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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1908)
PERUNA EDITORIAL MO. ! . Dr. Hartman is nov/ offeringPeruna to til ? public as a regular pharmaceu tical product. It is jus' ; as ctliical as any compound put up for the medical profession. No traini : ? of medical ethics can find any fault r/itli it. THE PRINCIPAL ACTIVE INGREDIENTS ere prominently incorporated in the label on the "bottle , that the people may know that the claims made for Peruna have a true justification. The only departure wo shall make from medical ethics in the conduct of Peruna affairs in the future , is the fact that we shall continue to advertise and ell our product TO THE PEOPLE. If we would agree to soil to doctors only , to advertise for doctors only , then the medical fraternity would be obliged to recogniza Peruna as being entirely within their approval. BUT WE SHALL NOT DO THIS. We shall continue to offer Peruna to the people. We shall continue to convey to the people our claims for Peruna as a household remedy. We shall continue to supply the people with free literature , teaching- them how to use our medicine , teaching them how to avoid disease , teaching them many things of benefit to the home. We shall continue to do this , whether the medical profession like it or not. We are proposing from this time on to take the public into our confidence , notwithstanding that some imitators and substitutors will be attempting to put up something which they consider just P.S good as Peruna , we are going to draw aside the veil of secrecy and allow any one who chooses to know exactly OF WHAT PERUNA IS COMPOSED. This ought to disarm all honest criticism. Wo expect , however , that crit icism will continue. On some pretext or other those who are envious of the success of Peruna will continue to find People Who Object to fault. Eut we are determined to give s\ich people no just complaint. Liquid Medicines Can PEPJTNA IS A GREAT MEDICINE. Now Secure Peruna It has become a household word in millions of homes. Our faith in the Tablets , remedy is stronger than ever. Every year we expect to establish new plants in foreign lands until the people of all the world are supplied with this valu able household remedy. WE CLAIM PERTJNA TO BE A CATARRH REMEDY. Buy a bottle and try it. If it helps you , be honest and acknowledge that it has helped you. If you want us to we will publish your statement exactly as you furnish it to us. We will add no words , take away no words. If you wish us to we will publish your portrait in connection with it. We will not do this without your written request , without your entire consent. Peruna has cured thousands of people of chronic catarrh , in many phases and locations. At least , that is what the people say to us , through unsolicited testimonials. Peruna will cure many thousand more , in spite of fabricated landers to the contrary. WE GUARANTEE EVERY BOTTLE OF PERUNA TO CONTAIN THE INGREDIENTS PRINTED ON THE LABEL. We guarantee that every testimonial we use is absolutely true in the xact language of the testifier. We guarantee that every photograph published is the photograph of the person whose name it bears , that every word of every testimonial was author ized by the hand that signed it. We are determined to beat our opponents by being fairer than they are , by dealing squarer than they dare to. We are determined to meet falsehood Kith , truth , duplicity with candor , insincerity with sincerity. We know that the users of Peruna will appreciate our stand. We believe that the dealers in Peruna will applaud our course. We expect even our op ponents will be obliged to acknowledge finally that Peruna is not only an honest and useful remedy , but one of the GREATEST HOUSEHOLD MEDI CINES ON THE CONTINENT. "LEADING LADY" SHOES FOR WOMEN Leading Lady Shoes are best described in three words Style , Comfort. Ser vice. You rarely find all these qualities combined in one shoe. SHOES are neat and dressy. They fit perfectly and are ex tremely comfortable from the beginning ; . No better values are obtainable anywhere. Your dealer will supply you ? if not , write to us. Look for the Mayer Trade Mark on the sole. "We ako make Martha Wash ington Comlort Shoes , Special Merit School Shoes , Honorfcilt Shoes for Men. F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Company MILWAUKEE MS. I Ii i "Dean me , " Miss Mahala. who's de ; 0TveJl gemmen wet don" tuk yo' ou' "Dat gPIllHHMl ? IIc'S ( If OIll' Wll.'lt T ? ( Inanred lull IIH . Misrnli .Jomsfii- ! - Baltimore A IJKAl'TIKl'LVATCII KOP. I'M-K B"o those who shij us ? " worth of hides or jo those who liny nns or traps to tint amount. N. W. Hide & Fur To. . 3 What is said t , he tu.ijr.uist . td r.i : ' . ( Circuit in the world is thar 5 ' ! ' . \ -en I.-MU don uud Telicmn , : he r-ipiuil of l' vij. . ill js1,000 miirs Ions and is divitK-.J into Twelve sec * ions. mm St. Tltai * Ptnre tnri all Ti rvanr ! ) ! * * > Fm T 1'crznuncitttr Ciirctl ii ) Or Knot i'irmt J rr. K.ilorrr. Sn < l lor Free : 2 trUl luttlo .T ! tr t t UK. 11 , II. KLL.NC. Ld. V > 1 Arch Str c' , PtlUaelpbU. . * L ; Mix I nddttbted Ili ht. The poet Gray had written the lines : "Along the cool sequestered vale of life He kept the noiseless tenor of his way. " "I know , of course , " heaid , "as a mat ter of fact , that the idea of a 'noiseless tenor * is utterly preposterous , out I've gor to have something lo satisfy the re quirements of rhythm , and there is a smooth. llowimg quality about that , phrase that seems to give it the right jingltt. I think I'll let it stand. " Keilecting. besides , that the case was fnliy covered by his poetic license , he cheerfully tackled the next stanza. Merchants Visit Milwaukee. This is the season when merchant throughout the Northwest are turning p ' Milwaukee for their spring and summer stock. Milwaukee jobbers aud manu facturers have in turn prepared for th.- ' occasion. A visit to the metropolis < f Wisconsin will repay those who intend , to purchase their stock of spring goods { or place an order for machinery in air of the renowned factories. , Milwaukee jobbers deserve the patron ; age of the business men of this city. j They offer good goods aud as splendid : i display at right prices as can be found j anywhere. The absolute superiority of j the product of Milwaukee's mamifac- i tures is known throughout the world , i The reduction of the railroad fare to tw < > j cents a mile has brought Milwaukee j more closely in touch with merchant- * generally who may HOW travel at a mini- ' . nuim cost with maximum profit. Wlii'- ' in Milwaukee a visit to the rooms of tli" Milwaukee Association of Jobbers anil Manufacturers. 4. ) 19 University Build ing , will bring any information that i. needed. j Kefornmt ion. , "Geoffrey , " she said , nestling closer to ] him. "mamma thinks you're a bit wild 1 and boisterous. You're not. are you ? " I "Xo. love , " answered Geoffrey. "I u ed to be , but I'm not now. You can tell your mamma I quit playing the xylo phone long ago. " Only a Cold. "Only n cold. " 155 a common expres sion. And so the victim lets it .go on. day a ft or day. rod eyes , .swollen fea tures , lassitude , sleeplessness , loss of appetite , the irritating cough. Iu itself a cold may be simply un comfortable. In its results it is often fatal. Pneumonia , with its enormous fatality : consumption , with its deadly grip ; bronchitis , asthma , these and many ailments are often the direct re sult of a cold. The patient may have had many colds. They have resulted in nothing -erious. But when the system has be come weakened by those repeated at tacks , when the mucous membranes are in a chronic unhealthy condition , then it is these fatal maladies assert them selves. There is no greater mistake than to neglect a cold. At Its first appearance measures should be taken to relieve it. At this season of the year , when coughs and colds ure common. Perunu should be kept constantly in the house. At the first symptom this remedy should be taken. It will soothe the mucous mem branes , relieve the Irritation , aud the cold will gradually disappear. That I his has been the experience of many is proven by the hundreds of grateful" letters in our files. ? o ( So Yitnl. Domestic Thn idea o' yoir thinkin' I iva < ? listeiin' to what you an' Mr. Fergu- -on said when you an * him was wrauglin' ! I didn't h"sr the first word o' yotir talk ! Mistress I wouldn't have minded that -o Tnndi. Vomsa. P.ut didn't you hear : 'je words of it ? The Senate was nor in session Friday. The session of flu4 House was devoted al most entirely to consideration of the om nibus war claims bill , which was passed after considerable distru's"sion. It carriea a total appropriation of $ ol ,000. Mr. Macon of Arkansas in the course of the delate defended the Senate against what he said were aspersions cast upon that body b.Mr. . . Payne of Xew York , when he predicted that the Senate would load the bill down with a number of unmeritorious - rious claims. A number of private claims bills also were passed , and ihe House ad journed until Monday. _ * IX * Senator Aldrich. chairman of the com mittee on finance , opened the debate in the SeJiate on his bill to provide an emer gency currency. In the galleries was a large audience , among others .1. I'ierpont Morgan. Senator Forakor made reply to the President's statement concerning the use of the appointing power for political purposes and had letters read showing the President's altitude in one case. Sena tor Iepe\v ) defended the course of the Secretary of I he Treasury in depositing public funds in New York banks. The criminal code bill was again considered. A fiery speech by Mr. Leake of Xew Jer sey , in which he outlined his opposition toVilliam .1. Bryan as a candidate for the presidency , relieved somewhat the monotony of debate in the IIotis . His remarks wen- greeted with hisses from the Democratic- side of the House. The Indian appropriation bill was amended so that the commissioner of Indian af fairs , before he carries out the policy of abandoning nonreservation schools , shall investigate the question fully and report to the House. Another amendment re stored the appropriations for the Indian schools at Fort Lewis , Colo. : Carson City. X'ev. . and Mount Pleasant , Mich. Consideration of the Indian bill was uet concluded when the House adjourned. * Debate or. the Aldrich currency bill in the Senate Tuesday was followed with interest by many bankers in the galleries. The discussion was directed chiefl } ' to ward the provision for railroad bonds as a basis for emergency circulation , a wide difference of opinion being developed con cerning the method that should be adopt ed in determining the valuation to bt siven such bonds as well as opposition to the use of such security under any terms. The bill was finally read through and committee amendments incorporated , it being understood that the entire bill is to lie Mibject to amendment hereafter. Interest in the proceedings of the House attached to a criticism of the President by Mr. Tawney. chairman of the commit tee on appropriations , for having , as Mr Tawney charged , appoint the inland waterways commission without authority of lavThe debate was on the urgent deficiency bill and grew out of a Senate amendment to pay John II. Bankhcr.d , now Senator from Alabama , for his ser vices on the commission. The House refused to accept the amendment. In a vigorous speech Mr. Harrison of Xew York condemned Secretary of'State Root for his manner of handling the negotia tions with Russia regarding passports to Russian Jewish citixens of the Tinted States , while Mr. Lowdeii of Illinois de fended the Secretary. The Indian appro priation bill was amended in several im- [ ) ortani particulars. Another of the large supply measures , the legislative , execu tive and judicial appropriation bill , was reported. * * MV Senator Rayner of Maryland spoke al length in the Senate Wednesday on thi currency bill. The Senate devoted twc hours to considering the criminal code bill. The tariff question and the Presi dent's message were the principal themes of discussion in the House. In the course of the concluding debate on the Indian appropriation bill the proceedings were enlivened by Messrs. Hamill and Leake of Xew Jersey , both Democrats , discuss ing the virtues and faults of William J. 'iryan. Mr. Leake reasserted his charge Ihat Mr. Bryan did not represent the principles for which Democracy stood. The Senate Thuisday discussed the law r.overuing the reserves of national banks , that subject being brought up by Senator Rayner. The criminal code bill also wag a subject of discussion. Senator Clay and others securing the substitution f the old juw instead of the proposed revised sec tions , which will effectually prevent intox icating liquors being sent through the mails into "dry" States or counties. Gen eral debate on 'the legislative appropria tion bill was broughfto a close in the House. Several speeches were made on the issues of the day. the most notable being by Champ Clark of Missouri. Other speakers were Rainey. Illinois : Tirrell , Massachusetts : Gillett. Massachusetts , and Hammond. Indiana , all of whom dis cussed various phases of the tariff qnea- BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. Fire at Rochester. Pa. , caused a loss at SCM.OOO. Fire did ? 2. 0,000 damage in the busi- r.css section of Rome , X" . Y. Cyjygressman "Tim" Sullivan gave nway shoes to "i.OOO men in New York , his pet annual charity. The late Minister Edwin II. Conger's ollection of Chinese ware , bought at the sale of the loot from Pekin. is to be sold in Xew York. The London Tribune , a liberal morn- ng newspaper , founded two years ago , aas suspended publication. The House committee on claims has be- jun an investigation of the $178,000 sub- treasury robbery in Chicago. More than $ li. > 0,000 in the treasury of Xew York City , owing to former em- loyes , has not been called for. Tuo thousand Italian citixens held a uass meeting in Xew York to devise ncans to light the "black hand. " The Xew York health authorities ad- nit that there are at least fifty cases 9t ) ( ; ' ; ) ) ; bMug treated in Xew York. the Ivt ( t < t. : : iu > k. A rubric was sitting on th > > bunk of a - iv.uii wli.i the j > : irsi's : daughter ( - if that .va\ . Punch gives the con- \ . --'lion ' : " Veil. Mi.--s. I be Tail' "mazed wi * they j \-y < > ' that "ev fisherman , that I be ! " sab ! tinloafer. . "Why is that. Carver ? " asked the yor.Mg l.'idy. "The mvd fool has boon sittin' there fur t'.i" la r six hours ami hasn't caught iiotliiif. " "Ho-.v do you lnow that ? " "I been -\vitchiu' o' he the whole POLICE JUDGE WILLS. Will Glutlly Au.svrer the Question * of \ny Inquirer. It Is a generous ofl'er that Police Judge J. II. Wills , of Cloverport. Ivy. , makes to sufferers from backache , kid ney and olauuor ills. Judge Wills knows the value of Donfs Kidney Pills and will answer the questions of any sufferer who writes to him. The Judge says : "I lake pleasure iu recom mending Bonn's Kid ney Pills lo persons suffering from kidney disorders , back ache , eic. It is the best remedy I have ever known and I will gladly answer any questions about it. " Sold by all dealers. " ( ) cents a box. Voster-Milburu Co. , Buffalo , X. Y. Hard on Hie licit * . Primogeniture had engaged so much of a young American's hostile attention that his companion , who happened to ho the heir to an earldom , felt ctfii- strained to apologi/.e for it. "It has its advantages. " he said , mil.l'.y ; "It makes but one fool in a family , you know. "All my younger brothers 'amount' to something , as you Americans put it. " he further explained. "One of them Is in the army , another in the navy , and the third lives and works in the. East Kn-.l of London. " BABY TCHTUPvED BY ITCHING. Covered Knee and Keel "Would rrjl.'iilil Tired Oil Speedy Tare by Cuiieura. "My baby was about nine months old when she had rash ou her face and feet. I lor feet seemed , to irritate her most , especially nights. They would her to be broken in her rest , and sometimes she would cry until she \\as tired out. 1 had heard of so many cures by the Cuticura Remedies t.hat 1 thought I would give them a trial. The improvement was noticeable in a few hours , and before 1 had used one box or' the Cuticura Ointment her feet were well and have never troubled her since. I also used it to remove what is known as 'cradle cap' from her head , and it worked like a charm , as it cleansed and healed the soulp at the same time. Mrs. Haltie Currier , Thomaston , Me. . June i . 1JKXJ. " Still llMitler of J2U Knle. When Learoyd. in the natural ups and downs of a literary career , went Into a cheap--very cheap -Xew York restaurant for dinner , and found Davol in a waiter's apron , he was ama/ed Davol. the cleverest fellow iu the class ! "You don't mean. " stammered Lea royd. "that you have come down to thisV" "Come down' : " repeated Davol. "I don't dine here. Loroyd. I merely wait. " Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury , is iijoreury will nrely destroy the sense of f smell : ind completely derange the whole sys tein vhen entering it through the mucous snrfa'Ts. Such article- ; should never l > e txe-1 except on prescriptions from reputable [' 5 is , as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hull's Catarrh Cure , manufac tured by K .1. Cheney & Co. . Toledo , 0. , con tains no mercury , and is taken internally , uc-tiag directly upon the hlood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure he sure you get the genuine. It is faJcert internally nnd made In Toledo , Oi in , ! > y F. .1. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. free.Sold Sold by Druggists. Price. T.'c. per bottle Take Hall's Family for constipation. E-iceiitluu. Dissatisfied Artit I don't like the < rny you have hung my painting. Member of CommitteeXeither do I. Vit I was outvoted. My judgment was : hat it ought to be hanged. Digestive difiiculties ? Headache ? Sal low complexion. The remedy is simple. . Garlield Tea , the Herb laxative. Write i for samples. Garfield Tea Co. . Brook ! lyii. X. Y. i XOH Hilk ° r There's one thing I forgot to j ask you about Bilker. What's his religion - | ion ? l Spilker It isn't. AVHAT CAUSKS II13 A DA CUE. From Uctolterto Mav. Colds are the most frr quoineauseof Headache. LAXATIVE BROMi QUIXINKrernovescause.E.NV.Grovconboxl-'ot. ' ii i i If all the tenement dwellers m the low er east side of Xew York City should be in the streets surrounding their homes at one time they would be so crowded as hardlv to be able to move. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Child ren teething , softens the gums , reduces in flammation , allays pain , cures \vind colic. 23c a bottle. A railroad in Xlgeria. Africa , will be constructed by the British colonial gov ernment to develop the resourceof the country , and .n particular to stimulate Ihe cotton i-r swing industry. The ron ! will lit about -Kn > miles Inn- . Wo Sell GUIIK un l Traps ClitiJtp , Buy Furs & Hides , or tan them for robes & rugs. X W. Hide & . Fur Co. . Minneapolis j S. C. IV. r. - - No. Q Ss Onty Gn& USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLD Iff ONE DA7. Always remember the full name. Look j \ m for this signature on every box. 25c. fJ l"i I < * Allen. "I ised to think , " averre-I Uncle Al- leu Sparks , "that it took all kinds of peopl" to make a world , but I sometimes think nowadays that the worM would be just as complet" without the man \vho-e liver is always out of order and who al- wav.s wants vou to know it. " Oiiloii.i. On In MI , Onions. 600 bu. of Salzer's Hod Globe Onion per acre at SOc a bu. brings $480.00. That i pays. j S'.KO.OO from 3 acres Salzer's Mornin- : , Star Cucumber is well worth taking ! along. (140 ( bu. Salzer's 12 Fodder Earliest and Picst I'ea sold in the green state at § ! . . " ( ) a bu. makes $9t > 0.00 per acre. Such _ yields Salzer's pedigree vegetables stand for. ; For. 12c { ! and this notice the John A. Sal/.er Sed Co. . La Crosse. Wis. . in order to gain 2. 0.0 < )0 ) new customers during 1HS ! , will mail you free their great plant and seed catalog , together with 1 pkg. "Quick Quick" Carrot $ .10 1 pkg. L'arliost Hipp Cabbage 10 1 pkg. Harliest Emerald Cucumber. . ! . " > 1 pkg. La Crosse Market Lettuce. . . ! . " 1 pkg. Karly Dinner Onion 1O 1 pkg. Strawberrv Muskmelon l. 1 pkg. Thirteen Day Radish 10 l.OOO kernels gloriously beautiful flower seed 1. Total SUM ! Above is sufficient seed to grow . ' { . " > bu. of rarest vegetables and thousands of brilliant flowers , and all is mailed to you POSTPAID FOB 12C , or if you send lu'c , we will add a pack age of Berliner Earliest Cnulifiou- John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse , Wis. C. X. U. "Sot I'l-onerl ) Oescrlptlve. "At what hour do you wish the mar riage solemnized" : " asked the clergyman. "Eight o'clock to-morrow evening. " said the caller , twirling his hat in an embar- r : sed way. "but there ain't no need o being so awfully solemn about it , you u-uow. I'm the clown aud she's the lady ; irelack rider. " Illustration Shotvlnfc Mixed Fanning Scene be- Some of the choicest lands for jrraln stock raisins : and mixed farminc In the new dis tricts of Saskatchewan and Alberta have r cently been Opened for Settlement under th - Revised homestead Regulations Entry may now be made by proxy ( on certain- conditions ) , by the father , mother , son.dnnchtor , brother or Bister of an Intcndinjr homesteade * . Thousands of homesteads of 1GO acres each ar * thus now easily obtainable in theae creat erafc > Crowing , stock-raising : and mixed farming see t/9ns. There yon Trill find healthful climate. oo4 neighbors , churches for family worship , school * for your children , eood laws , splendid crops , and railroads convenient to market. Entry fee In each case Is'SlO.OO. For pamphlet , "Last Best West. " particulars as to rates , routes , best time to go and where to locate , apply tone noS atertown , So. Dakota Authorized Gorerap ment Agents. Please aj- where joa sair thU adrcrtliuimanfc. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN , A Certain On re for J'ever 1 who e o > . Constipation , Heqidfichc , Stomacii Troubles , Teelblc ; ; niworders , and De tr jr Mother Gray. Wormn. Thuy IIroa.1 : np Coldo. Nurse in Child in34 hours. At nil Bragrfrt * . 25ct _ ren's Home , Samplu mailed I-'RKK Address , How York City. A. S. OLMSTED. Lc Roy. N Y. M'S PURE , SEED _ seed U tested and -warranted to bo T.reliable. . Write - -T. for onr new Catalogue. It's FREK. J. J. H. GUOOIT & Soa. MARBUHEM. Mm. IFF , YES ? WETAND DAMP CAUSE COLD IN THE JOINTS TAKES OUT THE PAIN AT ONCE.REMOVESTHE STIFF NESS. PREVENTS ITS RETURN , TOO. FINE FOR BRUISES , SPRAINS AND SORENESS. Price 2sc and 500. GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR-THE GENUINE St. - - AH GASOARETS Candy Cathartic are always put up In blue metal box , our trade-marked , long-tailed O on the cover tablet octagonal , stamped O C O. Never sold in bulk. All druggists , lOc , 25c , SOc. Sample and booklet free. Address STERLING- REMEDY CO. Chicago , or New York. ffiO C.A.T1-I-PLKLTIC SKOSS AT ALL PRICES , FOR EVERY OFTHEFAMILY , MEN , SOYS , WOMEN , MISSES AND CHILDREN W L. Bourtlas makes and sells moro men's $2. SO , $3.DO and $3.BO shoes thsn ajiy other manufacturer tn the Kfoi'/cf , Esarsauso they hold SFicfr chape , fit better , west * fangcr , end Color fasf are of wcsicr value than any ollisi1 Kytlets sfivuz : in She world to-day. W. L. Douglas $4 and 35 3'li Edge Shoes Cannot Be Ensiled At Any Price iXJ ' \ i"T7OV. V. ' . 1 IVnizlasnamo nnl prip " = t " ed on bottom. T"sikrX"r > Stili tUt tt > . fiol'l ' 1-v tlio t. > .t - M > rli'iUcr * ovi jywhere , fcuoea USA .o-l tnvn fT-tory to mv pa't < , ' . tlworl'J. . lllus- Catalog IrcC to auv address. W. J. . . iJOLGJ i , 2rucK ui : , Cctcr ; more conds briqhfcr and faster ronr fbariy ch ! : rdvr. Ont lO PBcf.aee colors ollfibcrs. uay . jc.-xea ! tvilboul rpiac apart. ftrc ! icr icc aciili ) fcow is Dye.i5ech ! and iltx. Calcra.