Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 09, 1908, Image 5

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- " - - --J" * " - *
- -
We know it's warm and
< you know it's warm
% we want to soil our II I
5I I 5
\ !
We Meet Any Price , a
* Call on us sure.
\ T. C. Hornby.
/v ji
we are talking ;
The most complete
stock in North
west Nebraska.
Onnv , i
e know rubber
quality and"we know
we have it. Pure rub
ber , perfect workman
ship , faultless models ,
Bubber bags that
won't leak. I3erfectly
solid in every seam.
Rubber articles for
the sick-room , bath
room and nursery , also
for the toilet.
Guaranteed full ca
pacity , rapid flow sy
ringes and no-leak wat
er bags.
Prices as low as can
be when the highest
grade goods are offered.
I ( Talk of the Town.
Try Kazdars barber shop , tf
D. "W. Parmalee was in the city
last week.
Ed Lewis came up from Wood
Lake to see the wrestle.
Mrs. Ra-mus Andersen of llose-
I ud is visiting in the city.
& \V. D. Armstrong and wife
went up to'Cody yesterday.
Hon. David Hanna was trans-
anting business in our city Mon
Dr . Ayers , the Longpine dent
ist , will be in Woodlake , Monday ,
Jan. 13th. 52 1
\V. 11. White of Merriman came
down yesterday with Charley Al
len , returning last night.
J. M. Tucker entertained seven
of his gentlemen friends at a "big
, turkey roast" last evening.
[ Barney & Berry skates in all
n styles at Frank Fiscker's. An
ideal gift for anyone. 49
3' '
1 Wm. Stead man , D. M. Sears
$ and'Horace Wallingford were in
town Monday on bu siness.
MKS EMo Sherman was unable
to he at her work in the postoffice
on account of sickness.
J. C. Eckor , special agent for
the State Farmers Ins. Co. , of So.
| j Omaha , was in our city Saturday.
„ W. H. Carter , I. C. Stotts and
! J. Rose were down from Cody
to see the wrestling match Mon-
I day.
Miss Bessie Gray enjoyed a
couple of week's visit at her home
in Oakland , la. , during the holi
If you want first class dental
work see Dr. Ayers at Woodlake ,
Monday , Jan. 13th. He warrants
j9 % all his work. 52 1
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Newman , a boy , Jan. 7 , 1908 , at
Dorsey , Neb. Hello ! Grandpa
Hooper , is this you at 38 ?
Henry Murphy and son and
Mr. McNitt of Banner came to
town yesterday on landoffice busi
ness , paying taxes and visiting.
Dr. Meehan , osteopath , will be
at the Valentine House from
Monday morning until Saturday ,
evening each week. Consultation
free. 50
'A most popular coal , now on
the market , is the 'Hudson lump
or nut coal , from Hudson , Wyo.
Frank Fischer carries this coal
nd sellsMt at § 8.20 and § 8 a ton.50
The M. W. A. an d Royal JNcigh-
bors held their annual banquet and
joint installation last night , ninety
plates being required. A nice
program and ladies drill with mu
sic and Fischer's orchestra enliv-
eued the evening. Miss Petti-
'John's ' and also John Gould's reci-
ations were heartily cheered by
the audience. Geo. Camrn was
able to be out with us , also Mrs.
Brosius and numerous others from
the country. It was a jolly crowd
of neighbors banded together who
look their best upon occasions
such as this.
Sioux February IS. September S
Sheridan March 3 November 9
Cherry March 1H September 21
Holt March 23 December 14
Boyd April 6 November 23
Brown April 20 September 21
Rock April 27 September 28
Key a Paha May 11 September 14
Box Buttc May 18 December 7
Dawes , June 1 November 1G
ffjR Js&fvS * / ? * vJS r * Vi'M ftS tv Vj I ' s&AJfip& v * * fr A fl
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WsffiUsS h
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' //7 fj
FA7&T & ? JSlf *
m BiM
D. J. Dreberfc was in the city
Tuesday , assisting the local agent ,
I. M. Eice , in taking up Nebraska
Merc. Ins. Co. policies and re
writing them in the German of
Some thought the wrestling
match was all a fake. The.y say
Fugate thought so , too , until it
was all over. We have always
believed the matches to be fair but
fiere's lots of. talk to the con
trary now. Its probably done up
the business here. People won't
go and pay 75c or $1 for fake
Charles W. Allen of Merriman
was in our city yesterday on busi
ness and dropped into our ofliec
for a friendly call. Mr. Allen is
an old newspaper man and likes
to hover around a printing office
yet. Mr. Allen is paid to be a
g"od writer and is a Bryan demo
crat. He is firm in the belief that
it is time for a good old - democratic
cratic victory at the next election
and expects to be heard from
along that linn.Vo think Charley
is right and that W. J. BO sn i ?
stronger man now than he has
been before. His words have
sunk deep into the hearts of
the American people and
he is recognized here and abroad
a the most prominent national
figure in American politics , hon
ored as a private citizen by the
crowned heads of Europe and
Asia as no other min has been
aid is looked upon at home as the
highest lype of American citizen
ship. Mr. Bryan is also sought
by all leading assemblies of "a nonpolitical -
political nature , the most accept
able public speaker in the world.
Hurrah for W. J. Bryan , the
coming president of these United
States. Let us all get together
under the banner of democratic
refgrm and go forth to victory.
L. C. Sparks returned Saturday
morning from attending the teach
ers meeting at Lincoln where he
was one of the speakers at a ban
quet in which he is said to have
done honor to Cherry county in
an able speech on the subject "In
the Good Old Days. " Mr. 'Sparks
was honored by a seat on the right
of Gov. Sheldon. He returned
via Northeastern Iowa , bringing
his mother home with him.
N alentine has had a real wrest
ling match. Of course it was all
one sided but it couldn't have been
anything else under the circum
Al Powers came to Valentine
some time before or after Christ
mas and immediately made himself
known as a wrestler and told the
boys he was a d n good one ,
too. The boys didn't care to dis
pute it personally bub thought
they could call up a man who
would accommodate him and trot
ted out Wm. Fugate of Oasis.
Powers looked him over and laugh
ed at him , said he could throw
him over a piano. The boys were
inclined to believe he could but
thought he would have a hard time
putting Fugate on his back with
two shoulders down and wanted
Fdgate to goon the mit with him.
Fugate seemed leary , wanted to
talk ifc over.
Finally it was agreed that Pow
ers and Fugate would wrestle ,
Powers to throw Fugate t\vic3 in
40 minutes of wrestling time.
They clamcd to put up § 20 ,
apiece and announced that the
winner was to , have total gate re
ceipts. This seemed to strike the
public as the most equal match
that could be made of it and some ,
"handicap wrestling match" bills '
were struck oir , culling for the
match Monday night , Jan , 6th.
The news was noised around
that Fugate was going to get i
dumped and a big crowd came to '
SQC it done. Some ladies were al
so induced to go and the gate re
ceipts amounted to about § 120.
Several preliminaries amused
the people but they waited for
the big match. . A match between
Ed Mart y , local , and Pete Jensen
of Atlantic , la. , was fast and fur-
> C > 3 OWO O V O O Q.-O O' O.-v3 -O-Q-On.
1 $ A richness in library furnishing * only to be had with Gtinn productions. Every fc >
| ? kind of space is provided for in Gunn Units. You may buy one unit or one
hundred units as suits your convenience.
c'Y < > u don't get done i %
when yo.u buy a t
Gunn. " "Awarded JJ
s ?
PLAIN jrold medal , World' & ° J
FiirSt. . Louis o >
CASE Holler bearinjT , non-oS1
WITH iiiniin < r door : ? , re-i&
tnovraMe , ( to clean for
> r replace broken g
DRAWER Ha- : ) by simply un-ij ,
Kioirinjj. , Xo unsightly - >
BOX sightly iron bands , .
( 'abinet Work and r *
finish tbe best Grand ° *
Sections so nicely joined to/etlier the appearance i-i that ofa solid case. llapids production , c *
of *
A small library may be accnmodated as ? Ladies' desk with leaded glasS doors. Very ap
well as a large one with the Gunn Units. ; propriate for 'home use in combinations with
book sections , in all woods and finishes.
No sectional system is more generally or more favorably known than the "Gaim" . Simplicity. i >
durability , convenience and high standard of finish and construction are the essential points. °
Good furniture attracts persons of good breeding. We carry only the finest |
furniture , which accounts for our having1 the agency for Gunn Sectional Book _
Cases. We invite your inspection of our complete stock. J *
ioas , up and down , and full of
thrilling movements. Jensen got
the first fall and Marty tired out
in the second round out of wind
and left Jensen the victor.
The wrestlers selected Clarence
Hanson of Goddes , S. D. , for ref
eree. Nobody seemed to have
seen or heard of him before but
he was introduced as a wrestler of
experience who would act as "our
referee. "
The match didn't last long and
wasn't interesting until the whole
thing was , over. The.y walked
around like they were lazy for ten
minutes and then Powers ot busy
and rolled Fugate over on his
back in 5 # minutes more. The
next fall he got in 6 ? minutes by
the scissors hold on Fugate's body ,
holding h's left arm on the floor by
Powers' light and with left ] ulled
Fugal.e's head backwards to the
mat. Fugate claimed Powers used
strangle hold on him and the
audience wa instantly in a dis
graceful uproa.- , showing plainly
that it was not a fit place for la
dies until the men become civil
ized , powers told the audience
that they had been hum-bugged
so long that when a wrestle was
pulled oil'on the squaie they didn't
realize or appreciate it.
Some thought it was cruel to
throw Mr. Fugate on such severe
holus. Mr. Fugate thought so ,
too , and demanded a division of
the gate money , wnicli some people
ple say had been agreed upon before -
fore , when Powers gaye Fugate
§ .jO to bet that the latter would
stay JO minutes and which Fugate
turned over to Leu Bivens T ! ey
also say that Povvt-rs 1 ad given
Will Shepard § 50 to call LIH bet , ;
and there you have it.
Powers was a little smooth as
well as a good wild talker , and
could wrestle some , too.
At Ainsworlh , Tuesday ni iif.
Tiert Bates threw Powers , the first
fall in 22 minutes and the > euoud
in 4u minutes ,
Of Hamm's Beer is
absolutely pure. You
take no chances when
you drink Hamm's.
We guarantee Hamm's
under the National Pure
Food Law and also under
I he Food Laws of all the
slates.j . . *
The Preferred Stock"is the
I - - most delicious Beer ever
brewed. It is the ideal
Beer for all occasions. Call
for it.
X v -
T. i- : iuisn : , \ M
I'r-meh. 'Ih'an u \\f\\-\ \ \
31 Barfldl
Omaha , Neb.
S3,60 ! F. O.B.Omaha
Qunrteraawed OoU cJrawor fronts ,
writing-bed and desk-top SO inches
long , 32 inchescieep , 5O inches high.
The orice of SSI.GO for this desk * o I
.unheard of V7e ore making a leader
of this particular desk , and we defy
competition. VQU can't duplicate this
bargain , qualit , considered.
* * " *
frs" ssf
V l P 6 3 * 4 i
OtMt * y < 3
Furniture Roiicr-Top ; nat-
JUtillLUICT . , Typewriter :
Desks ; Standing Desks. Chairs , Tables. NVriie
for Catalog. . .
Pens. Inks. Pcrci's , Typ-
. .wrilcrSuppiics.Stcck Cooks.
Rubber Bands. Loo5e-Leat Uooks. and thou
sands of time-savin ? devices , as you need
in your office every day.Vritc for Cataloz.j
T PCTal "RlpTllvS Ve have the only I.egal-
" to31mct - j
jank | Department in
Omaha and -iip ! orders same day as received.
V rue JOT Catalog.
cr Catalozs , Brlcn. Pamphlets ,
& Cooks such as your * locai
printer does not do. Get our quotations ; Our
prices are low , qua.ity considered. :
The Art of
Letterheads. Bil heads ards. Checks.
Uonds , Etc. \ \ rite for prices and samples.
Special madc-to-ordcr
Record Books , Intnc.te Ruling ;
s and Rcbinding of every dcscripiion.
correspondence , Card-Index Cabinets. BookCases -
Cases for horns or office use. L sal Blank
Typewriter Paper of Typewriter Paper.
K ! iartieft Go.J