Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 27, 1908, Image 5

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i We know it's warm and 4
you know it's warm
we want to sell our &
We Meet Any Price.
Call on us sure.
B T. C. Hornby. $
Drug1 Store
Every drug store ar
ticle that we sell is of
dependable quality and
will give purchaser |
complete satisfaction.
Y > 7e know that our
customers > want drug
store" goods which they
can rely on absolutely
and we make it our
business to supply them
with just that kind and
no other.
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
Apples and Cider
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
I6nr e ,
Tubular wells and windmills.
me up by Telephone.
More Local.
Try Kazda's barber shop , tf
D. M. Scars of Kennedy has
been in town several days.
Jas. Quigley and Geo. Elliott
drove over to Rosebud last week.
The commercial club held a
meeting- Tuesday and talk of re
We take special orders any time
for special meats. Baumann &
Bachelor's Meat Market. 5
J. M. Ralva is in town with a
broken finger , caused by a tug
breaking and singletree hitting on
the hand.
The Workmen held a big dance
in the opera house last Friday
night. Fischer's orchestra fur
nished the music.
J. M. Moffett of Stand wood , la. ,
is here again with a car load of
fine bulls. See his big advertise
ment on last page of this paper.
P. F. Simons and Albert Haley
completed their deal last Saturday
and Pete has gone to Sparks to
take charge of his store. We wish
him success.
J. 11. and Mrs. Mary D. Lee
were in town yesterday attending
the auction of government land.
Robert Lee and son returned from
Hot Springs yesterday and met
his parents here , so that he could
accompany them home , Robert
has been doctoring or taking baths
for kidney trouble.
Miss Claudia Wells of this city
and Hon. Samuel William Green
of Ewing were married at the
Episcopal church in Valentine ,
Wednesday evening , at S p. m. ,
by the Rev. W. W. Wells , father
of the bride , in the presence of a
large number of friends and sc-
quainlances. A full account will
appear next week.
J. C. Dahlman , the cowboy
mayor of Omaha , has tried his
hand at the editorial lariet on
"The Chancellor , " a monthly
journal published in Omaha by
Quinby & Lynnequest. The first
page has a picture of W. J. Bry
an and his son looking through a
gate at a pen of chickens on his
Lincoln farm. Mr. Bryan is
dressed in farm clothes , without a
coat , and has a pair of rubber
boots on , looking much like a
farmer. On the cover is the picture -
' ture of Jim throwing a lasso and
1 the circle is directly over the Bry
an picture with that part of the
cover inside the rope circle cut
out , showing the lasso encircling
the picture of Mr. Bryan on first
page. The journal is not large
only 20 pages. The subjects are
interesting and the stories well
told , some of which are a part of
the history of Jim's western life ,
and since the articles are not copy
righted we expect to reprint some
of them of most interest to people
here. % Look for one next week
and tell your neighbor about it.
We notice , also , some good arti
cles from other writers of fame ,
one of whom many of us know.
New stock just in. Latest styles.
They're made for men made to
fit. Our price is low , . Come and
see them. A nice new line of
Shirts , Ties , Suspenders and Hose |
for nobby wearers.
Just as you want 'em.
Cleaning and Pressing
John Kief was in town Monday.
All kinds of pickles at Baumann
& Bachelor's Meat Market. 5
W. B. Hararaonn's little girl is
suffering from pneumonia.
Lard lOc a pound at Baumann
& Bachelor's Meat Market. 5
Wra. Erickson came to town to
day to have his broken leg treated
by Dr. Lewis. A horse fell on it
Jan. 5. He goes on crutches yet.
Egbert Bonnen , the ditcher ,
spent several days in town this
week. He is thinking of moving
his ditching machine down near
Marsh Lake this spring if the people
ple are ready their to have their
work done.
Drinking ice" water with meals
produces catarrh of the stomach.
Drinking tea or coil'ec produces
nervousness , but a glass or two of
Storz Blue Ribbon Beer assists in
the digestion and assimilation of
the food you eat , adds a relish to
the mearand gives you a satisfied
well fed feeling that makes you
happy , contented and at peace with
all the world. 7 1
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held as follows :
In Valentine , March 1 ; high mass
and sermon at 10:30. : Instruction
for the children at 3 p. m.
LEO M' . BLAEUE , Eector ,
Hans ami His Wood 1'iSe.
It was about two months before
Christmas when Hans began to
think about getting his mother a
shawl to keep her warm.
Hans and his mother were -very
poor and didn't have money like
some other people to get Xmas
things with.
Mr ? . Gray , Hans' mother , wash
ed and Hans chopped wood for his
neighbor. Hans didn't have many
friends but he had four friends
and their names were llobert ,
Paul , Dave and Ben.
Mr. ITannan had given Hans a
cord of wood to chop and told him
ic would give him five dollars if
le got it done before Christmas
Hans was thinking abouc the
shawl and said he would try.
Two days before Xmas , now ,
and Hans hasn't got his woodpile
chopped. Hans told his friends
about it and late that night these
'our boys chopped till it was done
after Hans and his mother had
gone to bed.
The next morning Mr. Hanuan
came to see if he had it all done ,
liobert , Ben , Paul and Dave were
rolling near the woodpile in the
sand laughing. Hans knew that
it was them that finished his vrood-
pile. Mr. Qannan handed the § 5
Dill. Hans said : "Is it mine ? "
"res , " said Mr. Liannan. "Thank
you , " said Hans , Hans then turn
ed and went down town. He
Dought a nice shawl. Mrs. Gray
found it in the morning. She did
not think only of the shawl but to
think that her son loved her so
much as to buy her a shawl. After
that she said : * k 'Tis not all boys
will do this. "
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brownlee.Nebr ,
Soldier Creek Col-
umwis 17th 1GJO.-)0 ( ,
ji son of Columbus
ITtli , a halt brother
of the SlO.OOOi ; ' ani-
pion D.ile , a ii < I
J'nnce Uoalidel li- : ;
COo ut head of herd.
I now Have about .50 head of 11)07 ) bull cahes
for sale.
First-class Shop in Every Respect
E-iii de Quiuine Hair Touic , Golden Star Hair
Tonic , Herpicide and Coko's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
Handles the
Opposite Postollic. Phone 71.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T.C. . Hornby's store.
: * * + > & & & # *
fmK3 O O-O O-O O-O
Co ftft
wishes to announce that their Farm Implements ftft ftft
plements for the coining season have arrived ftft ftft
rived and invite their Mends to call and ftft ftft
inspect the same. ( Watch this space for ftft ftft
a description of the same next week. ) A ftft ftft
? complete line of ftft ftft
? ft
* : <
> i ! & No rlNO VtLh : BuLulto
always an hand. I *
Sparks Quills ,
A general spelling bee will be
pulled off at Pleasant Valley school
house March 13 , wherein Pleasant
Valley school challenges all neigh
boring schools , and all interested
in educational purposes. The
American Word Book will be
used , commencing at page 100 and
spelling on through the book if
possible. A good program will
be arranged , consisting of a play
entitled , "For Love or Money , "
which will last 1-V hours , so you
are invited to come early and stay
late. Arrangements will be made
to secure Mrs. Hittie to do the
pronouncing as great credit is due
her for the good work at the prev
ious contest.
A pleasant and profitable evening - ,
ning was spent at Highland school
house last Friday week the occasion -
casion being a spelling contest be
tween district Xo. ? S with Miss
Mary Jacobs as teacher , and dis
trict Xo. 5 , taught by Miss Mamie
Xewman. At 7 o'clock a fairly
good sized crowd had gathered ,
only to find that a number of clis- ;
trict 2S's scholars were absent , in- j
eluding the teacher , some being
sick with colds. Accordingly two
of the young people chose sides.
A general contest ensued , leaving
the honors with Misses Mamie
Xewman and EiKe Kukie , they
being the last , two on the floor ,
both going doxvn on the word
"capricious. " rHie words were
distinctly pronounced by Mis Del
la Osborne.
Several of the young people of
this community had the pleasure
of attending the spelling bee at' '
S'nadley school house in Key a' '
Paha county Friday evening. This j
school is taught by Mrs. Ray
Sharp , nee Lizzie liobson of Val
entine a high school graduate.
Miss Ona Lawrence and Miss
Mable Sharp < ; hoe sides and at
8:30 : the contest began , Miss Lin-
nie Strawn of Norden pronoun- ,
cing. As the evening advanced
the crowd of contestants grew' '
smaller and the words harder. At
12:30 : only three contestants were
left , being Miss Mary L. Jacobs !
of Rushville who teaches Pleasant
Valley school , Mrs. Lizzie Sharp
and Bert Sharp of Shad ley Creek.
Mrs. Sharp suggested they call it
a tie but Miss Jacobs wanted to
continue for a final decision , but
a s morning approached the
crowd grew weary and the three
concluded to wait until some fu
ture time to finish the contest.
Niobrara Falls.
Miss Lulu Gregory went to town
last Saturday to attend the teach- '
erb' meeting.
Leu Bivens came out to join the
hunt Friday and stayed for the
oyster supper in the. evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomson were call
ed to Big Creek Sunday. S. Blake-1
ly's baby was very ill but is better. !
Metlu'nka. the groundhog is
Successor to
D. S T I N A R D
Valentine , Nebraska.
Has just received a complete line
of the latest styles and best
quality shoes for ladies , misses ,
children , men and boys.
Our "Buffalo Calf" work shoes for
men and boys cannot b e
equaled for quality and price.
In dress shoes we have both
plain and snappy styles.
Our "Hard Knocker5 the best on
earth , is a line of school shoes
that will please and satisfy
you in style , quality , comfort
and price.
New goods in ail our lines are now
constantly arriving , and you
are invited to call and inspect
the quality and become ac
quainted with prices.
Valentine -
Ail work will be given prompt ,
and careful attention.
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked § 1 10 § 21 00
Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00
Chop Feed , sacked 1 45 2800
Corn , sacked 1 30 25 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 35 26 00
Oats , snrkod 1 GO 31 00
ing a lot this fine weather.
Mr. Clynes was under the weatu- j
er for a few clays last week.
A. Williams and wife of Wood
Lake were visiting Charley Wil-
Jiams last week.
The sportsmen of this vicinity
were out bright and early last Fri
day. Some of the boys cLiln'fc get
out for various reasons. The two
sides met at the foot bridge at four
p. in. to score their game. E.
Grooms and H. E. Crosby were
captains. The score stood to 325
to 230 in favor of Grooms' men. !
Each side brought in a coyote , a' '
number of owls and rabbits. One
party claims to have captured three
mice but he didn't produce them ,
and seeing is believing you know.
i The losing side gave an oyster sup
per and dance in the evening which
was enjoyedby all. Nix.
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying'
by check "was devised
by all men for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out 810 or § 10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
j every transaction.
A representative in this county
by a large real estate corporation.
Special inducernenis to those who
wish to become financially inter
Fort Dearborn Buildins : - Chicago , III.
\Te handle all kinds of veget
ables. Baumann & L'achelor. 5