Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 06, 1908, Image 2

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5. 31. IHOE , - - - - Publisher.
os or poinvaAL AND
1 ! Cias-cs Si.edith Fear that Don-
hie AK- : ---illation is Signal for I5c-
jrinninji- Revolutionary .Movement
of Mxtraordinary Violence.
King Carlos of Portgual and the
crown prince. Loiiiz Philippe , were
assassinated Saturday at Lisbon and
the city is in a state of uproar.
The king's second son , the Infanta
IVInnuel. was slightly wounded , but
Queen Amclio , who strove to save the
' throwing herself
crown prince's life by
self upon him , was unhurt.
A band of men waiting at the cor
ner of the Praeeo de ( 'oinniorcio. and
the Hua de Arsenal suddenly sprang
toward the open carriage in which the
royal family was driving to the palace
and leveling carbines which they hud
concealed upon them fired.
The king and crown prince , upon
whom the attack was directed , were
each shot three times , and they lived
only long enough to be carried to the
marine arsenal , nearby , where they
Almost at the first shot the king fell
back on ihe cushions dying , and at
the same moment the crown prince
was seen to half rise and then sink
back on the seat.
Queen Amelie jumped up and threw
herself toward the crown prince in an
at the
his life
npparent effort to save
own.but the prince already
cost of her own.
ready had received his death wound.
in Ditch-
At Least Two Persons Killed
' Train.
inu ol' Waba-h
The Detroit
on the Wabash railroad , due at 7-17. :
tnid running late , was wrecked two and
a half miles east of Adrian. Mich. ,
shortly before 9 o'clock Sunday night.
The entire train of seven cars , includ
ing two day coaches , parlor car. din
ing car , sleeper , baggage car and ex
press coaches , was tipped over in the
ditch. The wreck is supposed to have
been caused by a broken flange , due
to lighting heavy snowdrifts.
It i < known that two passengers
were killed and ab.-.tit thirty-four were
injured , Most of the injuries are re
ported not serious. A relief train took
ihe injured to Detroit. Among the in
jured are several people from the He-
lasco theater in New York.
The wreck is attributed to a broken
rail. The train was eastbound Xo. 4 ,
consolidated St. Louis and Chicago
FIVIiN.Iuini : ) IN FJIIE.
Jiluy.e Destroys an Apartment House
in Kuu-us City.
Vive pel-sons were injured , one fa
tally , in a fire which Sunday night de
stroyed Landis Court , a three-story
apartment house on the west side :
Kansas City , Mo.
The injured : Mrs. Hilda Hollinqui t.
leg and arm broken : internal injuries :
will die. Mrs. Frank Alley and he ;
mother-in-law , seriously burned. Mr.
an'd Mrs. Mitchell , bruised and slightly
jumped from the
Mrs. Holinquist
third story window when all other
off. He-
means of escape had been cut -
fore jumping Mrs. Holinquist told the
crowd beiow to catc ] , a child she held
in her arms. She dropped the child
which was caught by a man and was
, lived in
More than a do/en families
the apartment house and all the in
jured lived on the upper floors. Th < ?
loss was $ r.000.
\Yestcrn LulHuers Say lilood-hcd
Alone Will House Con-ires ? .
Several hundred representatives of
labor unions in ma s meeting at Den
ver. Colo. , Sunday formed the "Yellow
Peril Exclusion league , " designed t >
prevent further influx of Asiatic coolie
labor in the United States. One of the
speakers said that thousands of Jap
anese were coming into the United
States through the port of 121 Paso ,
representing themselves as prospective
students. A prominent Japanese , of
San Francisco , he said , was at the
head of the enterprise and conducted
the business from a clothing agency , in
-the City of Mexico. Another speaker
said it was useless to appeal to con
gress , that "bloodshed alone" would
make congress appreciate the situa
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
City live stock market follow : Top
* if > ( .vo.K V ' 30. Top hog * . $4.25.
New President for Honduras.
Mail advices from Puerto Cortex
.cay : "In the election which terminat
ed Jan. 29 , < Ien. Miguel A. Da Vila was
elected president and ( Jen. Dionolsio
Gulierresc as vice president of Hon
duras practically without opposition.
Summer llesort .Hotel I turns.
The Hamilton Tourist hotel at White
Springs , Fla , was burned Saturday
night , with several cottages. The
guests barely esenped with their live- .
4Tlu losb ib csti. tJ-J at viJO/J0- .
President's Message Causes Mighty
"The message is the president's an
swer to the whole tribe of critics Avho
have tried to break down his admin
istration by blaming him with the loss
es and business disasters of the panic.
He only states at length what the in
telligent citizens of the United States
believe , that our business troubles
came not from the exposure , but from
the long tension of unlawful and evil
methods. lie has the American people
with him. "
This statement was made Friday by
Senator Jonathan P. Dolliver , of Iowa ,
apropos of President Roosevelt's mes
sage , which is regarded by public men
Irrespective of party or their attitude
towards the president as one of the
boldest and most audacious executive
documents ever presented for the con
sideration of the congress.
"The president , " Senator Dolliver
added , "threw the gauntlet down to
his enemies , to the men who have
charged that the enforcement of his
policies has resulted in widespread
business disaster , and he made it plain
that his administration will continue
to fight tooth and nail what on a pre
vious occasion he referred to as bad
corporations. " *
The message deals with the recent
decision of the supreme court regard
ing the unconstitutionality of the em
ployers' liability act , the difficulty ex
perienced by the department of justice
in enforcing interstate commerce and
anti-trust laws , and asks for additional
legislation governing the relations be
tween capital and labor and between
the great corporations and the public.
The president also asks for legislation
providing compensation for all em
ployes injured while in the government
The president charges that certain
wealthy men have banded together for
the purpose of overthrowing all who
honestly administer the law , and he
says that many of the assaults , whether
editorial or in speeches , were made
at command of the financial pirates.
"The very fact that these men have
spent such large sums of money" indi
cates , according to the message , "the
terror which our public actions have
caused the corrupt men of vast wealth
to feel in the very marrow of their
bonea. "
Uadieal Step to Check the Epidemic in
The most radical step yet taken in
an effort to combat the epidemic of
measles which has been sweeping over
Pittsburg , Pa. , was announced when
SuoeriiHendent Edwards , of tlve bu
reau of health , 'sent orders to all un
dertakers instructing them that hence
forth all deaths due to measles must
be considered as contagious and the
bodies treated for burial accordingly.
This means that hereafter all persons
dying of measles must be buried with
in thirty-six hours after death. One
hundred and three new cases of mea
sles were reported to the department
Tuesday. The total number since the
first of the year is 1,424.
J'hc Oriental Did Not Open for Busi
ness Friday Morning.
The Oriental bank at New York , on
which a run by depositors was started
Thursday , did not open for business
Friday. The bank was closed by order
of the state superintendent of bank. ; .
The Oriental bank is a state institu
tion , capitalized at $750,000 and pre
vious to the panic last fall , carried in
dividual deposits of $7.r. 19,000 , but
this had been largely reduced during
and since the panic.
Fourth Body is Found.
A fourth body , that of Joseph Min-
Jnchello , was found buried on the Ne-
roni truck garden in Florence. Colo.
The man's head had been crushed in
with a blow , apparently with an ax.
Antone Xeroni , alias Bavori , a prisoner
in the county jail at Canon City , is
charged with the murder of Mininchoi-
Would TJIX Dowries.
A bill , the effect of which would be
to tax dowries given by New York
state women upon their marriage to
foreigners , was introduced in the as
sembly at Albany by Mr. Keller , of
New York. It provides for a tax of
20 per cent on such property above the
value of $100,000.
New Orleans IJank Quits.
Liquidation of the State National
bank of New Orleans , La. , was decided
on by a vote of the stockholders. Thfc
bank is nearly 100 years old. Follow
ing the resignation of President Will
iam Adler several weeks ago and a re
ceivership for a large grocery firm of
which he was head , the State National
bank has suffered heavy withdrawals.
Banker Drops Dead.
Thomas L. Fishbaek , president of
Lhe First National bank of Brookings ,
5. D. , dropped dead at his home In
Rochester , Minn.
Oil Trust Reaches Out.
A Durban. South Africa , dispatch
mnounces the Standard Oil company
las acquired the South African trad-
ng interests of the Shell Transport
ind Trading company , thus establish-
ng a monoply in South Africa.
Fleet at Strait. .
The tleet of American battleships
tassed Cape Virgins. Argentine. Fri-
lay and is advancing slowly toward
he Straits of Magellan.
Prosecutor Even Defends Wife of ITr.-
r.v Thaw.
William Travers Jerome , r pre-er.t-
ative of the people. Thursday mu.-V r\
masterly plea that justice be done in
the case of Harry Kendall Thaw. Vir-
dictiveness and sneers were lack"
logic , analysis and a consif1
tion of the facts weru their -ii. i
tutus. It was not blind ap i ! ;
the vengeance of thfe Ia.w that Mr. Je
rome addressed to the jury , rut ever
'and ' always there was the note of 5 > .Ir-
ness , even at times of mercy. The
year that has elapsed since the fir-t
trial had wrought a wonderful and
startling change in the prosecutor.
No longer attempting to shield the
i name of Stanford White , he accepted
the story told by Uvelyn Nesbit Thaw
as true all but tht/ drugging and he
I made frank confession to the jury tha >
the velvet swings and mirrored roou. =
of the studio houses described by i\iA
girl were indeed a miserable reality.
No longer attacking- Evelyn Thaw as
a skilled adventuress , Mr. Jerome
pleaded for the girl , because she nev
er had had a chance for any uf the
higher , cleaner , sweeter thins ; of life.
The climax came , however , \\her
Mr. Jerome denounced both Thaw and
White in one breath and clashed them
as "two degenerates quarieiing over
a woman , " and the woman , the prosecutor
cuter declared , "knew no more had
been taught no more by the world
than to play one against the other
until in a jealous rage , in blindest ha
tred , in vengeance of an undeniably
gross4 wrong done to his wit"llariy
Thaw shot and killed the architect. "
Ancient American Naval Pennant
IJrinj- ; $ t.250 in London.
The flag of the American man of
war Chesapeake and the "I3ulakava !
bugle , " two of the most valuable war
relics of a collection of antiquities that
belonged to the late T. C' . Middlebrook ,
of London , was secured Thursday at
the auction sale of the collection for
American buyers. The Chesapeake
( lag was captured in the light with tlv
British ship Shannon in IS 1.1. and
there was good bidding for the failed
and torn piece of bunting , the authen
ticity of which is vouched for in a
written history of ownership since
Midshipman Grundy.of the royal i.a-
vy , came into possession of th" t-irn
trophy nearly a century agThe ' .ag
was sold for $4.liriU to ; t London art
dealer , who also purchased the bugle
for $1,500. It was upon this instru
ment that the order to the light bri
gade to charge at the battle of Haln-
klava was sounded. The dealer ad
mitted tkat these highly interesting
curios had been purchased by him for
different parties in America , but more
than this he would not say. There
was a rumor that he was acting for
Cornelius Vanderbilt , but this \\-as sub
sequently denied , and London does not
yet know in whose hands the Hag and
bugle have fallen.
Federal Court Passes on .Mi our : Stat
Judge McPherson , in the -United
States district court , at Kansas City.
Mo. , Thursday , handed down a decision
declining to interfere with the county
officials of that county in the enforce
ment of the Missouri statute making
unnecessary labor on Sunday a niNde-
The decision is a victory for Judge
Wallace , of the criminal couit. who in
his campaign against Sunday labor has
caused the indictment of L'.OOO stage
folk , theatrical managers and attaches ,
with hundreds of storekeepers , for al
leged violation of the Sunday law.
$2PoO ( ) in Purses Will Be Distributed
at Cincinnati.
All entries for the international tour
nament of the American Howling con
gress at Cincinnati , O. . have been re
ceived and show a total of : ; -ir > five-
man teams , 74 C two-men tea ins , and
1,440 individuals.
About $23,500 will be divided among
the bowlers , not counting the extra
prize money by the Cincinnati Bowling
association. The tournament opens 01 ;
the night of February S.
Ivrnpp Gnh-ial Arrested.
An official of the Krupp gun works ,
whose name is not given , was arrested
at Essen Thursday on the- charge of
betraying militaty secrets. It is de
clared that he sold tlu > plans of cer
tain guns which the Krupps are build
ing for Italy.
Million Dollar Fire.
A fire in the warehouse of Henry
2oburn & Co. , at Indianapolis , Ind. ,
jarly Wednesday , caused a total loss
jf $1,000dOO , with insurance of $ . " 57r , -
)00. Over 100 linns with goods stored
n the warehouse are lowers.
Arthur Ferguson Dead.
Arthur W. Ferguson , secretary t : > the
hilippine commission , died suddenly
f heart disease in Manila Weih.esdtiy
For liny ing Stolen Coal.
E. G. Anderson , alderman , coal deal-
ir and prominent citizen , of Aberdeen ,
! . D.t has been arrested at Minneapolis ,
Jinn. , accused by the St. Paul railroad
> f purchasing coal which was stoler
> y employes of the /road.
Marshall IhOstead Dead.
Marshall HoHtead , former United
itates consul at Eirminglrun , Kns. ,
lied Wednesdaj- the GcrmJii l > ta-
onecs hnsj-it.'il f 11v i. T ' -feivt jn
or appendicitis.
ae ews
LOUT or : iihi-.s ; : : M.I ; i"p.
C . . { iirick.s F .siul : ii Rnlitf a Sat ; : -
! < : < : at Sidv.
An Orr.ahu * ] eia ! t--y * Superii.-
ier.dint Patti"in. . of t'i" Pr.'ji"ICc -
nr ' . * ' < e'Mnpviii.v. Thuisdjy m < . tning re-
tui ne.l from a trip to Sidney , bringing
wlt'i him tliree huge brickof metal.
whlv-h. he believes , represents pai t < f
th : ' ! or t c.f a robbery of that errnrary * . "
office in S-'i.-imy in March. 13M > . wh n
gold bricks valued at over ? 1K . ( )00.
the products t.f the Honiestake mine ,
were stolen.
Three \\ec--ics ago rue of the princi
pal business blocks of t-'if'ney \v ; j
burned to tJv ground , and one of the
buildings ib'sirf y > > . ) wa1 t-to > M
which has sl.xnl f. r thirty yr..irs. Th > %
orick-i were fcund when the deb : is of
the saloon building was created away.
An attempt had ftec.n msu'e to ham
mer cut the identification nntik > on
the bricks , but on one remains the lei-
t'jrs "AKR" iudkat'iig the original
marl : was "H ( . mo. take. "
The robbety occurred the night fol-
i-iwirg t'ic ' delivery of the c'lld to tin-
express com pr. .i" . Much e\ide ce wss
Tathered with a view to : h - pro * . --u-
tion of l-hei-if : .McCarthy , of Chey
enne county , but owing to his posiiion
thr. compaivfinaliy pave tip tie ! at-
tfinpt. -Cii-tij' owned the .IOHI ! im-
der which th - bricks were found. It
require * I A-M men to iift Ihe brick.-- .
which , if go'd. are worth about Sl. > . -
'iDO each. They were found by Mich-
: ? Tobin. who bought the : il > : i from
Mcf'aithy. u ho is now dond. The
brScks are to be ( orwardi'd to th - ex
press company's head ot.ce "IM i-'t.
Louis af onre.
Slat- Temperance Union 3grs * : : : t Lin-
lJeclaia tii "s f'.r state A Idpiohibi -
" 'ere made at Thursday'merlin - *
uf ll.'r. Ni-in-rKstsi Tenipeai : : union.
vhch met a the 'tateai itol : -t Lm-
" ! . : . Most of I he speaker- said Ihe
'ill" was r-ie to drive the hqfor ! traf-
' ' . . President ( teorue
'ir out of the : : te.
i > therlr.iil. of tbe liaptist cnllej ; . : it
"vic'd I 'and. si."d ; prohibition \vi -
.MW i i the tr : : th't tlie bannei of vic-
i ijy ; loat-l nver Oklahoma and < Ie > r-
' ia , and ? v"ebrM.-ka wo''Id be next.
licsolutions - 'r < ' adoptei ! pletlging
i.ppvsition to any ciiiddtt ! : * who < " -
l t > used ihe liquor trallic and support to
; lie uhooirld aid in prohibition
i > : sp-cT ! < ) ! : KLLMDT : VALLKV.
{ . ; r.IrMo \v. Dir - . ! ( i t'ru-hcd XVhJ- ! At
tending to itiJTtztlC' -
( Jeert'eV Ditchett. iii4bt ? car iii-
poctor at Valli-y. while e ! v.i : * "d ii > tlv
; ) erfoi nicincr of his dutiewn al
most instantly killed about . " . - : ; oVcd -
! u-f-day morning. It is imt known e-
.ictly how Iheucident happened , bur
i ! is thoii"ht he caught hi4- fool in a
-witch and fell backward The CM-- =
: ; upon him and crushed his Ix-dy
Ireadfully. but did not pass over it
lie wu < - ! ' . ' vears of age and ha- been
: n the empl' y of the railroad company
f'-r sever : ; ! years. He ! e ; ve : i wife ,
for many years an invalid , and two
; . > u qh tors.
iii Idu ] > Ms'.n Hcatc ; : C.T.
J. Samenm was held up at Ueavi \
r'ty ( Siiinlay night on his \\v home
by an unlmowii highwayman. Mr.
Cameron wais cairyirg a ( ash ! > ox con
taining a considerable amount of
money and uas attacked in : i laik
-pot near : in alley. Taken by urpr-e.
h ? was at first staggered , ljut -gaining
"limself. set upon hi" antagonist ; ind
ii > uil'.y jiiit him to ( light.
Almost Cru-iii'd.
Xcls Kiugsrud. Lonu i'ine's pioneei
fi'acksmith. ' met with an pccient ;
Thur d.-ty which almost co.-l him hi.- :
life. While jihu-ing a vault door in po-
ition in the new Masonic building one ,
of the rollers he was using slipped and
the l.UOD-pound door crushed him to
* he floor. Two men who wei e standing - .
ing ne.r ihe scene grasped hold < .f ,
'he door and held part of the weight j
"im the unfortunate workman i
Ncbra-kr.n Commits Siticidc.
Charles H.Kipp. . a member of the
vvnolesale gi.iceiy iirm of Keir. Kipp
ic Co. . at Hastings , committed suicide
' .Vedne ( hy night by shooting himself.
The body was discovcre by his wife ,
who. knowing that hevas mentally in
trouble , f ii- : > \\oi iilm from home to
the store. O\euc.-rk : and worry are the
i.-ily knoun causes for the act. He
was 45 years old and one of the most
prominent busiiu-ss i.ri : oi the place.
Ni-ro\v r > cijc t'rojn Asphyxiation.
Dr. Wil'.i- : [ : ' - v- . while at Ta-
: nag , had > t1 " ' ' ' * npe from be
ing asphy - - ' K. ; . r.eA as sitting in the
ollice of th.h.v ! i.ting for a train.
and lie ' - > . "e Ly the gas \k-hich
escaped i.r-i : ; i.e herd coal burner ,
and only had knowledge enough left't- >
know that something was wrong and
staggered out of doors.
Queer Divorce Suit.
Alleging that'her ' husband i ? an ag
nostic and demands that she subordi
nate her love of God to her affection
for him. .Mrs. Charles Wooster. of Sil
ver Creak , has filed a suit for divorce.
Wooster 's one > f the piouers of Ne
braska populism and a veteran ed : ' : . . .
\Y < jnen Hcspatter .Man with K : ; s. j
I. S. Vose , a 1'caver City wido-\er. !
was bombarded Wednesday night with {
eggs of doubtful vintage , t'irown at |
him by three women , on the publics
streets. Mr. Vose was accused of in- j
suiting one of the three. j
Milled hy IJnr/ S\v.
Frank VattMaAas kile.l ! and thee
were s xtie'y i-'j'red : in a . t .im l-i-- ; j
sa\\ aeci-i.'i.t "t tint'tt'i < f O'-t-ivi.i ,
, .ite V\"i li ' 1 > V.'hi'e rtt--nj t. . , ' t ]
' ' ' w ' ' ' '
rut a * r ' ,
itvo. . . . L' l- > < - t - i y. g in - ; ' uii cti i.
FATAL AI i tiAV A : ( ilLCliniST.
.Vnk .M.N"KI''cil in : : Filitrit > . .
Dfbcit'al : : - tt i- dead : tt ( lilchrist
" J'v rut : f n. fight with Frank
McXes.'j. of til- ? same place. I loth of
, 'i-- : a : tlclp.-fits ! n th i'ght are young
ncMi i-.nd unmarried. MeXess beinj ; 21
. : : \ 20 years old.
I Thf two men had an altercation in a
j p. > oi ii--ill and thi.- ; led to blows. The
: v > : ' "i clinched find fell to the tloor
with Walcott on top. Several more
olowo \ ver.evchnnged ami the by-
-tunt1er. < ! thn interfered. Waleott
I'r--e. but McXess waunaole to regain -
gain his feet. HITorts were made to revive -
vive him. but they \\ere unavailing , he
| "yps in u few minutes , only speaking
I u few woids.
j So far as i-an be ascertained no
: xvtapons other than tista were used oy
I either of the participants in the af-
tfiay. and it is th.night death wa.
[ caused by cp ncussu of the brain.
j ! > elhert Walott was arraigned be-
'foi- , ] iuiT" Washburn at Aurora Monday -
| day morning and pleaded not guilty to
the complaint charging manslaughter.
; Hail in the amount of § : : .000 was given -
! en for his appearance on Ftidav. .Tan.
CJhjw : its : : : ; ; : : : IiCgulat5on.c iu
j Ncbra-kn.
j C.iriplaining that his -niarantine
| procl-aniiition agninst mange and itch
i in cattle is wet king a hardship to the
i live r-'to'-k inteicsts of ihe state. ( Jov.
i Sheldon was visited at Lincoln by
[ stockmen of the range country and
i representatives from the South Oma-
I } ; ( stock yards.vho asked that
j rh.inge be made in his proclamation.
! Accompanying the delegation was
Velc'-inarian Mcivim and Dr.
j . \Ie ! ' . ourne. of the government bu-
; leau. and Drs. Clark and Ilum ey , Col-
! Mivulo inspectors. The complaint Avas
j that the proclamation was too general ,
' iJnsl prevented shipments from localt-
i ties where n.j disease existed. It was
| j i.o asserted that lack of funds , both
i state and government , prevented in-
j speetion of herds , -even when the own-
| rs desired it.
! < 5ov. Shi > ldoi ! tohl the delegation to
; draft reguliiti "iis- . and if they did not
! violate the statutes and were reason
able he wou'd ' consent to changes.
I > AJIL.M \ ? " TO IIF.ST.
j Clnuih : : Mior Ue-tdcs to Take Vaca-
1 tion at 3- > .c--I.-ior Spi-iujs.
j M ; yor ami Ms. Duh'mnn. of Oma-
| hi. have to Kxcelsior Sjiring .
| Mo. . ? ( a ten ijiy.-- ' \a-j.iti47ii. This in-
f'trination tt. > < iriven oyr by Dahlman's
s x-"taiy .Monday. Immediately after
! l > e returned troru City his honoi
' \\as driu t < > hir ; home in a carriage
, and lr - - - not ipp'-areil stt his o'ee. } In
' . fact , he h ! not been at the cit- hall
since he left for Denver on .Tan. 1 ! ' .
; -Teanxi -Councilman Johnson , presi-
, d * > nt ' f the city council , is acting rn.iy-
i or. although Miss Malone , the may-
I or > secrerai y. is in iictiv- charge of
'the ' city's rxt-ei ! Jive'affairs * .
! X- > e.\Iatti.-n ; i given for Dabl-
; man's abscii < e. but it is believed he h-is
' taken -.ication in the hop * that the
Sioux City i'TiiiviM have blown over
v\ hen he r turns.
i ; UL : : < > AI > P
Siareniciu .Mrdc C'onsirucia : : : V.'iis
Co : : r-i'-c ; in Spring.
I" . ! - . Ki'ilYma ; . owner of the Syca
more iriiieTJilpring - - . in Frown coun
ty. Kan . held a conference at Beat-
ri < > Mt > ndiv in company with Super
intendent Collman am ! other officials
of te ! Tex-- ; iiid Southern railroad
relatives So the bul'dinof an exten
sion uf tlv line from Westmoreland.
Kan . to Falls City. Neb. , and Man
hattan. Kan The proposed linn has
been sin \eyed ami it is said that con
struction v.ok : will begin early in the
spi inu.
Woman Injured in Ilunnuay.
\ dJsa trcui < runaway occurred at
Uroken i > r w Monday afternoon when
Mr < Or I'artholome.w. wife of a wefl
known physh ian. and Miss liaymond.
il Linrohi.erc thrown from a. b'ug-
Ky and sej-joiisly injured. The two
women were driving on the boulevard
road when the here became unman
'Poyntcr Schcjc Attacked.
In a petition filed in the district
( itirt : st Lincoln Monday II. C. M. Rur-
gess alleges Hint the American Order j
company , organized by ex-Gov. W. A.
Poynter , was formed for the purpose
of fraud. P.urgess asserts that the
concern derives all its business from
the American Order of Protection , a
fraternal life insurance order.
Pay Up or Quit.
At an adjourned meeting of the Tecumseh -
cumseh city council Mayor WlJiiam
Ernst instructed the city clerk to rtrite
the main oHices of the Adams Express
company that the company would have
to pay the S2H occupation tax assessed
against it for the current year in Te-
e-umseh or quit doing business there.
.McCook'- School on Fire.
Mct'ook's splendid new high school j
building had a. narrow escape from
rlestruction by fire late Sunday night.
The painters are finishing the interior
ivork and spontaneous combustion Jn
'ouie f.iled rags used by the workmen
? ame near being the undoing of ;
outlding costing $40.000.
TCiuhty Chickens Die Foully.
Highly fine chickens met an untime
death when fire attacked the barn in
ivhich they dwelt at . > 9GO North Thir-
: y-ith street. Omaha. Sunday morn-
lug. The fowls were the property of
loseph Pritchard. They were of the
'uost ' refined and elegant class , being
, -alued at an average of $ 2 each.
Gtot" to Have Primaries' .
The Republican county central com-
nittee met at Syracuse Monday and
decided to h ld primaries to elect dele-
rate. ? to the , state and congressional
onver.tiors/ The primaries are called
or Feb. I'G.
Co ! ! > v'--ctce on Tuerculosis.
Tjbei'7'il"-s" ' ' : was tle topic Tues-
: j ; f , r ; ' ' - ; lal session ( .f the Ne-
Mn-k- : < T- re nee of charities and corI I
'i r . , L . . < > 'n. which w : is held fit t
" " , r 1Pr. .
f. . (
for th < - Union ?
Edson Rich , attorney
Pacific , held a eonfeience vxHh zrtem-
bers of the state railway commissions
Tuesday morning , and the result probably
suit to test ths-
ably will be a friendly
anti-pass law. The Union Pacific may
in the courts the-
also decide to light
recent order of the commission pro
mulgating new oil rates , which provid
ed a reduction of about HO per rent of
for hnuling ° -
the rates charged
Xothins definite , however , was derided
of i.'je commission
ed , as all of the members
mission were not present. Mr Kieh.
also desired to know the position of
the commission on a proposition relating
- . It "s-
ing to the retail of telephonesIt
the desire of his company , hi- said , to
furnish telephones to employee , the-
the railroad
latter to pay SO per cent ami
road company to pay the remaining 110
per cent of the cost in transportation ,
equal to its share of the bill The Ne
braska anti-pass law. it is said , does *
not cover this matter specifically , hut
no encouragement was gKen ' < Mr.
Rich by the commission.
* * *
State Senator C. A. Sibley. of Front
ier county , lias complained formally
that grain rates charged by ' < Hur
lington road in Nebraska are * high.
He asks the railroad comnn-Mon to
reduce them lf per cent below the re
duction of If. per cent already bumight
labout by the Aldrich bill. Senator Sib-
'ley appeared before the coinin--ionor3
'at ' Lincoln Tuesday morning -KM ! tooK
.formal action. A duy for h-Mimg will-
be fixed and the ! n > ard will misider
evidence In the rase. An order of the-
board reducing rates uarnaJe sev
eral months ago. but was held up by-
legal proceedings instituted by the ruil-
roads. Fallowing this action the com
mission at Lincoln decided it hud pro
ceeded wrongfully in acting . its own-
motion , and decided that r < d.ictions of"
rates could be brought about only on
formal complaint. A sh.irt tune later
Senator Sibley declared he would com
plain , and he has fulfilled hiluoniisc. .
The commission has noiifiej tin- rail
road of the tiling , and v. * ' . - li-r fi2f
the timc3 for hearing.
State Oil Tnsucctor Alter : la ! Icd z.
report with Gov. Sheldon f-.v-rrng the
business done in his office.T iriug thu
.year 1907. The report sh the inState
spection fees amounted n
miiscellaneous receipts : >
§ 3.60 ; miscellaneous fes for Febru
ary , $95" balance on hai i .fannary ,
1907. Sl.LSrt.fiH : total < - , , -fi-.ins for
the year. S'J7.RI5.5fii barrels inspect
ed , 2Gl.49r. ! ; approvd. . UG1.7. : . " . . bar
rels rejected. 700. Of the barrels in
spected 'MS were owned by the L'nion
Pacific and Hprington ailroylfami
the i > ayment of th ; inspec-ti. > n fees is
still in dispute , the repo : t says. The
disbursements for the y jr amounted
to $20,51 : " ) . 59 : balance 011 hnnd Janu
ary 1 , 190S. $1.100 ; increa.s- inspec
tion fees over 1900 , IS per cwt : in
crease in office and traveling expenses ,
6' per cent ; increase in amount turned
into state treasury. 50 per rent. Th >
report sets out in detail the various
expenses incurred , as well as the worlf
of the different deputies.
The railway commission has adopt
ed the following orders of importance
to all the state : Xo change of freighter
or passenger depots or tl.iv ; stations
from their present location , or - uspeii
-ion of the sale of tickets. > . - the re
ceiving or forwarding of ft eights from
stations now in use for su < ! : purpos * *
will be permitted without th const-nt
of this commission. Permission for
the location of depots and the con
struction of same must be secured from
U : s commission. Application for s-uch
p -inits must be accompanied by all
information necessary for a full and
proper understanding of all interests'
to be affected thereby. The commission
reserves the right to pass upon tin * lo
cation of all switches and spurs. Xo
switches or spur in use in this stata
shall be removed or abandoned without
the consent of this commission.
* *
W. B. Rose , of Lincoln , went tr.
' " ' and Island Tuesday night to argue
tne case where a temporary Injunc
tion was secured against ihe state
board of public lands and buildings to
prevent the board from taking a portion
tion of the pensions of the members of
the soldiers' home for the benefit of
the home. In the past it was customary -
mary for the members of the home to
pay to the home all of their prisi n ex
cept $12 per month. Tht- present
board changed this so that . , my a per
cent of the pension over $1. , is now
taken. The action of the board called
attention to the practice , and sonic of
the friends of the soldier- objected
and had the suit filed.
* - *
Employe ? in the state h i > sp v. ho
hold their jobs at the pleasure of nov _
Sheldon will not be able to .ra\v Hieir
pay for the month of January until the
last day of the month. The' voucher
which the governor has to approve be
fore these employes
can draw pay arc
copied from the statute , provide- that
the employe make oath that he has
earned the money coming to him ln-
til the money is
actually earned or
rather until the end of the month. Urn
governor will not approve salary
* *
February S is the date set by the
governor for the hearing desired bv the
three councilmen of Wayne who" are
accused of failure
carry out the
Slocum law in revoking the license *
of a saloon man at Wayne.
* * *
, T' Hs"oemaker , of Wilsonvillc ,
has notified the
of a grievance he has against the
ams Express Co. Shoemaker w
hat he shipped
pounds of t
to Denver and the express
raised the rate to 400
pounds. He sent
the original receipted bill to the com
" " ? Sald a"d demanded
? J ; a rebate
3f > .
$2.63 , and the
company has , lot
3ven answered his
communication The
railway commission has written the
xpress company for itl
> side c.f t