All Leading
m v .JF = frmV |
> i * # * $ > t4 -2 * > * v j Bottled
Av i 1 W
-j3 * ± i . - * 141 i < i
* - < S r - * wt' I S J
Under the
1 ! U. S. Gov.
We also ] iandlc the Budweiser Beef.
/ t ? l ) \ K Hf B < > ' U < W SPN
± O J3L
Annual Meeting Nebraska
State Historical Society
Lincoln Jan. 13-14.
The ; Ust annual meeting ofthe
Nebraska State Historical Society
and of the Nebraska Territorial
Pioneer's Association will be held
at Lincoln , Jan. 13-14. The meet
ings will be held in the auditorium
of the new Temple building , and a
- program of stirring interest has
been arranged for all three ses
The first session of the Histori
cal society meeting will be held
the evening of Jan. 13 , the first
address being by Hon. William J.
Bryan , on the subject of "His
tory. " Other speakers for this
session will be Hon. J. L. Mc-
Brien , state supt. , and Dr , G. L.
Miller , president of the society.
On the evening of the 14th , the
principal address will be by Judge
Horace E. Deemer , of the supreme
court of Iowa , and for many years
identified with the historical de
partment of Iowa , at Des Moines.
Judge Deemer's address will been
on the subject "The Part of Iowa
in the Organization of Nebraska. "
Other speakers will be Richard L.
Metcalfe. Lincoln , and W. Z. Tay
lor , Culberts n , Nebraska. The
business session will also be held
the evening of the 14th , when new
officers will be elected for the en
suing year.
The Territorial Pioneers' meet
ing will be held the afternoon of
January 14 , in the Temple build
ing. A program has been pro
vided for this meeting that will
stir { he heart of every pioneer.
Some new and interesting features
are promised by Secretary Paine ,
and those who recall the great
pioneer celebration held in Lin
coln last summer will look for
ward with pleasure to this meet
ing , which gives promise of being
more successful. Excellent music
will be provided for each session.
A special feature of the meet
ings this year will be the issuance
of certificates of membership to
all who attend. A beautifully en
graved membership certificate has
been provided for both the his
torical society and pioneers as
sociation , and these certificates ,
handsomely engrossed , will be
furnished to all who register.
This includes those who are at
present members of the associa
tions , and those who may Become
members. The membership fee
in the State Historical Society is
only $2. There are no other'dues
or assessments , and all members
are entitled to receive the publi-
cat.iojipf , ttyc society , any one of
which is worth more than the
price of membership. The society
has issued . o far , eleven volumes ,
soiie of which are now out of
print , and very rare. Three more
volumes are Aow in press , and at
leasr one of these will be ready for
distribution before the annual
Mi-mborshi'p in the Territorial
Pioiio s1''Association , a closel.y al
* "
lied" ' oF&a'nizalion4"is limited to
those who became esidents of '
Nebraska ; or whosijrarents be- ,
\ '
! came residents of Nebraska prior j
[ to March ' 1 , 1867. The member-1
ship fee is § 1. The organizations
has no paid oflicers or employees.
The headquarters of both or
ganizations for registration and
the issuance of certificate ? , will be
maintained at the rooms of the !
Historical society in the Library
building of the University , where
all who come will be welcome. If
you are a member of either or
ganization send your name to the
secretary , and advise him whether
or not you expect to be present-
Invitations will be issued m due
time to those wbo are members of
the society , but all others are just
as cordially invited. Address all
communications to Clarence S.
Paine , Sec. , Station A , Lincoln ,
I ha Kangir.g Judge.
When Lord Xorbury , "the Imnginjj
judge. " as hovas called in Ireland ,
was senteacinsr a man to death foi
stealing a Avatch , he said :
"My good fellow , you made a grasp
at time and caught eternity. "
Nothing seemed to please Lord Xor
bury more than the continual uproar in
court , created by his puns. '
"What is your occupation , my honest
man ? " he asked a witness.
"Please , your lordship , I Iicep a
racket c.ourt. "
"So do 1/4 said the judge.
When Lord Xorbury was bciu-i
buried , the grave was so deep that the
ropes by which the undertaker was let
ting down the coffin didn't reach to the
bottom. The coffin was left hanging
midway while somebody went for new
"Aye , " cried one in the crowd , "give
him rope enouerh : don't stint him. no
was the boy that never grudged rope
to a poor body. "
Economy is the science of buying a
two dollar hat for ? 3.7. > when a good
one may be had for $1. It is a harm
less and fascinating pursuit for those
who can afford it. but a poor man has
no business to fritter away his time
and substance on such extravagances.
Women are particularly addicted to it
and often become so skillful that they
aru able to get through January with
out encroaching on their April allow
ance. Men who have such wives arc
naturally very proud of them and are
willing to redouble their efforts , if nec
essary , in order to provide them with
the means to develop the habit Life.
Proof of Martian Life.
That life is in Mars is founded onm
assumption , but on inasceJ evidence
that is conclusive , and the reader
should realize that opposition to the
idea that we now have proof of life
on Mars is not based on reason , but on
emotion , however speciously cloaked.
All scientilie objections have been met
and shown untenable as to tempera
ture , snow , etc. . but human prejudice ,
as with the Copcrnican system or the
origin of species , time alone can dispel.
Professor Lowell in Century.
Calling a Skeptic.
Wayback Senior The time I went to
see Barnum's world famous white ele
Wayback Junior ( interrupting ) lie
never had a white elephant , dad. It
was a fake.
Wayback Senior ( bristling up ) A
fake wu/5 it ? Col dutn ye ! I s'pose ar-
ier ye go to college fer another year er
two ye'Il be telliii' me I never seen a
real live mermaid in a tank uv water !
Brooklyn Life.
Guessing at It.
"Let's .si > e , " said Dubley "what's the
rest of that old saying , don't you Uuow.
iiat begins. 'Man proposes und' "
"V.'hy. " replied Mugley. "it's 'Man
proposes : ind the breach of promise -
suit exposes. ' isn't it ? " Philadelphia
Incit'e Ir.fcnr.ntion.
"Well. .M > u'\e woi : your bet that I '
was g'iiug to marry that widow. " c
"I tnew I would. " '
"But how did you kuowV I scarcely
'snow her \vheu I made the bet. "
"She told .tae. " Houston Post
The following data , covering a per
iod of IS years , have been complied
from the Weather Bureau records at
Valentine , Nebr. They are issued to
show the conditions tltat have pre-
vailec1 , during the mont-h in question ,
for the. above period of years , but
must not be construed as a forecast
of the weather conditions for the
coming mcnth.
Mean or normal 24 °
The warmest month was that of 1899
with an average of .To0
The coldest month wat * that of 1902
with an average of 1. ) °
The highest was 72 ° on 'JO , 1904
The lowest was -34 = on 14 , 1901
Average for month 0.47 incbea.
Average number of days with .01
of an inch or more G
The greatest monthly precipitation
was 2 57 inches in 18 % .
The least monthly precipitation
was 0 03 inches in 1903.
The greatest amount of precipita-
tion.recorded in any 24 consecutive
hours was 0 70 inches on 29. 1S89.
The irreateat amount of snowfall
recorded in any 24 consecutive hours
( record extending to winter of 1884-85
only ) was 4.0 inches on 10 , 1901.
Average number of clear da3rs , 13
partly cloud10 ; cloudy , 8.
The prevailing winds have 'been '
from the W.
The average hourly velocity of the
wind is 10 miles.
The highest velocity of the wind
was 52 miles from the NYV on 20,1890.
j. j. MCLEAN ,
Observer Weather Bureau.
jTM : it the IZ. 12. Clniroh KVIT.V
Simdiiy School begius at 10:00 o'clock.
Pi ewhing : " " 11:00
Junior LiML'im " " 20 : ! p. in.
Epv. orth League b"giiis , u , > : : ) o'clock.
Pieachtrg " " r.:5'J :
15KV. ( \ E CONMSM , Pastor
K OTIC 15.
Some or our brand advertisers
are in arrears. We will send
statements and expect some reply
or settlement of account. Some
pay once a year regularly. We
don't mean them. Those who are
in arrears for two years or more
should settle and start the New
Year right. Also subscribers.
I. M. ElCE.
. . . . COPYRIGHTS &c.
Anyona sending a , sltotrn and description may
quickly uscertiin our oi'inion free whcthor an
Invention la probably patentahlo , ConiiniinicA-
ions strictly conlltieiitlal. Handbook on Patents
Bout free. Oldest nucnoy for Bccuring patent * .
Patents taken through Muun & Co. receive
special notice , without cbnnre , in the
A. handsomely illustrated wooklv. Lnrcost cir
culation of nny BcientlUc journal. Terms , $3 s
year ; four months , $ L Sold by all newsdealers.
Ji OlHoo. iS'i ! ' Rt _ Vnshinuron T ) C
May Turn Black.
Professor McMillan lirown ,
-ogist , holds that the future Australian
people will in nil probability bo blnek.
The Polynesians , he said In n lecture
at Syclne3' , came originally not from
.V in erica , as has been supposed , but
from Asia. They were whites and
changed color , just as the future Aus
tralian may do as the centuries go on ,
at least In the tropical regions of the 11
noi-iu. The violet rays of the sun will
turn him black in course of time. ;
In the District Court oi Cherry Coun . '
ty , Nebraska. . j
in the matter of tlie petition of Thomas Lind-
I' TK. Admittmlniti r ol the < " -tate of .Joseph
Zn Iilor liis-iis to sell real eslatt * .
No\v , on thi 27th Uiiynt Dctvmhcr. 1W7. ! thii
ciiusr ( .Mine on for he.innjr upon tb" pntition
unil' r o.Uh or I lionuis Mmlburfr. administiMto
of thu estate of .loM'pli Zirfcis. dmMMiil.pnr-
meior lict'iiai : to sell the Jollowhig described '
real i-sMteto-wit : - ;
' 1 lie North Half of the Norllnvpst Quarter '
the Siiutlieast Quarter ot the Nnithuest Quir-
tnr and the Northeast Quarter of the Sotitlmest
Quarter of Section 17 , Township 34u , L'aime 32
wej-t ol the ( Jth I * . AL.for the i ayment of the
debts af'iinst gam estat" and for costs and e\-
pei ses of administering said estate , for the
rcaso'i that ihtre u > ho persona1 iropcrtyuli
vli cli to pity said debts costs and expenses.
t is ihf-ietore oideied thit all prisons mter-
* -ted HI s.iid estat" appear before me at ohain-
i-eis in UitM-ttv of Ilu-hville. on th" : sch dav < f
FMiituuy , 1'JOS at the liourot 10 o'clock a "m ,
to chow c.niv it any there by why a license
should not he granted to the said lliomas Lin-l-
tint ; lo .sell the above desciioed real estate in
manner : uiu tortn as provided > law
It is fuitner orderru that a copy of this order
b > upon all poisons intt-ttsttm in slid
e-iaie b\ : causing the sam'e to be published
fnr successive \ \ > -ei > s in the Va'i ' ntine Demo
crat , H newspaper pnntea ; u d published in said
county 01 Cheny.
HI 1 .1 ttdge of the DistiK-L Court ,
In the District Court of Cfap.rry Coun
ty , Nebraska.
In the nntjer the applicatirn of Pranic W.
Ciark. uuauli in or Fred T ( iates.aa incomptt-
enr peToon , lor the sale of teal estate.
On jea injr and lilinj ; the petition , duly \eii-
hed , ot i rank W. l lark , guardian of the person
and estate f Fml T. Cat s , an incompetent
person , for lice se to sell tn interest "f Fred T.
'ates in the lollowituj described HM ! estate to-
w.t :
'J lie West IJjilC of the Southeast Quarter thtt
No/Hi Half ol the Southwest Qnaitot and ihe
bour wst ( mrter ol the Nonh\\est Quarter ot
-ectiou 13 : huutli Halt ot the ixoitheast < iiarter :
Somhe sHJuartt-r of he OlttPt ( iua ter of
ai-cuon 14 ; MHith Half ftli-h r.the.tst ( jiuirtcr
01 Section 22. Southeast ( juartor ot Section -J3 ;
-outh\\fst Quarter of the NonheasL Quart.-r ,
Noah llaifoi the Southwest ( iuaiter. Aortu-
\\esr ( Quarter of Quaiter ol SeJ-
iion 27 ; South Halt of the .southeast Quaiter.
sonili lial of the Southwest Quarter of section
3v , all of tow nsliip'Sn H iti' i' io we t oi the Gtu
f. M . s-tiiauo m coiii'ty oi 'h ir\ , state of
Nebmska. tor the support and inaintaiiieiice of
the sai I Fred I' . IJates , and lor the u-mvest-
tn-nt ol riMdue of any psut ot said pioceuiis.
and it apearini ] { from s ild j.i'M ion that it will
tie for tlie best inteies ! ot said estate that aid
real estate be solo and as piaxul tor. it 15 hereby - '
byidered that the next ot km ot the said Kred
T Gat.s and all teiaons interested i- said
estate a jiear beiore me at chain ers in the city
ot hushvlle. Shendoii coui-ty , on the lir-t d-iy
of Kebniafl , . 1903. to cause , it any there be , whv
a license should not be granted to Siiid 1'rank
\V. Cldik ti > sell sai't real estate ior this pur
poses ai'OVe tet. lolih.
It is further urieied thnticop : > of this order
be. published once each wee" " < lor to ir consecutive
cutiveeelsiu the Valentine Deiiiouratu paper
printed and published in the county of Cherry ,
&iate of Isebrasxa.
Jated at Chambers in the city of Kusluiile ,
S'lendan couutj , this 27th day oi Uecemb-r ,
51 4 Jude ot the District Court.
The Lou p Valley Hereford Ranch.
Browniee , Nebr ,
So'dier CreeV Col-
nmiius 17tli 1G',0 ' ) ,
a son of Columbus
17th. a halt brother
ol tue 10.000 C > am-
jiion D.-le , a u d
I'rissce l'.oiLdel 131-
OU3 at head of herd.
I now ha\e about 30 head of 1907 bull cahes
for St < le.
Tubular wells and windmills.
me up by Telephone.
First-class Shop iu Every Respect
Euu de Quinine Huir Toniu. Goldeu Star hair
Tonic , Hen > icid and Coke's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompemn Face Massage Cream
Handles the
Opposite Postotlie. Phone 71.
De Laval Cream
Separators FQK SA
Valentine A
" *
Nebraska - - -
Dentist ,
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904.
U.S. Wi iiU pr Bnrean
iorv/eek Ending Jan. i * .
Daily mean temperature 32 ° .
Normal 18 ° . i
Highest 4S ° ; lowest 13 ° . c
Precipitation .00 of an inch. c
Total precipitation to date t
nches. s
The average for 19 years for the a
arae period is inches. ua
? o < t.olllce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
Horses bnnded
on left
or thigh.
Some _ Some branded
i ranilod i on rUic thigh
on left or Miou der.
should" !
or thu
N. S. Rrle \
I i Kennedy , -
Same ; i < * cut on left
3id < > ami hip , aud ou
left 3houd"r ! oi her
SPS. -oSgS3 on
left side
i '
I\K pep : ( either side np ) on
left side or hij' . p ou left jaw and e t shoul'der
of her os. uj
x Q on left hip of horses.
fj"on left ja\v of hordes
(3. W. Bennett
Siraeoa Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
also same as cut
Ranpe between
I Wordoa and Snake
| creeks and on the
| , Niobrara river
George Heyne
Cody , Neb
Brand registered
No 1027
Horses branded on
ieit shoulder
Jlauss north and
south of Cutcomb
Lake iu Cherry Co
PostofDce address
Hyanms , Neb
On rii ht side
liorscs PK
on loft
also cattle
on rijjht s d
KHUUP lo miles
north of H\anci3
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr.
P. IT. Young.
Simeon. Xebr.
Cattle branded
, as cut on lefc side
' / \ A some Q _ von left
* " on left jaw of
Vy q "v
Eange on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BE ( J on ripht
Kange on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal rev/ard
Ior information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearing any of these brands.
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , S , D.
CAttle branded
SOS on left side
OSU on riehtside
Some cattle also
have a - \ - on neck
Some with A on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bar.- *
across hind onar
ters Som ? Texas
cattle branded s > on lett sidevnd :
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left hie. Some
branded AW bar connected on both sides and
toft hio of horafts.
K-rP-A-K-S Tabules
Doctors find
' A good prescription
For mankind
The 5nt package s enough Ior usual occas
sious. The family bottle ( O cents ) contains a
supply for a year. All aruuinats sell them.
J. W.
Valentine -
All work will be { riven prompt
and careful attention.
For Sale.
House and small barn , with two
lots , close in , building ,
for sale at a bargain. House is
new , lawn and shade trees , good
sidewalk , all fenced. Part cash , '
balance easy payments. Call on
J. M. Eice , agent.
This is just the place for some
ranch owner or farmer to select
for his wife and children to live
during the winter and send chil
dren to school. Don't delay as
this property will' find an owneT
oon. It may be yours. Come
ind see about this first time you
ire in town * IS
Q r < lof .
J *
Ca.citt braridec'f
" *
on u'f t side as *
cut , rt-inch bb-
< ind'2KInch.eJrclt
Brand registered
875. * '
left shoal- '
'der. ' 2K ,
incbrt circle 1-Iu
box. Registered 876. flange 6 miles south
Irwin on Niobrara nver.
Roau Brothers
Woodlako Neb
John Roan's
piivate mark , slit
in left ear
Metzgrer3 Bros. ,
Bolfe N'cbr
Cattle branded
anv where on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
HOH.PS have
same brand on
eft thigh.
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 ih l > f l aid to any person for
iiifoinmtion leHditm to the arrest and ilpal
coin lotion of any person or persons stealing
cattle with above bmud.
Jos. Bristol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on Nio
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
nB connected on
left hip or aide as
shown in cut
Hyannls , Neb
Branded on Ieit side
Range eighteen miles
north of Wvannls
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on rightside
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for.nny information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Saudy Williams.
Merriman. Nebr.
I\lostly on left
side. Some on
right side.
Horses same on
left shoulder
Range Lake
Creek , S , D.
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattie branded
as on eut.Ieft side
ioiue on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut o
left side.
branded !
on left
Range 6 miles
south of Irwm.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
eame as out back
right shoulder and
on right hip
Range on the
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On left
side. Hor-j
ses left
Range north
Cutcomb Lake
C. H Little.
Merriman , Nebr.
On either side
Horses same on
hip. Also a >
Range Lake Creek
Sawyer Bros.
ostofflce address
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sawyer has
charge of these cat-
tie Horses D S on
left shoulder. Some
stockRS'i left side
! es same
'ft thigh , lunge on Snake
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
lartlett Richards Pros Will G Comatock V p
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
> rges branded th&
Range between
Gordon on the F.d
&M. V "RR ,
lyannis on B & M . h R. In