Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 30, 1908, Image 4

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* Vw *
8 8t ! U
1. AI. RICE Editor and Proprietor.
MARK ZAUH Foreman.
Entered at the postoflice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
Class Matter , f
Cherry Co. Subscriptions : | | } ; | | { J
. . . . , . \8l.50pervcarinadvance \ ; paper dis-
Foreign Subscriptions ] ; nnlin (1aexpiralion ; if iot renewed.
\1w \ P ° r inch each is-ue : by contractc. .
Kates rinsiont ; udv. 20c per jnc | , . iocajs ioca line.
Foreign rates for stereotyped adv M-tisiriir. 3 months or longer 10 cents
per inch , net.
and socials for revenue
obituaries lodge resolutions
Local notices , ,
5 cents per line each insertion.
Editor Democrat :
In common with othe
friends of Mr. Morrissey
was pleased to see the abl
manner in which you pre
sented his name as a dele
gateto the Democratic Xa
tional Convention. Allcr.
me to add a few reasons wh ;
I believe he should repre
sent this part of the state.
'He is the peer of any ma :
in Northwest Nebraska a
an orator.
He has always been o :
the side of the plain peoiJ
in their fight against coi
p or ate greed.
His private and pnbli
life has been clean and re
His advice , his time an
his money has been freel
given for the success c
Democratic principles.
He is a personal friend c
William Jennings Brya
and if elected as a delegai
will vote for him first , la <
and all the time.
Yours truly ,
L * B
Jan. U , 1908.
Board met as per adjournraen
Present : G. E. Russell , chin
and A. E. Morris.
The following ; claims were a
lowed on the General fund :
Trn Ilo3u care Uitewin clrldren -17
Clyde Hosscter bai'ill foes s
Htir : 1/ivery Co livery til
II Green in-jdicine ptiuner' 4
Cluis Sherman bailiir lees 10
The following claims were a
lowed on the Road fund :
W Hobbs : $ 00 W Ii Cady : i
S \V Lilly : ; 00 Win Nieinolh 20
All bids for furnishingsupplie
etc. , for county offices during tl
year 19OS , were rejected and sa
officers are instructed to pureha :
supplies in open market.
Contract for furnishing one c :
of Olympic lump coal for tl
court house was awarded to J. P
Yeast , same to be furnished at tl
price of § 7.35.
Refund was ordered to J. Y\ \
Auker as follows : School tax <
in Merriraan precinct for yet
1000 , amount § 7.75.
The following taxes assessed fc
year 1907 were ordered strick
from tax list , erroneously assesse
I W D\vjcr road tiVootl : Luke preet 2
' "
\T E Doty ' Sch'aKltt -
JStirooms .Sparks
Commissioners proceeded to t
uflice of the county treasurer 1
his boo
tne purpose of checking
and accounts the past year.
Affidavit of Beuj. Roberts foi
refund of personal taxes , Mer
ni-ui precinct , 1907 , rejected.
Board adjourned to Jan. 15th.
Jan. loth.
Board met : \s per adjnurnme :
Present : Ruasetl and Morris.
The following claims were
j-cted :
L Checns road w.-rk
d ' > r > juii : do 1
The following claims were
lowed on the General fund :
\V S printing 2y
,1 M TiHjktT e\e-iso
( i C.irKon 1-tbor riii I nutfrial < '
K > le Lui-ry Co .hvry
II Ho ) k emiia fe fees
, The following claims were
lowed on the Road fund :
10000 J Hook ofl
\V U okjr
C Kune ' ' - -10 S ( i Spaiu -
J l Sjirtll a TJ
The following list of deputy ;
sessors submitted by P. H.Youi
couury assessor , was approved
the commissioners :
Buffalo I/ke . AJox , Jurr . ruttl
Mdtlit-r i.ukc )
De eyLakol . C W enct . S : . ;
. DauBanr , . I
IrlT'oimbMi ' . Goi
Eli . WD Kickets . Merri
German . E O Spencer . Crook
O.o.'Kiu' . . W I Wniy . KU ;
Meniiiiiin . E 15 Qiiible . Merri
Hiver . E L lUth . Va'en
riehajel ! . -Win Iletlan . Ar
Val-ntine . W E Haley . Va'eu
Wood Lake . J WG rotes . Wood J
Crookston . T 1 ? Keliy . Crook ,
T.ible . C WCranii-r . Valet
K enueay . Win II Kennedy . Kenr
Steen . K F O- > born . ( 'h
Eulo.v . Jis f\\eeney . Till ! ;
Loup . IJarn y McMtt . Brow
Cjdy . M Moce . (
The commissioners allowed
county clerk a salary of100
clerk of the board of county cc
in issioners for the year 190S.
Board allowed the county si
erintendent a salary of 81100
year 1908.
The commissioner appointed 1
A. N. Compton county physici
for year 08 for the following p
cincts : Sparks , AVoodlake , I
wanee , Dewey Lake , Germ :
Pleasant Hill , Crookston , Stei
Valentine , Loup , Cleveland , R
er , Goose Creek , Schlagle , Ta !
ruKm unt BOA
o * J C i a t i S * J 5 S a-
Couch Covers Tapestry Rugs Carpets
Iron Beds Springs Mattresses
- GiriisArnimmition
Gasoline Kerosene Lubricating Oils
and Kennedy.
The comraissionnrs appoir
Dr. T. N. Duncan of Cody cou
physician for the following j
uincts : Georgia , Eli , Lavs
Buffalo Lake , Merriman , Co
Barley , Sharps Ranch , Enlow ,
win , Nenzel , Gillaspie and Mot
The commissioners changed
name of Min'nechaduza precinc
that of Crookston precinct.
The Cody Cow Boy was de
natod as the paper in which
commissioners' proceedings
the delinquent tax list for the y
1908 shall be piintud.
Board adjourned to Jan. If.
Jan. K
Board met as per adjournmi
Present : liussell and Morris.
Board proceeded to select si
names from which to draw r.
jurors for regular term of dist
court , March 1908.
Refund of § 3 ordered made
John Cronin for poll tax paid
him in Clevoknd precinct for
year 190B , he bsn'ng over age.
The following estimate of
penses of Cherry county for
year 1908 was made :
( j winy : m < * . precinct ottioers § 10
J i'l und b'liinl ' 2i
Co'ir uiiil jury h
Sui | > is for pcnr 2
IJjJiniv on wild iinima's a
Fuel and repairs I1
Books , blanks mid stationery 11
.Iiid 'iieut fund
P -
> n ge-i
Cou ity ro.-ids !
Siuking fund
Total § 10
Board adjourned to Jan. 17t
Jan. I7t
Board met as per adjournm
Present : Russell afid Morns.
Road tax § 2.50 , assessed to
Tate in German precinct , yeai
The following claims were
lowed on the General fund :
J Mojjiu 1 50 A I'romimier
F A Ctunbow t7 00 J T Jveeiey
The following claims were
lowed on the Road fund :
Ivrott'r & Hall in JO 'Ttcter IJros
Uolton Lumber Co
Board adjourned.
Jan. 1
Present : Russell and Morris.
Refund , § 2 50 , made to II
Miller of Eli , erroneously
The following claims were
lowed on the General fund :
r II Russell ai SO A 12 Morris
The following amounts wen
ducted and applied on delinq
personal tax :
Board adjourned to Feb. ore
Again a dear sister of the
C. T. U. has been called to
with the Redeemed above am
though we shall miss her from
number and mourn her loss
can but bow in humble submis
to the Infinite Mind of Gorl ,
in His Divine Providence has
ed it so , therefore be it
RESOLVED ; That we , the m
bers of the \\r. C. T. U. , do ex
to husband and family of oui
loved sister , Emma Belle Ni
our sincere sympathy and Cl
tian love in this hour of sad
reaveraent. And be it
RESOLVED ; That a copy of t
resolutions be sent to the fan
be spread on the minutes of
union and be printed in each
the town papers.
Mrs. Cora Sherman ,
Mrs. Maud Breuklande
Mrs. Bina Holsc'aw ' ,
Whereas the Almighty Goc
the exercise of His divine will
removed the infant child of
sister Leola Granger , , there
be it
RESOLVED ; That Hope Lot
No. 110 , Degree of Honor , sine
ly condole with this sister in
ailiiction and commend her
consolation to Him who orders al
things for the best , ami whose
chastisements are meant in mercy
RESOLVED ; That a copy of thes (
resolutions be placed upon the rec
ods of this lodge , and a copy b <
sent to the sister and to each o
the newspapers of Valentine.
Mrs. Minnie Brayton.
Mrs. Mary Quigley.
Mrs. Liilie Archer.
Whereas the hand of Divim
Providence has removed the fathei
of our sister , Elizabeth Fitzgerald
therefore be it
RESOLVED ; That Hope Lodge
No. 110 , Degree of Honor , extent
our sincere sympathy tothissLstei
in her hour of bereavement.
- Resolved ; That a copy of thes
resolutions be spread upon the
records of the lodge and a cop.\
thereof be transmitted to the siste
and to each of the newspapers o
Mrs. Minnie Brayton.
Mrs. Mary Quigley.
Mrs. Liilie Archer.
Special meetings are being he !
at the Presbyterian church , con
ducted by Evangelist Rev.Vm
H. Kearns , D. D. , of Beatrice.
Dr. Kearns possesses the pei
sonal advantaged of having bee
an active and successful pastoi
and of starting upon the work o
his present appointment in tin
vigor of matured manhood. H
started as overseer and evangelis
the beginjing of the new yeai
having received his appointmer
from the Presbyterian board t
look after the interests of ai
Presbyterian churches in N (
braska under the care of th
board , as well as to see to the oc
cupying of new fields now d (
manding churches.
Therefore it behooves the cit
zens of Valentine to stand by thi
special effort of the great Boar
of a great church through Re\
Kearns , to place the congregatio
in our town on a firm basis finaru
ially and spiritually for fully p i
forming its responsibility in buik
ing up the best interests of th
town and community.
It is your enterprise and welfar
is at stake.
Everyone knows that a towi
known for its church going qual :
ties is a town where there is th
least extortion in business , an
the most safety for the young an
the greatest comfort of all.
And the church-goer must k
up to the proper standard.
Rev. Kearns is a magneti
speaker , easy and delightful t
listen to and no one can fail to b
encouraged and inspired to see
his life's noblest undertaking.
We took him over to the hig
school Wednesday morning whe.r
he urged the pupils to do thei
very utmost to reach the marks c
Heaven's high calling.
Next Sabbath evening it i
probable the church auditorial
will be filled to overflowing , bu
many extra seats will be provided
Next Tuesday , at the closin ,
service , it is hoped the busines
places will be closed between
and 9 in order for all to attend.
Some topics yet to be sookei
are "The Final Judgment , " vlTh
Second Coming of Christ" an <
"The Unpardonable Sin , "
Crushing a Core.
TOUHS Boreui ( back from travelinj
in Europe ) Anil so. you see. 1 didii'
lake the advice of that fellow wh (
nnitl. "See Naples and die ! "
Miss Shurpe ( with a yawn ) What t
Pity !
Rah , Pish , In Germany.
Theater Official ( to students ) Yoi
are not allowed to join iu the cliorus
pfrnlfemfii. Slmlonls Ddu't . .vnnvor
ry. . Wo ar ; sinking somctlllng quiti
diiVeraat Fliege > ue Clatter. , .
The only genuine and absolutely
reliable substitute for tea
and coffee is
5f * j * n ; * n } ? tj " * [ S" 1 B i
the new food beverage gives life , health , vigor , joy ,
comfort and beauty , and is highly recjmmended
for nerve endurance , and building up the constitu
tion. It is a pleasant beverage and contains great
nutritive and invigorating qualities. Has the re- jj
freshing properties of fine tea , the nourishment of
the best cocoas , a tonic and recuperative force pos
sessed by neither , and can be used in all cases
where tea and coffee are prohibited.
TO fr * > gi y tl'ff JUS & W
WL KLJ . Flrfe < 5LTrV
i'lt- wW ' : I/ / . EwKl wm
Eggo's Fruit Salt is a great health reviver.
A laxative and thirst quencher. Effervescent and
so delicious to drink that a child likes it. Has all \
the properties of a Sedlitz Powder and more , and
is recommended in all cases of indigestion , constipation - \
pation and headache. Removes impurities from the
blood and can be used freely without causing in jury
Manufactured by
OMAHA , U. S. A.
The above preparations may be had from all
Grocery and Drug Stores.
f t M , ill ! liFH IIU ir Center
M'i. .
/c opinion is unerring , public confidence- -
dom misplaced. The true worth of every business
concern to the community in which it operates is
fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power of ev
ery commercial institution may be determined by
the amount of patronage it receives. The people
have unmistakably proclaimed their confidence in
and its methods , by bestowing upon it a far greater
patronage than that accorded any other place in
Valentine. "Where the major portion of the fair ,
the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liquor
and Beer , must be a good place for You , the in
dividual , to trade. Visit The Stock Exchange when
you need anything in our line.
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brown lee , Nebr
o'dier Tree1' Col
ninns 17th icoo.y >
a s-on of ColiiiniMu
17th. a luiir brother
of the § 10.000 \ ' * am
pinn o le. a n fl
Pnuer lioai del 131 ,
693 ai head of herd
I now- have about 30 head of 1907 bull calves
for bale.
JSnrge , Xebr.
Tubular wells and windmills ,
me up by Telephone.
First-class Shop m Ever y
Eau tie Qiiiume Hair Tonic. Golclou Star hair
Tonic , nerpioide and Toko's Dandruff Pure.
Try Pompeiun Face Massage Cream
Handles the
Opposite Postoflle. , Phone 71i
De Laval Cream
Separators FOR SALE BY
Valentine R WEBB.
Nebraska .
j i
Office over the grocery deparment ! ;
of T. C. Hornby's store.
\ \ ill be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 19Ok
1M-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5nt package s ennuch lor usttel occaa
ai ns. The family bottle ( GO cents ) contains a
BiiDDlv for a ypar. All flrnetrUt * n tb m .
Valentine - Nebr.
All work will be " given prompt
and careful"attention. .
We invite you to call and in
spect our new meat market.
k . LH. . BaumadC