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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1908)
* - , . rn VOLUME XXIII VALENTINE. NEBEASKA. THURSDAY , JANUARY \ 0 , 1903. NTJMBEE 1 ! g c I I & Harness i , iI I it t i Saddles , Collars , ters We need the space they occupy and we're closing them out. Come and get what you need of them. ere. o. Overshoes , Underwear and Men's Caps at specially low prices. Fine lineof family Groceries. Drygoods and dent's Furnishings PHONE 97 , a mim n no GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds ofwood / work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHOXE 72 Nebraska C. O. Carpenter , House painting inside and out. Furniture Ee- and Varnishing oi ; all kinds promptly done. Phone 83. She ] ? in west part of town. Valentine Nebraska FRED WHITTEMORE , I'res. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAII L. BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profitby investinating the methods employed in our business : : : : : FOREIGN ADVERTISING. To the Members of the Elkhorn Valley Editorial Association : At the meeting of this associa tion held at Ainswoith , Nebraska * , , last June the undersigned " were appointed a committee to devise some plan by which the members of this association and other news paper men in the northern part of the state may be able to secure living rates from what is gen eral- ly termed , "The Foreign Adver tiser. " We believe from our own ex perience that such living rates may be secured from those adver tisers if we have an organization and an undertanding among our selves and will honestly abide by this understanding. It is not the intention to boost the price of such advertising beyond a reasonable charge for such service , but it is a well known fact that those people have never paid , and except in rare instances , do not now pay anything like the rate that is charged to local merchants the men who give us the support that gives our paper its standing and enables us to continue our busi ness. AVe believe that 'The Foreign Advertiser" should pay the same price that other advertisers pay and we feel that such rates can be secured if we make an agreement and stand by it. It ought not to take any argument to convince the newspaper men of this part of the state that this statement is true. We suggest as a minimu m price the following rates : COUNTY SEAT NEWSPAPERS. Transient advertising , 20 cents an inch each insertion ; quack doc tors and medicine fakirs , 25 cents an inch each insertion , if taken at all. Contract rates , three months or longer , subject to change every week if desired , 10 cents an inch for each insertion , net. Reading notices , 5 cents per counted line , each insertion , net. COUNTRY TOWN PAI'KIIS. We suggest a minimum price in papers printed at towns other than county seats , a charge of SO per cent of the above prices , net. The committee further suggests that the members of this associa tion make a united effort to put these rates into practice and to re port at the next session of the as sociation to be held at Valentine next June. If , then , it is deemed practical , we can put ourselves in to an effective organization and insist on the Foreign Advertiser coming to our terms if he does business with us. And he will want to do business , as his very life depends upon it. They'"can not afford to keep out of North Nebraska , and they will come in if we will but present a solid front. At present , when an agent comes to an office , one of his stock argu ments is , that he can get his ad vertising in the other papers of this territory at a price ever so much less than we are asking. And he is ready to back his as sertions by producing the con tracts. We can cure this trouble if we will. The question is , will we ? LET THE HATES HE NET. We suggest net rates. If ad vertising agents do business with us , let them make a price above our net rates. JOHN M. COTTON , Ainsworlh Star-Journal. GEO. A. MILES. Holt County Independent. L. 0. WILSON , Springview Herald. Ainsworth , Neb. , Jan. 4 , 190S. For a nice juicy steak call at ( j Baumann's meat market or call \ Phone 89 ; 1 Our line of Men's Furnishings meet every require ment of the up-to-date dresser and will please those who desire the smart and shapely styles of the season. See our line of ft * &J § 2.50 and § 3.00 Tiger Hats. § 3.50 , $4.00 and § 5.00 Brown and liarlow Shoes § 2.25 , § 3.00 and § 4.00 Men's Underwear. 4 ? § 1.25 and § 1.50 Men's Dress Shirts. / Fancy Sox , Men's Neckwear , Suspenders , etc. DECLARE FOR BRYAN. Deluth , Minn. , Jan. 4. Demo crats of Minnesota who favor the nomination of W. J. Bryan for president tonight gave out an ad dress to the democrats of Minnesota seta setting forth their reasons for supporting Mr. Bryan. The ad dress is signed by T. T. Hudson , democratic national committeeman for Minnesota , and more than 100 other prominent democrats of the state. The address in part say ? : "Believing that it is essential in the contest of 1008 that the de mocracy of the nation shall con tinue on advanced ground , that there shall be no retreat , that what has already been so dearly won shall not be lost , it is our firm con viction that the best interests of the American people demajd the nomination and election of W. J. Bryan to the presidency as the chief exponent of the reforms needed in our nation , and to that end we ask the co-operation of the democrats of. Minnesota. The conflict is between reaction and progress. The influences with selfish interests behind them which liave always been inimical to pure democracy are still at work. Let no true democrat be deceived. In the present situation no man can be seriously considered in place of Mr. Bryan , if these influences are behind him. We know what Bry an stands for ; he is no experiment. If we win with him it will be a victory worth the winning , a tri umph of the principles we hold dear. " World-Herald. ( Rushvillo Standard. ) "Vat 1 vant to see shoost now ish vun oph doze golt base us loonatics. I shoost vant to pelt him over der headt mit a dead cat. Doctors may yet stick to the old antiquated theory that it is un professional to advertise , but the facts are with us that he who does not advertise is a back number. Why , O why do the people who are the source and custodians of all political power tolerate so many great and growing abuses , proper ly called special privileges ? Will they never get wise ? K OTIC S3. Some or our brand advertisers are in arrears. We will send statements and expect some reply or settlement of account. Some pay once a year regularly. We don't mean them. Those who are in arrears for two years or more should settle and start the Xew Year right. Also subscribers. L M. of winter goods in all lines is Inow complete. Come and give us a call. MAX E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. e ; what you liave to sell. s what you want to buy , Call and see us. Phone 23 efn efOf W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MD8L Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank Junn 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , The Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) JAFITAL PAID IN A General Banking 95 OOO Exchange and / , X/ . . Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NTOHOLSON , Cashier. Tobaccos and Cigars. a Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Phone 7 * 25 iicJ. LT J * Mt i l 9& % 4 Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IX All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats. . . . Will buy your Cuttle. Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and an-y thing .you have to sell.