\ We know it's warm and you know it's warm But we want to sell our S Fur i > | We Meet Any Price. Call on us sure. I T. C. Hornby. lj Now we are talking LUMBE The most complete stock in North west Nebraska. BISHOP & YOUNG , v 5 A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised i by all men for any ! man for you. It is ' suited to the need of ' ' any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out 810 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATt BANK VALENTINE. MILL PRICES FOP FEED , PerCwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked.$1 10 $21 00 Shorts , sacked 1 20 28 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 45 28 00 Corn , sacked 1 30 25 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 35 26 00 Oats , sacked 1 60 31 00 Talk of the Town. Try Kazda's barber shop , tf Don't forget the teachers' as sociation Saturday. Mrs. Dell Sherman was quite ill I the first of the week. ! Melvin Bnc.v returned Tuesday from a visit in Iowa. Charles Latta , of Oasis , was in town the first of the week. For a nice juicy steak call at Bauraann's meat market or call Phone SS. 1 | Mrs. Pettycrew's sister. Miss Mutchmore arrived Tuesday night and will visit here for a time. Every school in Cherry county either has employed a teacher or has had two applications. That's better. Ralph Keplinger , of Sweetbriar , S. Dak. , has been here during the past week , visiting with relatives and friends. Don't forget our prices are al ways right if you come , send or call by phone , (88) ( ) . 1 Baumann's Meat Market. Miss Mamie Noble , of Lincoln , this state , is visiting in our city with her sisters , Mrs , Walcottand Miss Noble. The Reading Circle books , "Kerns Among Country Schools , " are now in the office of the County Superintendent. Frank Fischer's popular Hudson nut and lump coal now sells for § 7.60 per ton. A small load will convince you of its good qualities. 2 Dr. Meehan , osteopath , will be at the Valentine House from Monday morning until Saturday , even'iLg each week. Consultation free. 50 Mrs. Perry Veach returned to her home the first of the week , af ter spending some time visiting at the home of her parents at Rush- ville. County Assessor P. H. Young and ex-county Clerk C. SReece have gone to Lincoln to spend 10 days at the Farmers' and Stock- growers' association. Judge Walcott left on Tuesday evening for Ornaha , St. Paul and will probably go to Canada before returning home. The Judge ex pects to be gone about two weeks. Seven couples spent a very pleas- ant pvoning at the Gould home last Friday. High-live furnished 'the entertainment. Gertrude Quigley and John Helzer were the prize winners. J. E. Thackery came up from Hackberry Lake Monday , to get a load of coal and to haul down some of his household goods to his ! new home. Pie tells us that E. Still well is very sick with a com bination of tonsilitis aad grip. A fire occurred at Harry New man's place on Pelican Lake a week airo Sunday , which burned his corrals and cattle sheds. The fire was started by a little boy during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Newman , who were visiting at Jacob Klein's , down the river. Warner Stratton went yisiting out in the Simeon Lake neighbor hood a few days ago and is report ed by his friends to have become ! so greatly interested in a conver- jsation with one of the fair sex that j his team ran away with the wagon i and tore his hay-rack to pieces , took one wheel off the wagon and tore down a quarter of a mile of fence , taking a gate right along with the front wheels of the wagon. ! What "White Pine Cough Syrup 8 Are to let you going witli Tar is our best of all I the price of a bottle Cough and Cold remedies and of White Pine Cough has been sold by us with in creasing favor for five years. With Tar Syrup It contains nothing but good stand between you old fashioned reliable ingred ' ients that everyone knows and a good night's and can trust , and thee are rest , or are you going carefully put together so as ing to hack and to insure the very best me cough and lie awake dicinal results. And it does. all night just to We sell ai-ounce bottle for save 25c ? Twenty = five Cents. w VALE NT I ME. . NEB I W. D. Clarkson is putting up ice. C. H. Cormell is in Chicago on business. J. H. Quigley is reported sick with the grip. Mrs. Dr. Daily , who has been very ill for some time , is recover ing. The R. E. force is still at work putting up ice , which is now about sixteen inches thick. Elmer Bristol has rented the Efner building and is putting in a stock of groceries. Mrs. Flora Thomsen is visit ing with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Hornback , at the Chicago house. Mrs. W. W. Daniels started for Omaha this morning , where she will enter the Methodist hospital for medical treatment. G. A. Waggoner , the Wood Lake postmascer , was in town yesterday and while here paid this office a pleasant call. The North Table Literary so ciety meets at Fairview Friday evening. A good time is expect ed and music by the brass band. The Hudson nut and lump coal for sale by Frank Fischer is now reduced to § 7.60 per ton. Its su perior qualities will be shown by a trial load. 2 Davenport & Co. , Chapman the druggist , Valentine State Bank and Frank Fischer , the hardware and coal dealer , all have change of advertisement this week. W. A. Petty grew is in receipt of a postal card from his son Ar chie , which says "Hello Grand pa , " and also brings the inform ation that it is a ten-pound girl. We understand that Mr. Arthur Bowering , of Merriman , who is well known in Valentine , "took unto himself a school ma'am for a wife , " on Tuesday of this week. Just on suspicion that the report is true , THE DEMOCRAT extends hearty congratulations. P. F. Simons and wife are visit ing W. P. Hunt and family in Joplin , Mo. They started last Monday , w"eek , and expect to be gone two or three weeks. It's the first vacation they have had in 20 years and they'll enjoy their visit. Sparkling Artesian w a t e r Choice Barley M a 1 t Imported Bohemian Hops are the ingredi ents of Storz Blue Eibbon Beer , [ t is brewed under conditions of extreme cleanliness in one of the most modern breweries in the world. It is a delicious , health ful beverage , winter or summer. If people do not report .items to us how do they expect us to get them ? We can't be snooping aroundvpeople's back yards to in quire when a child is born , nor go ooldly in at the front gate to make such an inquiry. If peope } want news published they must "jar loose" and tell what they know or write it up and hand it in. THE DEMOCRAT will tell the news. Our sense of propriety in matters of private affairs forbids us to ' 'butt in" without invitation , and when we think we know , we do not al ways feel at liberty to tell , unless it becomes public property. We will confess that we're not lifting lids in suspicious looking places without a challenge to do so. Tell us the news. Write it , phone it , send it by messenger. It's his tory and you want it recorded. Other people want it. It's your duty to all to your friends and the world at large to tell the news. news.Will Will Brosius returned Saturday morning from Longmont , Colo. , where he went a few days ago to look over the country. Will tells glowing stories of fabulous wealth piled up in Colorado farms , buc the other fellow has 'em and the wealth. He saw Frank Seger and Andrew Miller and their families , who are doing well. Will says people live in comfortable houses out there and have other substan tial improvements. But land is selling out there from § 100.00 to § 250.00 per acre. Wbat should Cherry county farms sell for ? If people will put good substantial improvements on their farms here and feel contented , they will never need to go anywhere e'se ' to look for something better. People can make the money here ana what more do we want that money won't buy. Or what can we hope for elsewhere that we cannot have here ? It might be cheaper coal and lower freight rates. Govern or Sheldon's plan of having a rail way commission appointed or el ected to ad just and regulate freight rates has not been so effective as the Legislature's bill reducing passenger fares to two cents a mile. Ed Ifcchards1 , of Kennedy , has MANN'S ftft ftft ftft ft ftft MANN'Sn ftft ftft n m & ftft ft \ ftft ftft ftft ft j ftft C * ftft & ftft & All kinds of Fresh Meats ftft Salt and Cured Meats * Assortment of Fish oft Vegetables t and Oysters ftft Fresh rendered lard in bulk or pails. ftft ft Particular attention paid to special orders. ftft ftft ftft * 9 ft ftft ft ftft Our selling prices will foe ftft ftft ? ft 49 governed by our buying prices. ftft ftft 42 ftft ? ftft 4S ftft ftft ft 4 ? ftft ftft I will buy poultry , butter and eggs and all ftft kinds of live stock. ftft ftft ft ftft Call at our shop and see us. Phone 88. ftft ftft ft ftft ftft Yours for business , ftft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft Valentine Nebr. ftft ftft , . ftft ft ftft been very ill with pneuraojia for a couple weeks , but was snfb'cient- l.v recovered last Friday to be up a ain. His family has been stay ing in town to enjoy school privi leges , but were called home dur ing his serious illness. They have now returned. rasiisssifepS i Of Hamm's Beer is absolutely pure. You take no chances when you drink Hamm s. We guarantee Hamm's under the National Pure Food Law and also under the Food Laws of all the states. , The Preferred Stock is the most delicious Beer ever brewed. It is the ideal i Beer for all occasions. Call for it. T. K n , . VVI30N Maa-iKor O.M ii ? i ttrnncli , Tnp t.-uu M I'.rMvi-iirC . f * ll Huccessor to D. S TIN A ED Valentine , Nebraska. Has just received a complete line of the latest styles and best quality shoes for ladies , misses , children , men and boys. Our "BuSalo Calf work shoes for men and boys cannot b e equaled for quality and price. In dress shoes we have both plain and snappy styles. Our "Hard Knocker , " the best on earth , is a line of school shoes that will please and satisfy you in style , quality , comfort and price. New goods in all our lines are now constantly arriving , and you i" are invited to call and inspect the quality and become ac quainted with prices. DISTRICT COURT CALENDAR. Sioux February 1'S September S Sheridrtn March ? November 9 Cherry March 1H September 21 Holt March 23 December U Ho.vd April 6 November 23 Brown April 20 September 21 Hock April 27 September 28 Keya Paha May 11 September Irt Box Butte May IS December 7 Dawes , June 1 November li > j. Mrs. J. P. Xinas. who had been voted husband andvo children , il but a few days , with a compli- beside other relativi - and a host oar , , d case of grip , .15f < l \ - t nijrhr of fri -nds to mourn her untimely aboul 12 o'clockdhu iuavfcs udutkatu. .