Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 16, 1908, Image 8
Old Grow , /All Leading Hermitage Brands and Bottled ( jriichen- Under the * lieimer Supervision Eye of the Whiskeys. U. 8. Gov. - We also handle the Budweiser Beer. Cv TPTTPI ? VSo 5 I ifi il ILwIiX ? * * : wvrw''A * * < ( Jf * \ U + * ILI * f > % ? ' * ( \j * * i / * J " * 3 * Cherry County School Kotes. Eighth grade exrmination ques tions will be ready March 1st. We are to have an entertainment - * ment by Adrian Newens during junior normal. His work is ex cellent. February 21 has been set aside by Supt. McBrien as the school children's Spanish-American me morial day. Your superintendent finds much to commend in the air of gord order and cleanliness in the schools visited so far this school year. Many districts have had excel lent Christmas entertainments and the library fund of the country schools is the richer by hundreds of dollars. The reading circle work for June 25th is the article on school incentives in White's School Man agement and the following ques tions from Kern's book. Kern's Among Country Schools. Chapters 7 , 8 and 9. I. Where do the country chil dren attend school ? ,2. Illustrate country school ex tension work. 3. What subjects are discussed in Experiment Station Bulletins ? 4. How can you get them ? 5. What agricultural work could Cherry county boys do ? 6. How was an oats field tested for smut ? 7. How much sugar does each person in the U. S. use each year ? 8. How many pounds of sugar will an acre of beets produce ? 9. How is character revealed by your work ? 10. How is Arithmetic related to beet raising ? ( Illustrated. ) II. What annual increase to the national wealth would accrue for an additional bushel of corn raised on every acre planted ? 12. How can this be done ? 13. What points would you have boys observe in studying a corn plant ? 14. What is the educational value of each ? 15. What can be made from corn besides pork and whiskey ? 16. Name two satisfactory varieties - rieties of field corn for Cherry county. 17. What is the direct value of excursions ? 18. What are alfalfa tubercles ? 19. How do you judge L > read ? Chsify 100 points. 20. Give a good receipt for making bread. Coidially " ' nrs , LULU KORT.Jo Supt. Services will bo held as follows- In Valentine , Jan. 19 : high mass and sermon at 10:30. : Instrrcl'on for the children at 3 p. m. At Crookston in Prairie Belle school house Jan. 26. LKO M. BLATCKK , Rector , JSoiice. An adjourned annual meeting of the stock-holders of the North Table Telephone company will be hQld at the county judge's oflice in Valentine , on Saturday , the 18th day of January , 190S , for the pur pose of electing a board of direc tors for said company and for the transaction of any other business that may legally come before said meeting. JOHN SUKLUOUIIN , Pres. 0. W. HAIIN. Secretary. Of Hamm's Beer is absolutely pure. You take no chances wnen you drink Harnra's. We guarantee _ Hamm s under the National Pure Feed Law and also under ! nc Food Laws of all the sialcs. f i he Prefenccl Stock is the most delicious Beer ever r"\ 4 bi-cwed. It is the ideal Beer for ail occasions. Call for i : . 'I K nvM,0lam ! \ erOm ; } I'.mui'h , The lam ! u W Got your projerty insured by 1. M. Rico and } mi will be safo. His companies pay losses promptly. - For &nl . For the next 30 days I will sell the following described bulls at those prices : Prince Boabdil No. 131G93 , dropped Oct. 14 , 1901 , one of my hoard bulls , for 8100 ; and Boabdil Xo. 244,938 , dropped July TA 1906 , for § 75 ; and Chief- tian No. 112260 , dropped April 15. 1900. for § 75. Also 30 head of bull calves sired by Prince Boabdil 131,093 and Koya Paha 168,535 : your choice for § 65. Time given until Octob er 1 , 190 , if desired , purchaser giving his note with approved se curity at S per cent interest. CJIAKLES FAULIIADHK , 52 2 Brownlee , Nebr. Weather Data. The following data , covering a per iod of IS years , have been complied from the Weather Bureau records at Valentine , Nebr. They are issued to show the conditions that have pre vailed , during the month in question , for the above period of years , but must not be construed as a forecast of the weather conditions for the eominjr incnth. December. TEMPEUATURS. Mean or normal 24 ° The warmest month was that of 1899 with an average of oG13 The coldest month was that of 1902 with an average of 1. ) ° The highest was 72 = on M , 1904 The lowest was -34 ° on 14 , 1901 PRECIPITATION. Average for month 0.47 inches. Average number of days with .01 of an inch or more 0 The greatest monthl- precipitation was 2 57 inches in 189(5. ( The least monthly precipitation was 0 03 inches in 1903. The greatest amount of precipita tion recorded in any 24 consecutive hours was 0 7(5 ( inches on 29 , 1SS9. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 24 consecutive hours ( record extending to winter of 1884-83 only ) was 4.(5 ( inches on 10 , 1901. N CJLOUDS AMD WEATHER Average number of clear days , 13 partly cloudy , 10 ; cloudy , 8. WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the W. The average hourlj7 velocit3r of the wind is 30 miles. The highest vetocit } ' of the wind was 02 miles from the NW on 26,1890. j. j. MCLEAN , Observer Weather Bureau. Meetings at the M. K. Church Kvory Sunday. MOKNIXO SERVICES Sunday School bejrios at 10CO o'clock. Proacliiiifr " " 11:00 : Junior LeitCtiO " " 2:30 p. in. EVENING SEKTCKS Kpwortli League begins at Hito o'olnsli , J'roachirg " " Tto ; " Kr.v. C. H. CO.NXKM , , Pastor 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS v DESIGNS is COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending n sketch and description mn/ quickly jiaocrtain our opinion free whether an isI invention Is probably piitantable. Communion- tlonsntriutlv confidential. Handbook on Pntenta I jent free. Oldest iiccnoy forBceunngpftta/itd. Patents taken throucli Alunu & Co. rocolve Wecial notice , without chnrco , in tl'O A hiinrfsomclj" lllustrntPd weekly. Larcost cir culation of Jiny M icntltlc Journiil. Toriisa. ? o p y 3ar : four months , $1. Sold Lyall nowedealerf. JJBroadway.M""f V * " ? J ' Stu In the District Court of Cherry Coun ty , Nebraska. jn the nfatter of the petition of I'hoirns Fmd- bfrAdmimstiati rot the * estate of Joseph Zirlas , lor In- use ID sell real eslat . Now. on thi < 27th d.iy of Dcivmticr. HW7 , thi s cau if came on tnt hfannir upon th petition und roalliof I'liouias LindluM adiiilnistr.itoi' ofthe , estate of JoM'phirfas , deceased , pr.iv- intr lor license to hell thw lollowing described real estate H-\\it ) : J The North Half of the Xoithwest < vuart ) ° r the Si urhe.-ist Quart r of the Noilhv.est ( Juir- : t -r and the Northeast < 2ua ter of the b"iith\\est Quarter ot Section 17'Iouiibhip : ! 4u , KanL'e : ; \\ebt of the Oth 1 > . M .for the laymcntof the debts avr.uiist P.IKI estat" and for co3tb uid e\- pei ses t adniuiibterin' ; said eslate. for the reitson that there is no personal i ropiTtnli vli ch to p.iy saul debts , costs ami expenses. it is ihtreiore ( iideied tint all peraous mter- in said estat" appear helore me at cham- in the citv nf liu > * hville , on thloth day of iary. 1'jUs at thp hour ot 10 o'clock a in , J to show cause it : inj there hyliy a hceii'-f should not be granted to the -aid Ihonms Lind- bnj ; to sell the aboxe ilchcrmed real estate in manner aim foim us proMded n > law It is fuitner oideml thatacopj of this order In-M-r\ed uj.on all ( .ecsons interistea ill s nd estile b > CfiiisiiiK the same to be ) ) iinlished f ur successive u-oetv , \ \ \ the Valentine Demo crat , a newspaper piintea at.d published in said county 01 Cherry. \V. II. WKSTOVKU rl 1 .Judge of the District Court , In the District Court of Chprry Coun ty , Nebraska. In thu matter the application of Frank \v. Clark. unatdMti t 1-mtT. ( incompit- eit pelon. . tor the sale of real estate. On len'Miifj hnd lilmg tbe petition , c'uly veri- hed , ol > rank W. Clai k , ( 'imrdian of the person and ( st.te " 1 Fr d T. < ; ute , an incoinpetent pers ( n. lor lice se to sell I n * > interest < -f Fred T. Sites linhe lollouiiur descrU'e' ! real estate tn- w t 'lli V' ' l Half < -f tli < - Sonheist ; Quarter th < > Noit'i ( Uil ot the Nmthuest Qtiailci .Mild'he Sour'\v ' si ( } , iiic ii * HI- stiiii\\rsi ] Qtirtr.erof -e < ti < ) n 1.5 Miulli Hal 01 the N.utluast ( , iarti-r : s-outtie stQ'iait r ot lieoit \.ePt Qua ter of > eciiii ! H-oiith Halt 1 ih * h iitlieast Quarter ot Mellon JJ. .southeast Qu.iiter of ht-ction L' : { ; outhxvi st < tiiailer oi the xoiineast ( uart-'r , iSoith ii.iifoi the Southwest ( jiiittter. Nortli- wesf ( > iiuier ot th bi-uihfasi Q-iaiter of Se-j tion 7 ; houth ! 1 tlf of the southeast < t > uaiteiH Souih Hal of the Southwest Quarier of section So , all of township -JSn K-inj e : ! \vt--l of the ( > th r. M. , s-tuaii-'i m courty 01 vh-ir\ , st4ite of Nebraska , lor the siippoitaud mainUiiience of thesaiJ Fred 1' . Hates , and lor the u-iiuest- m "it ot residue ot any pait of said pioceeiis. and it appearing from .said perpion that it will he for the best interest ot said estate that aid real estate l-e sold and as pnued tor. it is Jjere- byoidered tliatthe ne\l ot km of the saurFred ' 1 Gat-.s and all peisous interested i- said estate a j > ear beiore me at chain ers in the citv ot hushvlle. Sher-daii county , on the day of February. liHte , to cause , it any there be , why a license should not be jrianted to said Frank W. < Tirk to sell sanl leal estate tor the pur poses ntioveset loith. It is lurther orjeied that a copy of this order be published once each week tor to ir conse- cuti\e weeKsiti the Valentine Democrat , : ) , paper printed and published in the county of Cherry , state of Nebraska. Dated at Chambers in the city of Husluille , Sheiidun county , this 27th day ot Decembei , 1907. W. TT. WKSTOVER. 31 J Jude } of the District Court. ORDER. In the District Court of Cherry Count - t } ' , Nebraska. In the matter of the application of William We sh , guardian of OIi\e Belle Krouse , a minor , fo - the sale of real estate. On readinir and lilmtr the petition , d.iiy veri fied , of William Welsh , miardian of the person and estate of Olive Uelle ICrouse. for licence to sell the following described real e&t-ite. to-wit : Part ot Lots number six and seven. Mock numtipr two of the Village of Wateiloo. Doug las "ountv. NebraeKa. for the payment ot the expense of proh + tim ; the will of KHea Watts. deceased , and for the payment of the legacies named in said will , and lor the support , ma nte- nance and education of the said Olue IJelle Kr use , and it appearing from said petition that it is neeessais to sell said r- l estate and that it w ill lie lor the interest of said wira that said leal estate be sold as piuved lor. It is heivhy ordered that the next of kn of the said Oli\e H lie Krou e. a ni all persons m- teresreu in aaid estate appear betore m at Chambers in he Ci'y of Uiis\ile. ! Slien-lan county , Nebraska on the I3thda\ Fe"rna y , 190S , to show cause if any there be w hy a license should T ot be granted to the said Wiiha n Welsh to sell said real esta e for the purposes a'-ove set fort" . It is nirtliT eider * > d that acopof Ihis order J > e publiiheil once a w ek for four consecutive weeks in Tiie Valenti e Democrat , a jriper printed and punllslied in tlie County of Cherry , stHte of Neoiaska. Dated at hambers in the City of Rushville. Sheridan county , Nebraska , this 8th daj ot w. i ! \ \ KSTOVKR. J 4 Judge of the District OourC. The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. Brownlee , Nebr , So'dier Creek Col- limtHls 17tll KJU050 , a son of C'o'uml'iis 17th , a halt brother ot the 310.000 Oam- pjon n.iio , a n d J'rince JJoabdel i.i ; , Giat : ; head ot herd. I now-lune about S ) head of li)07 bull eahes for sale. C , H , FAULJIAUEK , JOHN F. POEATH IS urge , T&obr. Tubular wells and windmills , me up by Telephone. E. D. DEBOLT. Barber- STATE BANK BUILDING First-class Shop in Every .Respect Ean do Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Lair Tonic , Herpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream . S. LOCKWOOD Handles the SHARPLESS CREAM SEPARATOR , i'LOUR , GRAIN AND HAY. Opposite Postofiie. Phone 71 , 1 fn De Laval Cream n si Separators FOK SALE BY Valentine A 'I ? Nebraska"L - n H. DAILEY , ' d Dentist. di Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. sc Will be in Rosebud agency July ai and Jonv l-v 1804v .rai t Co. j Po-u office address Valentino or Kennedy. Some branded on li [ t thigh. Horses hrnuled s-Aon [ left ' ' I shoulder , ' or thigh , . Some Some hrandfd ilanded on nth. thigli on Jell erIn ni der shoulder or thih . N. S. Rowltn , Kennedy , - ' Same .is cut on left iideand hip , and on leit shoulder of ho ? es. AIso-JSS on left ide j UK peg ( either side up ) on left siue or hip. .c on left jaw and e t shoulder of horses. LU LUQ on left hip of horses. \ j"on left Jaw of horses C. W. Bennett Simeon Neb Stock branded with 7 on left hip also same as cut Range between VioiMonand Sn.ike reel : " aiidon the Molina .t river George Hoyne Cody , Neb B and registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Ranue north and south of Cntcomb Lake in Cherry Co A T DAVIS Postofflce address iiyancis , Neb On right side horses i on left shoulder also cattle on rights'da Range til miles ! north of Hyannis Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr. P. II. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cuttle branded as cut on left side on left jaw of Kange on Gordon Creek north of Simeon , C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses an l cattle same RB cut : also CJ BK JJ on nsrht hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information tending to deletion oC rusllera of stock bearing any of these brands. Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , S. D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OhO on ritihtside Some cattle also have ap on neck Some with A on left .shoulder and borne branded with two bars , u'rOH i hind nnar ten Some Texas O on leit aide and ou loft aide. Ilorses branded SOS on le't hio. Some cattle branded AW bar connected on both sides and hio of horsnn. K-I-P-A-X-S Tabtiles Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5nt package s enough lor usual occas sions. The family bottle ( tttt cents ) contains a supply for a year. All nruy ists sell them. J. W. . . MOLJANIEL , COUKTY Valentine All work will be { riven prompt and careful attention. For Sale. House and small barn , with two lots ( , close in , near school building , for < sale at a bargain. Ilouse is new , luwn and shade trees , good sidewalk all fenced. Part , . cash , eft balance easy payments. Call on I. M. Rice , agent. N This is just the place for some 3n ranch owner or farmer to select for his wife and children to live * during , the winter and send chil" clren to school. Don't delay as this property will find an owner soon. It may be yours. Come and see about this first time you ire in toWBv IS G .Mini. k-J-i $ Qurie braftdec on left side fts i. cut , 0-Inch boi . .ind2tnch circle Brand registered 875. branded : ieft 3ho 'der. ' 24 Incbr. circle. 1-ln box. Begtstered 876. Kange--6 miles south Irwm on Niobrara nvor. Roan Brothers Woodlako Nb John lioan's pi ivitfcin : < trk. in left ear Metzerer Bros. , Kolfe Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left hide. Earmark , square crop ujht ear. Horses have same brand on eft thlyu. iau"o : on Cordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 wih be I aid to any person for iiitom..t'on : k-.i-liim to til- Arrest and final coimetioiiof any per > o > i or persons stealing cattle \ \ ith above brand. Jos. rinstol Valentine. Nebr. Hange on Nio brara river four miles east of Ft. Niobrara. Horses and cattle branded B connected on left hip or side as shown in cut H A BUCK Postotnce address Hyaniiis , Neb i&j Branded on left side Range eighteen miles north of Kvannis J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the recovery - covery of cattle strayed from my range Sandy Williams Mfcrriman. Nebr. Mostly on left side. Home on right side. Horses same on left shoulder Range Lake Creek. S , D. D. Ai. Senrs. Kennedy , Xebr. Cattle branded as on cnt.Ieft side Some on loft hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square t < ake- WILLIAM REAMER Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut o left side. Horses brandedj on left shoulder. Range 6 milea south of Irwin. J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back right shoulder and en right hip Range on the Mobrara -ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side. Hor-i ses left shoulder. Range north Cutcomb Lake C. H Little. Merriman , Nebr. On either side Horses same on hip. Also Range Lake Creek SD Sawyer Bros. ostofflce address Oasis. Nebr G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cat tle Horses D s on left shoulder Some left side _ es same thigh. on Snake Nebraska ( Land and Feeding Co. Snrtlett Kichards Pres Will G Comstock V P Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas . ' - Cattle branded on wyjssy.- * Ci&&iS5 any part ofanimal ; aorses same Range between uordon on the F j B , fir M. h fi