i ' i 1 j I I ' More proof that Lydia 13. Pink- Imin'.s VopretableCpiKpouiid saves woman from surgical operations. Mrs. S. A. WillininSj of Gardiner , Uaine , Tvritcs : " I was a great sufferer from female | troubles , and Lydia K. Pinkbam j Vege , table Compound restored : ne to health in three mouths , after my physician declared that an operation was abso lutely necessary. " j Mrs. Alvina Sperling" , of l.4 Cley- i bourne Avc. , Chicago , 111. , - vritcs : "I suffered from fem.Tle troubles , a tumor and much inflammation. Two of the best doctors in Chicago decided that an operation was necessary to save my life. Lydia E. PiukhartTs Vegetable Compound entirely cured me without an operation. " FACTS FOK S2CSC WORSEM. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound , mudo from roots and herbs , has been the standard remedy for female ills , and has posit ively cured thousands of women vho have been troubled with displacements , inflammation , uloera- tion , iibroid tumors , irregularities , periodic pains , baekaehe , that bc-ar- ing-domi feeling , ilatuleney , indiges- tiondizzinessor nervous prostration. "VVliy don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick \vomon to ivrito lior for advice. She lias gruidcd thousands to health. Address , Lynn , 3Iass. WRITING TO AHVERTISKUS plen e saj you gaw Ui * lev thla D ser. Illustration Showing Mlxetl I'amiinjj Sroiic In Some of the choicest lantla for grain stock raising and mixed tanning : in the new dis tricts of Saskatchewan and Alberta have re cently been Opened for Sottleiueiit under the Revised Homestead Beguiaiions Entry may now be made by proxy ( on certain conditions ) , by the fathermother , sondaughter , brother or sister of an intending homesteader. Thousands of homesteads of 1GO acres each are thus now easily obtainable in these jrreat jrrnin- erowinc , stock-raising : and inized farming sec tions. There you will find healthful climate , good neighbors , churches for family worship , schools for your children , good laws , splendid crops , and railroads convenient to market. Entry fee in each case is 10.00. For pamphlet , "Last Best West , " particulars as to rates , routes , best time to so and -where to locate , apply to \V. D. Scott , Superintendent of Immigration , Ottawa , Canada , or E. T. Holmes , < is Jnckson St. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. MacLachlan , Hex \\atertown , So. Dakota Authorized Govern ment .Agents. Please sar where you sav this advertisement. OH JH o You must wear MAYER KONORBILT SHOES , to appre ciate their superiority over other makes. Thty nave the style and wearing qualities , and feel right from the first ; wear long and well , and look good to the last. SHOES FOU MEN are made with great care , of the highest grade material , by skilled workmen. They are honest through and through. You get style , quality and comfort in buyincr MAYER HONORBILT SHOES . Your dealer will supply you ; if not , write to us. Look for the Mayer Trade Mark oa tie cole. "We also make Leading Lady Shoes , Martha Washington Comiort Shoes , Special IJsrit School Shoes. F. Bayer Boot & Slue Company f MPMI * &JZ3& ± ? MmK E'ws- SP ' - Ilnrti uu .Joseph. the photographer's establish ment hi tile little country town stooii two ligares evidently lather n.ui s.m. At ! . ' > ! iii'vvent in. " ( > \vaut i yer to t.tlce a jicture of our J epli. 'er < \ maister , " .said the fmul parent , and Joseph was ] > voujtly plac- cd ; a cliair : : irl requested to compost * his features for awhile. The pliotogr.iplier's specially waa < , iik ucvelojMhg , anil soon sexeral neg- .1 Jives lay before the jiurdiaser. TJw latiier gazed inieasily at them : or a pace and then > aiil nervously : "You b..y in the window. mai > ter , as 'o\v yer can touch up the pictures to give any effect agreeable to yer cus- tinners. " "Tii.it iso. . " assented the artist read ily , ha Jcnirtvc to add. with his best pro- ifs.-ioii : > l smile , "but in your son's case any retouching is uh.soluiely unuece.- > - hary. " "O.v , rye ! ' ' said the fatiier. "That U main like Joseith. but to teilee truth lie's got to semi uu wi' his testimonials : or a job. an' I'd like yer to alter his photo to hiaku bim look h.me > t like ! " - London ? .lail. \V Still fJttiis aiitl Trays Clsvan , P.uy Furs & Hides , or tan tmn for robes & rnzs. NV. . Hide & Fur Co. , Minneapolis j "Ls it fuo. colonel , lliat your recent PXSPS ia Wl : ! stroor have compelled you . ) sell your automobiles ? " j "Na\v thit"h : a ridiculous : iml t'naiiti- j -ja'c-l f.iNehro3. All I\v hid to do has | ! c < > : i tout do.vn my consumption of jjus- > ! iue : i f.-vv gallons a dav. " IMKKS rrnEn ix o TO 14 DAYS. PA/o OINTMKNT suaruitpp : l to dire any case of Itching. I'llnil. Rict'din : ; or 1'rotrud- i'i. I'ilt-s iu U to 11 days or money rerimded. oOc. 1 : i s-.nc.'o in iii li Lift * . KiM\- -.Mnr'inia. a- * > \\t > in NocictyV Mrs. 'I'upfhit Vcs. ( ! " ; ir , but sj"i ( > ty i.isii't found it o.it yut. L'hiiv. o Trib une. Mi * . Wjn slow's Soothing Syrup for Child- ion tc.tliii . Miftf-ns the K'luis. rodncos iu- : : : . allays paui , c ll e wind colic. J. f a hot HP. S ii ni i < -il Mrs. Yaclit ( Kuperciliously ) My rs' : .iiul has a beautiful yacht. 1 don't uprose your husband can afford such s I i\uvy : yet V Mr > . Nadit No , the best he can do - t < > hold the mortgage on the one your ir.-o.i'.id has. The P.ohemian. Ilovr to ? .InUe Voiir ? tlllfli Cows ? .I re rralHahlr. Write Pacitic Toast P.orax Co. Thi- eago. 111. , for "SrCCKSSl'fL DAIliY 1N(1. " being valuable intormation on the most profitable selection of cous. their feeding and care , the ban lliug of mill. TO yield the highest price prod uct. : i'id the protection and pr-'svrva- t : u ; of these pnnlucts from detjiora- tion ; with article on diseases of cow.- . ; 'i-d recipe ? for their cure. The hook is fee. : A post card request only is net e.-sarv. AMERICAN GIRLS LEAD. < ; TIIIJSII C . > iiii > : iri.s Slj-U-s < > T "Walking IsyVi > tit n f Dili'ert'iit ( "ouiil rJc.s. "J ; * ' look at the gait of an American _ iri' " exclaims a south German ne\\s- i . : pTriter , who has studied th i sub ject s-ven years , in an article on how . \omen should walk. "A lady should not drag her feet after her as if they were as heavy as < acks of potatoes. Neither should she throw them forward as if she were a -oldier on parade. She should move ber feet lightly , daintily and easily \\ith a slight , springy action , but the spring must not be overdone. "A lady must walk straight physi cally as well as morally. Her knee.- ; -hould be straight and her toes slightly turned out. There must be no artificial bend or limp ; uo affectation of lassi tude on the one hand or of her > iness on the other. She should walk like a princess and not like a scrubwoman hurrying to work. She must not bustle through with her shoulders constantly in evidence and swinging her arms ibout like the Hngiish. "Above all. she should hold her chin high like the Americans. This high hin is a most important matter , as it lends style and dignity. " Then come a comparison between thj guis ; of the women of various civil- i/.ed countries. The Americans and Parisians are an. easy first , but if thy writer must give the palm to one of these he would bestow it on the Ameri cans. Italian women are high up on tlie list and German and Knglish- uomen very low down , ile Ixjlieves that Hungarian ladies , if they were more dignified , might run the Ameri cans Aery close. PANTRY CLEANED. A Way Some People Have. A doctor said : "P.etore marriage my wife observet in summer and country homes , coming in touch with families of varied means. culture , tastes and discriminating tend encies. that the families'using Postum ( seemed to average better than those using coffee. 'Whenve were married tAvo years t ago. Post urn Avas among our first order of groceries. Wo also put in some coffee and tea for guests , but after both had stoo.laround the pantry about a year untouched , they were thrown aAvay. and Postum used onlj" . "l"p to the age of 2S I had been ac- to drink coffee as a routine ha'irit ' and suffered constantly from in- /ust / ion and all its relative disorders. Siiiue using Postum nil the old om- pUi luts Jiave completely left me ami I soilietimos Avomler if 1 ever had ( hem. " } \'aine giAeii by Postum Co. , P.attle C"v ! MMi. Kead. "The It . : ul to V , , ihllk' , " ia iskgs. "There's u lleusou. " ' /nCBjjIL / ' 05 fliUli Second Tria ! of Young Pittsburg /Millionaire Ends in His Acquittal by Jury. VERDICT CHEERED BY FKIENDS. Close of the Famous Case Which Has Long Interested Two Continents. ' Harry Kendall Thaw is not guilty. This wis the verdict by the jury ac quitting the voting Pittsburg million aire of the murder of Stanford White , the architect. \VhVn the words "Xot frilty" ! foil from th" lips of the foreman of the jury , the most dramatic scene ever \vit- ues-'d in a New Y'ork court room was enacted. Thaw , \\lio had sat all through the trial , apparently wholly indiit'-r- ent to what was going on. leaped from his seat , lie could not restrain his emotions and tears streamed down his cheeks as he shook I lie hands of his counsel and thanked them over and over again. The two trials of Harry K. Thaw , .shiver of Stanford \Viite ! , llie noted architect. : ro down to h Story as two of the most famous cases in the crim inal history of the lTnited States. The prominence of the Thaw family , socially and financially , the circum stances Mirroumling Harry Thaw's mar riage to K'vlyn Xesbii , artists' model and chorus girl , and the tragic climax when he Hivd the bullets into the breast of the man lie declared wronged his wife , all teudi'd to atrract great in terest to the events fallowing the tra gedy , and from one end of the conn- try to the olhcr the proceedings of both trials have bi\-n watched \\itli unabat ed inlciv-t. Comparison of the two trials shows a notable difference in the conduct of each. In the first trial Thaw's chief counsel was IViphin M. lelmas , noted I t.m' ' HAIUIY K. TU\\V. criiuiuiil li\vytT : from California. Dcl- uas made his delVn o the "unwritten law" ami insanity. District Attorney .Ti'roiuc introduced at first only tich witMo os as were uec\s--ary to prove that Thaw killed White. The uVl'eu e then uned that Thaw was ius.iue at the time of the killing , and offered Evelyn Thaw's testimony to show that tlio story she told Thaw of her treatment by White drove her husband temporarily in-aue and caused him to kill White. Tiie defeiKe also introduced the tes timony of alienists , two of whom swore Thaw was suffering from a "brain storm"hea he t'nvd the fatal shut. .Jerome during rebuttal caused a en- sation by declaring lie believed Thaw was then ins.me. He uot : the rourt to appoint a lunacy commission. This l > ody decid"d Thaw was sane , and the trial then proceeded to ll < conclusion. In the trial just closed the line of defense was altogether different. Mar tin W. Littleton , who replaced Delmas as chief counsel lor Thaw , based the defense solely on insanity. Thy trial he- trau onFan. . < ! and the testimony ended .In 11. 12S. Fir.-it Trial. Cost 10 defense $ ± > .1.000 CoM to prosecution Ki.UOO Talesmen called oliO Number days to'et jury. . . ' . . . 8 Number days to finish trial. . . . 77 S * ( > : ntil Trij'I. Cost to defense $1 < > O.UOO Cost to State U..OOO Talesmen called 300 Number days to tret jury 8 Number days to finish trial. . . . 17 TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES James Lambert , artist of Philadelphia , 1'a. . has loft $ . " ( > . ( K > n to the Academy of I'ino Arts as a fund for the nmvliusp of pictures ofonn . American artists with out reputation. Joseph .M. Huston. ; xn archif ? * * con- jcrnnd in the erection of the State capitol al llarrisbnrj : . Pa. , was planted a sepa- iate trial at llarrislmrg. Pa. , and tlu re port .spiv-ad that lie would turn Sti'.tv'a asjninM th < > oth.-r accused of Even in these dars of liberal eduea- fion the yet : 'Ji women sometimes show how confcsfd are Vie ideas shut up in their heaiK Illustrative of this is the rarive hi under whiHi Hdmondo i- Auilcis recounts in his story of a vpy- ai-- from ( jeroa to lUieiius Ay res : The captain of the steamer which numbered the charming .voting blun derer amoi"j its pis : < 5enjers met her one morniim and s.tid : Siijm.-rina. we cross the tropic of can cer , to-day. ' ' "Oil. indeed I" slie cried with enthu siasm. "Then we shall see something at last. " THIRTY YEARS OF IT. I , m : Sif ' of Dully I'alii "ml Mlsi-py. Charles Von oehnen. of'Ol A St. . Colfax. Wash. , say * : "For at least thirh vears I suffered with kidney troubles and the at tacks 'aid ' me up for j days at a time with pain in the back and i rheumatism When I I was up and around : sharp twinges caught me. and for fifteen years the frequent' passages of k i d n ey se Tenons annoyed me. Hut Doan's Kidney PilN have given me almost en tire freedom from this trouble and I cannot speak too highly in their praise. " Sold by all dealer * . . > 0 cents a box. Foster-Milbtirn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. "Dill she marry IKT hifsbaud to re form liiiuV" "I guess .so. and she reformed liiiii. : :11 : right. " "Why. he drin'us like a 1Kb I" "I know iT. Imt he didn't use to be- i't.iv sh ; married liiiu.Houston I'o-t. Only One "BKOMO QU1XIXE" That Is LAXATIVK KUOMO < UININK. I . for the signature of K.V. . iUOVK. ; Tsfd tin World over to Cure a Cold In One day. 2 < < - Deserve1 * It. "He saved Mi s I' lame from drowninir ai'd his frien.ls think lie should have the Carnegie hern medal" "That wasn't a very heroic act. ' ' "I'.ut lie's ; ; oing to luarry her. " " ( ) ! i , that's different : " --Houston I'ost. anil thi-s notice the John A. Salzor Soot ! Co. . La ( 'rosso. YVis. . in onlor to jjaiti L'.KMMIO no\v cn tonifrs dnrin1KOS. . will mail \on free their irreat plant and seed catalog , together with 1 jkj : . " < c > nick Quick" Carrot .5 .1(1 ( 1 i > lK. Karliest Itipe Cabbage in 1 j.Lj ; . K.iHiest Mrnerald Cncunibor. . ! . " > 1 pv ! . La ( 'rosso .Market 'Lettuce. . .1- 1 pkir. Karly Dinner Onion 10 1 pk.4. Strawberry Mnskinolon 1 > 1 pki : . Thirteen iay Radish 10 l.OOO kernels gloriously beautiful flower > -ood ! . " > Total $1.00 Above is Milliciont M > od to jrnw . ' ! . " bn. of rarest vegetables and thousands of brilliant Howei" ? . and ai ! ! < mailedoii ! I POSTPAID roil l'2c. or if you < oml RJe. we will Mid : > p.u-k- ate of liorliner Earliest C.TI' lower. John A. Salxer Seed Co. , La ( roNM\ Wi.s. C. N. t' . Letting ( lie v"nt Out. Amelia Herbert. d"ir. 'your ' oilice is on Orange stieor. isn't it ? Herbert - Ve > ; \ \ i\ ' : Ame'ia ' That's what I told papa. lie made Mich a funn\ mistake .iboiit you the other day. He said he'd been ioukmjjon uo iu Hrad street. $ JOO Reward. $500. 'l'ht > leaders uf this paper \\ill be ploa-'i'il to icani that there is at least oni' drcadi-l dNeasc that srioiue has been : i ! > Ie to cure in ail i'.s fet.meand thai is Catarrh. Mall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive iuninnv known to tin1 medii-al fraternity. Catarrh heiiifr a i-oiistitutional lisoisc. : miniro- constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , acting directlj iijinn tlio hlood and mucous surfaces of the s\ < ten ) , thereby destroylns the loiindalion of the disease , and iiin the p.it ion t strength by huildinj ; up the constitution and assj-i lnr tintnro in doiiur its v.ork. Tlie proprT.- tors have so much faith in its curative peers - . \ ors that they offer One Hundiod Dollars loi' nny case that it fails to cine. Send for list of testimonials. AddressK. . .1. CIinVKV & CO. , Tole.Io , O. Sold by IrujjLci > ts. Trie- Take Hall's Family I'ills ( or constipation. t'ruliultly < Jiexseil ItiAjht. Flashy Youth I \\ish I knew what that pretty typouritor 4irl was .buxini ; wio just \\ent out. 1 suspect it was soni"- thinj : fur me. Departniont Store Sales n-J ( sixini ; him ip--I ) think it's tpuie likely. Sh bought a steei Thin V.'ill Inlerext Mother flray's Sweet Powder * for Chi' drcn , used by Mother ' ' .pay. a nurse in ( ' ) dren's Home , New York , cute Coristip itn.- . I'VM'rishntss. TecthinR Disorders. Sto-n u j Troub'es ' and Destroy \Vorms ; : ; o ooo testi uionials of cures. AI : druggists , iT.t. Si-i plo FIII . Address Alien S. Olinsto.I. ! . - Kov. N. Y. Dear 1'rienrtx. Xan Tliis is one of my lato.st photo graphs , but I don't like it a bit. It hasn't my host expression. Fan Perhaps dear , yon didn't Inuo 'your best complexion on. The very wisest advice : Take ( i.irficH Tea whenever a la.\ative : s indicated ! Pleasant to the taste , simple , pure. miM. potent and health-giving. .Made of Herbs not drills. The Po r Cat. A voting wife called her husband on the telephone to loll him a tale of woe. In tear-choked accents she said : "That you. dearieVell. . you know that love ly chicken pie I made you that horrid Old cat came in and ate it up before I could sfnp JtV" ! He answered : "Never mind , dar- ' Hug ; I'll jiot you another cat. " [ T" | Et Vitu Pine * nrt.11 S rvnpi. . - , . . . FB t T _ ) I'erJrunriitlT t urnt b ) Fit Kiu i\.i-i FiMa Kratorrr Se'i.i i r I'ri-p iU trul K-Uio kl trr : i < I/it. It. II. KLJLNL. Ui Ull Hcb Sr * v. PhlU.l.lpt.ii. Pi UnJqcc Kalilei' Hotel. Tn one of the squares in the West End London is institution of a u > iiquc tion known as "The Babies' Hotel. " Vliere < hiidren whose parents have no London homo or who are compelled to live out of Knglnnd for a time are placed by rhe day or by the year. The house is arranged for the re ception of little children from one mouth old up to seven or eight year , of age. and is intended for the chil dren of Indian ollicers , and other.s on foreign service , widowers , widows , guardians , trustees , missionaries co lonials or parents who desire a tem porary home for their little ones while they travel. FEARFUL BURNING SORES. Huy In Misery 7il Yenrx Kezenia fia It i icli Scale * , ItehliiK and In- llaiiiud Cureil by Cutlenru. 'Cuticura has put a stop to twelve years of misery 1 passed with my son. As an infant I noticed on his body a red * pot and treated same with differ ent remedies for about five years , but when the spot began to get larger I put him under the care of doctors. I'nder their treatment the disease spread to four different parts of his body. During the day it would get rough and form like scales. At night il would be cracked , inflamed and bad ly swollen , with terrible burning and itching. One doctor told me that my son's eczema was incurable , and gave it up. 1 decided to give Cutieurn a trial. When I had used the first box of Cuticura Ointment there was u great improvement , and by the time I had used the second set of Cuticura Remedies my child was cured. He is now twelve years old. and his skin is a line and smooth as silk. Michael Stetnmau. T Stunner Avenue , Brooklyn , Truth and Quality appeal to the "Well-Informed in every Avalk of life and are essential to permanent success and creditable standing Accor- ingly , it is not claimed that Syrun of Fig * and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy ol known value , but one of many reason Avhy it is the best of personal and family laxatives is the fact that it cleanses sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts without any debilitating after effects and Avithout having to increase the quantity from time to time. It acts pleasantly and naturally and truly as a laxatiA'e , and its component parts are known to ami approved by physicians , as it is free from all objection able substances. To get it- , beneficial fecta ahvays purchase the genuine manufactured 1 by the California Fig Syrup Co. , only , and for sale by all loading drug- i gists. iz Srottinh Terji-v. ( There are many puzzling differences I between Scottish and IvigiKh luvr ( i : nus. For install'v. bankruptcy is In : Scotland an "act of sc iuestrntio : , " a ' solicitor is either a "writer" or a "hur agent. " the argument in a cas * is UIQ : "debate. " the assize is Che jury , a j wrongdoer is a "delinquent. " an idiot - in Scottish law is "a fatuous per son. " and burglary is ( with tn : > > Seot- r'sh ' caution ) "housebreaking uilh an .iirgravation. " Finally , an author is , ia Scotland , not a person \ \ luvrftes. . but ' ! : < \ender or seller of real property , i'nmihorn rhe title to it is d < : nved. IT IS WONDERFUL KO'.V QUICKLY THE PAIN AND STIFFNESS CO WHEN YOU USE THIS WELL-TRIED. OLD-TIME REMEDY FILLS THE BILL 25o. ALL DRUGGISTS. 50c. There is NOTHING TOG Nothing Too GOOD for the American people that's why \ve started Good to make Cascarets Candy Cathartic. The first box made For the its appearance in 1895 , and the enthusiastic endorsement oi American e the people has been bestowed upon Cascarets ever since , The sale today is at th < j rate of OVER A MILLION BOXES A MONTH , proving- that the American people recog nize , that what is BEST FOR THEM is none too good. Why this enormous patronage ? The ansv/er is simple : Cascarets are pure , clean , sweet mild , fragTrc , harmless but effective little tablets for the treat ment and c ' : e of Constipation and all Bowel Troubles. They are put up in r $ at little enamel boxes , easy to buy , easy tc carry ( in vest-pocke or purse ) , easy to take and easy of action , always reliable , always the same , they "work while you sleep" and wake you up feeling fine in the morning. They not only regulate tne movement and stimulate the muscular walls oj the bowels , but they keep the ENTIRE CANAL CLEAN and antiseptic , forcing out and destroying all disease germs that breed in the accumulated filth unless promptly and regularly discharged. Therefore , they are 3. great preventive o ! disease , and may be taken continuously as a precautionary measure. The new Pure Drugs Act , adopted by Congress on June 30 , 1906 , and in effect January 1 , 1907 , is a GOOD LAW and means better and PURER drugs for the American People. We endorse it and will live up to it in SPIRIT and LETTER , an easy task , as we have always been actuatec by the same principles and no changes are required in. our formula or pack- age. age.We adopted OUR OWN PURE DRUG LAW in 1896 when the firsl box of Cascarets came on the market and have lived and worked and pro * duced under it ever since. To-dayafter a record of nearly 100,000,000 boxes sold , Cascarets STAND the greater in PURITY , QUALITY and MEDICINAL MERIT than an other preparation for Bowel trouble in all the world. This should be a great argument for any one , to try Cascarets AT ONCE , and be healthier and happier for it. Some people have CHRONIC CONSTIPATION with all the horrors derived from it ; others have HAB ITUAL CONSTIPATION from carelessness and neglect but nearlv EVERYBODY has OCCASIONAL CONSTIPATION , which , if not promptly taken care of is liable to result in its degeneration into the worse rorms and cause great suffering and perhaps death. Cascarets , if taken patiently and regularly , will remedy all of these- awiul troubles , but if taken promptly at the very first sign of an irregularity - ity of * he Boweis , will act as the FINEST PREVENTIVE ever discovered and will keep all the machinery running in good order. 73 We advise you to get a little lOc box of Cascarets TO-DAY and carry it m your purse or vest pocket. Take one when you feel anything unusual wels'.Y ° ur own dru&gist wil1 sell you the little box , under of satisfaction or money refunded. All druggists , lOc , 2Sc , 50c. - SHOES AT ALL PRICES. FOR EVERY MEMBER OFTHC FAMILY. MEN. BOYS. WOMEN , MISSES AND CHILDREN. VL. . Dois&Jsc .ijaA'os ant ! scfls trtopo asz \ tr.sn's 2.50 , S3.OOand$3.GOshoos * * * * * fhctn nKjf oihof mtsfiziFadurar In iho vf & ! ! & , because they hold tfialr' shape , fit bcitcr , wen ? longer , and nra of gmater vnSua Ihan znyofhci' , snocs ifj tlizs vtnrltl to-day. W. L flcuglas S4 and S5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Pe Equalled At Anj Pries Exefcuvely * ny'A 1TTI IS.Y. A\ ' . I P RKlas name in ( ! pnri ts stamped on bottom. T'nuo- o"1 I liv l' i * K'-t s.l.i > . ( Itulf-ra ever/wlieiri. btioca uiatleil from lartory to any pa't of the wcrlil. lllaa- Uatod Catalog tree to anadurtas. . \V. J . 1O UGJLAa , Ilrocl lou , i : " ii' > N THIS I'AI hi' > ns > i warr jo I . 15 1308. TTV T fc \ , * T7 Tlt > 7u'r / * \ TTT tx T/4i ' ' s > VV < \ yV > MAM FADELES v A Colar morccoods bri hJcr ii iJ Inkierro'ors ' ftsu ar r'-rjv.- . Qpr "V pr' 3gcrolnr < ; si ! Jibus. IJiey tfy : n c-'i v = -r ' % 'l rlh - rnr - . < " ( jy- . Toucan dya ocy csraieal nlflic/ut rippina apcrJ. Writs ( or Irsc bt/oi.-1 Uuw ! o'2fi.'satb aad Mix Csiers.O.TJOi 7i7vl/i7CO. , Ocncv , lllin&i&