Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 23, 1908, Image 3

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    This \voman says that slcl
women should not fail to tr
Lydia E. Pinkham's Yegetabl
Compound as she did.
Mrs. A. Gregory , of 2355 Lawrenc
EL , Denver , CoL , writes to Mrj
Pinkham :
" I was practically an invalid for si
years , on account of female trouble :
I underwent an operation by ib
doctor's advice , but in a few months
was worse than before. A friend ax
rieed Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabl
Compound and it restored me to perfe <
health , such as I have not enjoyed i
many years. Any woman suffering a
I did with backache , bearing-dow
pains , and periodic pains.should not fate
to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabl
Compound. "
For thirty years Lydia E. Pinl
ham's Vegetable Compound , mad
from roots and herbs , has been th
standard remedy for female ill
and has positively cured thousands c
women who have been troubled wit
displacements , inflammation , ulcen
tion , fibroid tumors , irregularitie
periodic pains , backache , that beaj
ing-down feeling , flatulency , indige
tion , dizziness or nervous prostratioi
"Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sic
women to write her for advic <
She has guided thousands t
health. Address , liynn , Mass.
ZUustrntJon Showing Mixed Funning- Seen * 1
Some of the choicest lands for craln srowln ;
lock raising : and mixed farming : in the new di
tricts of Saskatchewan and Alberta have r
cently been Opened for Settlement under tl
Revised Homestead Regulation
Entry may now be made by proxy ( on certa
conditions ) , by the father , mother , son , danj-hte
brother or Bister of an intending homesteadc
Thousands of homesteads of 160 acres each a ;
thus now easily obtainable in these great grai
growing , stock-raisin ? and mixed farming se
There yon will find healthful climate. oc
neighbors , churches for family worship , schoo
for your children , coed laws , splendid crop
and railroads convenient to market.
Entry fee in each case Is 510.00. For pamphk
"Last Best West"particnlars as to rates , route
best time to tro and whore to locate , apply to
"W. D. Scott , Superintendent of Imrnipratio
Ottawa , Canada , or E. T. Holmes , 315 jacksc
St. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. MacLachlan , B <
116 , Watertown , bo. Dakota Authorized Cover :
Bent Agents.
Please Bar where you a\r thU udvertieement
Positively cured b
these Little Pills ,
CARTERS Tliey also rellero Dli
tress trom Dyspepsia , Ii
ITTLE digestion and Too Heart
Eating. A perfect ren
edy lor Dizziness , Nausei
PIL1S. DroTrelness , Bed Tast
In tha Mouth , Ccate
Tongue , Pain In the Sldi
regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable ,
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simib Signature
Tlai * Insect Is the Veritable Anr <
of I'oMllence.
One by one the plagues of R-rypt ar
being abolished by seienc-e. The fro
vrere abolished long ago by the drai
Lile. The lleas are checked by inset
powder , and the darkness that < * oul
be felt lias melted away before the ar
light. The sixth plague still remain
In full glory. The fly is always wit
us. The great Dr. Radcliffe used t
ieclare that the three worst antioj
ances of life were smoke , flies and ii
relevant questions. Humanity ha
hitherto accepted these with a patten
shrug of the shoulders as among tli
At last the worm has turned. It i
proceeding slowly to put on smoke coi :
sinners , and has declared a war of es
termination against the fly. The me
Lives which whet hitherto easil ;
blunted purpose are supplied by scl
? nce. They are , first , that flies carr ,
disease ; second , that their very pres
. nee la a sign of dirt.
That the fly is frequently the nngc
) f the pestilence has long been suspeci
? d , says Collier's in an important ai
tide , but its most vivid and imprei
5ive demonstration was furnished b
[ lie disgraceful death rate from t
phold , one of the most scandalous c
the many murders of ofh'cial stupidity
in our camps in the South during th
Spanish-American war. It was deai
ly proved by the eminent commissio
af experts , who investigated the siti
ntlon postmortem , that the princip :
means of the spread of this dreade
lisease was the flight of flies from th
? xcreta of the earliest < -ases to the fee
exposed in the camp kitchens , carry in
the typhoid germs on their legs an
Comparative Kxpenne.
"You traded your automobile for
Jersey cow , did you ? Doesn't the co
cost you a good deal for feed ? "
"Yes. but she doesn't cost me anythir
for repairs. "
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
tvlth LOCAL API'LK'ATIONS. as they cai
not reach the sent of the disease. Caturt
is a blood or constitutional disease , and ]
jrder to cure it you must take Internal ren
'dies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken lute
nally , and acts directly on the blood an
nucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is IK
i quack medicine. It was prescrilved by oi
sf the best physicians in this country f <
years and Is a regular prescription. It
omposed of the be > > t tonics known , combine
ivith the best blood purifiers , acting direct 1
> n the mucous surfaces. The perfect con
nation of the two Ingredients is what pr <
luces such wonderful results In curing C :
tarrh. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Sold by Druggists , price 7 > c.
Take Hall's Family L'llls 1'or constipatioi
Glass bathtubs are coming into geneni
ise in Germany. They are cheaper an
nore sightly than those of porcelain.
tirs and hides , or tan tlKin lor robes and ruii
* . W. 1IIDK and FUU CO. . .Minneapolis.
uur :
Raynor To tell the truth-
Shy tie Nobody expects that of you-
but " 0 ahead.
Souvenir Post Cards.
The Evening Wisconsin company , f
Milwaukee , \Yis. , has published u serif
jf eight attractive souvenir post card :
in live colors , showing the animals : i
he Washington Park xoo , iu the city c
Milwaukee. A set \vill be mailed yo
upon the receipt of IU cents ( coin 0
-tamps ) . Address The Evening Wiscoi
, iu company , Post Card Dept. , Milwau
kee , Wis.
Italy produces some of the stronge ;
tobacco in the world , and she makes us
jf the crop herself.
tor the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used tl
World over to Cure a Cold In One day.Jr. .
The mole is perhaps the greediest of a !
.nimals. If deprived of food for a sin
; le day it dies.
| 2 BL Vlttii * Dane * nd all J"errei Dliwut
Fa B O l * rjnanently Cured by Dr. Klina'iOrti
itrr Rattottr. Sand { or Free 98 trial bottl * and treith
> B. B. U. KLLNE. Ld. . 931 Arch Strtt , FhlUdtlphU. I
Under n Different Xnme.
" 'Variety , ' " quoted the man with tin
mlging brow , ' ' 'is the spice of life. ' "
"Yes , " assented the nan : with the bulb
ins nose ! "but that isn't the name of i
tow. It's vaudeville. "
IV. . . Zociflc mattes and sells more < K5xrt * *
men'a$2.5Ot$3.QOandS3.5Oshoos * =
than zany aiftci * manufacturer In the
vjarld , bccnuso they hold tholr Pcti
shantj , f/f better , wear longer , and Color
Bt's of arcstcf vafao than any other- F.\iflei3
clioos in the Kfor/tf to-day Cffd
W , L. Doughs $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Any Price
Sj2r < ' .VVrio V. W. I * . DoiiRlas name ftnrt price Is stamped on bottom. Tnlco Xo Siifi tliir.
licfct ol ° ° drolls everywhere , bhoet mallei trora factory to any part of the world. nin
. .7.tllp
Uaittl Catalog frco to any address. XY. L , . UO IGLiAJS , i'rocKton ,
Sheep when crowded Into dark , pi
ly ventilated stsibles will not thrivi
Grade up your herd by gettlnj
pure bred sire uud using the tes
and scales.
Keep the horse under as even coi
tious as possible. He la a sensl
creature and feels weather changes ,
Keep the horse stable as clean ;
dry as possible , and don't forget t
sunlight is tonic which the horse nei
Every farmer must be an exp
menter to a limited extent if he wo
make the success of farming whicl
is his privilege to do.
Get rid of the idea that one cov
as good as another. Only the test
prove what each cow is doing. K
a record and weed out the unprofiti
How does your neighbor do the th
which bothers and perplexes you ? E
take time to study other people's m <
ods and find that you could Improve
your own ? If not , you have soiuetb
to learn.
The time to begin development
the dairy cow is several generations
fore she is born. But if you cantle
tlo that , you can at least treat
heifer calf right and make her all t
is possible.
Always speak to farm animals w !
working around them. Children she
be taught to do this , especially , as
ia one of the greatest precautl
against accidental injuries. Of con
too much talking can be done , in wL
case it loses Its force with the beas
The irrigation of land dates back
the time of Egypt , yet to hear sc
people talk about irrigation in
West one would think It an entli
new thing. Nevertheless it's no g <
brick scheme , but a business prop
tion that calls for a little cart
The following points should be k
In mind > when sorting apples for si
age : (1) Only the better gra
should be stored. (2) They should
stored as soon as possible after pi
ing. (3) ( ) Only "hard ripe" fruit T
keep well In cold storage. (4) A \
form temperature of 31 to 32 degr
F. is best. (5) ( ) They should be put
the market as soon as they reach tl
highest maturity or before. A n
winter variety is best marketed in n.
winter. ( G ) Apples with color do i
as a rule , scald as readily as ot
kinds. The Mammoth Black Twig
an Important exception. (7) The q\
Ity of the fruit is maintained better
storage when the fruit is wrapped.
Soy Beans mid Cow Pens.
The complaint Is sometimes in ;
that the soy bean docs not enrich
soil to the same extent as does
culture of the cowpea. Judging fr
the 'chemical composition of the t
crops , says a bulletin by the Indii
Station , It seems possible that wl
both crops are removed from the :
the soy beau carries away a grea
quantity of fertility because the gr
Is so much richer in nitrogen than
grain of the cowpea. If , however , b
crops are used for green manuri
their chemical composition cannot 11
duce a wide difference In soil impro
nient. The higher nitrogen content
the soy beau seed is offset by heav
yields of green material in case of
Feeding : Cuttlewith HORN.
Feeding steers profitably with" "
hogs following the cattle on the av
age farm In the corn belt depends ui
various conditions. All of us ku
that hogs are a large source of pr <
in beef-making and that they natura
go with cattle when fed on corn , ; i
especially so where the cattle are
years old and over and are fed shel
or ear corn.
In feeding steers 2 years old never
over without hogs the waste could
materially reduced by grinding
corn , and I have known of several 1
of cattle fed in this way without h <
that made money , but they were go
well-bred steers , well bought , well h ;
died and went'on a fair market , n
were well sold.
Young steers under 18 months <
will carry along fewer hogs than ol <
cattle even if fed shelled corn , the
fore the waste would be much less
feeding young cattle without hogs.
From my experience and obser
tion. if I fed cattle without hogs
would feed young cattle , fattening a
marketing them to weigh from SOO
OoO pounds , and I would grind the c (
fed to them after they reached (
pounds. Of course there would be c <
slderable waste in this case , as (
shote to four head of these cat
could be carried along nicely , especi
ly when these young hogs ran on t-ri
with the cattle. C. B. Smith.
The AVennliiK Colt.
Weaning time Is a very critical
riod of the colt's life. If the colt is
luu-1 ; at this time it will mean a 1 <
of size that will never he iu : ; < lo up.
properly handled , however , there u
be no sacrifice. In the Hrst phu-e
colt should lie eating grain long bet
it is weaned and the more it can
persuaded to eat the better. We no
fear overfeeding of colts up to the
of eight or ten months. While suck
the dam the amount of grain it will
will be very small , yet the retu
from this feed are very good. Oats
of course the best feed for colts am
there is any kind of stock on the fr.
that It will pay to feed high-pri
oats to this winter it will be the yoi
colt and the amount of feed they >
eat will be very small compared \ \
the benefits accrued. When euang
to dry feed the colt is very often tr
bled with constipation. Occasio
feeds of dry bran or bran mash will
very beneficial in relieving this coi
tion. Wean the colt gradually , d <
chop off its milk ration all at or
We have always tried to let the dti
do the weaning themselves , allow
the dam and colt to run together in
pasture , making things as easy for
brood mare as possible. When c
nights come put both of them up
the barn. Have a strong halter :
rope ready for the colt. Then wl
winter comes the colt will be brol
to stand well in the stable and if
has become gradually used to dep <
on dry feed it will be weaned and 1
ter broken without ever having can.
any great trouble or without hav
damaged its growth in the least.
Cotton Seed.
From what a half century ago w
worse than rubbish heaps , more tha
million dollars a week now come. " .
story of this "find" reads like a
Before the war the disposal of cot
seed gave the giuners great conci
It was usually hauled away somewh
to rot , or dumped into a neighbor
stream , where it soon became a i
sance. The old laws of Mississi
and other States provided severe p
alties for ginners who did not (
pose of it In such a way that it wo
not be a menace to public health.
To- < lay the uses of cotton seed
so numerous that the census oflice 1
published a diagram showing
courses which the four parts of e :
little seed may take. These are da :
fled as "waste , " "linters , " "hulls" :
"meats. " The waste is still wa :
even though that characterization
anything now leads a fugitive ex
The linters are used In cotton I
ting. The hulls may go in thrv iit
tious into fuel , the ashes of whi-h ;
used as a fertilizer , ' although i.iis
now regarded as too wasteful ; \ \
tiber , of which paper is made ; or , ct
bined with cottonseed meal , into an
cellent food for cattle.
But the kernels serve the most var
uses. Besides making cake and m
for cattle , they are readily convert !
into a crude oil , from which , acco
lug to mixtures and processes , It n
emerge as oil for miners' lamps , "cc
pound lard" and cottolene , "butter u
salad oils , " "winter yellow oil" : i
soap. The Invasion of other industr
by these cottonseed products would
itself make a long story. The olive
chards of Southern France have s
fered much.
Advantage < > *
In Farmers' Bulletin No. 187 , Uuii
States Department of Agriculture ,
G. Elliott gives an interesting resu
af the advantages of removing wa
lownward through the soil instead
allowing it to run off over the surfa
rhey may be brietly stated as 1
lows :
The surface soil is retained ent
Instead of the finest and most fert
parts being carried off with every c <
siderable rainfall.
Any plant food in manure or otl
fertilizer deposited upon the soil
L-arried Into It with the water as
percolates downward from the surfa
ind so becomes thoroughly incornprai
rt'ith the soil.
Rainwater as it passes through 1
soil serves a most useful purpose
lissolving and preparing crude soil n
terlal for the nutrition of plants.
The soil having been well prepar
is at all times during the growing &
; on in readiness for the growth
slants , such growth not being hindei
L y stagnant water or saturation.
The frost goes out earlier in I
spring , So that the planting seas
jpens one or two weeks earlier th
in the case of soils affected by surfi
Irains only.
Where stiff clays are found the s
is made more porous , open and frial
and roots penetrate more deeply tli
they do into surface-drained soils.
The effects of drought are dim
ished , as has been found by experien
Dwing to the enlarged and deepened P
bed , and to the more favorable con
tion of the surface for preventing i
essive evaporation of moisture.
It aids In making new soil out of 1
unprepared elements , since it perm
i freer entrance of air and atmosph
c heat , which disintegrate soil mater
hitherto unavailable for use of plan
Stubborn and refractory soils , wl
Irained. are frequently so changed
: exture and mechanical structure tl
: hey become easily managed and
; pond to cultivation with abund :
A E Troutman Wit
Rev , George , , ,
Washington , Mo , , Writes ,
Wife and I Are Strong /
Believers in Pe-ru-na , "
Catarrh and Laf'Grlppc. .3&
Rev. Geo. A. E. Troutman , Mt.
Washington , Mo. , writes : "My wife iss !
and I are strong believers in. Peruna. 3 |
Walnut Hills , Cincinnati , Ohio , writes :
"For several years 1 have been troubled
with a peculiar spasmodic affection oi
the throat. It would seizt * us suddenly
and for a few minutes 1 wouM be un
able to speak audibly , and in" breath
would be greatly interfered with. I
would ! > < obliged to gasp for br-ath.
"I finally concluded that it was some
catarrhal affection which probably ex
cited the spasm. It interfered with my
vocation as a preacher , attar-king mo
occasional ! } * in the pulpit.
"I had heard so much about Peruna
as a catarrh remedy that I determined
to try it. After taking two bottles , my
trouble has disappeared. I feel sure
that Peruna has greatly benefited me. "
Hev. P. E. Swanstrom , Swedish
Baptist Pastor. Box 223 , fJrant burg ,
Wis. , writes that from the use of
Peruna lie is perfectly well , entirely
cured of chronic diarrhu.-a and catarrh.
in Tablet Form.
I was cured of a bad case of catarrh when
nothing else that I tried had any effect. For two years Dr. Ilartrnan and his
My wife was cured from a severe case assistants have incessantly labored to
of la grippe , and we feel that the least create Peruna in tablet form , and their
\ve can do is to jcratefully acknowledge strenuous labors have just been crowned
the merit of Peruna. with success. People who object to-
best liquid medicines can now secure Peruna
"My wife .joins me in sending
wishes for success. " Tablets , which represent the medicinal
your ingredients of Peruna. Each tablet is
Throat Trouble. equivalent to one average dose of
Rev. II. W. Tate , 920 Lincoln Avenue , Peruua.
Ask Your Drugzist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1908
mustard or other plaster , and will not
A substitute for and superior to any
and curative qualities of the
blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying
article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once , and relieve Head
ache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counterirritant -
in the chest and stomacn
irritant known , also as an external remedy pains
and all Rheumatic. Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what
we claim for it , and it will be found to be invaluable In the household and for
children. Once used no fanily will be without it. Many people say "it is
the best of all your preparation ! , . " Accept no preparation of vaseline unless
the same carries our label , as otherwise it is not genuine.
will mall our Vaseline Booklet describing
Send your address and we
our preparations which will interest you.
17 State St. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. Now York City
A " 10-penny nail" means that 1,000
sails weigh ten pounds , . The word
"penny" iu this sense is a corruption of
Somethinger Under the Sun.
. , . A lady iu Illinois sent us 1'Jc a yar
ago for our remarkable collection of vege
table and flower seeds and sold $ "Ji.7 < 5
A-orth therefrom , or made . ' 31-1 per cent.
That's new.
Just send this notice with lllc and re
vive the most original seed and plant
catalog published and
" " -5 . ! < >
i pkg. "Quick Quick" Carrot -
1 pkg. Earliest Kipe Cabbage 10
1 pkg. Earliest Emerald Cucumber. . ! . " >
1 pkg. La Crosse Market Lettuce. . . ! "
i 1 pkg. Early Dinner Union 0 "
I I pkg. Strawberry Muskmelon !
1 pkg. Thirteen Day Itadish 10
1.000 kernels gloriously beautiful
flower seed ! >
Total SU 0
Above is suih'cU'iit seed to grow : C bu.
and thousands of
of rarest vegetables
iirilliuut flowers , and all is mailed to you
will add : \ package
or if you send lUc. we
age of Berliner Earliest Cauliflower.
John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La Cros-e.
r w > b. c. N. u.
The Transvaal ininos yiekl-d S10LG30-
000 worth of gold for the yeiir
For Kidney Troubles and Rheuma
Sufferers from rheumatism , kidney
aiid bladder troubles are promised
speedy relief and cure by u > e of the
well-known medical preparation called
"Swamp Root. " So confident of its
etlicacy are its proprietors that by men
tioning the name of this paper and
writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton -
hamton , X. Y. , a sample bottle of the
remedy will be sent free by mail to any
part of the United States. In order to
get this free sample , be sure to men
tion. the name of this paper.
London theaters , music halls and con
cert halls provide seating accommodation
for 327,000 people.
PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure anv
case of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or frotrmi
lr.g Piles in G to 14 days or money refunded
Seventeen countries in Europe have
17,000,000 goa :
The Handy Doctor in Your
Vest Pocket
' round-cornered 1HU
a thin , -
Enamel Box
When carried In your vest pocket
* - * It means Health-Insurance.
It contains Six Candy Tablets of pleasant
taste , almost as pleasant as Chocolate.
Each tablet Is a working doss of Cas-
carets , which acts like Exercise on the
Bowels and Liver.
It will not purge , sicken , nor upset ths
Because It is not a "Bile-driver , " Hko
Salts , Sodium , Calomel , jalap , Senna , nor
Aperient Waters.
Neither Is it like Castor Oil , Glycerine ,
or ether Oily Laxatives that simply lubricate
the Intestines for transit of the food stopped
up in them at that particular time.
* * *
The chief cause of Constipation and
Indigestion is a weakness of ths Muscles
that contract the Intestines and Bowels.
Cascarets are practically to the Bowel
Muscles what a Massage and Cold Bath
are to the Athletic Muscles.
They stimulate ths Bowel Muscles to
contract , expand , and squeszs ths Diges
tive Juices out of food eaten.
They don't help ths Bowels and Liver In
such z way as to make thsm lean upon
similar assistance for the future.
This is why , v/ith Cascarets , tha dose
may be lessened each succeeding Urns
Instead of increased , as it must be with all
other Cathartics and Laxatives.
* * *
Cascarets act like exercise.
If carried in your vest pocket , ( or carried
In My Lady's Purse , ) and eaten just when
you suspect you need one , you will never
know a sick day from the ordinary Ills of life.
Because these Ills begin in the Bowels ,
and pave the way for all other diseases.
"Vest Pocket" box 10 cents. 737
Be sure you get the genuine , made only
by the Sterling Remedy Company , and never
sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC7r
b. < J. X C. - - No. 4 1U08.