Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 13, 1908, Image 5

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    i . j
; We know it's warm and ,
you know it's warm
we want to sell our
We Meet Any Price. |
Call on us sure. S
T. C. Hornby. 3
SS add
Prices are what
we are talking
Our stock is complete.
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by clieck was devised
by all men for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out § 10 or § 10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
33SH233C33 ©
5iJ 5
' I f
The Inexpensiveness
of Good Taste
In Writing Papers.
Of a woman's belongings ,
which fulfill all the require
ments of good taste , nothing
can be bought at so little ad
vance in price as fine sta
Highland Linen
sells at a price that is but a
few cents a box more than
the every day sort of writing
paper , and yet is used by
the most fastidious of women
writers. The paper is made
in many beautiful and stylish
shapes. We should like to
show it to you. Trice
40 cents a box.
More Local.
Try Kazda's barber shop , tf
Cured skinned hams at Baumann
& Bachelor's Meat Market. 5
I Howard Lay port returned Fri
day from Omaha where he had
been doctoring for trouble with
his nose.
Guy Stabler , an Omaha Indian
of Walt Hill , has been up here
' visiting and bought a team at the
Powers' sale.
j Frank Fischer's popular Hudson
< nnt and lump coal now sells for
§ 7.(50 ( per ton. Asmall load will
1 convince you of its good qualifcies.2
Dr. Meehan , osteopath , will be
at the Valentine House from
Monday morning until Saturday ,
evening each week. Consultation
free. 50
The Hudson nut and lump coal
for sale by Frank Fischer is now
reduced to § 7.60 per ton. Its su
perior qualities will be shown by a
trial load. 2
The Crookston Bell Literary
Society will give a mock trial at
Prairie Bell school house Friday
evening , Feb. 21. Everybody in
vited. Program at 8:00 sharp.
The American Stock Co. , which
played here three nights this week
had good audiences each night.
They have some clever actors and
seem well suite.d to their parts.
Mrs. Moon's brother , Mr. Fen-
ner , came out from Chicago last
week. Saturday , accompanied by
his father who has been here visit-
ng for some time , he returned to
his home.
Sheriff Kosseter went up to
Cody last week and brought old
lady Gartsides down who is being
taken care of at the Chicago House
pending an investigation of her
mental faculties.
All kinds of pickle.s at Baumann
& Bachelor's Meat Market. 5
P. F. Simons has purchased the
Sparks store of Albert Haley and
will take poesession as soon as
they can invoice the stock. "Mr.
Simons has sold his dray business
and teams to Frank Randall.
Will be in Valentine Tuesday ,
the 25th , Barnes , the eye-sight
specialist of Omaha , at the Valen
tine House. Will be glad to see
everyone Tuesday , the 25th , un
less the weather is very bad. 5-2
The invalid wife of Joe Hemmer -
mer , the miller , died last Friday
at their home in the west part of
town. Funeral services were held
Sunday and interment made in
Mt. Hope cemetery. Mrs. Hemmer -
mer had been an invalid for a
number of years.
John Britt is going to sell out
and go back to Iowa. He has
listed his stock , farming imple
ments and other belongings in a
big sale advertisement in this pa
per and set the date for Tuesday ,
Feb. IS. , when he offers every
thing at public auction. See his
big sale advertisement elsewhere
in this paper for particulars.
The late Dr. Wm. B. Fletcher
of Indianapolis , Ind. , a physician
of great renown , said : "I regard
beer as a food on account of the
starchy and saccharine constituents
held in soluble form , rendering
them easy of digestion and assimi-
i lation. " The peer of fine beers in
i the United States today is Storz
, Blue Ribbon Beer , there is no bettor -
| tor brewed. Itf
David Stinard and family are
soon to leave Valentine , going
first to Omaha and then to
the southwest , stopping off at
any points of interest to them
where they may want to look at
the country and will probably stay
for awhile at El Paso , Tex. If
that place does not suit them they
will go westward toward the coast.
We are sorry to lose Mr. Stinard
and his estimable family but hope
they will find a location where
they can enjoy health and pros
perity. The family leaves friends
here who will be glad to hear from
All lovers of checkeis are invit
ed and called to meet in Valentine
Friday and Saturday , Feb. 28-29 ,
to play checkers and organize a
Cherry county checker players4
tournament. Headquarters at the
Chicago House.
We4 the undersigned are con
templating herding the town cows
the coming season and solicit your
patronage. Prices for two or more
cows 75 cents each per month.
First two weeks free.
J. C. Herman was in town yes
terday getting his new feed grind
er and corn shelter which will be
run by water power on the Ash-
burn farm the down river.
Mr. Herman went west last night
to Hartville , Wyo. , to look at a
bunch of sheep.
An effort will be made to per
fect an organization , of the anti-
siloon league for Cherry county
at the M. E. church Feb. 21. All
persons interested in the cause of
temperance are requested to be
present. Rev. Cams will deliver
an address in the evening. The
first meeting will be held at 2:30 :
p. m. C. E. COXNELL.
Emerson Powers had a good
sale last Saturday and , though
there were bargains for everyone
who bought , Mr. Powers was well
pleased with the result of his sale
as a whole and glad to realize as
much as he did , since he had de
cided to sell out preparatory to
moving to the Black Hills , and his
stock were not in condition to sell
to the best advantage.
Harvey Johnson came up from
Lied Deer lake last week and told
us of C. D. Case's little i year old
joy getting lost just before the
snowstorm Tuesday night and was
round by his mother at dark near
Lied Deer lake , having wandered
up there with two dogs , playing
along and would have perished in
the blinding storm which came on
a few minutes later had he not
jeen found. Mr. Case writes us
this morning that his wife had
been away from home Tuesday
afternoon and upon her return
found grandpa and grandma out
searching for the boy. Mrs. Case
started on horseback and hurried
jither and thither over sand hills
and through valleys , finally almost
despairing gave the alarm to
neighbors who phoned throughout
the country and soon bands of
searchers were hurrying from
miles around but Mrs. Case kept
lurrying on and just before the
storm found the lost boy on the
shore of Red Deer lake , a mile and
a half from home. Mr. case is
very thankful to friends for their
ready response and none the less
jecause Mrs. Case succeeded in
finding the boy before they ar
Paul Voelker gave his lecture
last Saturday night in the opera
house. It was the last of the lec
ture course series , some of which
were very good , but some thought
the first were the best , in fact all
were better than some delivered
here two and three years ago when
it seemed that most anything went
that could talk a little bit and keep
busy for an hour or two. There
are too many of these fellows who
learn a lot of stale jokes and
thread-bare stories that have been
told over and over for the past 20
years. Some backwoods or fron
tier audiences may laugh at them
as though they were new and per
haps a few in'our audiences hadn't
heard some of the old shelf-worn
stories or had the good nature to
laugh again in hearing a new man
tell it. If a man knew but a fif
teen minute speech and that was
entirely new and original it would .
be better to quit than spend an I
hour and three-quarters more re
peating old gags and parts of some
other person's speech , it U not
so much quantity as quality that
makes a speech worth listening to.
Mr. McClary's lecture was ex
ceptionally good and we don't ex
pect albto be his equal and were
fortunate in getting him in the
lecture course. Mr. Voelker was
also very good.
W. A. Kortz visited his sister
several days this week.
We handle all kinds of veget-
ables. Baumann & Bachelor. 5
Harry Neil is back from his vis
it east and prefers this climate.
Lard lOc a pound at Baumann
& Bachelor's Meat Market. 5
M.W.A. Sheet and Pillow Case
dance at Honey's hall Woodlake.
Friday , Feb. 21. Supper served
by the Royal Neighbors. Every
body invited.
Ham McCrea and wife were
called to Meadville Sunday , Feb.
2 , to attend the funeral of their
niece , Miss Eve Huddle , daughter
of Mr. McCrea's sister.
Frank Randall fell out of his
wagon head first last week and
caught himself on one hand , sav
ing his head but had to carry his
hand in a sling several days.
We the undersigned are expect
ing to take care of the town herd
of cows this season. We will have
good herd bulls and will take good
care of your cows.
St. Nicholas Cliuvcli.
Services will be held as follows :
In Valentine , Feb. 1(5 ; high mass
and sermon at L0:30. : lustru
for the children at 3 p m.
In Arabia Feb. 23.
LEO M. BT-AKUE , Rector ,
Author of One of the Most Successful
Fairy Stories of the Year.
Mrs. Isabel M. Johnston hns two lit
tle daughters who are responsible * for
the existence of that delightful vol
ume. "The Jeweled Toad. " The little
girls are extremely fond of stories ,
insisting on _ _ the "made up" kind
in preference to the "printed book' '
kind. Mrs. Johnston , who before her
marriage was a successful writer ot
newspaper and magazine stories and
articles , noticed that one particular
tale was the favorite and. in accord
ance with the children's demands for
"more about the toad. " enlarged and
embellished the original narrative un
til it occurred to her that other chil
dren might enjoy it as much as her
own. She wrote out the story and
submitted it to several publishers , one
of them finally accepting it. The
book has been handsomely illustrated
by Mr. Denslow and proves her little
Sjirls' faith to be well founded , for It
Las been an immediate success , one
of the best sellers of the holiday sea-
sou. The story is to be dramatized ,
and "The Jeweled Toad" will then
likely flnd thousands of other admir
ers. Mrs. Johnston was Miss Isabel
McElhcney. a Fittsburg girl , her people
ple belonging to the virile old Scotch-
Irish stock. Her family has been not
ed for its talent and philanthropy.
Her uncle , the late Major "Watson ,
was one of the foremost lawyers of
Pennsylvania , and another uncle. Sam-
uel Watson , presented to the city of
Allegheny a magnificent gift in the
shape of a public park. The John
stons have a pretty stimuli ? : ' home at
Stony Brook. N. Y. Until recently
they lived in Evnnston. vrhere Mrs.
Johnston was interoFto.l ii charitable
work. She organized a club for the
purpose of teaching domestic science
to v.-orking girls and vns a-live in
the forming of a nature study class
among women of leisure. She is her
self an accomplished naturalist. Her
collection of natural insects , seaweeds
and sh'ells is said to be one of the best
private Uisnhrys in the country.
Successor to
Valentine , Nebraska.
Has just received a complete line
of the latest styles and best
quality shoes for ladies , misses , b i t
children , men and boys. bI
Our "Buffalo Calf1 work slioes for i *
men and boys cannot b e
equaled for quality and price. j :
In dress shoes we have both 5
plain and snappy styles.
Our "Hard Knocker , ' ' the best on
earth , is a line of school shoes
that will please and satisfy
you in style , quality , comfort
and price.
New goods in all our lines are now
constantly arriving , and you
are invited to call and inspect
the quality and become ac
quainted with prices.
Sioux . February IS . . .September 8
Sheridan . March 3 . .November 9
Cherry . March 1 fi .September 21
Holt . March 23 . . December 14
Boyd . April 6 .November 2'5
Brown . April 20 .September 21
Rock . April 27 .September 28
Keya Paha . May 11 September 14
Box Butte . May 18 . . . December 7
Da'wes , . June 1 . . November 16
M. JK. Chnrch Koto * .
Regular services next Sabbath.
Morning subject , "The True
Bread" ; evening , "Is the Young
Man Absalom Safe ? " All are
cordially invited.
Dr. Cams has made a thorough
study of the economic and moral ,
as well as social questions of the
day and is able to prove hn as
sertions by fact and figures. Don't
miss hearing him.
Rev. J. R. Gett.vs , D. 1) . , field
secretary \Yesleyan University ,
will preach in the church Sunday.
Feb. 23. Everybody come and
hearliim , especially every paren
who is interested in the education
of their children. The young people
ple are also especially invited who
may be planning an advanced edu
A public meeting will be held
in the church Friday evening ,
Feb. 21 , in the interest of the fu
ture welfare of Valentine. Rev.
J. B. Cams , D. D. , state supt. of
the anti-saloon league of Nebraska ,
is expected to be present and make
the address of the evening. Dr.
Cams is a regular cyclone in him
self. Let everybody turn out and
hear him , no matter what your
views may be. Meeting begins at
7:30. : Dr. Cams will speak at 8.
To the Members and Friendof
the M. E. Church :
The revival meeting which were
in progress for several weeks have
closed , and we are endeavoring to
get settled again in our regular
work. The attendance lat Sab
bath , both morning and evening ,
were very gratifying to me as
pastor of the church and the ser
vice inspiring and encouraging ,
yet it was not ivnat it might have
b > en had all the. membership of
the church been present , as shnu'd
have been the case , except for the
few sick and unable to come.
Friends , \vill you not endeavor to
encourage those who are * earnestly
trying to keep up the work of the
master in this place , and aist
'what you may in the saving of
souls , both by your presence and
prayers. May I not once more
entreat you to assist us in this
work of the Lord.
Faithfully your pastor ,
We take special orders any time
for special meats. Batimaun & ,
Bachelor's Meat Market. 5
Of Harm's Beer is
absolutely pure. You
take no chances when
you drink Hamrn's.
We guarantee Hamm's
under the National Pure
Food Law and also under
ihe Food Laws of all the
The Preferred Stock is the
most delicious Beer ever
brewed. It is the ideal
Beer for all occasions. Call
for it.
. I ; IMWSOV Mi ITO i ! i > u
'Irinch. The lam n