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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1908)
Old Grow , All Leading Hermitage Brands aud Bottled G-uclicn- Under the l heimer Super vision Kye of the Whiskeys. U. S. Grov. We also handle the Budweiser Beer. TH . STETT The undersigned vrill sell at public auction at the Club Htables in Beginning at 1 o'clock p. in. , the following described property : < E Consisting of 1 dark brown team of geldings , weight 2400 pounds. 5 and 6 years old : one iron grey gelding , weight 1300 pounds , 10 years old ; one bay mare , weight 900 pounds , 10 years old ; one black mare , 3 years old. consisting of 1 red and white spotted cow. thin in flesh , choice milker and will bring calf in spring ; 1 good red Durham cow , will bring calf in spring ; 1 coming 2-year old heifer with calf ; 2 heifer calves , 6 months old. One black 4-year old cow , will bring calf in six weeks , good milch cow. All of the above stock has had no grain this winter and are thin in flesh but healthy. 1 new John Deere sulky plow with breaking plow attached. 1 14-inch stirring plow , wood beam. 1 Wagon. 1 hay rack. 1 Buckeye mower in good repair. , 1 two horse sulky hay rake. 1 grind stone. 1 large second hand refrigerator , finely finished with silver trimmings , five front doors , one glass door , will hold 200 pounds of ice , worth new § 65 to § 75 , all solid and on rollers , good as new. 1 ice saw. 2 pair ice tongs , and numerous other articles , TERMS OF SALE : { Sums under § 10 cash. 10 months time will be given on sums over § 10 on notes with approved security bearing 10 per cent interest , 5 per cent dis count for cash. G. E. TRACEWELL , Aiict. T rr I" it W. E. HALEY , Clerk. ME Wood Lake News. The 21 ranch shipped in a car of corn recently. Dully Hanna transacted busi ness in Johnstown Friday. Andy Johnson attended the Lumberman's association in Oma ha. Edwin Belsky returned from Knox county a couple of weeks ago. Kobert Nelson made his usual trip to Pleasant Valley last Sun day. Call a ain "Bob. " Flomer Soale. Ilu ro and Paul Heofs attended the bachelors' con vention at Austin Moll's Sunday. : A number.of friends and rela tives gathered at the home of Mrs. Geo. Shaul last Saturday eve , the occasion bein a birthday sur ! prise. All enjoyed a merry time. C. A. Butterfield had the mis fortune of bein thrown from a wa ron in a runaway last Thurs- clay , havifitf his collar bone and four ribs broken , fo < rcther with other slight injurii Dr. Cam- efb'n of Johnstown o the attend- physician. "SUSAN. " Niobrara Falls. Mrs. Sears went home Monday after several days visit with rela tives. A few friends met with Miss Minnie Adamson last evening in | honor of her 10th day birthday. George Sedlacek is very sick with the grip. Two of Johnny Ormesher's children are also sick. Mrs. Rita Blakely is very sick at ihe homo of her parents , C. C. Thompson's , but is some better this morning. Mrs. Lucy Red fern came down from Lead City last Sunday where .she had been in the hospital and is much improved. Nix. Ctrd J We desire to thank oar kind friends and neighbors for their as sistance arid help during our dear father's sickness and death. Julius Schromm and wife. Get your property insured by 1. M. Rice and you will be safe. His companies pay losses promptly. TO THE PUBLIC. j I have opened a meat market ! in Valentine at a convenient cen tral location where I expect to meet the general public for our J mutual benefit. T have been in 'Valentine ' at different times during i the past year , engaged in buying ; and selling stock , and have made many acquaintances. , There are also many others with whom I have not become acquaint- , ed. I , therefore , invite you , who are acquainted , and those who are not , to call and get acquainted and feel at home at my place of busi ness. Respectfully yours , BAUMANX & BACHELOR. Keep your money at home. If you drink beer insist on having Storz Blue Ribbon Beer , a delic- jious western brew for western people , brewed by the Storz Brewing Company , Omaha , Xebr. There is nothing better , either of i foreign or domestic make * Jj' ' A Mr. Barling , father of Mrs. ' 'oluj'G/StKter ' , died afl'he hi-me of her daughter in Chicago wheie he had been staying the past two years. He had been quite feeble for a number of years and 80 odd years old at his death. Mr. Barl ing made his home here with his daughter a number of years ai d will be remembered by many of Valentino people who used to meet him on the street as he went down town. THE DEMOCRAT extends sympathy to the bereaved family in behalf of its readers. The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. Rrowinee , Neor. .Soldier Creek Col- nni'tns 17th lCtiO."A a son of Columbus 17th. a half brother of the $10.00(1 . ( c am- , pion o .le a n d &M ai head ol herd I now have about & ) head of ! 'J07 bull calves for sale. . . . C. n. FAUI.HAUEK , JOHN F. FOR ATE ' ! r. Tubular wells and windmills. me up by Telephone. E. D. BEBOLT. Barber STATE BANK BUILDING First-class Shop in Ever- Respect Kan de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star hair Tonic , Herpicide and Coko's Dandruff Oun . Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream H. S. LOCK WOOD Handles the SHARPLESS CREAM SEPARATOR , I'LOUn. ' GRAIN AND HAY Opposite Postoflie. Phone 71. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparmerit of T. C. Hornbv's store. Will be in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. J. W. McDAlSTEL , Valontisie Rcbr. All work will be { riven ] > rompL ; ind careful attention. Jj'A MILL PRICES FOP FEED , PerCwt. .PerTon. Bran , sacked $1 10 § 21 00 Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 45 28 00 Corn , sacked 1 30 25 00 Chop Corn , sacked t 35 26 00 Oats , sacked 1 GO 3i 00 Of Hamm's Beer is absolutely pure. You take no chances when you drink Hamm's. We guarantee Hamm's under the National Pure 1 Food Law and also under the Food Laws of all the states. \ The''Preferred Stock'"is the most delicious Beer ever brewed. It is the ideal Beer for all occasions. Call for it. . T. E n A VISONManner amain Kranch. The > l.'llil < ii Barley ground info flmir , mBfe into a liatiei ju.d niixd with east makes bread , a solid lm > d. Barley , malted , slightly crushed , then boil ed with water and hops and mixed , with yeast makes beer , a liquid food ; the former process makes bread , the latter process , using the same identical ingredients , makes liquid bread. Storz Blue Ribbon Beer is liquid bread in its most delicious form , its purity and food yalue is beyond question. 4 11 the District Court of ( .Merry ( Joun t\T. Nebraska. Ilettie V. Hancock , 1 vs , Notice to Non- The Nebraska Mortgage { resident O-fend nts & Trust Co. J To th" Nebra-ka Mortgage and Trust Co. , non- rer-hlent de'einiai ts : You are h Tf > y n < .tiiied that on th 5th day of 1-VJini ry. ltH. ) ( llettie V. Hancock jiiaiii'ifT herein , lilod h-r petition -tir uist you In the < ii < 5friet court of Cherry county , > ! taska. th < * object a d i-raycr of v. nidi : : re t establish anil roiYdo-ie a ce ta > tax lien nion t e real e-tale as 1 llo\\s : The North Half of HIP sou Inv r Quarter -tontiieast Quart-r ol onthwept Quarter and I ot Five , -it-ction 12 Tounship 33. Rante25 in Cherry county Nebrts < a. for the taxes assessed and levied ihercon for eitht r state , county or " district inrposef fir'heearJ W4 , 18U5. 1S % . ! . ' , lfts is'.ty , 11)00. ) limi. 1:102 : i'j < > : { and 1904 for whicli > anl laud was s > id to pl iutiff fur the -inn 01 $ - > 3 7C bj the county treasur r of Churrv ci > u ty. 'sebru > > aaiid for thf turner sum of 53.72 paid as subsequent ax ; to have an ac- C"niitiiig of the amount due tnerenii together with interest trom the 7tf > day-1 November. r.iOoat the rate of 15 per cent per annum : to have saM premises s * > Id for thr satisfu < : ti. ii ol the amount due t r such t > i.\es. interes . puiml- ties , cost , costu of suit and casts of sale , to bar. an-l exclude defend > nts or any of thrill irnin liaviim or claiming any lien. tiMe or eqn-ty 01 redfinpa-m o/ . in or to rhe same or ai.ypart thereot and for KPII TI ! reliet You ar requi-ed to answer said petition on or belore Mo-nlav the IGth dav of Mar'h , 190s IIKlTIE V HANCOCK. 1'1'iin iff By J : > : iert G. Kasly , her attorney. Datea February 5 , IMS. 4 4 In the District Court of Cherr3 * Coun ty , Nebraska. In the matter of the application of Frank Fischer to sHl real estate , Now on this 21st d ly of January. A. I ) . IUOS. this cause came on for hearimr upon the petition tinker oath ot Frank Fi-chor , admin istrator i-f ihe estate "f Wilnelmina Itauhul , decease' ! , praying for bccnstto sell the fol- lo\vnjr : described real estate of the said Wll- liHinnia Datibrl. to-wit : Ti-e outli uaU of the N > rthest Quarter HIKI th < * North iinf : of the Southeasl Quarter Section 17. Townshi ] ) 30 Range 23 for the pay n f n of delittlli > \veil against sa'dstate , and allowances and co.sts of administ-a'ion ' for the reason that the e ts no personal nropertv in the j ossession of t'-t- said Frank Fischer , ad- inin Ntrat r , belonging to said estate to pay sa d debts , allowance and > -ust < . It is therelore oideied that all persons in- tereMed in said estate appear before me at Chambers in the City or ' .NVill on the 15th day ot February 1'JOS at 10 o'clock a in. to show cttiire if any there b. why lie rise should not be trriiite i to thn s > id Fnink Fischer ad- mioist-ator to s 11 said above -escr be-i n-al esta e for the iiayment 01 Said debts und ex- pens * s It is further ordered that a ropy of this pnter lie served upon al' ' persons imeresfd iu said estate by causing the s mo to De pub lish * d once each wivk for four consecutive wicks in The Valenti > ' De ocrxt a newspa per printed and puulishcd in said County jf Cherrv. J. J. HAKTUNGTOV. - ' 4 Judge. ORDER. In the District Court of Cherry Count - t } * , Nebraska. In the nritterof thf application of U'iliun ! ; We sh. guardian of Olive t elle Kronse , : i minor , fo1th - ' ale of r. altatc. . On n adiiiL' and filing the petition , d.i'y ' veri- 1m , of William Welsh , guard an of 'he person and estate of Olive Helle K rouse , tor iicen-e to h ll the foilowimr descru-ed real -ht tie. tu-wit : J'art of Lots number Mx and St-ven. i-iock nuinbpr two of the yillage of Waterloo , Doug las -001117 , Nebraska , for the payment ot tl'e " expense of probating the will of"hllen Watts , deceased and for the payment of the legacies named in said will , and for the support , ma'iite- nance arid education ot the said O' ve Belle Kr u e , and it sippt-ariiig from said petition tt-at it , is neeessarv t- > sell s-vid rt-tl estate and that it will be tor the interest of saiii ward that said real eitate be sold as prayed tor It is hereby ordered that the next of kin of the said ohve K lie Kroure. a > u1 all per-nns in- teresie-i in said estate appear before me at Chambers in 'lie Ci'y of Husbvi le. Sherirlan ctiunty , Ne' > n ska on the l.r > th day of Kei.rna y , I'.iOS. to sh'.w cause if any there be why a 1-cense should ot be gr.iiiJvd to th said ilha n \\ei > h to S'll sail ) rt-al esta c for the purposes a-ov < - set fort . His lurth-r order'-d Mint > i copv of'his order be publi-he'J i-ncn a w ek 'or four consecutive weeks in The \'al-nti e Democrat. i paper printed a-'d puohshed in the County of Cherry , st te or Nei'i-Hska. Dntcd at < hanibccs l the fitv of TUishvtlle , Sheiidan county. Nt-braska , this 8th day of > , 1903. W H WKSToyKJt. Judge of the District Courc. R M Faddis& Co. address Valentine or Kennedy. branded on h-ft thigh. Horses branded on left [ shoulder r thigh. Some Some branded i rsinded' on rialn thigh on left -iou-der. ] . shoulder ] or thirf Pa.t Peiper Simeon Nebr. P. II. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left Bide o. von elide. t i on left jaw off \f horses. \ Eange on Gordon Creek north of S ) meon , C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , S-D Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ RE ; j ota right . hip. RaK B on O&fc and Butte creeks. t A liberal reward for mfori lution leading to det/oction / of rustloro of stock Roan Brothers Bros. , Rolf * N'ebr Cattl" branded anywlien * on left -idt . Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have same brand on eft thigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creek.i. A Reward of $250 will baid \ to any person for Ainf rmton , , leading to the arrest andI final conviction of any person or persons steallnr cattle with above brand. Jos. Bristol Valentine , Nebr. Range on Nlo brara river four rnilcfl east of Ft. Nlobrara. Horses and cattle branded rlB connected on left hip or side M shown In cat J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Nebr 'Cattle ' branded JT on rlghtside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from nay range D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. B. Lord Simeon NeD Stock branded game as cut back right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Nlobrar * ALONZO HBATH Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side. ses left shoulder. Range uortb Cutcomb Lake Sawyer Bros. Postofllce Oasis. Nabr 1 G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cafc- tie Dorses D SOD left shoulder ome i stock SSS11 ft aide * Hors es mrae eft tnigh. tange on Snake river Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlctt Richards Pres Will G Comstoek , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas * Cattle branded OB & S * &SSf any part of animal ; tS rgSSrwasr3 * also tne following 4 ; brands : Dram same Range Gordon on the FJL &M V , R. R. a-d iyannis on B3i.B H. in .vorthwestern Address. BAKTLKTT RICBAUDS. C. W Bennett Simeon Neb Stock branded with 7 on left hip also same as cut Range between Cordon and Snake creeks and on thr Nlobrara nver A T DAVIS V Postoftlce address Iiyannis , Neb On right side horses on left shoulder also cattle on right s'de Range id miles north of Hjannls Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , 8. D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on rightslde Some cattle also have af fen neck Some with A. on left shoulder and some branded with two bars vcrosfi hind qnar- ai iiiM _ t"'r * SomoTexas f. branded S O on left side and some on leftside. SOS on left nlDSome'cattio bar connected on both sides and of horses. N. S. Kowlev Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left , side and hip , and ou left shoulder of her ses. Also ! on left side hip. K Jon lea -adfe .Some ffu t'urcna ' - eft huss- " > -'PBKetttet sifeopon ) leftsiueor bl\ . p on lelt Jaw and e 18hOQlder of horses. til tilQ on left hip or horses. 'onlWtJsvrofhorsttj