Dellclonn Sapper . For Swiss eggs , a delicious supper fllsb , spread the bottom of a baking dish with two ounces of butter. Cov er this with thin slices of American cteese. Place four eggs over the cheese , taking care that the yolks are not broken. Season with popper and aalt , pour around the eggs two tablespoonfuls - spoonfuls of rich cream and cover the top with grated cheese. Bake it for ten minutes , garnish with parsley and serve with fingers of dried toast. New 3Tork Tribune. Unavoidable Delay. "You can prove an alibi on this charge , can't you : " asked his lawyer. " ' * ' "l'nit "Yes'r ; said the captured crook ; we'll have to wait a Aveek or two.The fellies I'm goin' to prove it by ain't out o' jail yit. " Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. I'revalency of Kidney Disease , Most people do not realize the alarm ing increase and remarkable prevalency of kidney disease. While kidney dis- sorders are the most common diseases that pre vail , they are almost _ the last recognized by p.itient and phy sicians , who con tent themselves tcitJi doctoring ilic effects , while the orig inal di&iUiC undermines the system. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed , that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root , the great kidrey remedy , fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism , pain in the back , kidneys , liver , bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold v.atcr and scalding pain in passing it , or bad effects following use of liquor , wine or beer , and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day , and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realircd. It stands the highcht for -wonderful cures ofthe most dis tressing coses. If yon nc'ed a medicine 3-011 should have the best. , Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may" have a sample bottle and a book that tells all haiuton , N. Y. "When writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake , but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root , aid the address , Biiigharntou , N. Y. Germany sends 20,00) ) 1,000 feathers per year to England for millinery purposes. Merchants Visit Milwaukee * . This is the season when nierrlian'5- tliroHiiliout the Northwest are turuini : f Milwaukee f r their spring and "umTm-r stock. Milwaukee jobber * ? and main faeturor * have in turn prepared for t ! * occasion. A visit to the metropolis o' Wisconsin will repay the < = e who intend to purchase their stock of spring pond er place an order for machinery in an- of the renowned factories. Milwaukee jobbers deserve the pa iron- ase of the business men of tlih citv They offer good poods and as splond.d ; > display at rijrht prjccs as can be four. ] anywhere. The ab-oluto superiorly I the product of Milwaukee's manufac tures is known throughout the woild The reduction of the railroad faro to tv.- cents a mile has brought Milwaukee more closely m touch with merchant generally who may now travel at a mini mum cost with maximum profit. Wliih- in Milwaukee a visit to the rooms of tlx- Milwaukee Association of Jobbers and Manufacturers , 4.4D University P.uild- ing , will bring any information that is ne-eded. Punctuation marks were first used in 1490. ) vru Zir * & Cteanses the System Effect- uaUyJLnspols ; Lolas anaueaa- } J lr P v y anhes duo to IjonstipoTiou ; Acts naturally , acts truly as a Laxative. Best'foriVlenWomGn ana Guli \Jr i HI \ i en-young ana Ulci. _ Lo got its jjenpficialilrfects Always DUV the oenuine wncli has iiie lull name qHlie Com pany JIGSTRUP Co.t by hem il s manufacturedprinted on the jronl of evei-y parka e. j SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS , $ one itze only , regular price 5Kper ( Lome. M\ile Team All dcalrrSamilo. . E.x.Uet ami Parlor Care Game. lc. . P.ICI * . . . l > ast B > raCo. . . Cluc.i.o. I ' fsorthwestern Harness CQ. Khtabliiiifd l sG. 20 years sijuare dealing. 312-314 Pearl St. , Sioux City , iowa Order direct from our F ictory and save for jour-elf al' lobliors'and toilers' bl ' i > refit > . i iiil fr > rcutu ! ( gNo 51 J st as good as sells for 535.00 cra art the kind you can depend - pend on. Qxtaloeae FKKK J. J. H. GZEGCRT i ESN , MAB0U3EAD. MASS f * f"f f § $ * 'f''f/8'f' f l 4 * > i of Great Papers on Important Subjects. faftfat ttsc al * FORESTS KILLED BY TAXES. aiLLIAM II. JKNNINGS. if Wilkesbarre. Pa. , tell.s how h < > has l. . > ' ) < > acres of wood- 1 land covered v.-ith trees of good size , but not yet mature. They have been growing thirty years , but should stand ten years longer for their be t development. The as- - . However , figures up what he consid ers the present market value of the wood , and by his return places Mr. Jennings under obligation to pay the full tax on those trees , though he h.i * no revenue from them whatever . Next vou' : n" must again pay on their market value. regardless of the fact that ho can market them but once. This is a familiar story : It is clear that those trees will be taxed off the of the earth. It will not pay the owner to keep them until mature if ho must pay on their market value every year for trn year * . Those ] .r > 00 acres will , therefore , bo changed , sooner or later. from a beautiful piece of woods to a wilderness of stumps and brush. Outside of the city line tracts of largo tree ; ; are very Infrequent. Whore forests exist at all they are nearly always of young second growth timber. The tax as sessor geN in his deadly work , lie is a worse foe of trrvs than the insect which prey upon and the tires which consume them. lie is not KO much to blame a the law back of him that allows trees to be taxed when standing I'lMoad of deferring ihe tax until the tree > are cut and made a marketable product. Philadelphia Pre ? SAM AHSHE PACIFIC 1IK circumstance is not always realized that n'o l of the great 11 'tions of the world h.ivo important frautnges on tin * Pacific Ocean. The United States , both ui it elf and in it > outlying pc o ion- , has a far more ex- frcntrw on the Pa"iic ! than on me Auami. ' ami me giiii , aiu us interests arc far more \videly distributed on til.1 Pacific. The same may be said of the Brui-h Empire. 'Aliich fronts upon the Pacific with its cwo grcMt dominions of Can ada and New Zealand , its eoiuuioiiwslth of Australia and innumerable other pos ? . ; ; > ns France lu { | an im- .porlant Pacific frontage in and a number of island ? . Germany Irjs ani iiiHiJar cipire : of consider able extent nw iKsibilhit1 * . while that of Holland i- enorirous in extent and wealth and forms , by the way. one of the strongest grounds r'or Germany's desire for the incorporation of the Nc I norlands into the Teutonic empire. ilus-ua's Pacific f'vntr.g ? , despite its recent re duction. is still extensive trid important , especially because - cause of its connection \\it'.i I ropp by railroad. Japan SpOQQGOOOOQOOCCOOCCJaCCQCQO DISCI PlLMlUG THE 3AB7. § In writing of "The ioal : Mal..v. " Sir F. A. Swetienliaui tells how ho s.iw a. babj elephant disciplined on the msivii. There were nineteen elephants in the caruvin. Of these , some were too young to carry burdens , and others , full grown , looked after the youngsters. The hero of this story was about a year old. We wore traveling over a jungle track , which necessitated walking in singie file. Ar ; we neared tbo foot of the hlope loading into the Porak Val ley. Malacca , we came to a gigantic forest tree \vhich had fallen right across the path. Exactly in the path a great slice of the tree had boon sawed out and thrown to one side , so that coolies car rying loads might pass without having to get over the obstruction. All the elephants wont a little way along the tree , to where the diameter was smaller , scrambled over. and then wait"d in a bunch on the oilier sido. We asked the reas > n. and the drivers said that they wore waiting for the baby , which had last been wx n. higher ii ] ) the hillside , chasing a Chinese coolie. \Ve tried to persuade the drivers to o on , but either they could not Gi ft ould not. They said the elephants wanted to see the baby past the difli- -tilty. Suddenly there was a noise of scat tering leaves and rolling stones , and the baby ambled down the stoop de clines at a really ha/ardotirf pace , made straight for the cleft in the tree , dash- ? d headlong into it , and there stuck fast. lie squealed lustily. lii.s mother Lhumpod her trunk on llu > gr < ntud. .rumpoted in a very high-pitched voice , ! iud moved about in o uiii'j'.sy a way that she nearly threw her pisdei ers iff her back. The baby was caught very fairly by ! iis ribs. lie seemed to tit the : ir. < - ture exactly , his head out in Iront. his Lail behind , and his body hold sis in a rise. We were very curious to ioe ivhatvoulu happen , and had uol hng to wait. The "nurse' ' elephant went to the tree and clambered over it wliore se iiad passed before. Then slio slowly ivalked to the path , looking sit the iu- irisonod culprit as sac p : him. ho took a couple of steps up the Kith , and then , lowering her lul. . ran : it the baby. snote him behind with lier forehead , and sent him about ten feet down the path on the oilier s'.ile 3f his house of detention. The ungrateful little benst never ? von looked round but. with the im petus given him. started rll on a quest L'or now opportunities for mischief. The "nurse" rejoined the party with what seemed to me a curious twinkle In her eye. as if she had administered Chastisement while apparently only dis- and China are purely Pacific powers. Nor must we for get the other American States which look out upon that ocean Mexico , the Central American States , Panama , Colombia , Ecuador. Peru and Chile. It would be idle and perhaps mischievous to speculate upon the possibilities of any one nation's securing actual dominance upon that ocean. Spain once tried to make it a Spanish lake , but England defeated her pretensions. Russia tried to establish a monopoly of the northern part of it , but was forced by the United States to recede from her extravagant claims. There is no more ground for the primacy of any one power there than there is on the Atlantic. But it Is quite obvious that the United States has certain natural and acquired advantages which bespeak for it an interest and an influence in the Pacific second to no other nation. It has a more extended coast line on the Pacific than any other coun try , and it is or will be the owner and custodian of the gateway connecting the Pacific ivith the Atlantic. In view of these facts and their significance , there can be no rational thought of any step which would impair our standing or handicap our activities on that ocean. New York Tribune. 3E QUIET AND BE GOOD. cult to point out any region on this earth where the con ditions for the success of the experiment about to be made ha\e hitherto been less promising. The pacific and purely diplomatic intervention of this government and of Mexico was fully justified by the condition to which Central America , blessed with an abundance of natural wealth , had been brought b.y in cessant strife. The intervention has received further justifu'ation by the outcome of the Central American peace conference. Philadelphia Record. UNMUZZLED COLLEGES. Li ' 'sterErcai rs HE growing tendency of men of wealth to impose restrictions upon colleges and uni versities which they aid cannot be resisted and rebuked too strongly. Liberty of thought and freedom of tuition are essen tial to true education. Swarthniore does a real intercollegiate duty in sending forth the mcs a p that freedom is not for sale. Philadelphia North American. v-r in : her duties iu ( he most ortho dox fashion. PLOSEIICI ] SIGHTHTGALE. - Florrn-c Nightingale , who has been d.orakHl by K'n- Edward of England wi.i ! , the Order of Merit , is the tirst wenian to receive the distinction and is ivnowned as a philanthropist. She has won fame for hospital work and or ganized a society for nursing wounded soldiers dur'ug ' the Crimean'war. serv ing in the h'rld amid great perils and privations. In rc-eut years > he has de voted .f Ctt.GCO to the founding of a home for ihe trainimr of muses. Miss Xiir'itiniralis horn in Florence. J 1 OKI.M h. . MOlll J\0 VI L. Italy , on M.iy 12. 1S2 ( ) . She has pub lished works on nursing and on sani tary conditions in the army. One of her hooks , issued in 1S7-1 , "Life or Death in India. " attracted wide atten tion. P.ut nineteen men who have achieved distinction have been honored with tlie Order of Merit. * .vrt you there ? " "Yes. " "Who are you , please ? " "Watt. " "What is your name , please ? ' ' ' ' ' "Watt's my name. "Yes ; what is your name ? " " ! - ; . : y name is Watt. " vii , f U. I'm coming to see you. " "AH right. Are you Jones ? " "No ; I'm F > ott. " "Who are you then , please ? " "I'm Knott. " "Will ' you tell me your name. "U'lii Knott. " "Why wuift you ? " "I suy my name is William Knott. " "Oh. I beg your pardon. " YlM'ii you-will 1)0 in if 1 come round , W.ittV" Certainly. Knott. ' ' Then they were cut off by the ex- chang" . and Knott wants to know if Wutt will be in or not. Tattler. X application on a small scale is to be made in Central America of a principle with which the greater powers have merely dal lied ; the little world between the south ern boundary of Mexico and the American isthmus Is to be put under a regime of in ternational arbitration , ft would be difii- 1VIAD3 PAIEB FOB "BESS. PAT. " Ir ss AjroufM I zii t e Sc-hfinc for Iii- tei-e.stiisjr X w York ii ills S < : r. One of the most successful press agents at present making theatrical near-history is Toxen Worm , better known in the "profession" as Tanbark Worm , says the American Magazine. He is the man who made Mrs. Campbell famous. She was playing her first en gagement in New York at the theater now known as the P.elasco when Mr. Worm became her pres * agent. Know ing the eccentric irritability of his star , he conceived the idea of spreading tanbark - bark along 42d street in front of the theater to deaden the noises which , he let it be known , jarred upon the sensi tive nerves of the actress almost be yond endurance. .Some city department granted the authority , and the tanbark was spread. The story was printed far and wide , exciting laughter , comment , derision. Finally the talk resulted in a rebuke from officials higher up to the depart- ' merit which had granted the authority to spread the bark. The tanbark was ' removed. That meant more stories , more talk. Mrs. Patrick Campbell he- mine famous , even among those people who probably to this day have never 'seen her act. She became the center nf newspaper attention wherever she went. The doings of her toy dog , Pinky-panky-poo , were chronicled I , pic- i tnred. caricatured always with Mr. 1 Worm's invaluable assistance till the .log al < = o became a public character. One afternoon in Boston Mrs. Campbell , cominir on the stage before the matinee , observed Nick Loretz , her stage carpen ter , with whom she was not on the most mniable terms , peeping out at the audi ence. "It's a splendid house , isn't it ? " said she sweetly. "I suppose you think the crowd is due io the nice weather ? " "Xo , " said Nick , "and it ain't due to you. neither. "It's all a case of tanbark - bark and dog ! " Itroken none * . Nowadays a broken bone is not al ways put up directly into a splint and Icept immovable tmtil it had healed. Many fractures i. e. . bone breaks have damaged or involved joints , and in the case of the elbow , wrist and ankle there would soon be an incurable stiffness if the splints were kept on until the .bones were quite united again. So that , if the case he suitable , the sur geon nowadays removes the splints and. having bathed the limb , gently rubs and moves the joint for a minute or two. Union of the bone and the use of the limb are in that way hastened at the same time. llix Conceit. "Yon say she is trying to discourage your suit ? " "Yes. " "In what way ? " "She told her clr i in my hearing that she would never marry one of these handsome , brainy men. " Ilaus- tou Post. IIQTJOK UNDER BAff. th Eighty Cities of the United Stat Prohibition Now Rules. T'nder the strong tide of prohibition , ivhicli has so impressively demonstrat ed its power in Southern States , the "dry" area in America has been dou- ( > led in the last twelve months. Eighty fities in seventeen States are now en forcing prohibition laws on their 2- 200,000 inhabitants , and of these eighty municipalities , thirty-three "went dry" 1u 1007. Some come under general pro hibition statutes , as the Georgia cities. tnit many of them have voted dry un- ( lor the provisions of a local option law. Additions io the list of dry cities 'luring 15)07 include : Alabama Annis- ton. Birmingham , ll'.mtsville. Mobile , Montgomery and Selma. California Berkley. Georgia Athens. Atlanta , Augusta. P.runswick. Columbia. Macon pud Savannah. Illinois Champaign , Jacksonville. Urbana. Indian Territory Durant. Muskogee , Tulso. Wagoner. Massachusetts Ilaverhill. Lynn , Wor- K'Stef. North Carolina Asheville , Raleigh. Ohio East Liverpool. Okla homa Guthrie , Oklahoma City. Shawnee - nee , Enid. Tennessee Clarksville , Jackson. Knoxville. Vermont Burling ton. Particular watch has been kept on Atlanta to discover just how the much- discussed Georgia law operates there. This watch was kept by the Atlanta Constitution , which did not favor pro hibition , and that paper's testimony is believed to le unbiased. In a special story the Constitution admits that the elimination of whisky has "worked a revolution in the city's worst quarter , and as is almost invari ably the case , the police records show that the public is actually saving mon ey by the operation of the "dry" stat ute , lu Atlanta , on January ' 1. 1007 'Iion the high license law was in ef fect , there were sixty-three police cases , thirty-two of which were connected with drunkenness. On January , 1003. j'uFt eight days after the dry law went Into effect , there were just seventeen police cases in Atlanta , not one being .or drunkenness. These facts will be used in argu ments being brought to bear on Con gress for legislation to make the Dte- .riet of Columbia dry and to forbid such interstate commerce which will dump "original package" liquor into prohibition territory. That there will eventually bf > a conflict between the yellow and the white races Mini will shake the earth is the opinion o Justice ILirlan of the United St.itON Su preme Court , as expressed in an address octoie Uie Aavy League \\.ishington. . IIP nul : "If 1 had the. opi-ortmiity I would votp for au appropriation of $ ,0.- fVW.tvOO a ye-ir for a period of > n > vars for t larger navy. There is no such thing s friendship between nations as between ITU n. Nations make no sacrifice to pre- Rrrvp frirndsliip s. and do not forbear to V. : rtain things because they do not rive * with the approval of other nation * ? . \Yo i-fiVr to the people of Asia as the yel low race. There are 400.fKta.OUO Chinese as s'rc : : mentally and physically ns we are. We have , no hostility toward them , rut flirre will be a conflict between the < M < ira o and the white race that will frhake the earth. When it comes I want to < ee this country with a navy on both oceans that \ \ ill be strong enough. " Iu the agricultural districts of Italy ( vases are only :50 : cents a day for a man , and less for women and boys. The threatened strike of marine engi neers at Honolulu has been averted by the acceptance of a proposition to arbitrate grievances. The International P.rotherhood of Steam Shovel and Dredgemen has in structed a representative to-visit the isth mus in tiie interests of the organization. Tlie California State labor convention lias passed resolutions strongly condemn ing President Koosovelt and Secretary of Commerce and Labor MetcrJf for ttielr attitude in relation to Japanese. At the Scottish miners' conference at Glasgow it was stated that wages had in creased by Is 9d a day. in seme instances by Us. The average wa e now is 'J7s ( Id a week , and it was determined that that should be the minimum. Arthur W. Clark of IIoKbury , Mass. , former president and organizer of the grocery and provision clerks , has been named as the New England organizer of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and LJntcher Workmen's Union. On Jan. 1. 1007. there wore 2u,71-i co operative societies in existence in Ger many , with a total membership of 3,300- 143 , the corresponding totals for a year beinsr 2iG. 2 and a.J3St53T. The Targe majority of these were credit associations , with an aggregate membership of over 2OOO.CW ) . One of the first fruits of the railway eettlenient in England is the action of the Midland Railway Company's order relating to Sunday duty. In a certain limited sense a six-day week is estab lished ; the grades required to work seven days a week are to receive ettra pay for Sunday duty. James Lyon , a steamship fireman , has sued his employers in Boston for $10.000 damages , alleging that when be was burn ed by the breaking of a pipe the steam caused part of his hair to turn red. He says everybody believe0 be tried to dye his hair. An effort is being made to bring all the teamsters' unions in Boston , Mass. , into one big joint council. Semi : of the big gest and strongest of the teamsters' unions have not been members of the local council , owing to certain conten tions , and their demand for enforcement of a law adopted at the last convention. Jllppophacy. nippophagy being in low water la these later days , somebody has set him self to show what an exceedingly re- spectabie historj- attaches to the prac tice. Among the ancients , especially In China , , eating horse flesh was general , and it was only killed in Europe by a Papal decree of Gregory III. , though why .horse flesh should have been In terdicted does not appear. It was only the famine caused by Napoleon's in vasion that revived the practice in Ger many , where it has survied ever since. London CNtlip. THE TIME TEST. That Ts What Prove * True HFerH. Doan's Kidney Pills bring ihe quick est of relief from backache and kid ney troubles. Is that relief lasting ? Let Mrs. James M. Long of li ; : X. Au gusta St. . Staunton , Ara. . tell you. On January Olst , l)0i. ! : Mrs. Long wrote : "Doan's Kidney Pills have cured me" ( of pain in the back , u r i n a r y troubles , bearing down sensa tions , etc. ) . On June 20th , 1907 , four and one-half years later , she said : "I haven't had kidney trouble since. I repeat my testimony. " Sold by all dealers , no cents a boc. Foster-Jlilburn Co. , Buffalo. N. Y. KoeJiy. Tenderfoot I hear you have started np a new quartz mill. How are you do ing with it ? . Mine Owner Gneissly , thank you. STATE or OHIO. CITV OF TOLEDO , ) , , „ LrcAS COUNTY. J ss Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that he is penior partner of the firm of I < " . J. Cheney A Co. . doinj : business Jn the City of To.t-do. Count v and State aforesaid , aud that said firm \\ill pay the sum of ONE IIUXDItHD r > fLLAIiS for each and every ca e of Ca- t.irrh that cannot he cured by the uv > of ' Hall's Catarrh Cure. KKAN'K'.I. CIIK.VKi . Sworn to before uie aud stibscrib * ! ! in my piesfiit-e , this Uth day of Upeeniber , A. D. 1SSC. 1SSC.SiAL. ( . ) A.V. . OLKASOX. XOTAHY 1'L'BMC. flail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , ahd acts directly on the blood and miifoua surfaces of the system. Scad for testimo nials free. free.F. . .7. CLIEXEY & CO. , Toledo. O. Pv > M 1/v nil Druggists. 73c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Berlin authorities have parsed a law putting a tax on cat . and now when one of them is found without the metal tag which shows that the ta has h en paid it is chloroformed. For ! 'Zi < Iiiey Trimbles sin l Rlieunin- ti.sin. Sufferers from rheumatism , kidney and bladder troubles are promised speedy relief and cure by use of the well-known medical preparation called "Swamp Itoot. " So confident of its efficacy are its proprietors that by men tioning the name of this paper and writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Bing- haniton , X. Y. , a sample bottle of the reiiK-dy uill be scut five by mail to any part of the Cniteu State * , in order to pet this free sample , be sure to men- lion the name of this paper. The "Peacock 'li. one' ' of iVsIa i * the most pxtravagnnt thins of rl : - kin 1 : n tl r worl.1. Its iale is c-.tirant * " ! be tween tea andfifteen million dollars. Mill-on : * in Oni mill Barley. Nothing will pay you better for IMftS than to sow a plenty of big yielding oats and barley with oats at 4Oto uUc a bu. ( Salzer's new Emperor William Oats av eraged 00 bu. per acre more than any other variety iu 1X)7)vould ! ) ) pay im mensely , while Salzer's Silver King liar- ley , which proved itself the biggest yidd- er at the Wisconsin Agricultural Station during 1007 if you had planted .10 aci es would have given you iu lt)07 just $3- 500.00 on oO acres. It is an enormous yielder. JUST SEND THIS NOTICE AND IOC to the John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Crosse , Wis. , and we will mail you the only original seed catalog published jn America , with samples of Emperor Wil liam Oats , Silver King Barley , P.illion Dollar Grass , which produces 12 tons per acre. Sainfoin , the dry soil luxuriator , etc. , etc. . and if you send 1-ic we add a package of new farm seeds never before seen by you. C. N. U. Vanilla comes from a genus of climb ing oichid which grows plentifully in tha tropics. The pain soothing virtues of St. Ja- ; obs Oii are so evenly balanced as to meet all cases where pain exists , and tvhere an outward application is gen- jrally applied. St. Jacobs Oil is truly ivorth its weight in gold , even for the : ure of nerve pains ( and pretty well ill bodily pains proceeding from the icrves ) . It illustrates how wonder fully the essential elements are com bined ; its marvelous penetrating power jnables it to seek out the painful spot ir the sciatic nerve , deeply embedded , is well as the face and brain ner\es. [ t cures neuralgia gently and surely , md after the application , if the nose ) f the bottle is held to the patients' lostrils for , say , ten minutes , they will 'all off into a restful , peaceful sleep L'here is no other remedy in the world : hat will do so much. arl do it so Itiictly and effectively as > ot. Jacobs Dil. Every family should have a bot- : le handy by them in the house. It icts like magic , it always conquers lain. Savings banks are established in 228 ; chools in Scotland. There are 2.712 depositors , with $48,900 to their cr ( lit. Wouldn't you like to try Nature's mild axative , Garfield Tea ? Headache Pow- lers and Digestive Tablets also upon r luest. Send postcard to Garfieid Tea Co. , Brooklyn , X. Y. "Abstemious" "facetious" are the mly words in English having the vowels in their order. PILES CUKED IX C TO 14 DAYS. 'AZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any aso of Itching. Hlind , Bleeding or Provud- ar Piles in (5 to 14 days or money refunded. iOc. The rebuilding of San Francisco has ; cen hampered greatly by the exorbitant vage schedule. The rates exceed by a lollar par day the maximum scale in N Cork.