a few other vege-
ables. Amonj : the latest decrees have
ecu those abolishing timepieces and
ooking glusi'j * . Agents of the le-ulers
lave taken away from the people about
; 7. < ; 0 { ) worth of clocks and watches.
L"he women , who are no tee ! for their
leftiie s with their needles , have been
or'iidden ' to make any more embroid-
The Doukhobor wheat is handled by
L committee , which does what it
> ! < with it. This committee cou-
rols pretty nearly everything in the
v : > y of labor. The gangs which work
n the railway and iu the communitv
irickynrd. pay over their wanes to the
ommittee without receipt. P.ut when
t comes to be laborers getting their
neager food allowances from the com-
uittee they are compelled to give a
eceipt for every ounce.
In one district HOO persons are living
n two houses. Each adult is allowed
. sleeping space of four feet wide. All
lave to climb into their beds over the
ootboards. The younger men are
towed away in the garrets of the
louses after the fashion of canned sari -
; i ues.
Two women \\ore found dead in the
litchen of a fashionably furnished 22-
oem house at No. 351 West Seventy-first
tr i't. Xew York , of which they wore
arotnkcrs. There was a little coal in a
in iu the cellar and 17 cents was found
: i n cupboard.
Xe'.son P. Thoreu. a prosperous and
' spi'cti'il farmer living on the White
> cnr road wpst of Stillwator , Minn. , foil
roiu : i cake of ice ilead. Assisted by his
i > n ho was pulling ice from a small lake ,
i > be stored on the farm. Reing over-
ome with faiutncss ho sat down on a
ako of ice- and a moraout latpr fell over
cad. Heart disease was the cause of
Capt. Smith , master of the British I
tParacr Ashfiold. cleared from Mobile ,
da. , for Xipa. Cuba , committed suicide
y drinking poison in his stateroom fol-
nving a mutiny of the crew while on
Lie high seas.
At his own request William Winrich ,
n orphan boy of Morrisonville , Wis. . waste
' to the State reformatory at Wau-
osha. The boy , who is 1-1 years old , de-
laral to the judge that he was tired of
necking about , and desired to be sent
t some place where he would have a
Lmnce to learn a useful trade and get
3iuc education.
A Domestic Breakdown.
A well known ! discovered a thlei
fn his London Bouse. Aided by th
butler , he secured the iann and thoi
rang the bell. A scrrnnt app.eare < J-
whom the peer requested to "go intf
the kitchen and bring up a policemaz
or two. " The domestic returned and
said there were no policemen on thr
premises. "What ! " exclaimed his ma
ter in incredulous tones. "Do you
mean to tell me that with a cook , tw <
scullery maids , a kitchen maid and
three housemaids in my emploj * then
is no poli'-eman in my kitchen ? 14 Ii
indeed a miracle , and our prisonei
shall reap tlKbei'etit Turner , let th
man go ii' ° : : -ntv' ! " L"inl < > n Stanelarel
Suffered Three Tears Physicians
Did \H Good I'erfeetly AVell After
r.xlujC Cutieuru Kemedle.s.
"I take great pleasure In informing
3'ou that I was a sufferer of eczema In
11 very bad form for the past three
years. I consulted and treated wifch ,
a number of physicians in Chicago , butte
to 110 avail. I commenced using the
of Cuti- j
Cuticura Remedies , consisting
cura Soap , Ointment and Pills , three j ;
mouths ago , and to-day I am perfect
ly well , the disease having left me en
tirely. I cannot recommend the Cuti
cura Remedies too highly to anyone
suffering with the disease that I have
had. Mrs. Florence E. Atwood , 38 0
Crilly Place , Chicago , III. , October 2 ,
ir r . Witness : L. S. Berger. "
What is said to be the largest tele
graph circuit in the world is that be
tween London and Teheran , the capital
of Persia. It is 4.000 milrs long and la
divided info tvvpJvo sections.
PAZO OINTMENT 1 ? guaranteed to cure any
case of Itching. Bflnd. Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles in 15 to 14 days or money refunded.
V.'jint He Mndc. * *
The possibilities of evasion held with
in the precincts of the English lan
guage are well demonstrated in the re
in.rt of an accident case printed in the
I'i'ilailelphia Ledger. The lawyer for
t lie de.Vmlant was trying to cross-exam
ine a Swede who had been subpoened
hy the other side as a witness.
"Now , Andersen , what do you do ? "
a ked the lawyer.
"Sank you : Aw am not vara well. "
"I didn't ask you how is your health ,
iMit what do you do ? "
"Oh. .yas ; An * work. "
"We know that , but what kind of
work do you do ? "
"Puddy hard work ; it ecs puddy hard'
work. " '
"Yes , but do you drive a team , or do
you work on the railroad , or do you
handle a machine , or do you work ID
a factory ? "
"Oh. yas ; Aw work In a factory. " ,
"Very good. What kind of a factory ? "
"It ees a very big fact'ry. "
"Your honor. " said the lawyer , ad
dressing the court. "If this keeps on
! think we shall have to have an in
terpreter. "
Then he turned to the witness.
"Look here. Andersen , what do yoTJ
ilo in that factory ? What dp you
make ? "
"Oh. yas ; Aw un'erstan * . You vanl
to know vat Aw make in fact'ry , eh ? '
"Exactly. Xow tell us what you
nake. "
' * ' - " * ' ' < "
- -
"Von -i day.
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y had no appetite in the morning and
or 8 years while nursing my four chll-
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vo weeks. I wrote evenings and feel-
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? gau eating a small saucer of Grape-
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igestible hot pudding , pie , or cake for
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"Grape-Xuts did wonders for ? ne and
learned to like it. I did not mind
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"There's a Reason. "
Xame given by Postum Co. , Battle
reek , Mich. Read "The Road to Well-
He , " in pkgs.