* r * - We know it's warm and you know it's warm But i we want to sell our & Fur f We Meevt Any Price. S ii Call on us sure. \ T. C. Hornby. ? Prices are what we are talking Now Our stock is complete. BISHOP & YOIMC , CODY NEBR , " A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out § 10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in- j to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATt BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. Telephone Orders Quick Delivery You are not compell ed to come to our store when you want drug store goods. We have a splendid , exceptionally quick de livery service. We invite you to tele phone your orders. Watch how quickly they will he delivered. After you once become accustomed to ordering in this way , you will find it very convenient , * especially so on a stormy day , or when you are in a great hurry. PHONE 2. VALENTINE. NEO Try Kazda's barber shop , tf Mrs. Chas. Lewis has fully re covered and is up and about the house now. For a nice juicy steak call at Baumann's meat market or call Phone 88. 1 Harry Ilarpor has gf-ne back 'o h old home in Iowa on a visit of s 'Veral days. Mrs. John Thomson returned to her home in Shoshoni last Thursday night. Don't forget Emerson Powers' sale Saturday. See big advertise ment in this paper. If you want good fresh oysters in a hurry call up Baumann's meat market. Phone 88. 1 Miss Gerald ihe Trace well miss ed last week of school at Thacher on account of sickness. Julius Eauer was down from Kilgore last week paying taxes and attending to other business. Harry Strickland was paroled from the state penitentiary at Lin coln and has returned to Valentine. We are informed that the stork visited John Neiss and wife last wpok on the reservation and left fiem a 9 pound boy. jVIrs. Bruce Moore and two children accompanied Mr. Moore back home last week when he came down to see them. A red flag at Geo. Trace well's residence keeps people away on account of scarlet fever which the little boy is supposed to have. Paul F Vnolkor , A M. , Satur day hijrht at the opera house in Human Nature lectures. It's one of the lecture course. Come and hear him. The weather has been some cold er the past week and about four inches of snow fell Tuesday eve ning. The wind blew pretty hard later in the night and drifted in places. The crippled son ofVra. . John son and wife , twelve miles south of town , died in the institute for the feeble minded at Beatrice last Friday and was sent to Valentine and was interred in Mount Hope Ct metry last Sunday. Ed Richards came to town the first of the week on account of his catching cold after his severe ill ness recently , and will stay in town with his family until he feels sufficiently recovered to return to his ranch at Kennedy. Manager Massingale informs us that the ' 'Moonshiner'sDaughter" have cancelled their date of Fob. 13th at the opera house and will make another date on account of the other company's attractions for Feb. 10 , 11 and 12th. llov. Connell has been suti'ering from a severe cold the past week and was unable to hold services la t Sunday so his congregation went to the Presbyterian church to hoar EPV. Koarns. Sunday night the church was crowded. Pr > tor "Roimer , a former resident of Cherry county has returned and bought twn other quarter sections near his former place in German Settlement and will again try farming. Pie has boon down in the eastern part of this state for several years. Guy Gundorson started for Mansfield Mo. , Sunday , where he goes to visit his grandfather , D. P. White and uncle , Com. White. He was accompanied by Henry Breuklander. Judge Walcott returned Mon day night from a business trip throngh Canada , from Winnepeg throuirh AssiniUoia to Calgary and Bauff in Alberta. Judge says he attended a session of the Manitoba provincial parliment in Winnepeg which was no doubt very interest ing to a man from the U. S. The judge says he enjoyed a splendid time on his trip sight-seeing * We invite you to call and in spect our new meat market. 1 L. H. Bauman. We have facilities for keeping our stock in first class condition. 1 Baurnann's Meat Market. P. F. Simons and wife returned Friday night from a couple of weeks visit with relatives in Jop- Jin , Mo. They enjoyed a splen did time while away and saw Mrs. Simons' sisters who are getting along nicely. W. P. Hunt is now the proprietor of a boarding house having sold his drug store. Mr. Simons saw Cap Archer's brother and his son in Joplin and says the old man looks older than Cap but is stout and healthy looking yet. The fellows who have put up at the half way house for the past four years , have left and are now marching in the direction of Bry an's headquarters. Falls City News. You , gentle or ungentle reader , don't you feel ashamed of yourself when you reflect that you are so far down in the scale of humanity that you cannot pay 3 cents a week for your home paper , but must "bum" it from your neigh bor ? Crawford Tribune. ( Crete Democrat. ) Bryan spent several days in Washington conferring with members of both houses. It seems as though the opposition to him has almost entirely disappeared in that quarter. The Fairbury Journal has an nounced that it is a democratic paper and will support Bryan for president. The Journal has been independent but from this on will work with the party for the pro motion of principles. ( York Democrat. ) When we hear a republican say he thinks Bryan has some show this year because the trusts know he cannot accomplish much with an opposition congress , it makes us think he is conscious of belong ing to a trust dominated party and does not quite have the courage to break loose from it. The State Journal says Penn sylvania cannot have a two-cent fare , but as long as it has a § 14,000,000 state house and a stat ute of Matt Quay it should not complain. There is another thing Pennsylvania has which the Jour nal did not mention. That is a 300,000 republican majority. If either of the judges who held the two-cent fare invalid should run for reelection on the republican ticket he would be overwhelming ly elected. Poor old Pennsylvania. ( Rushville Standard. ) There is a law which deftly states that express rates has been reduced 25 per cent since July 1 , last. But us fellows who "pay the freight" knows that the law lies. Will Harry Orchard , the self- confessed murderer of ex-governor Stunenburg , for which crime W. D. Haywood and Geo. A. Petti- bone have been tried and found "not guilty , " be hung ? If not , why not ? - If the rank and file of the re publican party had their way they would nominate Sen. La Follette of Wisconsin as their choice of candidate for the presidency. But the rank and file of republicans | have nothing to say when it comes , to naming their nominee. If they want a La Follette , a Lincoln or a Jefferson , let them line up for W. J. Bryan and get what they want. W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUR & FEED Apples and Cider tor , Hall & Oath , Valentine ; Nebr. 49 49 BAUMANN'S J * F nm K iJ u i ii > * 4 ? 4 ? 4 $ ? & 4s ? 49 All kinds of'Fresh ' Meats 4 ? 4 ? Salt and Cured Meats 43 4 ? Assortment of Fish 4 ? 4 * Vegetables and Oysters Fresh rendered lard in bulk or pails. 49 49 49 Particular attention paid to special orders. 49 49 * 4 ? & 49 iftfr 49 49 Our selling prices will be ftfr 49 49 'governed by our buying prices. 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 We will buy poultry , butter and eggs and all 49 kinds of live stock. 49 ft * 49 & 49 Call at our shop and see us. Phone 88. 49 49 49 Yours for business , 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Valentine Nebr. 49 , . 49 Dr. Meehan , osteopath , will be at the Valentine House from Monday morning until Saturday , evenhug each week. Consultation Free. 50 The Hudson nut and lump coal for sale by Frank Fischer is now reduced to § 7.60 per ton. Its su perior qualities will be shown by a trial load. 2 The American Stock Com- Manager Massingale , getting the big shows right along , for tunately has arranged for this big , complete attraction of 15 people , a special car of scenery valued at § 2.000. He has the assurance that each act will display new drop curtains and fire set pieces. As an idea , in the great success , "The Village Vagabond" aiact melo drama , the first scene is a leg wood drop hung in front of a mammoth forest. A sensational feature of the play is the escape of the prisoners from Blackwell's Island prison , using a special prison drop and set rocks , also a mammoth cave scene ; the trial is hold in the police court. Lewis Kline , the Jew comedian , keeps the audience in a good humor , while Gladis Bush , the cute little soubrette , wins the sympathy of everyone. The old sea captain , a brute to all appearances , was hissed at Sterling , Colo. , in the new opera house , until it became nec essary to drop the curtain. Her ald the brother of the "Villiage Vagabond , " a heavy with this at traction , wins the dislike of all , thus portraying their parts in a realistic manner , also showing1 a good moral , that the honest and straightforward path is the only way to enjoy life. "The American Cousin" a fine play that will live in the hearts of the American people , will be pre sented on Tuesday night , followed by the laughing drama "From Way Down East , " "Old Jed Prouty. " . , The company play ? here three nights beginning Monday \Feb.lO. Successor to D. STIXARD 1 ! Valentine , Nebraska. Has just received a complete line iii1 of the latest styles and best quality shoes for ladies , misses , children , men and boys. Our "Buffalo Calf" work shoes for men and bovs cannot b e * / equaled for quality and price. In dress shoes we have .both plain and snappy styles. Our "Hard Knocker , " the best on earth , is a line of school shoes that will please and satisfy you in style , quality , comfort and price. 1 New goods in all our lines are now constantly arriving , and you are invited to call and inspect the quality and become ac quainted with prices. DISTRICT COURT CALENDAR. Sioux February IS September S Sheridan March : > November 9 Cherry March Ifi September 21 Holt March 23 December 1-i Boyd April 6 . . . .November 2o Brown April 20 September 21 Kock April 27 September 28 Kp.va Pa ha May 11 September 1-i Box Butte May IS December T Dawes , June 1 - November 16 Frank Fischer's popular Hudson nut and lump coal now sells for ST.fif ) per ton. Asmall load will convince ytm of its good tu a lilies. 2 Don't forget our ? -rices are .al % ways right if you eome , send or call by phone , ( SS ) . 1 Baumann's Meat Market.