Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 23, 1908, Image 4
1. M. Kin- : Editor and Proprietor. MARK ZAKR Foreman. Entered at the postofiice at Valentine. Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second Class Matter. TERMS : J § LO ° per ar n a - ry . - ( § Lgo whcn not paid in advance. r- , . c. . . , . I 81.50 per vp.irin advance ; paperdis- Foreign Subscriptions ] Continued ut expiration if not renewed. ' 1 l-r > c I'01' JnP' ' ' ea ( ' isqie ] : ' 3V contract 12Ac. A A 4- r > 4- Advertising Kates TrUsi ) ( nl aiv a0c ppr jnc } , ; ] ocais KCU , iine. Foreign rates for steivotyp 'd adviTiiswir , 3 months or longer 10 cents per inch. n 't. Local notices , obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue 5 cents per line each insertion. THURSDAY , JANUARY 2:3 : , 190S. Who Will Represent Us ? AVho will represent this part of the state at the Democratic Nation al Convention at Denver this com ing July 7th ? If Cherry county can agree on "our candidate , " we may hope to send a Cherry county man. to the national convention to represent us. A. M. Morrissey , of our city , is being prominently mentioned as one delegate from this Congres sional district and we think he will be satisfactory to nearly every democrat in this district outside , possibly , of a personal ambition. Nebraska is entitled to sixteen delegates , which is two from each congressional district and four at large. As for Mr. Morrissey's qualifi cations , no one disputes his Bryan democracy , nor his ability to ex press himself eloquently. It has been a long time since this part of the state was repre sented in a national convention and our great state was never represented by a more loyal and true democrat than is Mr. Morris sey. He is a prominent attorney of Valentine , well known to the people of this judicial district , who will vouch for his ability and in tegrity , and HE IS FOR \V. J. BRYAN FOR PRESIDENT. THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT has been sending out statements the past week to its various subscrib ers , whom our books show to be in arrears. There are possibly some mistakes in our accounts , which number nearly one thousand. If one of these mistakes should'oc cur in your account , dear reader , don't let your temper fj 't. th < > InM of you and try to ' 'lick the < d- : tor , " but rather show your friend ly spirit by helping , good natured- ; ly , to set us right and we'll start again. Already we have "received many returns from people far and near. near.We have been encouraged by their promptness in responding to our statements. We hope to retain - | tain every subscriber to whom we have sent statements and olW ! to i all alike the flat rate of § 1.00 , CASH IN ADVANCE , for their , renewal for one year , before Mar. 1st , 1908. Please be prompt : with your remittances and return ! statements , for our convenience ! and yours. We will send receipts ' to all , showing the time for which ; | they paid. I. M. RICE. D. Stinard has old his stock of clothing to W. S. Barker , who has employed Hem'y Hoenig to run the business for him , under the name of "The Fair. " Mr. Barker is the owner of the build ing and "The Fair" starts out , with a bright , new stock of goods and expects to add more as the ' trade demands. See the adver tisement elsewhere in this paper , i inviting the people to come in and investigate. Old Dan McVey is reported as being very ill. If you want good fresh oysters in a hurry call up Baumann's meat market. Phone SS. 1 The next- number of the lecture course is Paul F. Voelkor. A. M. , the lecturer and critic , who will deliver one of his famous human nature lectures at. the opera house Saturday night , Feb. 8th. Mrs. John Thomsen arrived on Mdhday from Shoshoni , to visit here with her folks , Mr. and Mrs. Ilornback. and her sister , Mrs. Chas. Lewis , who has "been very low , but who is now greatly im proved and reported out of dan ger. Mar.\ . the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Granger died of stomach and bowel trouble last Friday , after an illness of only a few days. She took sick Monday and grew steadily worse until she passed away , despite the com bined skill of two physicians and the loving care of a mothei and father. The child was nine months old and seemed to suffer a great deal , although unable to tell of her trouble. The bereaved family has the sincere sympathy of the en tire neighborhood in their hour of sorrow. Mathew Bowen , an old time resi dent of Cherry county , returned ! : i-t Sunday from Lannnie , Wyo . only to din. Mr. Ho wen had been in poor health of late , suffering from Bright's disease and Julius Schromrn , his son-in-law , tele graphed him to come to his home , where ho could be given proper care. Mat. started alone , carry ing in his pocket a letter , stating who he was and where he was go ing , in case any thing should hap pen to him. He arrived in Wood Lake , apparently all right and on Mond-iy went out to Mr Schromm's j 1-ifo , where he walked around 1 inking at tl.e stock and place and chatting pleasantly , but he was restless and could not eat or sleep. Early Thursday morning he breath ed his la t. The funeral was held in town last Saturday , being con ducted by Father Blaere at the Catholic church. Mullen , Neb. , Jan. 18 , ' 08. Valentine Democrat , Valentine , Nebr. Dear Editor : Please 1 e t mo know how much behind L am on my subscription and I will pay it at once , also a year in advance. Yours respectfully , S. L. JAMES. These are the kind of men every body likes to meet. They are the salt of the earth and the kind of people who have made western Nebraska inhabitable. They do a flourishing business and are known as the solid and substantial citi zens , who can be relied upon to work for the upbuilding of our country and its industries every day of the year. THE DEMOCRAT is glad to have such subscribers as Mr. James. We have a lot of thorn who arc just as faithful and prompt as he and we're proud of every one of them. F DEALER IN IAL , Couch Covers Tapestry Rugs Carpets ! Iron J3eds Springs Mattresses | Guns Ammunition \ Gasoline Kerosene Lubricating Oils ! Sparks Quill ? , James Hudson was enroute to 'valentine Monday. Dick Allen drove to Valentine Tuesday on business. Henry Grooms went to the Hub with two loads of grain the first of the week. If the present fine weather con tinues we won't know how to ap preciate spring. John Helenbolt has built an ad dition onto his house which gives him plenty of room. Emerson Powers returned from the Black Llills Wednesday. He reports a fine winter up there. Subscribe for THE DEMOCRAT. It's always on time , as is our gen ial mail carrier , Wm. Stillwell. Valentine may be getting to be the hub of Cheery county , but Sparks is one of the main spokes. Marion Graham , a former resi dent of Sparks , spent several days here recently renewing old ac quaintances. At a dance recently some of the young folks complained that the music was furnished by ' 'Bone- parte's retreat. " There has been considerable r.alk of a bank here recently. It's no use to say no , we are coming to the front anyway. A. Haley , our merchant , went to Valentine Monday arid while there his team ran away and start ed for home another case of get ting to Sparks in a hurry. Miss Parker seems to be pro gressing nicely with her school at Sparks , and from the comments of the patrons , she must be one of Cherry county's best teachers. With the exception of Mr. Till- son all the members of line No. 2 were present at the meeting Mon day night which proves that our citizens are interested in home surroundings. Graduating exercises will be held in district No. 28 , some time in March. ' Elnora Hewer , Elsie Grooms and Arthur Brown are the scholars who will try to pass into the Dth grade. Mary J. Grooms is building a nice residence , 16x32 ft. , on her farm southeast ofhere. . Her son Frank is doing the carpenter work the outside of which will be completed this week. A ' 'spelling bee" at Pleasant Valley school house Friday eve ning Jan. 2-ith. This district is 28 and Miss Mary Jacobs is the teacher. Mrs. Hittle , teacher of district No. 14 , of Pen brook will do the pronouncing and a cordial invitation is extended to all. A telephone meeting was held at Sparks Monday by members of the North Table Telephone Co. Officers of said meeting : J. S. Grooms , pres ; M. Jelly , sr.j Sec. and Thad Jelly , treas. It seems that it was hard to reach an agree ment and probably another meet ing will be held soon. PORCUPINE. Parents who have children .to educate will do well to write the Business and Normal College of Grand Island , Nebr. , for circu lars. One thousand students are enrolled annually and it is a high grade institution in every sense , although the rates are reasonable. Tuition fees may be paid in month ly installments after the student graduates and is placed in a po sition , but the number admitted on this plan is limited to five hundred. C r < l of Than UN We desire to express our thanks to our neighbors and friends who assisted and befriended us during the illness and death and at the burial of our baby. MR. AND Mus. Jonx GRANGER AND FAMILY. F x a mi nation The following program will be rendered by the East County Teachers' Association in the High School building at 1:30 : p.xm. , Jan. 25th , 1908 : "AmongCo'intrv ' Schools , " Chnps. vii , viii and ix , Quiz Miss Korlx. "School Management" "School In centives. " Quiz Miss Hollj' . Report of State Association , by Mr. Watson. "Peace Conference. " Mar } ' Cumbow. "San Francisco Earthquake , ' " ' by CJlara Dunham. "Lincoln Schools. " by Ed a Brood "Books Suited to all Grades , " by. . . . Rertha Gordon. "Origin and Development of Plays , " byf Ruth Kennicott "The Old and the New Womanby Leo West. "Dn Wi T. Harris , " byMary Jacobs Mi. EJittn tl the U ort-iiy We Hackberry Lake people are very happy over the way our school , which has been taught by Mrs. Cook , completed its term. Mrs. Cook has proven herself a first-class teacher in every respect and has taken her pupils through the term in a most satisfactory manner , accomplishing wonderul ! results and pushing the children through the hardest problems. \ \ e are all proud of the neighbor hood in which we live and think it "the be.-.t going. " We are also extremely happy over the present educational out look for our children , as our am ply large new irame school hou e is now nearly completed and , with Mrs. Cook's services as teacher , we look forward to the pupils of our district making rapid gams in their school wor.k in the future. In Mrs. Cook we have a teacher who is the equal of any in the state and she own1 ? a fine home stead near the School. A new well is to be put down at once at the new school house , with hitching posts and wind breaks for hordes , and school will soon be opened in the new quarters. \ \ e have pulled together and have at last broken auay irom the disadvantages under which we have laboied irom having no school. A good Sunday school will now be started and church services \\ill also be held m the new school house. To say that we are happy over our out-look does not begin to tell it all. Much praise is due to Wm. Bachelor , for the way in which he has pushed forward the building of the new school house and our school board is not a bunch of jauglers , but are gentlemen who see to it that things go right. But the pleasant surprise we re ceived , namely that of our child ren learning so last , with poor ad vantages as to house and other things , is due to Mrs. Cook's expertness - pertness as a teacher. J wish success to THE DEMOCRAT and when my time runs out don't let the paper stop. Keep it com ing , for 1 enjoy reading your rad ical columns ior the right. OLD SETTLER. Milt Latta called at our office Monday while in town to tell us about his1'new pumping apparatus which he has recently invented and has applied for a patent. The machine works without a cylinder ai.d just coaxes theater out of the ground almost equal to an artesian well. Mr. "Latta is now on his way to Chicago where he has been invited by some capital ists to demonstrate his new de vice and goes , with them up into Wisconsin where the demonstra tion is to be made. He is almost in possession of a fortune now , for no one before has been so suc- cussful in pumping and xvell drill ing inventions as has Mr. Latta. He is the "Edison" of the "sand hills" and if given equal oppor tunities for developing and me chanical construction would yet make Cherry county more famous than the "h nd frauds * ' have made her notorious. Thomas Ashburn was in town , this week and sa.\s.-he made $80on two acres of his ivinkaid home stead last ) ear raising potatoes and is sorry that he didn't plant more potatoes. He is going to plant more this year. If one can raise 100 to 150 bushels of po tatoes on an acre of ground that costs but § 10 he has made 400 to 600 per cent on his money or 4to 6 times the value of his farm each year. What more can people ex pect excepting lower freight rates j when Gov. Sheldon gets his railway - | way commissioners to working without injunctions. But , then , we told you a long time ago that the g. o. p. was good on delays and anything to pacify the people at the time l eing. But Cherry county people can raise potatoes cheaper than any place on earth and what Tom Ashburn has done is what anyone else can do and have been doing. Sam Hudson came very near to being burned out last Monday week. The cause was Letting a pan of ashes too near the building , j The fire must have smouldered for several hours before starting to blaze , but it was during the night , so the ilames had full opportunity to burn. The pump house and wind-mill were destroyed and the main house also caught fire , but by quick work Sam and Kirkwood extinguished the flames and saved ihe house. But they got pretty badly scorched in so doing. The neighbors are wondering where they gob water to burL , as the wind mill burned up , the pump bouse burned down and the pump handle was red-hot. We suggest Lhat they ask Kirkwood. Is- . s reliable substitute for tea ' i * and coffee is the new food beverage gives life , health , vigor , joy , comfort and beauty , and is highly recommended for nerve endurance , and building up * the constitu tion. It is a pleasant beverage and contains great nutritive and invigorating qualities. Has the re freshing properties of fine tea , the nourishment of the best cocoas , a tonic and recuperative force pos sessed by neither , and can be used in all cases where tea and coffee are prohibited. Tfrr Hr pfi ! iimm Eggo's Fruit Salt is a great health reviver. A laxative and thirst quencher. Effervescent and so delicious to drink that a child likes it. Has all the properties of a Sedlitz Powder and more , and is recommended in all cases of indigestion , constipation - \ pation and headache. Eemoves impurities from the blood and can be used freely without causing injury | j Manufactured by OMAHA , U. S. A. The above preparations may be had from all Grocery and Drug Stores. I j ; 'ore ' Liquor Center wblic opinion is unerring , public confidence sel dom misplaced. The true worth of every business concern to the community in which it operates is fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power of ev ery commercial institution may be determined by the amount of patronage it receives. The people have unmistakably proclaimed their confidence in and its methods , by bestowing upon it a far greater patronage than that accorded any other place in Valentine.'here the major portion of the fair , the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liquor and Beer , must be a good place for You , the 'in- I dividual , to trade. Visit The Stock Exchange when you need anything in our line. ELTENDORFF The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. Brownlee.Nebr , Soldier TreeV ( 'ol- unius 17th 1CW50. a sou of Cntuintnis 17th. a half bruther of the 310.000 1 ; ' ain- pion i le. .1 n (1 Princ- Heal dH 131.- CU3 a head of herd. I now have about 30 head of 1907 bull calves f r sale. C. H. FAtri.HAUER , JOHN F. PORATH Knrge , Kebr. Tubular wells and windmills , me up by Telephone. E. D. DEBOLT. . Barber STATE BANK BUILDING First-class Shop in Every Respect Ea.u de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Itair Tonic , Herpicide and Cokn's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream H. S. LOCKWOOD Handles the SHARPLESS- CREAM SEPARATOR , JJLOUR , GRAIN AND HAY. Opposite Postotlie. Phone 71. De Laval Cream Separators * xm SALE "BY Nebraska Valentine A. R WEBB. BL DATLEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment or 1. O. Hornby's store. V\ ill be in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , K-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind Ther - nt package s enough lor usual occas awns. The family bottle ( GO cents ) contains a "unnlv for a year. A.11 drueei r * J. W. McDANIEL , SUUVEYOB Valentine All work will be civen prompt and careful attention. We invite you to call and in = pect our new meat market. L. H. Bauman.